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posted on March 16, 2003 02:24:49 PM new

I think this should be a lesson to all the peacniks... Irealis don't take the crap we here in the US put up with...

I guess she thought she was in China... LOL

posted on March 16, 2003 02:58:40 PM new
Such a young girl to give up her life trying to protect a terrorists home from being destroyed. I sure don't understand that. But she made her choice of what was important for her to do.

You know what's sad? They go over to act as 'human shields' not appearing to give a thought to the fact that they're not 'special'. They put their lives in grave danger and they believe they're really going to stop things like this from happening? Hard to understand.

Just like the human shields that went to Iraq, when they turned around and came home they make statements like, "They were going to put me in the line of danger. I thought I'd be put in hospitals, children's homes,etc.". Well surprise, surprise. These people don't think you're special. They could care less.

posted on March 16, 2003 04:31:20 PM new
See, They are God's people, not Americans.

She showed more bravery and conviction of beliefs than the US or Au or UK military, who demand an attack on Iraq now, because, (morality is slipping).
Remember Bush ran and hid when his turn to serve was called.

A sad loss for the world, one less deffender of peace and humanity.

posted on March 16, 2003 04:32:17 PM new
Now if Martin Sheen, Mike Farrel, Sean Penn, the Chicks & others will follow her example.

posted on March 16, 2003 04:46:26 PM new
You might say the Israelis are different but the Air Force just announced they will use lethal force to defend the perimeter of Vandenberg in CA so they might think on that out there.

posted on March 16, 2003 05:06:05 PM new

She surely was special, Linda not because she thought so but because of her humanitarian efforts.

American peace activist killed b army bulldozer in Rafah

The ISM is an international pacifist movement that draws its inspiration from a quote by Albert Einstein: "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

IDF expresses `regret'; State Department `assessing' reports

By Haaretz Staff

A 23-year-old American woman, Rachel Corrie, a college student from Olympia, Washington who belonged to the International Solidarity Movement in the territories, was killed yesterday by an IDF bulldozer during a house demolition in Rafah.

Israeli officials expressed "regret" over the incident to American officials, sources in Jerusalem said, and in Washington, a State Department statement said it had received reports of the incident, and was "assessing the situation."

The ISM activist was taking part in protest efforts yesterday afternoon in Rafah, to prevent the army from demolishing houses in a strip of land a few hundred meters wide between the Rafah refugee camp and the nearby Egyptian border, in an effort to block smuggling from Egypt.

According to eyewitnesses, a routine IDF demolition operation was underway in the area, with two D-9 bulldozers and a tank as protection. They destroyed three buildings that were already partially destroyed and a number of walls. The ISM activists then deployed in the area and used bullhorns to call on the drivers to stop. According to ISM activists, at one stage the IDF forces left the area and took up positions near the border, a few hundred meters away.

But around 5 P.M., the force returned, and the activists assumed the bulldozers were on their way to other houses. "They began demolishing one house," said an ISM activist, who said his name was Richard. "We gathered around and called out to them and went into the house, so they backed out. During the entire time they knew who we were and what we were doing, because they didn't shoot at us. We stood in their way and shouted. There were about eight of us in an area about 70 square meters. Suddenly, we saw they turned to a house they had started to demolish before, and I saw Rachel standing in the way of the front bulldozer."

According to the ISM activist, Corrie was wearing a bright jacket and climbed onto the bulldozer shovel-plow and began shouting at the driver. "There's no way he didn't see her, since she was practically looking into the cabin. At one stage, he turned around toward the building. The bulldozer kept moving, and she slipped and fell off the plow. But the bulldozer kept moving, the shovel above her. I guess it was about 10 or 15 meters that it dragged her and for some reason didn't stop. We shouted like crazy to the driver through loudspeakers that he should stop, but he just kept going and didn't lift the shovel. Then it stopped and backed up. We ran to Rachel. She was still breathing."

