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posted on April 18, 2003 09:58:55 PM new

Ill be back to post more.

[ edited by bigcitycollectables on Apr 18, 2003 09:59 PM ]
[ edited by bigcitycollectables on Apr 18, 2003 10:00 PM ]
posted on April 18, 2003 10:25:14 PM new
oh, ok.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 18, 2003 10:27:05 PM new
I dont know. You guys are so brainwashed by Fox news I figured Id give you a selection

posted on April 19, 2003 08:56:06 AM new
Lets see on after 11:30pm... yep real crowd pleasers...

posted on April 19, 2003 09:24:55 AM new
And it will be just as sucessful as his canceled show.

posted on April 19, 2003 10:26:48 AM new
His show is after 11.30 pm becouse its unsensored late night HBO.

His first show was canceled becouse it was too contreversial.

It is the TOP show on HBO

posted on April 19, 2003 11:01:29 AM new
Bear - his canceled show was beating letterman on a regular basis. It was canceled out of paranoia , not lack of viewers.

posted on April 19, 2003 11:13:57 AM new
bigcitycollectibles - I dont know. You guys are so brainwashed by Fox news I figured Id give you a selection

Silly ....brainwashed??? The numbers of people turning to Fox News has gone UP 236%. Looks to me like lots of people want to hear news reported from a pro-American view point. CBS viewer ship has gone down by 16%; ABC down by 6%; NBC grew by an anemic 3%.

Here's an article by Dick Morris as to why he believes this is happening:


And another from Bill O'Reilly himself...speaking to the same issue:


References to the NY Times and the LA Times readership are mentioned too.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
[ edited by Linda_K on Apr 19, 2003 11:18 AM ]
posted on April 19, 2003 11:34:48 AM new
Fox News are a bunch of cheerleaders. They know that critisizing the pres will get them crusified.

They use to speak their mind and tell it like it is untill the rath of Bush followers started their TRIBULATION.

They know that exposing the faults in Bush does not produce ratings becouse now adays it is considered to be unpatriotic.

It seams to me that these news stations are in competition to see which news channel is more patriotic.

I have never seen so many retired Generals.
Its rediculous.

Now, Bill Oreilly is one republican I agree with 95% of the time.

He tells it like it is. He has no problem pointing out Bushes screw ups. Good examples.

Bushes tax cuts and economical policies.

Bush and the goverment saying that it isnt important to find womd and Sadam anymore becouse that just proves that they lied about the reasons we went to war.

Their lack of effort to protect the worlds historical treasures.

Ok now as for Sean Hannity. I cant stand the shmuck. He is a loud mouth, obnoxious, no it all. Everything to him is left versus right.

He is upsest with it.

posted on April 19, 2003 11:50:23 AM new
Fox News are a bunch of cheerleaders. They know that critisizing the pres will get them crusified. Cheerleaders???? Read Dick Morris' take on 'cheerleaders' being RIGHT. Being critical of the President won't get any news agency crusified....but the viewers ARE making their own choices and switching which news outlet they agree with more than the others.

As Dick Morris states: The disjuncture between the reality and the reporting became obvious to anyone who had eyes and ears. That's what's causing them to watch Fox News.....not out of fear of being crusified.

Dick continues: A few news organs, including this newspaper, featured reports that the established media felt were cheerleading in their optimism. But reality proved the "cheerleaders" right and the pessimists wrong. And that's a fact.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 19, 2003 11:54:04 AM new
They make too many excuses for him. They also dont report alot of things that should be reported.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:00:18 PM new
Fair and Balanced my as$

posted on April 19, 2003 12:00:22 PM new
Well....they're doing something VERY right....don't have those kind of increases in viewers when you're not.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 19, 2003 12:00:54 PM new
Well, you can't leave out my 2 favorites - Paul Begala and James Carville... I love those two!!

posted on April 19, 2003 12:02:18 PM new
Alan Colmes and Bill Oreilly is all they have left of fair and balanced news

posted on April 19, 2003 12:19:25 PM new

Now, Bill Oreilly is one republican I agree with 95% of the time.

