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posted on October 25, 2002 01:28:12 PM new
As was done in Missouri only two years ago republican agents have again struck down by airplane crash an opponent who they couldn't hope to defeat by electoral process. This time, so as to avoid the embarrasment which followed last time, they also got the wife.
posted on October 25, 2002 01:33:48 PM new
Hi krs! Everybody's thinking that... around here anyway.

posted on October 25, 2002 01:36:51 PM new
Can't say that thought didn't cross my mind also.

posted on October 25, 2002 01:40:11 PM new
The thought must be travelling, because it skittered into the back of my mind, and I don't feel a sandwich short of a picnic. This is so sad.
You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 25, 2002 01:43:38 PM new
Wait a minute.........You guys are kidding,right ?

posted on October 25, 2002 02:07:07 PM new

What a loss!

"Wellstone was targeted by Republicans and President Bush as the candidate they most wanted to defeat in the 2002 congressional elections. Bush personally intervened to convince Norm Coleman, the former mayor of St. Paul and an ex-Democrat, to run against Wellstone. With the control of the Senate hanging in the balance, the Minnesota race was perhaps the most crucial and most closely watched in the country."

"Wellstone was the only Senate candidate who was willing to vote against the war resolution passed by the Senate. Wellstone stood up against the Iraq war because it was the right thing to do, irrespective of the political consequences. He declared: "No one trusts Saddam Hussein. Everybody knows he is a brutal dictator. That is not the point. The point is how to proceed; how to do this the right way. The focus should be on disarmament and getting the support of our allies in the international community."

posted on October 25, 2002 02:36:53 PM new
And so it goes . . .

posted on October 25, 2002 02:39:28 PM new
"The crash occurred about 175 miles north of Minneapolis. The FAA said the plane crashed in trees about two miles short of the runway. Wreckage was spread over a wide area, indicating that it did not nose into the ground but crashed at a relatively flat angle. The wreckage was charred, but that could have been caused by a postcrash fire, officials pointed out."

"Today's crash was eerily reminiscent of a the Oct. 16, 2000, crash that killed Missouri Democratic Gov. Mel Carnahan who was running for the Senate against Republican John D. Ashcroft."

From the Washington Post article here. Have to fill in a small form to get to this page.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on October 25, 2002 06:43:33 PM new
That was the first thought I had when I heard the news. When my husband came home from work he said that was EVERYONES first thought there too. Such a shame no one trusts the government anymore.

KRS, How are you liking all the fog and dry weather here?

posted on October 25, 2002 06:51:46 PM new
Can you say Conspiracy Theory.....Even paranoids have enemies

posted on October 25, 2002 07:04:18 PM new
[ edited by bear1949 on Oct 25, 2002 08:42 PM ]
posted on October 25, 2002 11:24:27 PM new
I'm sure our opponents here at the RT will say here we go again, and accuse us of blaming Bush and gang because we don't like them. But, let me tell you while out today I heard many people saying the same thing. This is just too coincidental. I don't know what political party the people at the post office and grocery store were, but they had the same thoughts.

posted on October 26, 2002 01:28:38 AM new
Sure, it's the first thing we think of, me too, but I doubt it.

Even less credible is the idea that it's being done "again." Before Carnahan's death, the Carnahan/Ashcroft race was close, with Ashcroft being favored, as I recall. Even with the big "sympathy for the widow/let's be freaky and elect a dead guy" surge, the final results were very close, never a case of a Democratic opponent whom they couldn't hope to defeat by the regular process.
posted on October 26, 2002 09:31:46 AM new
On the otherhand it could be an act of Terroism. I just read an article about the Snipers in Maryland area, and the FBI has a video created by Terrorists which describes much of the same acts how to carry out the sniper activity in the U.S., such as using a white van etc. Anyway the video goes on to say about attacking Senators, and throwing bombs into crowds from a bicycle.

It's the attacking Senators that I am pointing out. If we see another Senator go down soon, it will become highly suspicious.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on October 26, 2002 09:58:29 AM new
This tragic crash should be investigated thoroughly. Terrorism, which has been mentioned, does not always originate in a foreign land.

Links about Senator Wellstone and his good work in the Senate....