According to the activists, the tank arrived on the scene and was only 20 meters away, but the soldiers did not offer any assistance. A little while later, the heavy equipment pulled away, and a Red Crescent ambulance took the badly injured woman to Abu Yusef Najar Hospital in Rafah, where she was declared dead on arrival. A second activist was slightly injured. The destroyed house belonged to Dr. Samir Nasrallah.

Army sources said the demolitions were meant to prevent sabotage along the Philadelphi road parallel to the Egyptian border. The sources said the bulldozer driver deviated from the track and apparently was moving a block of concrete that hit the woman.

The ISM is an international pacifist movement that draws its inspiration from a quote by Albert Einstein: "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."

Since the start of the intifada, hundreds of the foreigners, mostly students, have taken a rigorous course in nonviolent theory and practice and then been placed in Palestinian towns and villages, where they report on events at checkpoints, villages under curfew and house demolitions, help move humanitarian aid into besieged areas, and accompanying ailing Palestinians to hospitals. As non-Palestinians, they enjoy a certain measure of immunity - Corrie was the first ISM casualty in the nearly 30 months of intifada.

posted on March 16, 2003 05:58:00 PM new

I doubt that you shed any tears over the several American citizens who where killed by Palestinian suicide bombers over the last couple years.

I would like to see the peace activists act as human shields in Israeli pizzarias, markets, bus stops and other places where Palestinians murder innocent Israeli civilians.
posted on March 16, 2003 06:01:18 PM new

I have absolutely no sympathy for Palestinians until they renounce terrorism.

posted on March 16, 2003 06:23:05 PM new
You may think it will all stop if they denounce terrorism.
Even if all but one did, or even all, your PNAC would say they’re still out there and would continue on their agenda anyhow. They are the racist Nazis

ebayauctionguy “I have absolutely no sympathy for Palestinians until they renounce terrorism.”
Perhaps they should send their army instead???????????

No I didn’t cry but that doesn’t mean I didn’t care.
Don’t you know that many men haven’t cried for years. It doesn’t mean they don’t care.

YOU are one of those who consistently shows hatred and demand killings.
You are a murderous snake in the grass and hide behind the American flag, for fear that your ‘true’ colours may not gain sympathy for your cause.

posted on March 16, 2003 06:23:40 PM new
I have to agree with that statement.

If you want to declare war on Israel and attack military or infrastructure targets I have no problem with that.

However targeting areas popultated clearly by non-military targets is a tactic that simply must end for any support or help.

One of the biggest issues to me out there is that much of the Palestinian population depended on employment in Israel for its income.

What happens when big concrete walls go up and things calm down.

posted on March 16, 2003 06:33:22 PM new
Much of the 3rd world depends on the '1st' so what.
Next you'll be telling me that Israel loves the Palestinians, and that's why you give them jobs.
Similarly, that's why there are so many Hispanics cleaning American toilets, because you love them???

If there weren't a 1st world, there wouldn't be a 2nd.
Wake up and look at the exploitation/inequity around you.

posted on March 16, 2003 07:26:34 PM new


It's my opinion that the Jewish people and the Palestinians are just like Americans. People want peace. They want to be happy, with good jobs, housing, food ,medical care and security. They want their children to go to school and to grow up just like we do in a non threatening environment.

But, the Palestinians don't have these privileges. They live in an oppressive environment. If you were in their position, you would be angry too. When they retaliate with suicide bombers, Israel retaliates with weapons and bulldozers provided by America.. This disproportionate force and power is a never ending source of conflict.

I am not saying that suicide bombing is right. I'm just trying to get at the root cause. I think that if we can understand that, some progress may be made to resolve the terrorism between Palestine and Israel.


posted on March 16, 2003 07:43:08 PM new
Information about the oppression in Palestine today.


posted on March 16, 2003 07:59:07 PM new
Thank you Helen for your support of Terrorism...

