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posted on November 7, 2002 10:07:47 PM new
Too Stupid To Be President

I'll bet this web site has been brought to your attention before. If not, and you love to laugh at how stupid Bush has often been caught being, this is a place for you to spend some time enjoying.

It is web site with a bunch of very well done Macromedia Flash 6 multimedia presentations, so you'll want to have your sound on. A Broadband or DSL connection would be good too, as some of these are a bit large.

I enjoyed the satire. Personally, I'd like to see the foiables of the politicans from both parties represented here. Bush takes the cake, though, and is an obvious target because of his low IQ.

Have Fun!

posted on November 8, 2002 05:03:09 AM new
GW may be the worlds worst public speaker but, stupid he is not. You may want to read what a liberal writer has to say on the subject.

posted on November 8, 2002 06:19:48 AM new

From your article... It's impressive, btw that you are reading the Guardian!

A spielberg performance...LOL!

By now Bush has worked his way through the crowd, shaking a few hands when the giant doors of the hangar open to reveal a blue sky, and a wonderful horizon of Pennsylvania forest, its leaves turning all shades of russet, amber and gold. Slowly, the sleek shape of Air Force One is revealed, and suddenly there's the president, ascending the steps, reaching the top and turning for a final wave. The whole picture is framed perfectly: the lone leader and the silver bird, all bathed in morning sunlight. It's a Spielberg moment. And as the pom-poms shake, and the crowd cheers, a sharp, hard thought strikes. As Bush himself might put it, we misunderestimate this man at our peril.

That last sentence should be repeated. "As Bush himself might put it, we misunderestimate this man at out peril.

We should look back throurghout history and take a "sharp hard thought" about other leaders who have similarly been misunderstood at the world's peril.


posted on November 8, 2002 06:43:10 AM new
Another thought expressed in that article is that the American people are overestimated. He points out, for example that Reagan was elected not once but twice.

"As he ends his speech predicting that incredible good will come from the evil of 9/11, asking, of course, that God Bless America, your thoughts can't help but turn to Ronald Reagan. Many Brits and Europeans thought him a clown, a bozo too dumb to lead a dog, let alone the free world. Yet somehow he was re-elected in a landslide and is still loved and revered by his countrymen."


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 8, 2002 06:48 AM ]
posted on November 8, 2002 06:51:48 AM new

please excuse my dumb question. I have DSL but when I access the site, there is no sound.

What's up with that? Of course, I have the volume turned up.


posted on November 8, 2002 06:56:30 AM new
I have to confess that the link to "The Guardian" was passed to me by a friend.

I know you won't agree, but GW is agood man. You may not agree with his policies, but there is no BS in him. He WILL tell you where he stands and he does have the best interests of the country at heart. I think the country sensed this in the election. I think the Democrats are finding that it is not possible to be all things to all people. Sooner, or later we all have to take a stand and be FOR something.

posted on November 8, 2002 08:00:12 AM new
You may not agree with his policies, but there is no BS in him. He WILL tell you where he stands and he does have the best interests of the country at heart.

You're right--he's never made any bones about the fact that he cares nothing about our environment, preferring that his big business buddies profit from it, that he knows nothing about the rest of the world (& flaunts that fact at every opportunity), and that to him the "best interests" of our country include losing many if not all constutional & civil rights and for him to be our dictator.

Just warms the cockles of my heart when I think about how honest Bush is...
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on November 8, 2002 10:08:44 AM new
Bunnicula my thoughts exactly! Although, I have never agreed with the Republican ideals and policies (too much big business for one), that is not why I don't like Bush.

It was so strange that he used the word evil so much, because, that is what I have always thought of him. As plain as I can put it is, the man scares me to death! It's such a gut feeling that it's hard to explain.

posted on November 8, 2002 12:05:28 PM new
>please excuse my dumb question. I have DSL but when I access the site, there is no sound.

My educated guess would be that you need to install the Macromedia Flashplayer browser plug-in version 6. Version 6 is new this year and if you have an older version installed (likely), this would explain it.

[ edited by Borillar on Nov 8, 2002 12:15 PM ]
posted on November 8, 2002 01:06:16 PM new
Excuse my interruption but lets round up all the stupid things Borillar has said.
posted on November 8, 2002 01:19:11 PM new
Sorry, but there's no comparision. Bush is a congenital idiot and Borillar is not.
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce
posted on November 8, 2002 01:28:45 PM new
IQ is not a measure of a person's effectiveness, many millionaires and Billionaires have lower IQs, yet many high IQ people toil at mundane jobs.

