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posted on June 8, 2002 07:55:41 PM new
After reading the anti Bush threads and posts, this is how I sum them all up.

On one hand all of you anti Bush people that post here are boasting at what a bumbling idiot Bush is. On the other hand you paint a picture of some grandiose plan he has at taking over the USA and maybe even the whole dam world with him as the leader by circumventing or doing away with the constitution of the USA. Now which is it, Is he a bumbling idiot or an oil hungry power monger? He can't be both.

If he's just a bumbling idiot then that means he doesn't have the smarts to do what it is that you claim. If he's power hungry and he intends on taking over the USA and doing away with the constitution then all of his bumbling mistakes are just a ruse.

You have made serious charges that he had something to do with or that he actually caused the 911 attacks for his own personal gain because he wanted an oil pipeline across Afghanistan which the Taliban refused.

You post all sorts of fabricated charges that you find on the web by like minded persons and you claim they are valid. You claim they are valid because so many are saying the same thing, it must be true and so therefore that is the proof. This is NOT proof, actual proof comes in many forms, one of the best are documents with signatures but you seem to not be able to produce even one document with signatures to back up any of your claims. You post email addresses of
persons saying if you don’t believe me then email such and such person and ask him/her.

Here’s an oldie but a goodie; You claim that the Presidential election was stolen and you refer to Bush as the “unelected President.” At the time the election took place Clinton was still the President and if Bush was trying to steal the election then why didn’t Clinton do something to stop it? The Dems. were in power in the white house and it seems that if something wrong or underhanded was going on then the Dems. could have put a stop to it. The fact of the matter is that Bush won fair and square and you people just can’t get over it so you have to post all sorts of spin and garbage to try to cause people to believe otherwise.

If one looks at the total weight of your claims and charges it boggles the mind as to why nothing has been done about it. Why isn't Bush in jail, why is he still the President? I'll tell you why, because all these claims and charges are false. At least you and your followers should be organizing protests and rallies to make your charges and claims known to any and all others that
don’t have access to the internet and your insane postings and to try to cause impeachment hearings to take place. If any President had actually done the things that you claim Bush has done I guarantee there would be protests in the streets. There’s no protests happening because none of your charges and claims are true.

I said it before in another thread titled; "Cheryl Gets It, When will You?" and I didn't get any posts in objection. So i'll say it again here and see what happens and because it is a valid point to this thread. The reasons why the left wingers are posting so much crap about Bush is because the left has a certain percentage of people, lets say for arguments sake it's 40% that will allways vote left no matter what and the same is true for the right, 40%. That leaves 20% of people that will go either way and the leftists that are posting here are trying to sway these 20%ers to their side with their political spin and garbage.

What is your game plan? You are setting things up for the next Presidential election by posting as much crap as you can about Bush and the GOP. Algore needs all the help he can get. This is going on all over the web, not just here but in other message board chat rooms as well. It’s rampant on the web.

The pending investigations into the 911 attacks will take a long time. How long will they take, at least up until the next election and this is what you are counting on so that you can keep your followers busy thinking about your false claims and charges long enough so that they will vote for whatever Democratic candidate will be running in the next election, probably Algore.

The real idiots are the people that believe any of the bull$hit that you post. These are the people that need to wake up. You guys are clever but if one looks at all your posts one can see that what I am saying here is what is really going on. It’s called looking at the bigger picture or towards the

posted on June 8, 2002 08:10:48 PM new
OK, fair and square: What are Bush's merits/accomplishments? Last time I asked you a question like this you responded in a gauche manner. Can you do any better this time? I'm all earnest eyes.

posted on June 8, 2002 08:20:24 PM new
This has nothing to do with anything, but I've always been curious, what's with this "Algore" thing? I've seen that for awhile on the web... Is there some meaning or significance to it that you know about, or do you just do it because you've seen other people do it?
posted on June 8, 2002 08:28:39 PM new
Just dropping in to say Hi donny! I enjoyed the Babu link.