There has been no Palestine since 1948 and for people to still try to claim something they no longer have is just ludicris, they have been given land by Isreal, and just as children do... that is not enough... well you know what... if they continue to kill innocents... then they deserve what ever the Isreali military does to them...

posted on March 16, 2003 08:22:04 PM new
They want to be happy, with good jobs, housing, food ,medical care and security. They want their children to go to school and to grow up just like we do in a non threatening environment

But you left out the most important "want" of the Palestinians, and that is they want Israel destroyed and all the Jewish citizens killed.

The privelges of the Palestinians are not denied by Israel, they are denied by Arafat and the other "leaders".

Palestinians and Arabs that peacefully live in Israel live a life with more opportunity, a higher standard of living (than the non OPEC Arab nations), and more freedoms than in any Arab state. Try worshiping as a Christian or Hindu, or Wiccan in any Arab state.

Israel is not the problem of the Palestinians, their leadership and the inflamers and blood money flowing into the PLO from other Arab countries are the problem.

posted on March 16, 2003 08:25:06 PM new
"They live in an oppressive environment"

Well if Palestinians would stop blowing up innocent people, maybe the Israelis would ease up a little bit. I think they're actually being too easy on the Palestinians.

The Israeli military might be fair game but for the Palestinians to purposely attack civilians is murder. In my opinion, they're savages.

You know, the Arab countries have all that land in the Middle East but they won't allow Israel to own just a little piece of it. You can't deal with unreasonable people.

posted on March 16, 2003 08:25:12 PM new
12pole again uses the McCarthy attack against Helen, deceit and terror.
You hide behind a skirt 1”, just like the cross-dresser J Edger Hoover., all wrapped up in the American flag to conceal the truth.

1"..."Irealis don't take the crap we here in the US put up with"
Showing such admiration for Israel, why don't you move there, or are you already there.

posted on March 16, 2003 08:28:48 PM new
You know what's sad? They go over to act as 'human shields' not appearing to give a thought to the fact that they're not 'special'.

If she had it to do again, perhaps she'd rethink her strategy. There's a war going on, where civilians, even children, are targeted by suicide bombers on a holy mission. She probably thought she could solve the problems by shouting at the IDF through a bullhorn.

You can try to "understand" Islamic Jihad all you want, but as long as those so-called freedom fighters target school children, they deserve what they get, and more.

posted on March 16, 2003 08:33:44 PM new

Yeah- All they want is a good job and peaceful co-existence.

Muslim cleric guilty of soliciting murder
By Al Webb
United Press International
From the International Desk
Published 2/25/2003 10:14 AM

LONDON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- The first Muslim cleric to face trial in a British criminal court has been convicted of soliciting the murder of "non-believers," including Jews, Hindus and Americans.

A jury at London's Old Bailey court also found Abdullah el Faisal guilty of racial hatred in a series of sermons against non-Muslims that he preached on videotapes and in personal appearances around the country.

El Faisal faces sentencing March 7 and faces a maximum term of life imprisonment on the soliciting to murder charge. Government authorities also said he is likely to be deported to his native Jamaica -- where he was born 39 years ago as William Forest -- after his sentence.

The case marked the first time in more than a century that anyone had been charged under Britain's 1861 Offenses Against the Person Act of soliciting murder without a specific victim.

The bearded cleric pleaded not guilty to a total of nine charges, claiming his words had been "misrepresented." But Peter Clarke, head of Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism branch, said Britain's Muslim community was "appalled by his lectures, which were deliberately targeted at impressionable young people."

During his trial, video tapes were played showing el Faisal urging teenaged Muslim boys to train with AK47 Kalashnikov assault rifles, told them they should prepare from age 15 to sacrifice their lives for jihad -- "holy war" -- and promised each of them 72 virgins in paradise if they died as religious martyrs.

In the tapes, he insisted that "every Muslim hates the unbeliever" and that "we want to see their extermination. One of the truths about Islam is that Allah said 'Kill them.' You can use anything -- even chemical weapons."