I suppose you think Democrats are genius's? They did come up with the Minimum law; are proud to have a high discrimation rate at the Post Office, and give money to the unproductive citizens. Even your last Democrat president got nailed for lying on the stand, and got his name dirty for having sex with an intern despite being married. That takes the cake for being an idiot.

posted on November 8, 2002 01:44:12 PM new


Are you feeling OK? You are not making any sense to me..even after reading several posts in more than one thread.


posted on November 8, 2002 01:46:41 PM new

Thanks, Borillar for the info on Macromedia. That solved my problem!


posted on November 8, 2002 02:00:59 PM new
Helenjw, that doesn't speak highly of your intelligence, doesn't qualify you to be here with those who can keep up with the discussion.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
posted on November 8, 2002 02:07:05 PM new
It doesn't surprise me that you would think that Quickdraw. Take it easy.


[ edited by Helenjw on Nov 8, 2002 02:11 PM ]
posted on November 8, 2002 02:15:57 PM new
>Excuse my interruption but lets round up all the stupid things Borillar has said.

And STILL more insults!

OIC! EVERYONE can INSULT ME and that's OK, but if I insult them back, then that's not acceptable? When they go running away in tears, crying about how abusive I've been to them, how they run to Momma to complain, how they run away to a different board because -I'm- so mean? Give me a break! I shove people's BS back down their own throats and they can't take it. Chickenshits!

posted on November 8, 2002 02:34:18 PM new

In this case, I just considered the source and said nothing but I will not hesitate to defend myself against insults. Chickenshits belong on another board.


posted on November 8, 2002 02:46:36 PM new
Anyone got a link to that board?

posted on November 8, 2002 02:46:47 PM new
It doesn't surprise you because you know you're not smart? It's rare to see someone admit that.

Borillar, you can insult the president and he's not here to defend himself, wow, big dog with loud bark but small balls.

Of course the prez will do idiot things, he represents idiots. If he always did smart things he wouldn't get relelected.
posted on November 8, 2002 03:02:02 PM new

LOL Chococake!

Maybe we should look for it.


posted on November 8, 2002 04:08:17 PM new

8.6. Breach. You will breach this Agreement if you:
a) Harass, threaten, or intimidate another member or AuctionWatch staff. During debate or disagreement, always address the issue at hand, not the individual.

What part of the Community Guidelines is unclear to you, quickdraw?

Bush is a Public Figure, and so, it is perfectly acceptable to comment unfavorable opinions of him in the media, in books and magazines, in other media. But it is your contention that the Round Table is excluded from this?

If Bush wants the chatter about him in the RT to stop, please have Auction Watch inform us that Bush has provided the membership requirements and is now a member. Otherwise, he can come here to defend himself or not.

[ edited by Borillar on Nov 8, 2002 04:09 PM ]
posted on November 8, 2002 04:12:09 PM new
Hey, Helen: did you play that one about Election Jeopardy from the thread link? I busted a gut laughing about it.

posted on November 8, 2002 04:53:07 PM new

Hillarious! Thanks again for telling me how to install Macromedia!

This will be a fun link to check out!

I REALLY was laughing out loud!!!


posted on November 8, 2002 05:19:43 PM new
Dick Cheney is no picnic either. Here's some of the doozies he's tried to insert into the English Language:


First the White House acknowledged that it fixes errors in transcribing of Dubya's remarks. Then, the Chicago Tribune admitted that it regularly cleans up Bush's speaking errors. Now at least CNN is editing audio to make him seem like less of an idiot!

