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posted on August 31, 2003 05:21:30 PM new
Son says...One American Soldier's life a day, for all that sweet oil, huh Dad ?
Dad says...Son it's only soldiers, their the cheapest labour you can get
Son says...stupid grunts, i cut their pay and benfits as well...and they still love me
Dad says....Ha Ha good job son, we're making billions

Bush vs the American People

By Bryan Zepp Jamieson

It’s Labor Day, and it’s time to take a quick look at the lot of the American worker.

Well, it’s pretty crappy. Not just the unemployment rates. Those exemplify pretty crappy, of course. Officially, it’s around 6.3%, and unofficially (counting the people who have given up looking for work and whose benefits have expired) it’s somewhere around 10.5%. It isn’t just the pay, which is lagging further and further behind the increases the top 1% of wage earners see. Although with discretionary income falling each year, many west European nations have caught or surpassed us. (Yes, Americans have higher wages and lower taxes than their European counterparts, but said counterparts don’t have to deal with such privatized taxes as health care, pensions, higher education, and so on.)

The assault on unions continues unabated. Putsch won his efforts to get federal employees who found themselves reorganized into the umbrella gestapo known as Homeland Security to be no longer considered civil service, and so they got a gigantic cut in protections and pensions. In California, Arnie the Muscle blandly declared that he wouldn’t accept money from "special interests," which apparently consisted of unions and environmental groups. Agribusiness lobbyists sleazing around looking for price supports were not "special interests." Nor were other industries. Just people, particularly working people.

Arnie, like many capitalists who are related to fascists in one way or another, has declared the American people a "special interest" and corporations and pressure groups to be the true constituents of the American government.

You’ll be happy to know, however, that there is one place where the government is standing up to a major corporation for the rights of workers and demanding that those workers be given the right to unionize if they wish. The corporation in question is Walmart, which is known for its open contempt of workers (called "associates" in Wally world, which makes them 1099 rather than W-2, and thus Wally world doesn’t have to pay in on SDI or pensions or any of that.).

That’s the good news. The bad news is that the government in question is the Chinese government.

BUSH even went after the troops. Uniformed Americans in Iraq and in Afghanistan will lose a pay increase approved last April of $75 a month in "imminent danger pay" and $150 a month in "family separation allowances."

Well, what the hell’s the point in giving them extra money if they’re only going to get killed serving Putsch anyway? It’s not like they’re going to help the economy by coming home and spending that money. When Putsch tried to pretend he was a soldier, everyone laughed at him. So scr*w ‘em.

BUSH also went after 1.2 million general government employees, signing an executive order cutting a proposed pay increase to 2%. In a breath-taking display of hypocrisy, he declared in a letter to congressional leaders that he was using his authority to change the pay structure in times of "national emergency or serious economic conditions." In a blatant lie, he claimed that this would save America $11 billion a year. (That works out to $8,999 per worker per year – that WOULD be quite a raise!). And that money was needed for the war on terror. Pretty amazing stuff from a man who looted the national treasury to the tune of $350 billion for his rich buddies last year, and is dropping at least $5 billion a month on his lunatic occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. Oh, make that $4.995 billion. He’s cheating the troops. I nearly forgot that.

Did anyone notice the son of a b*tch talking about a "national emergency" when he pushed for his tax cuts that have led to all-time record deficits?

Well, we do have a national emergency. It seems we’re looking at a debt over the next six years of some $6.5 billion – the same amount that it was the day BUSH took office – and that’s using the hallucinatory scoring of the Congressional Budget Office, which has been ordered to pretend that the economy will respond to trickle-down economics the way the Hoover think tank thinks it will. It didn’t work in 1982, and there’s no reason to think it will work now. In fact, it hasn’t. The economy has failed to take off like a cat with tabasco sauce in his mouth. Which means that it might be 50% or even 100% worse than that.

Oh, and they aren’t counting the costs involved in occupying Iraq and Afghanistan. Even with the savings from cheating the troops, that comes to a fair amount of money. Enough to explain why Putsch has gone begging to the French and the Germans for help.

Still, it’s unfair and one-sided to pretend that BUSH is doing nothing to create jobs and spur the economy.

For instance, they are bringing three thousand bodyguards to protect America’s one-and-only president’s royal as* at the big economic conference in Bangkok in October. No word on whether he’ll show up in a clownish military costume, or how many times they’ll play "Hail to the Chief" while he struts and preens, but it’s three thousand temporary jobs that otherwise might not have existed if America had just shown slightly better judgement three years ago.