El Faisal said Jews "are rotten to the core" and "should be killed very soon, as by Hitler." He added that: "if you see a Hindu walking down the road, you are allowed to kill him and take his money."

The cleric also eschewed the concept of progress through peace. "The way forward can never be the ballot," he said. "The way forward is the bullet."

Scotland Yard's Peter Clarke said el Faisal had targeted "impressionable young Muslims" with his message and that "we simply do not know how many ... may have gone abroad and never returned."

"The case was nothing to do with freedom of speech," said Clarke, "but everything to do with racial hatred and religious bigotry, and encouraging people to commit acts of terrorism."

Police said some of his young "students" may have gone to join anti-Western training camps abroad, though authorities said they had found no direct proof of any link between el Faisal and accused terrorist leader Osama bin Laden's al Qaida organization.

After the verdict, Muhammed Abdul-Mutakabbir, one of the convicted cleric's supporters, said bringing el Faisal to trial was "an injustice. Because Sheikh el-Faisal has been convicted, so has the Koran," Islam's holy book.

posted on March 16, 2003 08:50:21 PM new
Israel is not the problem of the Palestinians, their leadership and the inflamers and blood money flowing into the PLO from other Arab countries are the problem.

Surely you can't be serious to suggest that Sharon and the American supplied armaments to Israel is not the problem of Palestine.

It seems to me that a good deal of blood money flows into Israel from America.

I agree that leaders are a problem In BOTH Israel and Palestine. But don't suggest that Israel is a fairy godmother to Palestine. That's crazy.

Ah, what it is to fight for "the liberty of an oppressed people" - this is Mr Bush on Iraq - provided, of course, they are not Palestinian.

[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 16, 2003 08:53 PM ]
posted on March 16, 2003 10:10:37 PM new
I agree that leaders are a problem In BOTH Israel and Palestine. But don't suggest that Israel is a fairy godmother to Palestine. That's crazy.

Not crazy at all. First there is no Palestine. Israel does provide more freedoms and opportunities than any Arab state provides to Arabs. You will never convince me to side with despotic and closed Arab societies over an open society and a democracy.

I can not understand why anyone would side with Arab cultures that openly and with brute force deny even basic freedoms to woman, to different religions, etc..

But one thing you can not and will not address is that a muslim, a christian, and a hindu, as well as any other religion can worship in Israel, can build a house of worship in Israel, and do it without fear of having their head cut off. Why any sane person would side with these types of cultures is beyond the pale.

Surely you can't be serious to suggest that Sharon and the American supplied armaments to Israel is not the problem of Palestine.

The only entities that these araments are a problem for is those who wish to destroy Israel.

posted on March 16, 2003 10:20:57 PM new
But don't suggest that Israel is a fairy godmother to Palestine. That's crazy.

Actually Helenjw, that pretty much sums it up.

They graciously ALLOWED the Palestinians to live in 'camps' since way back when, now these are CAMPS, the Palestinians realize this and Israel realizes it.. they turned the CAMPS into permanent homes. And then they want what Israel has done with that desert piece of land,they built it up, prospered, and so they TERRORIZE. This is not new, they started in TERRORIZING Israel from the get go. And in turn, Israel is not going to sit back and take it. The Palestinian suicide bombers bomb school buses (children), homes, restaurants, market places EVERYWHERE in Israel, so that is why they had to become a 'super Army'

But I believe it is Twinsoft (please correct me if I am wrong) that would know more, I believe he lived there, and served there?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 16, 2003 10:27:48 PM new
I just don't get it. As many of the other posters have said, they don't care who you are.

This person must thought that she had a great amount of power over the buldozer or the person operating it. They simple dodn't care about her position. There were many ways she could have made her position known. She could have emailed the President, her Congressperson, wrote a letter to the local paper, wrote a letter to USA Today, called an "open line" type radio show, or a number of other things to state her postition. Instead, she stands in front of a multi-ton buldozer.