ab-a-cus (ab'e kuz) n., pl. -cusus || Old Norse abba, aba + cus || any swedish swear word, often sung
ab-a-lo-ne (ab'e lo'ne) n. || Italian abdomen, ab + ballooni, bologna || 1 fat under the skin that keeps folks from seein' my six-pack 2 anything that hides the what I want people to see (EX.: "Abalone, Kennyboy we didn't have a relationship until 1995"
ab-di-cate (ab'di kat) vt., vi. -cated, cat'-ing || unknowed || n. something I catch Dick Cheney whispering in my ear in the middle of the night
bac-chanal (bach' uh nal')n. || OE baec, back + [L] anal, poop shoot || 1 an unofficial pathway for contacting a putatively hostile person or unrecognized government (EX.: Dick Cheney says I can't call Osama from the Oval Office. I have to go throughbacchanals, like the Saudis or Kuwaitis.) 2 (bacch-a'nal) somethin' I experimented with in college
bail-iff (bal'if) n. || ME bailif || terms your daddy demands be met before springing you from the hoosegow (EX.: "Momma says Daddy will come up with bailiff I promise to do a year of a community service in a Houston boys club."
Bal-kans (bol'kenz) n., pl. || ME bal + OE canne || a vacuum-sealed vessel that keeps tennis balls (usually three) from losing their bounce (makes a cool sound like a beer can when you open it)
Band-width (band'-width) n. 1 the breadth of the elastic at the waist of an undergarment (EX.: A jock strap has greater bandwidth than a pair of briefs) 2 the girth of the fattest kid in the marching band (often an issue when marching through tunnels onto the gridiron).
ca-bal (ka-bal') n., || Fr, intrigue || the capitol of Afghanistan
cal-low (kal'o) adj., || Fr < calor, heat + ON < lagr || containing little fat or carbs
calumny (kal'em ne) n., pl. -nies || American English || graduates of schools in California
can-did (kan'did) adj., || OE cunnan + OE don || past tense of can do (EX:. I remember him as a fella who got things done because of his candid attitude"
con-tra-band (kan'tre band') n. a musical group whose songs promote the overthrow of Daniel Ortega.
dau-phin (do'-fin) n. a heck of a smart fish, Flipper (EX:. "Check out that dauphin jumpin' through hoops!"
de-cid-u-ous (de sij oo es) adj. || < L de, off + caedere, to cut || demonstrating the ability to make decisions (EX:.My deciduous actions regarding terrorism have elevated my poll numbers.)
de-fal-ca-tion (de fal'kat shun) n. cat'ed, cat'ing || <L de, from + falx, a sickle || relieving one's bowels (Dick says Enron guys did this. Don't we all? -W.)
de-fi-cien-cy (de fish'en se) n. || < L de, from + OE, fisc+ OE in + OE sae || salt water as opposed to freshwater fish (EX:.Deficiency better get used to an oil spill here and there, but pipelines will keep lake fish safe.)
de-file (de' fil) v. || < L de, from + fil, thread || euphemism for the destruction of documents (EX:. Defile that memo from Ken Lay before some congressional aid finds it!)
de-lude (de lood') vt. -luded, luding || < L de, from + ludere, to play || to take away someone's ludes (EX:. After trying several times himself, Jeb had to send his daughter to a special school in Arizona to delude her, but it didn't take.)
dem-a-gogu-er-y (dem'e gag' er e) n. || < Gr demos, Democrats + a-go-gos, exotic dancers || Democrat attempts to appeal to voters' darker impulses through scandal (EX:. Imagine the demagoguery if someone found evidence that I fathered the out of wedlock child of one of my dad'ds campaign volunteers and had her get an illegal abortion.)
ec-o-cide (ek'osid') n. || < Gr oikos, house + cide || to be on the side of the environment
el-o-cu-tion (e'le kyoo'shen) v. to kill or destroy something, usually with electricity
e-lu-ci-date (e loo'se dat') vt., vi. -dat'ed, -dating || < L e-, out + lucidus, Lucy || to date someone named Lucy
e-quiv-o-cal (e kwiv'e kel) n. || < L equus, horse + vox, voice || a talkin' horse, like Mr. Ed.
fal-la-cious (fe la'shes) v. || < fallere, deceive || sodomy (Ex:. Jeb's boy got busted for getting fallacious in a Florida mall parking lot during the recount.)
fat-u-ous (fach'oo es) n. || L fatuus || insult (EX:.We need a Richter scale to tell how fatuous.)
for-swear (for swer') vt. more than three, but less than five cusses in a row.
frat-ri-cide (fra'tre sid') v. || < L frater, brother + re, back + sedere, sit || to live at your fraternity house (EX:. Is Stinky gonna live in the dorm or will he fratricide?)
fu-ri-ty (fu'-ri-ty) n.
No definition. This is serious.
gas-tron-o-my (gas tran'e me) n. || < Gr chaos, space + nomos, a rule || fossil fuel exploration in space outer-space
im-pen-i-tent (im pen'e tent) adj. || what I become when I drink too much, often cured with Viagra
Lu-rid (Loo'-reed) n. || lead singer for the Velvet Underground
mal-ver-sa-tion (mal-ver-'sa-shen) n. || MF, fr. malverser corrupted, fr. mal + verser to handle || bad handling of difficult words like "malfeasance."
nu-cul-ar (nu 'kyul yer) adj. || Clean energy source like Natural Gas. Waste is safe in large amounts (millions of tons buried in NV), but dangerous in small amounts (dirty bomb).