America’s government-by-the-highest-bidder form of electioneering is creating jobs, too. HCL eServe, the business process outsourcing arm of the Shiv Nadar-promoted HCL Technologies will be doing fundraising on behalf of Republicans from the towns of Noida and Gurgaon. If you’re not quite sure which state those are in, try India. Labor is cheap in India, and when you’re trying to bribe your way into office, every penny counts. The RNC, incidently, denies any involvement in this, so assume it’s being funded and arranged by several of the dozens of phony think tanks and public interest groups the GOP has formed to do their dirty work for them.

Nor is Halliburton, the corporate alter-ego of our esteemed vice-president, being ignored. Thanks in large part to the magic of bidless contracting, Halliburton has racked up a cool $1.7 billion in "reconstruction efforts" in Iraq. Like all American businesses partaking in the bold entrepreneurial adventure of privatized colonization, Halliburton has been declared above the law, so if, in the course of normal business operations, they should find it necessary to cheat, poison, kill, or abuse the local citizenry, then no law can ever touch them for it.

And some people try to insist that BUSH isn’t creating a business-friendly environment.

Even in Iraq, where the American occupation has been nothing short of catastrophic, Putsch is creating new jobs. Back in the immediate aftermath of the invasion, America tried hiring local people to police the streets, and a bunch of them were assassinated by other Iraqis. Something about "collaboration with the enemy." The French used to be real big on that against their fellow French during the occupation in World War II, and it made it real difficult to get those old trains running on time.

So America hit on the idea of training and arming the police someplace out of the country, and then bringing them in, fully prepared to maintain order through overwhelming force and political terror and repression.

Good government thugs and repressers are hard to find, but fortunately, Iraq has a ready supply. America is hiring former members of Saddam’s hated and feared Mukhabarat, his secret police.

Right wingers who stand tall and wave the flag proudly over the fact that Putsch saved those poor Iraqi people from the Thugs, Rapists and Murderers of Saddam’s regime will be glad to know that he has taken those same Thugs, Rapists and Murders, given them shaves, haircuts, and new uniforms, and soon will be deploying them on the streets of Baghdad by the thousands to help rebuild Iraq civilization. Apparently to something like what it was just last spring, it would seem.

But not quite. Viceroy Bremer assures one and all that he is still upholding the prime directive to get rid of all OTHER Iraqis who were members of the Ba’athist party, and to that end, is eliminating 95% of the doctors, scientists, technicians and professors from Iraq. I don’t suppose his vision of a rebuilt Iraq would require many educated people, anyway.

But this, along with the largess showered upon Halliburton, Noida and Gurgaon, the wealthy, and the three thousand lucky security guards who will get to be spear carriers in Putsch’s comic-opera strut to Thailand, shows that in his heart, Putsch has only the best interests of labor at heart.

Just as Colonel Sanders does with chickens.

Oh Yea, Happy Labour Day America
posted on August 31, 2003 05:49:33 PM new


Is it a coincidence that skylite's typos are similar to bigcitycollectible's typos? Could they be twin brothers?

posted on August 31, 2003 06:03:54 PM new
thought that before, pretty sure they are one in the same, or like you said 'twin brothers' or 'twin sisters'

(pretty sure they are one )

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on August 31, 2003 06:12:19 PM new

bigcity hasn't made that particular typo.

It's an easy one to make because m and n are close together on the keyboard.

What a silly observation.


posted on August 31, 2003 06:32:24 PM new
Unless you can see us through your monitors, suggesting that we are the same person so confidently is really flaky.

posted on August 31, 2003 07:34:16 PM new
ever notice when the right wing fascists copy and paste it's ok, but when we, the one's showing the truth, copy and paste we are hounded by the fascists like rats, gang banging the innocent...makes you wonder what mentality exists within these fascist's small , small brains...oh well, keep on pasteing, because the truth shall prevail, always does, always will, corruption eventually will disappear, as one put it, " why try ? and the answer, " because we live so truth, and goodness, and love, will continue " that is the reason to keep on living, for the future generations.
posted on August 31, 2003 08:58:08 PM new

More typos and fascist name calling. They must be twins.

