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posted on February 19, 2003 03:38:37 AM new
Yep, hate show host Michael Savage, a popular radio personality often quoted by freeper type conservative activists has advanced his career.

Savage routinely refers to non-white countries as "turd world nations" and charges that the U.S. "is being taken over by the freaks, the cripples, the perverts and the mental defectives"

At times Savage's arguments echo the conspiratorial scapegoating of the white supremacist movement: "With the [Latino] population that has emerged, since they breed like rabbits, in many cases the whites will become a minority in their own nation... The white people don't breed as often for whatever reason. I guess many homosexuals are involved. That is also part of the grand plan, to push homosexuality to cut down on the white race"

Commenting on the "Million Mom March" in favor of gun control (which he dubbed the "Million Dyke March" ), he dismissed organizers' reference to American children killed by guns (5/15/00): "They’re not kids, they’re ghetto slime......."

MSNBC seems to have it's finger on the pulse of the mentality that's running rampant in the country. Although Savage is at the raw edge, similar attitudes are expressed up and down the conservative line. With mainline late night hosts and news program talking heads bashing the French or other nationalities and personages, with even the president and his cabinet members making derrogatory name calling remarks about world leaders almost daily is this such a surprise?


(removed inadvertant smiley)
[ edited by krs on Feb 19, 2003 03:43 AM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 05:37:09 AM new

posted on February 19, 2003 01:13:26 PM new
The Enlightened Inquisition.......for the moment.

posted on February 19, 2003 01:20:58 PM new
Oh dear. I hope he's not going to replace Jerry Nachman, who's been sick.

At any rate, if they can "mainstream" Pat Buchanan, they can mainstream anybody.


posted on February 19, 2003 01:25:10 PM new

MSNBC? thought Fox woulda grabbed him up

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 19, 2003 01:59:28 PM new
Michael Savage website


Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 19, 2003 02:04:31 PM new
Just took a look at the site. The liberals must be trembling. His book is at number one?, and the by line on his site is this:
The Sedition Act - Time to Act.
Time to Arrest the Leaders of the Anti-War Movement.
Once we Go To War
We Must Protect Our Troops!
Sponsor The Paul Revere Society!

REverend Colin

posted on February 19, 2003 02:33:39 PM new
Well he (Michael Savage) actually does have a name for Liberals, of which I can't recall

All the things that FAIR.ORG (the above link by krs) writes about him are all taken out of context...but of course the fair.org followers will deny that with all they have

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 19, 2003 02:50:45 PM new
I haven't got to read or search much of the site but love what I see so far. Especially this link:


Liberals must hate this man. He's on the ball and has a sense of humor.

Running for President now,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 19, 2003 02:57:57 PM new
Rev. You got my vote

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 19, 2003 03:06:26 PM new

You'll have to check my post on the "Bush Increasing Religious Allusions" Board.

"There's going to be some changes made"
Reverend Colin

posted on February 19, 2003 03:22:19 PM new

I just read it...sounds good, run for Prez and convert everyone!

I'll try to find ya some slogans too!

got my vote, gotta go back to work now, this damned capitalistic country ya know

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 19, 2003 03:37:01 PM new
Colin - liberals are not trempling. We are shaking our heads in disbelief.

We are amused by those who spout their extreme patriotism and rail against the demise of all thatour nation stands for and then support actions which go against the very basis of our constitution...

EXAMPLE: Savages desire to have anti war protestors arreted under the sedition act based on this aspect...
"...shall willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of government of the United States..."

Yeah really. Who the needs that pesky freedom of speech... all of that democratic nation where every person has a voice hooey... Damnit - if they don't think like me, they are the enemy. Lock em up, fine em... damn commies!

You go Super-Patriot!

I don't find this kind of person or his followers scary - I find them sad and more than a little laughable.

posted on February 19, 2003 04:06:04 PM new
I find him extremely humorous.

The scary thing is he's right on many of this topics. He has his finger on the pulse of the people. He can exaggerate their feelings with humor.

This is on his site. The address is in a thread above.

"1. That 25% of all Federal Prisoners are in this country illegally?
2. Deport all Foreign Nationals who have bypassed a Criminal background check.