Bill O'Reilly is not a Republican, over and over on his show, he has said he is an Independent. He has critized the President (current and past) so he IS fair and balanced, and 'no spin' and I too agree with him about 95% also

Ok now as for Sean Hannity. I cant stand the shmuck. He is a loud mouth, obnoxious, no it all. Everything to him is left versus right.

Your not 'Hannitized' YET? I like Hannity, as for Colms (sp???) he is the shmuck. Hannity can be a bit overbearing, but you gotta love his cute boyish Irish look

Their embedded reporters are the best... sure they kicked out Rivera for 'indulging military locations' or some such nonesense, but Rick Levanthal and the rest do a fantastic job. (really can't say that about Peter Arnett or that dumbsh*t from MSNBC who goes WITHOUT any military, is not 'embedded' got fired on at a checkpoint, and we just happened to have that on, thats news? thats stupidity! ) Say what you want about Oliver North, but he is doing a great job, and as a retired Marine, he is not trying to take over AS a Marine, while embedded with them.

Cavuto is good, I can't say much for Greta... and thats another thing... why are all these people leaving in droves from places like CNN and going to Fox... because Fox IS the number one watched news source... Yes I do believe they ARE fair and balanced. The rest are becoming more like NPR by the minute

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 19, 2003 12:22:02 PM new
Oh I forgot to mention my favorite.... Shep Smith.... now he is the best, He DOES put his little comments on news, but he does it so well, and so funny, you gotta love that guy

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 19, 2003 12:32:09 PM new
Ok let me restate my comments in more detail.

Rick leventhal: A+
All Fox News Imbeads: A+
Shepard Smith: Fair and Balanced
Bill Oreilly: Fair and Balanced
Covuto: Cheerleader
Alan Colmes: Fair and Balanced
Sean Hannity: Jack As$
Greta: Pretty Fair and Balanced

The Rest of the Fox News anhors: CHEERLEADERS

You cant deny that.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:39:20 PM new
::sure they kicked out Rivera for 'indulging military locations' or some such nonesense::

Now now Near.... Rivera drew a map of where they were, where they were going, and when they planned on geting there. Also, it wasn't the pentagon, it was the commander of the group that he was with that said to get him out. He knew damn well he was not supposed to do that and then he goes and pulls about as unprofessional a move as possible by not checking sources to confirm or deny reports, simply says it's all a bunch of rubish and starts insulting NBC. I used to like Rivera but over time he has forgotten that he is supposed to report news, not be news.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:42:11 PM new
::that dumbsh*t from MSNBC who goes WITHOUT any military,::

OK - one more thing. It's not exactly NBCs fault that their best imbedded reporter died.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:42:51 PM new
Thats the only Fox imbead I didnt like. Everytime he would do his stupid skits with the troops and make them sing songs it irritated me.

You could tell the troops didnt like him. Fox always had him on camera for so long to. Its like he had his own show.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:43:14 PM new
You cant deny that.

Sure I can

I love O'Reilly....and agree with him close to 90-95% of the time.

I love the Special Report with Brit Hume and his panel [Mara Liasson, Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke] They're fair and balanced, for crying out loud.

I also love the Beltway Boys [again, Fred & Mort]. Again, fair and balanced.

Shep Smith huh, NTS? He's cute.

Hannity and Colmes....Sean and Rush have given the democrats reason to talk about getting their own version of these two going. So...they must feel they're effective. Alan Colmes reminds me of Mort Konddracke....while they present the 'other side' they love America and their opinions reflect that love, imo.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 19, 2003 12:47:03 PM new
I love the Special Report with Brit Hume and his panel [Mara Liasson, Fred Barnes and Mort Kondracke] They're fair and balanced, for crying out loud.

Not hardly.

The whole pannel are conservatives.

posted on April 19, 2003 12:53:06 PM new
The whole panel are conservatives. Not hardly. Think maybe you need to go online to Fox News and read the Bios of Mort and Mara.
The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 19, 2003 01:02:20 PM new
WAIT WAIT Neo!! I did not make that clear at all! I am not saying the one, or ANY reporter that died!

