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posted on October 22, 2002 11:20:51 PM new
Clinton aide slams Pentagon's UFO secrecy

"It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon," ex-Clinton aide John Podesta said Tuesday."

Fact or Fiction? Does it really matter? Compared the situation in the world today, would revealing the existance of little green men from outer space have any real impact and would they be considered Terrorists?

posted on October 23, 2002 08:52:22 AM new
I, for one, would really like to see this matter completely out in the open. I am not at all afraid to face reality. If we are no more than the rank of cattle to these alien visitors (should they be proved to exist) and our governments can not protect us in the slighest against them, then I'd still be far more happy knowning that. I prefer to know where we stand and what the truth is. The government has NO RIGHT to keep the truth of these matters from us anymore! We are living in the twenty-first century and we, as a planet, can handle the fact that we are not alone.

My Two Centums

posted on October 23, 2002 09:26:59 AM new
"The government has NO RIGHT to keep the truth of these matters from us anymore!"

ahahahahhahahahahhaha!!!!!! You're right! Coming from such an honest bunch, I'm sure they'll reveal the real truth soon Borillar!

Unless they've conquered physics, it's a physical impossiblilty to have aliens from other planets visit, but then there's Bush...

posted on October 23, 2002 12:34:34 PM new
"Unless they've conquered physics, it's a physical impossiblilty to have aliens from other planets visit"

We have a history of people that tell us what is impossible.
In England they assured the public a train would never run over 60 miles oper hour because the speed would suck the air out of the passenger's lungs and they would die.

Clear into the 1940's scientists were telling the government rockets could not fly in space because "there was no air for the exhaust to push against"

The telephone company was telling us in the 1970's that the modem could never exceed 300 baud because of the "limitations of physics"

There are no shortage of unimaiginative small minded people. I assume the above statement includes our own "fake" moon landing?

posted on October 23, 2002 03:08:05 PM new
Hmmmm... I suppose if I had of left out the part "unless they've conquered physics", I would agree that my post was narrow-minded gravid.

I don't think anything is impossible. Maybe there are civilizations out there that have conquered the whole space/time thing and are flying around like the Jetson's from galaxy to galaxy. I just think we'd have some proof by now... pictures, spacecraft pieces, etc. Every bit of evidence can't be in the safe keeping of the government.

[ edited by kraftdinner on Oct 23, 2002 03:09 PM ]
posted on October 23, 2002 04:32:29 PM new
Sounded kinda harsh - sorry.
Personal hot button......

posted on October 23, 2002 04:38:07 PM new
Intelligent life wouldn't visit here.....
I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on October 23, 2002 05:20:01 PM new
Right - why do i suspect we are a galactic slum that doesn't have nice enough native crafts to make it worth the trouble of visiting?

posted on October 23, 2002 06:09:46 PM new
Sorry, I didn't know this was one of your buttons gravid. I'm not the best at wording things without sounding like too much of a simpleton.

Do you think we've been visited? I'm serious. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

posted on October 23, 2002 06:36:11 PM new
The idea of Earth as the Tijuana of the galaxy has entertainment value. We can't even get the day trippers.

Earth, the forbidden planet, where things REALLY suck!
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 23, 2002 07:32:22 PM new
To this day a mechanical engineer will tell you it is impossible for a NHRA top fuel dragster or funny car to accelerate from a dead stop to a distance of 60 feet in under 1 second.

Yet they regularly run it in under .80 of a second.

If that can be done, why can't there be life on other planets and earth be visited by ET's.

posted on October 24, 2002 02:06:51 AM new
"Do you think we've been visited?"

Honestly don't know.

I have seen a metallic object in the sky that did not move like any aircraft I am familiar with - it hovered and went into an amazing hard vertical climb, but I sure would not presume to call it a spacecraft unless I had a guided tour. also it was not close enough to make out any surface detail.

In the 70's I saw something on radar that was flying over lake Erie in the 4 to 5,000 mph range but there was no altitude data and they did not acknowledge radio calls. I would bet those were US military planes because the air traffic control guys saw them pretty regular, and they followed courses that seemed to be in relation to areas of human interest.