+ran-som (ran'sem) n. || an amount of jogging
re-fer (ri' fur) n. ||< Latin American re-, again + fur, to carry || something I may or may not have smoked, and have not smoked in at least 19 years.
re-pulse (ri puls') vt. -pulsed', -puls'ing to get Dick Cheney's heart going again, defibberlate
se-man-tics (se man'tiks) n.pl || < Gr semainein, to demonstrate || people from the Middle East, not just Jewish people! And boy, do they like to demonstrate.
su-prem-a-cist (soo prem a sist) n. a remedy or other assistance from the court (EX: Tony Scalia's intervention in Florida was a supremacist.)

posted on November 18, 2002 11:06:04 AM new


Bush and Blair in Love

posted on November 18, 2002 11:33:36 AM new

Is the President Nuts?
Diagnosing Dubya

Many people, inside and especially outside this country, believe that the American president is nuts, and is taking the world on a suicidal path. As a board-certified psychiatrist, I feel it's my duty to share my understanding of his psychopathology. He's a complicated man, under tremendous pressure from both his family/junta, and from the world at large. So the following is offered with humility and questioning, in the form of a differential diagnosis.

From the Freudian point of view:

Dubya may be acting out a classical Oedipal drama--overcome Daddy to get Mommy. By deposing Saddam, when his father did not, he may want to prove himself more worthy of his mother's love. His rationale that he is avenging the assassination attempt on George, Sr., may be a reaction formation- his way of hiding the true motive from himself.

From the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fourth Edition:

Antisocial Personality Disorder--301.7

There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others since age 15 years as indicated by at least three of the following: 1) failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest; 2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure; 5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others; 7) lack of remorse by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated or stolen from others.

Another possibility from DSM IV:

Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder) 300.14

A) The presence of two or more distinct identities, each with its own enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to and thinking about the environment and self.

B) At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.

This disorder is typical of people raised by satanic cults, and might explain how Dubya can think of himself as a born-again Christian and yet worship money, oil and profit, and sanction killing thousands of innocent Iraqi and Afghani children.

Another possibility:

Narcissistic personality disorder 301.81

1) has a grandiose sense of self-importance- exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements;

2) in preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty or ideal love;

3) believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or
high-status people;

4) requires excessive admiration;

5) has a sense of entitlement- unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her

6) is interpersonally exploitative;

7) lacks empathy, is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others;

9) shows arrogant, haughty behavior or attitudes.

This set of characteristics may describe Rumsfeld and Cheney better than Dubya.

Or, for those who feel that he's just a puppet for others:

Dependent Personality Disorder 301.6

1) has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others;

2) needs others to assume responsibility for most major areas of his life;

3) has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval;

4) has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his own because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities.

5. goes to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and support from others, to the point of doing things that are unpleasant.

From a Jungian point of view:

Dubya may be identifying with an archetype (as Hitler did with the ubermensch)--something out of Revelations, perhaps, whereby he sees himself as an instrument of God's will to bring about Armageddon.

Dr. Carol Wolman is a board certified psychiatrist, in practice for 30 years. She can be reached at: [email protected]

posted on November 18, 2002 01:06:26 PM new
If VeryModern were here,There would only be one possibility, answer.

posted on November 18, 2002 01:56:33 PM new
Dubya may be identifying with an archetype (as Hitler did with the ubermensch)--something out of Revelations, perhaps, whereby he sees himself as an instrument of God's will to bring about Armageddon.

Jim Jones

That theory does explain the slavish devotion, almost a form of worship, among the small band of his fanatic supporters. As in 1984 Big Brother replaced the concept of God. Conceptualized as both the protector and destroyer, he was the source of all good; anyone who questioned the State was both treasonous and sacrilegious. Adding a technological acknowledgement, I've used the term Bushbot to describe this peculiar political/religious cultism.

posted on November 19, 2002 07:26:00 PM new

[ edited by Borillar on Nov 19, 2002 07:27 PM ]
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