Yellowstone, to summarize your post, did you do all that typing to say Bush bashing sucks?
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on June 8, 2002 10:01:03 PM new
yellowstone, I think he's a bumbling idiot because of his grandiose plans/ideas. I don't think he has the American people's best interest at heart, but that's me.

posted on June 8, 2002 10:29:08 PM new
yellowstone- For the record, being a bumbling idiot AND an oil hungry power monger are not mutually exclusive! To say that Clinton had some control over the election results is foolish. It was a Judicial issue. IMHO Bush IS probably the least intelligent President in our lifetime. That alone doesn't make him a bad person. I also do not think he had any blame in the WTC attack, nor do I think he would do anything to intentionally hurt the American people. However, I do think he is rather easily manipulated into thinking he is making decisions, when in fact he has an inner circle that does so and is rather dangerous. That would include Cheney and Ashcroft among others. I think his lack of knowledge in foreign affairs is a problem as is his naivete regarding the Federal bureaucracy. Despite the fact that he is a "wartime" President, I believe he will go down as one of the less significant historically. Do you really believe that BOTH sides do not try to sway the swing voters?
posted on June 8, 2002 10:35:57 PM new
I do believe that both sides try to sway the swing voters. I am merely pointing out that this is one of the reasons for all the bashing. But you darn well won't hear any of the leftists admit it. Leastwise I never have.

Edited to add; The leftists are trying to sway the swing voters by posting lies.

[ edited by yellowstone on Jun 8, 2002 10:50 PM ]
posted on June 8, 2002 11:38:37 PM new
yellowstone, you ask a lot of questions, I'll make an attempt to remark upon a few of your questions/comments.

"Now which is it, Is he a bumbling idiot or an oil hungry power monger? He can't be both."

Bush is an obnoxious, simple-minded Puppet. He is farmed out to kindergarten classes most of the time to read books to get him out of the White House so that the Insiders can do their work. Said insiders - whoever they are, are running this country in the name of the President and are NOT elected by the People of the United States of America!

That doesn't bother you?

Further, it is not Bush who seeks more power - it is the group behind him running things that wants more power. Thankfully, the U.S. Constitution is hindering them a bit, the Democratic Party grandstanding once in a while notwithstanding. Bush is a Figurehead, a Puppet that his Daddy has forced him to travel this route and he hates it. He'd much rather be in rolled-down long sleeve shirts and shooting pool with some friends than doing what his fate has had him doing. We are not sure who is behind him running things, so the only target there is to shoot at is the Monkey in the Organ Grinder suit.

[i]". . . or that he actually caused the 911 attacks . . ."[.i]

I musta missed that one. Could you please post it here? All I've seen and posted so far is that he MAY HAVE precipitated those attacks, and allegations - not just ours, are that he (those running things in his name) had advance warning and did nothing to warn the American People.

" . . . one of the best are documents with signatures . . ."

Actually, a Smoking Gun is the best. Ken Starr had less than what we have and look how things turned out for him and the Republicans. Should we expect any less? In time, you'll have your "documents" as this is all beginning to unravel. Unfortunately, it's always the Puppet who gets the Guillotine while the people who really run things behind his back will go on unpunished.

"You claim that the Presidential election was stolen and you refer to Bush as the "unelected President."

OK, let's put aside the massive ballot-box stuffing in Florida (alone!) and even the three different Dogs who were registered as Republican Voters who voted for Bush and take a look at the crux of the matter. Voting is a State's Right, not Federal in jurisdiction. When Al Gore went -correctly- to the Florida Supreme Court and got a ruling, that was right. When the Bush camp insisted on sending it up to the Federal Supreme Court, Al gore agreed because he knew that LEGALLY, the Supreme Court would have to excuse themselves from ruling on this issue, as it Constitutionally was not within their prerogative to do so! In other words, everyone expected them to kick it back to the Florida Supreme Court unresolved, thereby Al Gore would have won his ruling for a recount. Instead, the Federal Supreme Court, in what amounts to an OVERTHROW of our United States Constitution, ILLEGALLY RULLED AGAINST THE FLORIDA STATE SUPREME COURT -- or weren't you paying any attention? To make matters worse, Scalia and two other supreme court justices had SONS WHO WERE WORKING ON THE LEGAL CASE FOR BUSH! That any other Judge would have had to excuse him or herself from ruling is only obvious, it bothered them not one wit and they ruled anyway (imagine the son of Scalia standing there before him arguing the case for Bush! Biased?)