As a college student, one would think she might of been brighter than that. Of course, her name is in the news right now, maybe for a couple of days more. Her body will very likely be flown back to the US for burial. In less than one week, she will be long forgotten buy the news media. She allowed her behavior to cost her life FOR NOTHING.

I just can understand why a person who would appear to be educated, would think it's OK to go to a foriegn land and tell the government what to do. This is especially dangerous in areas that are unstable.

What a stupid act.

posted on March 16, 2003 10:52:23 PM new
Possibly when some of the suicide bomber funds dry up, with Saddam eliminated, there will be less reason for them to continue.

From a Toranto newspaper, online - Mar 13, 03

Saddam's cheques keep pouring in

Suicide bombing nets $25,000 Iraqi leader hero to Palestinians

GAZA?In a packed auditorium in this battle-scarred city, dozens of men and women sat tensely, their eyes on the stage as officials made speech after speech praising Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

They were there not for the rhetoric, but for the money handed out by Saddam to families of Palestinians killed in the struggle against Israel.

By the end of the hour-long ceremony yesterday, 23 families left with cheques and colourful certificates assuring them they were deserving of the "gracious gift" from Baghdad in honour of their departed relatives.

The family of a Palestinian suicide bomber received $25,000 (U.S.) and 22 families of militants killed in fighting or of civilians killed during Israeli army offensives, incursions or air strikes got $10,000 each.

"I feel proud that my husband was a martyr, and I hope that God will support Saddam," said 26-year-old Nisreen Madouh, a demure young woman with her 1-year-old daughter Aya in her arms. "But we're fighting for our homeland, not for this money."

Yes, the Saddam that so many wish to let continue on.....freely supports those who kill innocents.

posted on March 16, 2003 10:56:01 PM new

If that's not supporting terrorism, I don't know what is.

posted on March 16, 2003 11:04:55 PM new
If this isn't real political power, then I don't know what is. Let's see, a 50 cent piece of sandwich board, a magic marker and the ability to stand up in front of a bulldozer.

Here's a question. If you walked in a bank and found it was being robbed by several gunmen, would you say "stop this robbery now", or would you get out of the bank if you could?

posted on March 16, 2003 11:41:28 PM new
That’s right ebayauctionguy, it’s supporting ones own cause.

Remember that next time you think of the 25K of ‘honour’ money given for suicide bombings.

Now open your other eye and look at the assistance we pay the widowed families of our soldiers,
although we do put a higher price on ‘honour’. How much will American widows get.

So Linda If you were to proudly watch your husband go off to war and he didn’t come back, wouldn’t you say "But we're fighting for our homeland, not for this money."

In answer to your question Mr Mossad, It would depend on how selfless I was.

You guys have simple minds, easy to predict, and that is why the PNAC has you all foaming at the mouth and demanding war.

posted on March 17, 2003 12:16:08 AM new
Of course we are all simpletons. YOU have the most intellectually superior mind. If you don't believe me, then ask YOURSELF!

posted on March 17, 2003 01:46:37 AM new
Yes yeager 'all you war monger supporters'
are the new century Hitler Youth, ask the leader you blindly follow.
Then of course we have our war mongers.

He tells you that he can't give you all the info and yet you have made up your mind, while others declare their uncertainty.

I must admit however that I don't know if Bush Howard & Blair ar war mongers or Hitler Youth.

Ooo Ooo Ooo duh! We can’t wait, we must go forth, by God.

Lucky the Israelite baby killers got the 2 year 'other Semite' girl today, they pre-empted a bomber.
Don’t you go praying for her soul. She deserved it right.

posted on March 17, 2003 03:40:02 AM new
You talk the talk but can you walk the walk? You should be in Iraq as I write this.

Stand up for your beliefs. You have that opportunity.

I do not. They won't let me fly with the bomber crew.

Reverend Colin

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