3. Deport all Foreign Nationals from our laboratories who are on watch lists.

4. Put our military and/or National Guard Units on our borders pending establishment of an automated detection system.

5. Require a LOYALTY OATH of all immigrants."

I think a lot of Americans feel strongly about issues such as these.

Remember, Things could be worst. Gore could be President. Hey, I voted for him, talk about being a liberal fool. Thank the Gods above for the "hanging Chad".

Get ready for?
President to be,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 19, 2003 04:36:40 PM new
>similar attitudes are expressed up and down the conservative line. -KRS-

I want to point out that there are two very distinct classes of Conservatives: the Old and the New.

The Old Conservatives, usually found in the WWII/Depresssion generation, are concerned with the welfare of both the United States Constitution and of Americans in general.

The New Conservatives ala' Newt Gingrich are neo-nazis and KKK calling themselves Conservatives to try to give themselves legitimacy.

Old Conservatives DO NOT share Michael Savage's views and dislike this GOP and Bush Presidency. There are a *LOT* of us around!

New Conservatives cheer at the destruction of the United States Constittuion and feel safer and warm all over as our Rights are taken away from us. These also include those who enjoy hate-filled rhetoric, such as Michael Savage displays. There are also a LOT of these Uncivil Anti-Libertarians as well!

So, please KRS -- in the future, please color your comments towards that group of pretenders and not to legitimate phylosophical/political groups.

posted on February 19, 2003 04:50:55 PM new
::1. That 25% of all Federal Prisoners are in this country illegally?::

Is this a supportable fact and if so, why are they in our prison rather than having been deported? You cannot get citizenship with a felony so there is no point in keeping them here other than wasting money.

::2. Deport all Foreign Nationals who have bypassed a Criminal background check.::

Que? It's the responsibility of INS to perform the background check. How is it an immigrants fault the INS is backlogged and under financed?

::3. Deport all Foreign Nationals from our laboratories who are on watch lists. ::


::4. Put our military and/or National Guard Units on our borders pending establishment of an automated detection system. ::

Detection of what? Drugs? Bombs? Negative Intentions?

::5. Require a LOYALTY OATH of all immigrants." ::

As opposed to:
I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God. In acknowledgement whereof I have hereunto affixed my signature.

He isn't saying anything, lots of words but nothing really being said. He shouldn't be a talk show host, he should be a politician. He hits all the buzz words and surrounds them in a mass o' nada.

He doesn't scare me - the fact that people thnk that there is actual substance in those demands scares me.

[ edited by neonmania on Feb 19, 2003 04:52 PM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 05:23:40 PM new
Bread and circuses was more palatable than hate.

Borillar, when krs used the term "freeper", he did classify the type of conservative he was talking about.

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 19, 2003 05:26:18 PM new
Like I said. A lot of humor with just enough truth to get your attention. A lot like the liberals, except the liberal lack the humor. I shouldn't say that. Here's a couple great Liberal Humorous site.
Landover Baptist

The white house.

Difference is the things Savage brings up are on the majorities minds.
The bestest darn President ever,
Reverend Colin
[ edited by colin on Feb 19, 2003 05:28 PM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 05:28:38 PM new
Colin - please point out the "truth" in those demands. I found no actual susbstance whatsoever, much less truth.

Lead me to the promised land

Hilarious links BTW!
[ edited by neonmania on Feb 19, 2003 05:53 PM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 05:39:18 PM new
Definition of "Freepers" can be found here.



[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 19, 2003 06:12 PM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 06:44:19 PM new
Savage is a bit extreme, but the guy is hilarious and I predict he'll be a big hit.

I also predict that he'll get fired for being politically incorrect. He won't last more than a month or two.
posted on February 19, 2003 07:34:36 PM new
"Difference is the things Savage brings up are on the majorities minds"

By your wording, one might presume that a) there is more than one majority, or b)that the majority has more than one mind..

Since I think what you actually meant to say is "...the things Savage brings up are on the minds of a majority of the people"...how exactly do you presume to know what is on the minds of the majority?