"Why isn't Bush in jail, why is he still the President?"

Oh, please! You really can't be this naive! I won't even bother to educate you one this one.

"What is your game plan? You are setting things up for the next Presidential election by posting as much crap as you can about Bush and the GOP."

I can't speak for others, but in my case, I come here to chat and exchange information with like-minded people. I couldn't give a damn about "converting" someone to my way of thinking. There's no polite way to say why I feel that. I enjoy letting Republican voters know that its their fault for what we all get when they vote for a fool. The vast majority of Republican voters should, by rights, not even be supporting the Republican party or any of its politicians, as the party does not represent them. That there is NO party that reprsents them means that they can join the 70% to 80% of other dissatisfied Americans and frown just like the rest of us do.

"so that you can keep your followers busy thinking about your false claims and charges long enough . . ."

Oh, Please! (again) Pointing a finger at us and accusing us of Republican political tactics turned back on themselves is a joke. Republicans can do this, but no one else can? Why? Do The Republicans have a Copyright claim on this tactic?

Like I said, I can't speak for any others as to why they post on here what they do. I hardly think that the drums that we've been beating here is exclusive to Auction Watch!

I hope that helps you.

posted on June 9, 2002 04:47:58 AM new
I don't know they both seemed to fit Johnson real well. He enriched himself and his friends and lost the war.

posted on June 9, 2002 06:30:15 AM new
bump! (more good reading for the East Coast)

I also read that Johnson escalated the Vietnam war in retaliation for an attack that never occurred.


posted on June 9, 2002 07:16:42 AM new
Yellowstone - On your opening post to this thread....good observations I agree.

posted on June 9, 2002 08:20:35 AM new
Yellowstone: I thought so. You know--unable to answer my question, again. Defending Bush by whining about Bush-haters does nothing for your case.

posted on June 9, 2002 08:43:49 AM new
yellowstone, although I respect your opinion to not think the same way I do, I also want to "explain" my opinion. If its bush bashing, then it isnt any different than me cablebashing, or aolbashing, or telemarketersbashing. My opinion of Bush is, he embarasses me. I dont think he is a good president. I dont think he deserved to BE president. I think he is not very smart, and to be in the position he is, one MUST be capable and in MHO, he isnt. In short, Im ashamed of him and I dont want him to represent ME, but I have no say in the matter. So I complain that I think hes an idiot. If you dont think he is, thats fine too.

posted on June 9, 2002 09:54:33 AM new
Nowhere in my original post does it say anything about what you are asking. Also what you are asking is just regurgitated BS from others. Borillar at least has the decency to respond directly to my original post and I can respect him for that. You on the other hand put on an act like you are Helen's Mini Me.

If you want to start a thread that asks your question then I say, hey knock yourself out, or is that up, whatever.

ed. spel.

[ edited by yellowstone on Jun 9, 2002 09:59 AM ]
posted on June 9, 2002 11:02:29 AM new
Oh, and by the way, I want to point out something here for you all to remember. Look above and you'll see Linda_K and yellowstone agreeing together in opinions about my opinions. And not in just this thread alone.

Why is that of note?

Because I get damned tired of people claiming a conspiracy exists if I happen to see Helen or KRS or anyone else in the middle of a debate and I step in and agree with their opinions. What? You all can do that to us and it's not a conspiracy and we can't because it would be? That's a damned hypocritical postition to have!

So, from now on, if I want to step in and agree with Helen, or KRS, or twinsoft, or rawbunzel, ncyc, or any others, there ain't nothin' more to it than that!