The Progressive Interview Paul Wellstone

We Cannot Buy Golden Opportunities With Tin-Cup Budgets

[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 26, 2002 02:52 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2002 12:53:37 PM new
That last link did not provide a link to terrorism specifically, Helen. However, I enjoyed it the most of the three.

"Democrats should find no reassurance in winning half of the votes cast by the 37 percent of voters who turned out in November. It was great to see such progressives as Wisconsin's Russ Feingold and California's Barbara Boxer win elections. But don't lose sight of the 63 percent hole in the electorate nationwide. When almost two-thirds of eligible voters choose not to vote, something is seriously wrong. The nonvoters are telling us they are disillusioned with their choices. They are saying that no one speaks for them."

This is what I have been squawking about for the last several years - that the Democrat Politicians have lost their way; that they no longer understand why they are there; that their constant struggle to learn what it is that their constituency wants of them shows just how pathetically out of touch with us that they are.

The Republican Politicians are even worse. Not satisfied that many voters feel unrepresented and isolated, they go about making matters worse as far as they can, in order to sow the seeds of discontent. They thrive on the turmoil, because it distracts the public and the media from focusing on and exposing the titanic corruption that they enjoy while in power. That TRILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS are being STOLEN from us and handed over to the Rich, the Powerful, and themselves, they go uninvestigated, much less punished for their staggering crimes against the People of the United States of America.

In the meantime, we have Snipers to distract us, Whynona Ryder on trial, and Iraq in the Bag should we start to snoop about.

posted on October 26, 2002 01:05:27 PM new
Yes it is suspicious. In light of 9/11, one must wonder to what lengths Bush & Co. will go to provoke war with Iraq. (Hey, you guys aren't the only ones with conspiracy theories.)

posted on October 26, 2002 02:20:55 PM new

Actually Borillar, the links were not intended to refer directly to the terrorist idea. I should have put some space between my first statement and the links.

I'll edit that now.


[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 26, 2002 03:43 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2002 02:24:21 PM new
Conservatives Are From Mars, Liberals Are From Uranus

The Difference Between The Liberal and Conservative "Debate" Over The War On

Question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small
children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around
the corner and is running at you while screaming obscenities. In your hand
is a .357 Magnum and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before
he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Liberal Answer: Well, that's not enough information to answer the question!
You're looking for simple solutions to complex issues.

* Does the man look poor or oppressed?
* Have I ever done anything to him that is inspiring him to attack?
* Could we run away?
* What does my wife think?
* What about the kids?
* Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his
* What does the law say about this situation?
* Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me?
* Does he definitely want to kill me or would he just be content to wound
* If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while
he was stabbing me?

This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few
days to try to come to a conclusion.

Conservative Answer: Shoot the son of a #*!@! Then take your family to a
baseball game, eat some hot dogs with apple pie, sing the national anthem,
go to church and praise the Lord for one more day of freedom.

- Author unknown

posted on October 26, 2002 02:41:43 PM new
If I authored something dopey like that, I wouldn't want my name known either.
posted on October 26, 2002 02:44:57 PM new

posted on October 26, 2002 03:05:39 PM new
[ edited by Linda_K on Oct 26, 2002 03:06 PM ]
posted on October 26, 2002 03:25:35 PM new
Close to home? You've got an anecdote here that portrays one group of people as hopelessly, endlessly, vacillating, and another group as people who have no more depth or regard for another's life than to blithely kill someone and then go off to eat a hot dog.

This illustrates some political wisdom for you?
posted on October 26, 2002 03:28:50 PM new

If in the same position I presume you would opt to talk them to death.

posted on October 26, 2002 03:29:43 PM new
LOL! Bear! That sounds just like that pathetic illogic used by right-wing Christian Fundies to keep their non-thinking followers in check! Gads! I would be ashamed to put something so juvenile as that up for everyone to see with my name attached to it! A quick, simple, and easy look at the facts shows just how only an absolute moron would equate that example with Saddam and Iraq today:

The man in question is no where nearby. In fact, he's some 12,000 miles away on the other side of the planet shouting obscenities and shooting off shotguns from his balcony and it has never be shown that he has any intention or capability to strike at anybody's wife and kids here in America. He hates his neighbors, especially the terrorist monarchy in charge of Saudi Arabia and Israel for existing, and he hates America because we so strongly support those two. No piece of intelligence has ever been shown to support the lies from Bush that Saddam intends on attacking us now or ever, with or without weapons of mass destruction. In fact, intelligence analysts and other talking heads on news shows not connected to the White House tell us that Saddam would only use weapons of mass destruction if he were attacked by us. Can you blame him?

