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posted on September 12, 2002 11:31:30 AM new
Maybe this will convince you to stop. Don't read this if you already have a stomach ache!

Colon cancer is rampant! This is caused by the slow evacuation and the putrefaction in the colon of the remains of meat.
Lifelong vegetarians never suffer from such an illness. Many meat eaters believe that meat is the sole source of protein.
However, the quality of this protein is so poor that little of it can ever be utilized by humans because it is incomplete and lacks
the correct combination of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Studies show that the average American gets five times
the amount of protein needed. It is a common medical fact that excess protein is dangerous, the prime danger being that uric
acid (the waste product produced in the process of digesting protein) attacks the kidneys, breaking down the kidney cells
called nephrons. This condition is called nephritis; the prime cause of it is overburdening the kidneys. More usable protein is
found in one tablespoon of tofu or soybeans than the average serving of meat!

Have you ever seen what happens to a piece of meat that stays in the sun for three days? Meat can stay in the warmth of the
intestine for at least four days until it is digested. It does nothing but wait for passage. Often, it usually stays there for
much longer, traces remaining for up to several months. Colonic therapists always see meat passing through in people who have
been vegetarians for several years, thus indicating that meat remains undigested there for a long time. Occasionally this has been
documented in twenty-year vegetarians!


posted on September 12, 2002 12:32:38 PM new
Colonic therapists?

The Rotor Rooter of alternate therapy.

Sorry but this sounds unbalanced and I don't believe anything is going to stay tucked in the corners of your colon hiding for 20 years unless it is superglued in place. When they put a radio isotope tracer on it an document it staying I will believe. Not some therapist that reads your crap like tea leaves.

posted on September 12, 2002 12:51:46 PM new
Vegetarians who take calcium supplements can have the same problem.

posted on September 12, 2002 12:54:01 PM new
Like the tobacco industry, there are piles of things the meat industry doesn't want you to know. This article is minor compared to what's out there.

Just something to think about.

posted on September 12, 2002 01:11:13 PM new

I have a PETA friend...(People for the ethical treatment of animals) ....Only sometimes PITA.. LOL! She will not eat anything that has a face or a mother. But she eat's a lot of cheese to substitute for meat and as a result, her cholesterol is sky high.

I think she would be healthier eating meat...fish, chicken and lean meat.

posted on September 12, 2002 01:12:46 PM new
Humans are omnivores. If we were herbivores, we wouldn't have canines, we'd have flat, broad teeth. And proteins are amino acids, whatever the source.

I am definitely skeptical about what the colonic therapists say. I can't even tell meat coming out an nasogastric tube. And none of the nurses I know who have worked with adults for years have talked about meat coming out.
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on September 12, 2002 01:24:01 PM new
My sister in law is a vegetarian and her skin is so pale it has no color- and she is forever sick, sinus, stomach etc...everything. Me- I eat meat, fish--everything in moderation, my skin looks great, my hair grows like crazy and I have barely been sick a day in my life. She takes vitamins and I do fine without them. I love meat. Moderation is the key.
posted on September 12, 2002 02:50:18 PM new
I was given the book below about 20 years ago to give to a relative. He didn't want it, but it probably could have helped him a great deal.

I googled and found that almost all of it is online, including photos.

I actually saw what looked like photos 7, 8 and 9, about 15 years ago. If I remember the patient had been on psyillum and a cleansing program for about a week or so. The stuff definitely looked like it had been around a few months! Won't go until the gory specifics.

The photos are not for before or right after dinner. You have been warned.

"Tissue Cleansing....." by Bernard Jensen. I think he was born around 1910:


[ edited by aposter on Sep 12, 2002 02:53 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2002 04:04:13 PM new
My cousin went to a doctor like this years ago. Piss and poop doctor my mom called him. She figured he never got over the trama of toilet training and made a career of it.

I have been on the Atkins diet for a little over a month and have lost 20 pounds - my blood pressure is WAY down and my cholesterol is better and my "good" cholesterol is way up. When you get through skining it out whatever you eat doesn't have a face anymore anyway. And yes I can eat something I shot and didn't come to me in a plastic wrap.

Dinner tonight = baby back ribs, charcoal grilled marinaded chicken breasts, fresh green beans, spinich salad with blue cheese pine nuts, greek olives and hard boiled eggs. Sliced beefsteak tomatoes. Lemonade.
Not exactly a suffering diet.