If we were "surveyed" I would have a hard time understanding why any other culture would spend the time and funds to hang around on a regular basis if they were not going to make contact. Especially I would think with what we are starting to learn about stealth and nanotech sensors that they could do so without calling attention to themselves. I can imaigine for example a bunch of spy planes about the size of mesquitos that would relay their data to a egg sized central transmitter that would send the signal to a stealthed orbiter. Of course maybe what seems rational to us might not to a different culture. Can you imaigine a whole race where everyone say had a condition equal to Asperger's Syndrome as a normal state? It would be a race of geeks, and anyone "normal" to us would probably be treated for their social defect.

posted on October 24, 2002 05:57:12 AM new

The mechanical engineer is correct. The weight and inertia of a Dragster combined with the friction factor of rubber and asphalt make it physically impossible for a car to accelerate that fast. However, with the application of the liquid traction and the warming of the tires, they actually "stick" to the asphalt enabling faster accelerations. The secret to faster acceleration is the right combo of stick and non-stick.

But such science is not applicable to inter-stellar travel. One does not apply liquid space travel to space ships. Or so the little green men have told me so.......
I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on October 24, 2002 06:07:11 AM new
I have seen a metallic object in the sky that did not move like any aircraft I am familiar with....

and you are not alone. Many have reported seeing the same thing and more. They are usually brushed off as being nuts....but I've believed many of them.

posted on October 24, 2002 09:22:13 AM new
And the concrete launch pads help.

posted on October 24, 2002 11:46:00 AM new
I had my own sighting some while back. A girlfriend and I were out on a hilltop on the Columbia Gorge just East of Portland one night looking at the stars. It was in 1994 and there was that meteor shower that we go through every August. It was about 4:00am at the lookout point and I noticed a few satellites arching across the sky in their orbit. I followed on such to the constellation of Pleiades and then I saw them. Just lights. They were small dots at about the same height as the satellite. They were doing those crazy maneuvers, which to our eyes looked left-right, north-south. We watched them do crazy 90-degree angels - almost perfect 90's, but not quite. We took the time to dismiss them as natural or manmade. Was it swamp gas or the planet Venus? Was it two different stars? Nope, because if distant stars were making maneuvers that much, they'd be shifting a light-year at a time! And any question of them being planets had the same problem - not even hot air will make a planet go in straight lines for about an inch eye-wise.

Was it man-made? If the objects (lights) were mechanical and manmade, it would be covering a distance of miles at a time. Such acceleration would crush someone flat, let alone how badly it would reboot Microsoft Windows, meaning equipments failure. Nope. Not man-made.

What was it then? It was none of the above. We watched some more.

What was interesting, and I know this is where it will sound like a hoax of some sort, but now the two lights were left and right in my view. The meteors were coming down rapidly and I think that these "lights" were moving to avoid being hit. Every few seconds to a minute or more, the left one would flash a dazzling pure red "spray" of light. The other light, a green one. The lights were those same true colors that one sees in laser beams at the light shows. We didn't see any beam, but rather a splash of color on one side or another.

My guess at this whole affair is that these objects would normally be mistaken for stars, possibly orbiting us at the same relative speeds that the stars move. Because of the meteor showers, they were forced to move about. For those meteors that they could not avoid, they blasted with some low-intensity light beam so that it would not get picked up by earth-bound listening gear.

Now, if all of that guessing is true (it fits the facts of what we saw that night), then next meteor shower that comes about, look in the early morning night-sky where clusters of stars are visible. That might repeat the same performance for you.

posted on October 24, 2002 03:51:05 PM new
If you stare at stars in the sky, they will "appear" to move, doing all kinds of unbelieveable manuvers. This is an optical illusion because of the solid black background and your mind itself. Venus is by far the most reported UFO in the country for that reason.
I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on October 24, 2002 04:01:50 PM new
One clear night my husband and I were returning home and saw a bright greenish light hovering at a peculiar altitude - about where a small plane might fly. After hovering for a few seconds, it left with the speed of an aircraft Im not familiar with. Both of us were astounded.(But we weren't offered any free rides and we hadn't been smoking or drinking). I'm not knowledgeable about what military aircraft are capable of doing, but the next day the W. Post mentioned that reports of a UFO had been made it our general area. Never did find out what this craft was.

posted on October 24, 2002 04:08:32 PM new
That's true, mlecher. But what about a single star with a starfield? What if that single star shows dramatic behavior, but all of the stars around it do not?

posted on October 25, 2002 06:25:08 AM new
If you were able to "isolate" that star with a veiwing device, you would probably notice that it really never moved. Your mind only "thinks" it had. Actually, if you stare at any distant object for a period of time, it will "move". Did the "UFO" cross over, go around another star? It it seemed to move only within its own little dark spot, that is the clue that is is an optical illusion. Also, inconsistancies in atmosphere temperatures will make stars appear to move, change color, change size. But again, they stay within their own little "dark spot."