posted on August 31, 2003 09:38:18 PM new

posted on September 1, 2003 08:03:07 AM new
The news for American workers is not good. Ohio has been particularly hard hit. I think a lot of people have rolled over and accepted the situation as hopeless. I marched with a local union this passed Saturday in the Labor Day parade and it was sad. There was no one there to watch the parade. Well, barely anyone. These men and women live everyday with the worry that their jobs are going to be ripped out from under them and sent overseas or to Mexico. Clinton made a huge mistake with NAFTA and the WTO, IMO. I don't see Bush doing anything at all to correct the situation. It's already too late in most American's eyes. Bush doesn't care about the individuals who work hard to make America great. He doesn't give a crap about Joe Smith down the road who lost his 25 year job because his company moved to Mexico. Sure, why pay someone $15/hr when you can pay them $.30/mo? That's more money for corporate America and more money to line this adminsitration's pockets.

Since it is Labor Day, I'd like to make this comment:

Cleveland, you should be ashamed of yourself. The men and women representing the labor unions in this area worked hard to put together the Labor Day parade. These are the men and women who built the house whose roof is over your head. They are the men and women who installed your plumbing so with the flick of a wrist you have running water. They are the ones that installed your electrical wiring so that you can enjoy your TV, stereo, computer and lights. They are the ones who pick up your trash each and every week. They repair your roads, build your cars, ring your groceries. They are the men and women who live everyday with the worry that their jobs will be lost. And you couldn't even come out to say, "thank you." Shame on you. And shame on this administration for caring so little about the American people that is has allowed our jobs to be shipped overseas while those same corporations are still allowed to enjoy government contracts and other perks.

By the by - Happy Labor Day all! Where did summer go?

The next time you think you're so perfect, try walking on water.
posted on September 1, 2003 10:33:22 AM new
Ahhh yes, ebayauctionguy...

Can't deny the truth so pick on something trivial like the spelling. A real effective dodge, isn't it. What a freakin' wimp you must be. Can't put up, but won't shut up can you? For every truth posted you have a trivial insult ready to post which has nothing to do with the post, but only the poster's name, or a mispelling or other trivial items which do nothing to prove you right, but just even more WRONG!!!

posted on September 1, 2003 11:42:44 AM new
that's right mlecher

this was a similar tactic used by NAZIS for those who critized Hilter, and then they started rounding up the critics of Hilter right after and murdered them.....also a tactic used by a lot of fascist governments aganist their critics ,and then the killings started there also, a historical fact, seems like to be repeated again, but now it will happen here in the good old USA, coming soon to a neigbourhood near you, sounds extreme, yes, but time will tell
posted on September 1, 2003 04:23:29 PM new
Oh Good God BigCity/Skylite! You are too much!!

this was a similar tactic used by NAZIS for those who critized Hilter, and then they started rounding up the critics of Hilter right after and murdered them.....also a tactic used by a lot of fascist governments aganist their critics ,and then the killings started there also, a historical fact, seems like to be repeated again, but now it will happen here in the good old USA, coming soon to a neigbourhood near you, sounds extreme, yes, but time will tell

Have a great day too

Orleans I love it!!!!!! :


LOL!!! That about sums it up!!

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on September 1, 2003 06:19:12 PM new
fear driven, what an idiotical statement, have you read what you just wrote, " fear driven " what the hell do you think has been going on for the last 2 years by you and your Bush idol which you worship so much, what do you think the PATRIOT ACT is all about, it's fear driven, all this crap that seems to be coming out of your mouth is fear driven, i am not preaching fear, IT IS YOU AND YOUR FASCIST FRIENDS IN WASHINGTON WHO ARE PREACHING FEAR, when will these mental midgets get it, I AM SHOWING THE TRUTH which you fear........
posted on September 1, 2003 06:29:02 PM new
Remember the rush to war...FEAR DRIVEN --The Patriot Act...FEAR DRIVEN--Loss of civil liberties ---FEAR DRIVEN

posted on September 2, 2003 11:30:49 AM new
New York Times Quote of the Day

"Things are getting better."
George W. Bush

It's almost funny -- if it wasn't so sad.As jobs disappear amd unemployment is rising, the number of Americans without health insurance is rising, tax cuts go to wealthy and we wage a war with no end in sight along with a huge deficit. In addition, we are more likely to be targeted by terrorists. And Bush thinks that "things are getting better"???

[ edited by Helenjw on Sep 2, 2003 12:05 PM ]
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