If its going to be with me 20 years I'm glad it was so good......

[ edited by gravid on Sep 12, 2002 04:05 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2002 04:22:29 PM new
what a load of hoo haw....that nonsense about waste sticking around in the colon has been bantered about for years...find me a reputable colon doc who will verify it.....I have taken psyllium daily for many years due to a family tendency towards spastic colon syndrome....most recent sigmoid scope showed the old gut to be as slick and clean as a whistle.....that people don't get enough fiber in the american diet is pretty well agreed...so eat beans, bake your own bread, take psyllium....doesn't mean you need to make meat into some great "evil"...
the human body is a wonderous machine. it can survive just fine on everything from a diet that is 99% fat (traditional innuit culture, whale and seal fat and meat, NO vegetables at all) to 99% plantains (the Yanomamo people of Brazil). Ever notice how vegetarians are either dangerously thin, or gravely obese? and how desperate they are to spread their gospel of dietary deprivation? ....we either hunt or raise our meat, rarely buy it at the store. I was an apprentice butcher years ago and it's true that the american meat industry is less than perfect....
What ever happened to moderation in all things? Think I'll get some of those 2" thick New Yorks we cut last fall out of the freezer for dinner...maybe start off with a little raw ground tenderloin, mixed with capers, red onion and an egg, spread on the wife's toasted black rye .....

posted on September 12, 2002 04:24:37 PM new
I'm with you Gravid, sounds good. .
posted on September 12, 2002 04:41:01 PM new
LOL @ the 'piss and poop doctor'.

kraftdinner - I agree with those who suggest moderation. I agree we do eat way too much meat and I have read where some MDs believe it is tied into our high colon cancer rates. But I've also read reports that say a totally vegetarian diet is/can be unhealthy too.

Seems like new studies are continually being announced about what's bad for us. Problem is they keep changing their collective minds and what was bad is now good and visa-versa (sp).

posted on September 12, 2002 06:58:46 PM new
Just so you know, I'm not a vegetarian... I eat fish and lots of it, I just don't eat beef, chicken, pork, etc. and my decision to stop eating those meats stemmed from the crap they were injecting into these animals.

It was that creepy show I saw on the animal slaughterhouses that started me wondering if we were meant to eat meat in the first place. Besides, weird bodily stuff is fun to talk about once in awhile.

P.S. I'm sorry gravid, I meant to tell you how wonderful that is about your diet! (Maybe I should call it your eating lifestyle change... diet sounds too temporary.) Way to go!

[ edited by kraftdinner on Sep 12, 2002 07:05 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2002 08:41:51 PM new
It is working - which is a first as nothing else did. As I lose I do reintroduce more carbohydrates and eventually I will find the level at which I just maintain. Right now I just have something like a single bagel or a peach say each day.

I also like and eat a lot of fish. We have had swordfish, cod, mahi-mahi, grouper, tuna, and marlin all in the last month, as well as scallops and shrimp. Didn't care for Marlin.

I also found 600mg of calcium morning and night help me to lose as well as a little extra fiber and a daily vitamin.

Once in the last month I had a sugary desert and I was shocked how quickly it made me sleepy.

posted on September 12, 2002 09:10:56 PM new
Calcium is a well kept secret.

In studying the French diets, the question was asked why the French do not have the obesity and heart problems with their very fatty diet. It seems excess calcium will bond with and carry off fat as waste. Most of the French fat intake was in calcium rich foods made from milk/cheese.

I don't buy into the meat/cancer correlation either. Cancer is mainly a disease of old age, the same with heart disease. We are living quite longer so cancer and heart disease show up more. Our lifespan has also greatly increased as our meat consumption has increased.

Cancer and heart disease probably have more to do with viral infections and genetics than we presently know.

posted on September 12, 2002 09:21:30 PM new
Hey Gravid, where can I check out this Atkins diet?
I've lost almost 50 pounds since May, but now lettuce and grilled chicken have grown really tiresome.....
Conform or be cast out.

posted on September 12, 2002 09:24:14 PM new
Oh, I might not have believed what can be done with a colonic or pysillum if I hadn't seen it
myself. I can't take pysillum and can't afford colonics so I don't have first hand (colon) experience.

We quit eating meat after seeing shows on how lambs & chickens are treated on factory farms.

We drink organic milk now because the gene-altered hormone used on cows for greater milk production is so questionable.