For a spectacular UFO show, stare at a rising Venus on a cold, dark and dry night away from the lights of civilization. It will dance and change color like you wouldn't believe. When I used to guard the East-West German border, it was called in many times to Ops as a UFO
I live in my own little world, but it is Okay...They know me here.
posted on October 25, 2002 06:50:49 AM new

Sometimes, the moon can appear twice as large as normal...another case of optical illusion. You can't always believe your eyes!

posted on October 25, 2002 10:27:34 AM new
All this reminds me of a doctor I had.
I went to him and pointed out I had a line of small painful boils on the inside of my finger that reached across both knuckles. I told him they started with small cluster of 3 or 4 near the top joint and spread down to the next joint over the space of about 3 weeks although I had put bagbalm on them and avoided any irritating chemicals.

"He said "That's your perception."
In other words I could not be relied on to be an accurate witness of what was happening on my own hand.

I told him since I am not coming back here I may as well tell you that if you don't have any use for patients who can talk you should become a f**king veterinarian.

Granted many people are poor observers - one CAN develop a sense for which ones have credibility. Blowing off everyone as some "authorities" do just shows a massive arrogance.

posted on October 25, 2002 10:33:12 AM new
You know, if you look at the Plieadies from the ground on a clear night, the stars clustered there are pretty tightly packed together. Imagine one of them moving in any direction about one-inch of your view, twisting 90 degres to the right for about half an inch, then another 90 degree turn for an inch and so forth. Yeah, I'd say it moved in and among the starrs and it was quite obvious -- if you just happened to be looking there at 4:00am.

posted on October 25, 2002 04:56:09 PM new
By the nature of the name of course UFO's exist otherwise they'd be reclassified as the Balloon Flying Object, or Airplane Flying Object or whatever, but as long as it is unidentified, then Unidentified Flying Objects exist.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on October 25, 2002 05:23:51 PM new
Jesus was born due to artificial insemination from outer space aliens. It would have been physically impossible for Mary to get pregnant from magic. It was the aliens objective to help out our world, but of course the fairy tale believers gave all the thanks to God, just like Natives when they see something they can't explain (like a plane landing near them) they beleive it is an act of God. What an embarassement for earthlings, the aliens have never tried that again.

But it is physcially possible that aliens have entered our planet because they would be millions of years ahead of us technologically. It only took 60 years from when Einstein came up with the theory of Quantum Physics to the time that it was proven it is fact. We know it is fact, but we can't do anything with the information yet, just like the Wright Brothers knew objects could fly but didn't have the know how to make it happen right away.
But is it important for us to know that aliens are here. Just knowing that flying around one side of space to another would provide leaps in science, just like when the first person broke the 4 minute mile, suddenly others could do it. They can answer all our questions and help us leap lghtyears ahead in morality and technology.

Why doesn't our government reveal what they know? Competition with other countries. The U.S. has downed alien saucers and it's in their best interest to keep that technology to themselves. It's bad enough if Saddam got hold of Nucleur bombs, you know what I mean.

Speaking of a nice story, remember the NASA channel? They had live photos from space, and one time they captured an UFO on film. After that they did not allow live filming. I don't know who they're trying to fool when they deny these claims. I may not be able to verify if it is a flying saucer, but I do know it is something unearth like that should be identified and revealed. If it can hurt us, I'd sure like to that. If it can help us, I'd like to know that too. It shouldn't be kept secret.

posted on October 25, 2002 05:56:44 PM new
The first night out of Valdez,heading back to San francisco,I was on watch on the starboard wing.
I heard something like a powerful generator,I looked up and knew it was coming from my left,The wheel house was blocking my view.I waited and stright across the sky goes this cloud,on a cloudless night.
I wanted to yell at the 3rd mate to come look,he and AB were in a coversation about their home town.All in a flash I knew,They would never see it,and although I heard it,It made no sound,and I knew it was spinning inside that cloud.I had a feeling of utopia,I was high!
I didnt tell the mate,He wouldnt have understood being told after the fact.I tried to tell my friends the storey for the next two weeks and broke out in a giddy laughter,Hell I didnt believe it myself after a while,because I couldnt stop laughing,whos gonna believe anyone whos laughing telling a serious storey?
There was another incident,this time there was a witness.And it still makes me a little nervous so I will pass on telling that story.

posted on October 25, 2002 06:14:32 PM new
I was up in Michigan in the 70s, just outside of Detroit. A friend and I were in her car, after sunset, facing north and we saw a pretty large light off to one side of the sky. It stayed there for some seconds, then moved across the whole sky to the west in about 2 seconds. I have no idea what it was, but it moved fast!
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 25, 2002 06:22:00 PM new
Quickdraw, I rmemeber the NASA channel. They had some wonderful shots.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
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