P.s. I have this thread and the others bookmarked for proof if you accuse us of this again!

posted on June 9, 2002 11:15:48 AM new
I LOVE "Bitter" Republicans!!! They Are Just SOOOOO Bitter!!! Hey Relax, Bush WON.... Clinton is out of Office.... OK The Economy is WAAAAY Down...... We are in a Mysterious "Shadow War"...... The Economy is in Trouble..... W.'s Right Wing Appointments are well, Pretty Riiiight Wing.... The Stock Market is Huuuurting..... The Democrats are Starting to Ask questions...... Hey The Approval Ratings are at An ALL-Time High!!!.... There were certain people or departments in the Government covering up some 9/11 Information, That they of course Knew Prior to 9/11..... The Economy is Not Looking Good.... Bush Knew NOTHING (Is That good or Bad??).....Some VICTIMS of 9/11 Are NOT Taking the Hush Money and want to go to Court.... Get Used to all This, it will be the Focus of the "Bitter" Democrats in About a Year.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:24:55 AM new
>>hey knock yourself out, or is that up, whatever.<<

Yellowstone, Whatever point (or non-point more likely) you were trying to make in your post to me got lost when I saw this is this second time you've told me to "knock myself up."

Name-calling is not my thing but this strongly suggests that you are no more than a common pig.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:28:37 AM new


I just returned and read your nasty comment to Nycyn.

You put Nycyn on the spot when you called her Helen's mini me. Nycyn is an experienced poster here who could make mincemeat of your silly asinine comments. She is not Helen's mini me. In fact, I would be proud to be hers.


posted on June 9, 2002 11:29:26 AM new
You are getting emotional again, get a grip dude.

What? You all can do that to us and it's not a conspiracy and we can't because it would be?

In the first place I think you posted this in the WRONG thread in the second place you are now doing what you accused me of doing in the correct thread. That is, taking things out of context. You took it out of context in that what Linda_k was refering to by "a conspiracy" was NOT between you and others. She was refering to what she perceives that you are posting about the US government. You twisted what she said, which also was what you accused me of and I wish I hadn't said I was sorry for that now. Who's the hypocrit now

Again I am going to have to refer to your posts in the "Pet Peaves" thread as far as you getting damned tired You invite this sort of conversation and then you cry foul or you twist what people say.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:32:33 AM new
I also honestly think that at a certain point Al Gore said if we speak out any stronger or make any worse accusations about them stealing the election we better be prepared to go down the road to civil war and violence, and said no - it's not worth it at this point there will be other elections and we can put them out without risking a revolution. I hope that is true.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:38:48 AM new
>>Nycyn is an experienced poster here who could make mincemeat of your silly asinine comments.<<

Aw shucks girlfriend, but you know I gave it up. It gets old after you've creamed a few dozen and it is rough on the screen.

posted on June 9, 2002 11:48:26 AM new

no more than a common pig.

Ohhhhhhh baby kiss me!

posted on June 9, 2002 12:04:45 PM new
Yellowstone: Please DO go on.

posted on June 9, 2002 01:22:25 PM new
Hi to you too, Snowy, glad you enjoyed Babu's story, he's got a few cute anecdotes I've enjoyed over there.
posted on June 9, 2002 03:29:43 PM new
"... at a certain point Al Gore said if we speak out any stronger or make any worse accusations about them stealing the election we better be prepared to go down the road to civil war and violence,..."

I agree with that. I sure don't want to see a civil war. I think the only thing that could cause that is if for some reason [like we can't change administratons! Geesh we're at WAR...that kind of thing] we are denied the right to vote at some time in the future. I am quite sure no one would stand for that.Um.Well, I HOPE no one would stand for that.

posted on June 9, 2002 04:30:31 PM new
I'm not bitter.

Borillar - The fact that you, krs and Helen tend to agree with one another, doesn't present a problem for me and I don't think you're forming a conspiracy. Where you got that, I don't know.

I often make note when anyone says something that I agree with....like I did to yellowstone.

posted on June 9, 2002 06:31:22 PM new
"Where you got that, I don't know."

Of course not, Linda, as you've never been that crass. However, others have -- and YOU know Who YOU are!

posted on June 9, 2002 10:08:01 PM new
there you go, Now we have common ground.

someone can now tell the republicns to kiss us before they screw us.

posted on June 9, 2002 10:10:34 PM new

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