Sec'y of Agriculture Dan Glickman said on a news program a few years ago that it didn't matter whether our meat or other food was transgenic, factory farmed or covered with sludge because Americans didn't care where their food came from, they just want it to taste good. Does it?

I am sorry you all don't think much of alternative doctors. Conventional doctors, the FDA and others had tried to discredit these doctors and alternative health practices for years. But, there
are numerous articles in the medical magazines about changing practices or educating methods
(like the food pyramid) because the medical establishment is finding many of the alternative doctors have been right all along.

What people don't see is these same doctors, government officials and others who are of the conventional ilk are using alternative type doctors on a regular basis, going to natural healing spas, etc. Why let the masses think there is anything special about food without chemicals, homeopathic medicine that will heal the same as chemicals with no nasty side effects...they can't afford it anyway.

They scoffed at Linus Pauling and his Vitamin C theory many years ago, and look at the vitamins on the shelves now. He was almost run out of town on a rail.

They scoffed at herbalists, but as soon as the food technology companies found that people were actually buying or planting them they not only started developing herbal products themselves, but are now racing to file DNA patents so they can genetically alter native plants before others do.
Screwing the natives out of the use of said plants for future use of course.

posted on September 12, 2002 09:39:43 PM new
Reamond, a University of Forida cancer website said that 10,000 children are diagnosed with cancer every year in the U.S.

That sounds like it isn't just an old age disease anymore.

I was reading it for something else and don't have the link.

posted on September 12, 2002 10:56:45 PM new
10K with cancer compared with how many adults in the general population who have had cancer? Generally cancer in children is different than in adults, such as leukemia.

posted on September 13, 2002 12:09:04 AM new
If we "weren't made to eat meat" we wouldn't be able to digest it. Or thrive on it, as humans plainly do.

posted on September 13, 2002 01:57:51 AM new
Ours eyes would also be at our temples and we'd have 4 stomachs.

posted on September 13, 2002 02:23:43 AM new
Preacher4U - You can look at http://atkinscenter.com/ It has most elements of the diet there but I found it easier to just buy the latest paperback version of his diet. I also still drink coffee. I am sure it gives some people a lot of trouble but I get almost no reaction to caffiene and have never felt it increase my appetite. Love the taste however. However my wife does not drink it because she does respond to it. I also did not see much value in the foods offered commercially. We made up some low carb homemade steak sauce and I bought a canister of the shake mix but it is too hard to get to mix well even in a blender.

aposter - I think that almost every seperate medical specialty has at least a grain of truth. The trouble is there is very little moderation in human nature. Take Chiropractic. It is useful for all sorts of people who have problems with their back and there are conditions where for example you may feel sick to your stomach because of a problem with your spine. However when you have a patient with a massive tumor growing and metastisizing in their body and someone does not have the wisdom to see it is beyond the treatment envelope of their specialty they are going to kill that patient.

The Iridologists can see disease in the reaction of the eyes - but I would not go to one to have warts treated and the foot kneaders and rubbers should not be treating cataracts.

I am sure acupuncture works but I doubt if it could effect the infection we know as ulcers. The bacteria don't respond well to much at all except a specific antibiotic.

That is the big complaint I have with alternative medicines - that there are practitioners who don't see their limits and make the treatment into a cult of the personality trying to vilify other doctors.

[ edited by gravid on Sep 13, 2002 02:23 AM ]
posted on September 13, 2002 07:32:38 AM new
gravid, what you say may be true about some alternative doctors. But, to characterize the whole group as problematic is not good, and that is what seems to be happening here and was in a lot
of pulp magazines until a few years ago. The exact same thing can be said about conventional doctors..

You said:

That is the big complaint I have with alternative medicines - that there are practitioners who don't see their limits and make the treatment into a cult of the personality trying to vilify other doctors.

Isn't that what male doctors have done since early medical treatment? Have you read how the AMA started, and how half the population was excluded? Talk about vilification and cults!

What about all the male doctors who have told women, "It is all in your head, go home and relax." And the heart disease or other problem is found by someone else, many times now by
alternative doctors. I have read many testimonies where conventional doctors couldn't admit they didn't know what was wrong.

How many doctors do women reading this now know who don't know their limits? Who don't
treat the whole body? Who say it is in your head, when it is cancer growing throughout
the body because the diagnoses took so long? Who say it is heart burn or stress, when it is heart
disease. Who say use Premarin, it is considered safe (because there were no studies done on women).