I'm pretty sure it WAS MSNBC, and it was last weekend late night, so it would be the morning in Iraq? Well we had it on, we DO look at the other news... there was a reporter, and I don't know what his name was, he had HIRED AN IRAQI GUIDE... he was NOT embedded... he was going into Tikrit, before the military did.... he was reporting that some Iraqi school teacher, out on the border of Tikrit, told him everything was SAFE, and so this reporter, just goes in... he comes to a checkpoint with armed Iraqi guards, they point gun, he drives off as fast as he could.... and his little entourage was shot at, and repeatedly, AND they kept the cameras rolling. NO HE WAS NOT KILLED... but high tailed it out of Tikrit as quick as his little toyota could take him.... Now is this RESPONSIBLE? is this a responsible news agency to 'allow' their paid reporters to do this... I was under an assumption that all reporters for this war had to be 'embedded' with a military battalion or group. Well, obviously this guy was not, and I don't think Arnett was either.

NO THIS REPORTER DID NOT GET KILLED, he did put himself in that position though.
I think it was MSNBC, but I cannot be sure.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 19, 2003 01:08:38 PM new
bigcitycollectibles-which embedded reporter didn't you like? (on Fox? ) didn't catch that

Well they have some panel that comes on regularly that has an NPR person on, if thats not FAIR and UNBALANCED I don't know what is

Linda, of course Shep! I'll drop anything I'm doing to watch him!

Brit Hume is good, and I'm trying to think of which news agency he used to work for? wasn't it NBC? as a 'major' anchor?

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on April 19, 2003 01:14:16 PM new

posted on April 19, 2003 01:21:32 PM new
Near - we got misunderstandings running rampant here

When I referred to NBCs best imbedded reporter that died I was reffering to David Bloom. (RIP - I really miss his reports.)

I didn't see the report you are talking about but I did see a trailer report while I was at the bank yesterday that a non-embedded Fox News team was fired on yesterday while on the road.

[ edited by neonmania on Apr 19, 2003 01:21 PM ]
posted on April 19, 2003 01:23:13 PM new
NearTheSea - Taken directly from Brit' bio..

Before joining FOX News in 1996, Hume was with ABC News for 23 years, serving as chief White House correspondent from 1989?1996.  During his tenure, he contributed to World News Tonight With Peter Jennings, Nightline and This Week as well as various specials for the news division. Hume joined ABC in 1973 as a consultant for the network?s documentary division and was named a Washington correspondent in 1976. He was later promoted to Capitol Hill correspondent and reported on Congress until 1988.

Earlier, Hume reported for United Press International (UPI.) He began his career as a newspaper reporter with The Hartford Times and the Baltimore Evening Sun.

Peter Jennings

Greta, I like too. Typical lawyer who asks many questions of both sides of the debate. Usually stays pretty neutral herself.

The one I miss a lot is Paula Zann....left to go to CNN. She did well at reporting the story and not in a slanted way.

The question is not what a man can scorn, or disparage, or find fault with, but what he can love, and value, and appreciate. J. Ruskin
posted on April 19, 2003 01:39:54 PM new
Neo, no it was not Bloom, and yes that is very sad along with all the others.

No, this was not a Fox reporter... dang, wish I could remember who it was and which network, I do know it was a cable one though, but this guy had his cameraman keep on rolling while being shot at and the anchor back here in the U.S kept asking him 'Are you alright?' over and over, and he would answer yes, and almost sounded like, 'wow that was cool!' I was actually sitting up, scared to see what would happen next....

bigcitycollectables-ok Rivera, I never cared for him (sorry Neo ) but I was surprised that Fox hired him.... I wasn't surprised that MSNBC got rid of Donahue though
And, with all respect, I don't like Larry King, never did, he's been around forever, I know, even before FOX news came along, but man, his program could put you to sleep.

As for Rick Leventhal, Greg Kelly, Oliver North, when we watch mostly Fox, you almost become 'connected' with these guys... I see, that they really do work hard, have to, to keep up with the military they are embedded with. Oliver North looks pretty tired,but still kept going. Mike gets a little irrated when I yell 'Levanthal is on!' because I told him he was cute LOL!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
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