>"Conservative Answer: Shoot the son of a #*!@! Then take your family to a baseball game, eat some hot dogs with apple pie, sing the national anthem, go to church and praise the Lord for one more day of freedom."

Conservatives have done nothing for this country since its inception, except to cause misery for the common American. Their agenda to treat everyone as a slave or commodity to be used for their own personal gain and satisfaction is a throwback to barbaric tribes without a written language and culture. Their penchant for installing absolute power dictators to rule over them so that they don't have to use their God-given brains says it all, as each dictator fails to think things through for them down to how to wipe their butts, they toss one down and put up another tyrant to take his place. That they misuse religion as a tool to control their mindless followers into the garbage heaps of history, they strive to ruin life for everyone else not so inclined to live under totalitarian rule. To spill such obvious lies about how THEY are all for Freedom when they use every mean and method at their disposal to remove it from the general populous only shows the depths of misguided thinking that they will brainwash themselves with to feel as though they are worth a pile of dog crap. That they warp the meaning of Christianity to mean that HATE is a Bible Value, that points out to anyone of even modest intelligence that believing the total nonsense pushed by these incredible morons could be anywhere near the Truth, let only anywhere near God, is a joke told by drunkards at beer swilling contests! That Conservatives stand for anything that isn't tied down and under guard shows how loose their moral fiber is and their trashed values system is corrupted. Let there be no doubt that to call yourself a Conservative is to invoke a belly laugh of national proportions at the abject stupidity that some people can display. You should be ashamed of yourself!

posted on October 26, 2002 04:31:00 PM new
bear1948 - This is SO funny. Krs comes in here and blames republican agents for being responsible for the death of Wellstone....also stating that this is the second time they've done this....many here agree...and then you get blasted for posting a JOKE. LOL The same thought process doesn't apply to all the cartoons, etc about Bush...NOW they're funny. No....okay to insult the republicans, christians, etc all the time...hey free speech and all....but they're not too good about being on the receiving end.... hope you have thick skin or can just laugh off the responses.

At least Donny had some common sense. Even less credible is the idea that it's being done "again."

posted on October 26, 2002 05:31:30 PM new
Wellstone was not the only one who voted against the war to Iraq. Sen Feingold (D) from Wisconsin also voted against that. This gentleman's name will be replaced in the election and they are thinking about Mondale. You democrats should be happy about that.

The weather was bad. Partial rain and snow. The plane was iceing. When the Pilots took off they were told of this. Minnesota weather can get fierce in a matter of moments.

Now tell me do the republicans have control over the weather?

How sick to think that someone would do that. Only people with warped minds have thoughts like that. The election was 2 years ago and your still gripping about it. Get over it.

posted on October 26, 2002 05:36:41 PM new
That joke insulted both Conservatives and Liberals, Linda K. I suppose that makes it balanced, but it's still dopey.
posted on October 26, 2002 05:38:04 PM new

I think it's inappropriate to tell silly jokes in this thread which is a discussion of the death of a US Senator and his family. To speculate on the cause of the crash is normal under the circumstances. But to tell jokes about liberals in this thread is out of line.


posted on October 26, 2002 05:48:24 PM new
Donny - I've always had a lot of respect for you [as I do Reamond] because while I don't agree with a lot of your opinions I find you to be a fair minded person. Very much unlike those I judge to have nothing but 'tunnel vision'. I know that probably holds no weight with you. But I did want to say it.

It was a JOKE. Equally exaggerating each side.

Helen....free speech remember? You the new thread monitor? Krs didn't start this thread for people to show their respect for Senator Wellstone, but rather to viciously smear a group of people with statements he can not prove.

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