They don't even see their limits in research. The book "Outrage Practices" by Laurence and
Weinhouse talks about female research that was done by and on males. Estrogen was researched on males (Dr. Susan Love), given to the female public for years and NOW they find a terrible problem. Maybe if they had gone slowly they wouldn't now look so foolish. Many of these women were treated with chemicals when they could have been using all natural substitutes that countries like China has used for years.

posted on September 13, 2002 09:40:50 AM new
Yup - That is exactly the attitude I am talking about. You are firmly biased against male doctors who belong to the AMA. Yes I think there are plenty of conventional doctors who also fit the profile of not knowing their limits. and I don't think the various associations do much but protect the individual doctors from scrutiny and hold back acceptance of new ideas.

The fact I was willing to give the Atkins diet a try shows I don't follow the party line on treatments. However if you just rejected the full spectrum of current medical practice and insisted on returning to herbal folk medicines the morbidity would skyrocket within a decade. Quite a bit of it does have merit. Not that they don't still have a great deal to learn.

If you have a know it all doc that thinks what he has been taught is totally correct and without need of improvement just dump him and find a human with some humility.

posted on September 13, 2002 10:09:39 AM new
Well let me say this. I eat meat & plenty of it. Run 5 miles a day, ending the run with a 1/4 mile sprint. At my age (64) it is hard to find anyone other than my wife to run along with me & she poops out after about 3 miles. I then run back to her, swoop her up in my arms (Dam! she is one sexy lady)& enjoy the moment.

Hi! Linda_K


posted on September 13, 2002 11:13:27 AM new
aposter, it's good to see someone that's looked a little closer into things with the meat industry, etc. I watched a documentary a couple months ago about slaughter houses (the meat industry) and it was so horrifying, I couldn't sleep for a few nights. I think it should be manditory to watch before you sit down to dinner. They should show it in First Grade... 'This is life kids! This is how you get your ham sandwich!'

I do think meat causes cancer. Not the meat itself perhaps, but the junk the animals are fed, injected with, living conditions, viruses, bacteria, disease, blah, blah, blah. I've never heard of someone dying from eating vegetables.

I've read many articles about how our intestines are too long to digest meat properly, but most have come from pro-vegetarian sites. Does the meat industry lobby against these claims with false information themselves?

It seems to be something that's never questioned because people love it so much.

posted on September 13, 2002 11:40:09 AM new
something that's never questioned

Rather than never questioning it, I believe it's that many have questioned and have made their own decisions/choices.

It's always interesting to hear different opinions on subjects like this. To read what others have found works best for their lifestyle.

HEY FRED!!! - Always good to see you here. I love reading your posts where you're sharing your love for that special wife of yours. You're both very lucky.

posted on September 13, 2002 11:57:48 AM new
No doubt at all a lot of meat is processed in filthy conditions. It takes a real leap of faith to eat a hot dog knowing parts is parts - ya know?
Of course I have seen a few hunters that I would not eat a deer the way they dress and carry it. But now with cronic wasting disease I won't be eating venison anymore.

posted on September 13, 2002 12:07:36 PM new
I meant questioning the meat industry Linda, not whether you eat meat or not.

I know what you mean gravid... hotdogs look tasty, especially Hillshire Farms cheese sausages!! But....

posted on September 13, 2002 12:48:52 PM new
No, I am not biased against male doctors in the AMA. I am biased against the whole AMA, men AND women, because they did nothing while our food supply was being mutated. Other countries jumped on the band wagon because they were afraid to be left behind.

I read a few years ago the AMA was concerned because doctors were not joining its ranks and I also read recently that JAMA was making some major changes in its articles. What was done in the early 1900s is history, as long as they can see that having two kinds of inquiring minds works better than one kind, be it medical or military.

Actually I did changes doctors. My Mom and Dad did too, but not until my Dad's doctor almost killed him though.


I don't think there will be much in the newspapers or magazines, unless actual pictures show abuse or there is new research to report. Many of the articles I receive are from foreign newspapers or medical research. : (

I don't know much about the meat industry. I get articles and emails about transgenic meat and CJD and mad cow, but nothing about sanitary conditions.

I guess no organization wants to spend big bucks fighting the beef (meat) industry because of the food-disparagement law.


"While some may view such food-disparagement laws as bizarre, 63 similar statutes in 13 other states make it illegal to publicize safety concerns about food unless such claims can be proved in court with scientific certainty."

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