Regarding this joker's webpage, I followed almost every link, and each led to a few choice buzzword type statements designed to appeal to the fearful white male who imagines that women and people of color are out to steal his job and his guns, not to mention his woman. The buzzwords are invariably followed by some shameless appeal for money, either in the form of a "donation" to his Paul Revere Society, or a pitch to buy a book or some other gee-gaw. By the way, the front page tells us that he "has written 18 books, yet clicking on the link marked "books" from his bio page takes you to a page that:
asks for a donation, or offers to sell you a hat, a cd, a "sponsorship" in the above mentioned "society", and only ONE BOOK, with the laughable title "The Death of the White Male". Where are the other 17, I wonder?? Even a search on Amazon only turned up two other titles, both offered at deep discounts, even for Amazon.
Liberals trembling?? Hardly. I'll bet they're more than happy to have crackpots like this and their ridiculous notions exposed to the clear light of reason..

posted on February 19, 2003 07:36:32 PM new
By the way, I would like to encourage all who buy this clown's line of "reasoning" to send him as much of your money as you possibly can right now!

posted on February 19, 2003 07:49:37 PM new
From the article...

"MSNBC seems to have it's finger on the pulse of the mentality that's running rampant in the country."

I hope they are wrong about that.


posted on February 19, 2003 07:56:35 PM new
They are, what msnbc has it's finger on is the sensationalist appetite, nothing more. They know that this clown will be watched as much by those who hate his retoric as much as those who buy it. The bigot morons who come on to Donohue willingly to spew their hate and be berated by his interrupting tirades know the same thing. It's all about ratings, nothin' more.

posted on February 19, 2003 08:08:32 PM new

You're right. It's the ratings or dollar bill.

I'm getting so tired of colwns. Clowns in the white house, clowns on the news. clowns here and there,

dam clowns everywhere! lol


[ edited by Helenjw on Feb 20, 2003 05:33 AM ]
posted on February 19, 2003 09:59:18 PM new
Thanks Snowy, I didn't know about the term "freeper" or what it meant. Thanks Helen for the link. Is that where all of the Hate-filled people hang out to bash those who do not hate? What a sad place -- Satanic in my book, as only Satan has use for Hate.

posted on February 19, 2003 10:22:12 PM new
Yes, like fair.org is such a happy place

is it really because the liberals, excuse me, the left, doesn't have a good radio show, to let their 'side' be heard.

I heard Bill and Hillary are trying to start one, and find a good liberal to host it, their going to fund it too. It should make you happy

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 20, 2003 03:48:21 AM new

All the other books had something to do with Oreo's and other cookies.

"the things Savage brings up are on the minds of a majority of the people"...how exactly do you presume to know what is on the minds of the majority?"
I just know, maybe because I'm one of the majority! Quit trembling.

I'd rather all that money went to me. I know I'm not as controversial but maybe I could be with enough money.

Having second thoughts today about running for President,
Reverend Colin

posted on February 20, 2003 04:13:44 AM new
This is what I've found from the Federal Bureau of Prisons, QUICK FACTS, January 2003

1. That 25% of all Federal Prisoners are in this country illegally?
United States: 115,473 (70.6%)
Mexico: 26,334 (16.1%)
Colombia: 3,276 (2.3%)
Cuba: 2,634 (1.6%)
Dominican Republic: 3,363 (2.1%)
Other/Unknown: 11,963 (7.3%)

2. Deport all Foreign Nationals who have bypassed a Criminal background check:

The INS is a mess Hopefully it will or is being rebuilt now.

3. Deport all Foreign Nationals from our laboratories who are on watch lists. I agree with your "Huh?" but I'll check farther when I get the time.

4. Put our military and/or National Guard Units on our borders pending establishment of an automated detection system.

Our border patrols are lacking to say the least. I know that living in a border state. NY. I don't care why they keep them out. Drugs, bombs and anything else that could cause havoc in America.

5. Require a LOYALTY OATH of all immigrants.

I don't see a problem on this one. If they are bad they're just going to lie anyway.

Jezzzzus, I just realized ...maybe this guys for real...maybe he has the answers.

Are you trembling yet????

Your best friend of the day,
Reverend Colin

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