posted on September 26, 2003 01:15:46 AM new
Politicians may lie but statistics don’t
If you have any honesty, humanity, or shame within you; then read’em and weap.
[ edited by austbounty on Sep 26, 2003 01:20 AM ]
posted on September 26, 2003 05:16:16 AM new
Where Is That Rancid Stench Coming From ?????
I am thinking your upper lip...
posted on September 26, 2003 07:51:26 AM new
Where Is That Rancid Stench Coming From ?????
for you Adolf H. Twelvepole, more like yourrr upper brain and then spreads down to your breath each time you speak, and that goes for your fellow Adolfs also
posted on September 26, 2003 08:58:15 AM new
The stench is comm[ng from the product created in the union of Sky & Austi.
“The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
posted on September 26, 2003 09:29:15 AM new
The site about firearms is pretty silly.
Yes the Free Press stopped taking ads for hand guns. But you already can not sell a handgun to another person in MI without a permit to buy through the police department.
That just reflects the politics of the paper like eBay has done, not the ease of buying a hand cannon in MI.
They have made it clear they have no use for any form of life that does not walk in lock-step with their world view so I don't support them anymore by buying their paper.
They are straight up apologists for the city government that is ran just like a warlord's territory in a third world nation. If you are so rude as to notice it must be because you are racist. Yet their attitude that such corruption is just normal seems more insulting to me than protesting it.
posted on September 26, 2003 09:35:37 AM new
You show little respect for your nation & fellow Americans if all the above revelations don’t disgust you.
None are so blind as those that will not see.
Cheerleaders to the neo-cons.
You aren’t patriots, you bring shame on your nation.
Bear, having fought in a war doesn’t make you a patriot, and if Thomas Jefferson had foreseen Dunmya’s rise then I’m sure the abortion laws would have been loosened years ago.
This is a classic example of why the neo-cons’ cheerleaders are like mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed compost for thought.
It typifies the standard most of the world has come to expect.
posted on September 26, 2003 09:55:34 AM new
Acceptable losses for the cheerleaders, from the last statistics link.
In case they missed it.

posted on September 26, 2003 10:13:16 AM new
maybe austibounty would like to show us the same graphs for how well his country's been doing for the last 10 years. And they haven't experienced a 9-11 on their soil.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:18:58 AM new
More than a million Americans sank into poverty last year, an annual Census report is expected to show today. It would be the first time in nearly a decade that the number of poor rose two years in a row.
Thirty three million live in povery. And what's "poverty"? A family of four with annual household income lower than $12,207.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:32:37 AM new
No Linda,
Thankfully Salvadore Allendes (sp?) wasn’t in Australia.
Ask Henry Kissinger.
Let me give you a tip about graphs Linda.
The last 10 years werent all the problem, check out the last 3, and the years prior to 1993.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:44:14 AM new
austi - don't want to show a graph of how outstanding your own country is presently doing? Could there be a reason you won't???
Do a comparison on how all the *major* countries are currently doing in their un-employment rates, and how their economies are doing. You'll find similar patterns. And again, they didn't experience the financial aftermath of 9-11 NOR the costs to prevent another such attack.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:49:39 AM new
The day you show me evidence that you haven’t concealed WOMD somewhere in Texas,
I will answer all your questions.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:54:42 AM new
"the costs to prevent another such attack."
Are you talking about the $3Mill 9/11 inquiry.? ROFLMAO
Perhaps that’s why Bush wanted Kissinger to lead it, perhaps he thought Kissinger could give all the answers for $10.50.
posted on September 26, 2003 10:58:03 AM new
austi - Oh so easy to come here and continue to put our country down. Clean your own house, sir.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:03:04 AM new
My country didn’t ‘bring em on’ Madame.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:09:17 AM new
Ok, I'm sure this has been noted before, but for anyone with short term memory problems....
Remember back when Clinton first ran for pres? He had a 7 year plan for the country. Gee, guess what the catch is? You've got to vote him in for a second term to make sure his plan works or he walks away saying, "it's not my fault...the cuontry didn't want to see my plan through". And please note that his plan worked for just about 7 years.
The bubble burst on a bunch of worthless internet companies whose stocks were overvalued to begin with. It was bound to happen at some point. I'm not willing to point the finger at Bush for that.
Austbounty, if you can sit there and play armchair quarterback with the way our contry runs, why don't you come on over and run for Governor of California? Or better yet, run for gonerment in your own country and make it so great the rest of us want to come to live near you.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:26:02 AM new
You’re missing the big picture Clive.
I have never given off such a noxious stench.
What type of parent lets their child beat on other kids in the playground?
USA has been beating on another nation every year in the last 50.
Just how long can this attitude be sustained?
It's a bit like that dog of yours that's been beaten.
Every dog has it's day.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:26:20 AM new
austi - seems you've avoided taking a look at the other link where I stated YOUR country supported this action, believed Iraq had womd, and has participated right along side the US.
And in one of your papers today YOUR country's leaders STILL say they believe THEIR intelligence on the womd information AND say they still believe it will be found.
I'm sure you don't like that either, but it's a FACT.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:35:35 AM new
You can believe all you like,
But the fact is there is NO evidence of WOMD other than the X-WOMD (past their shelf life) which came from USA with the blessing of Bush the father.
I have no problems saying that my country’s involvement in the Iraq war stinks.
It’s you extreme nationalist types that will not see.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:39:40 AM new
p.s. Linda
YOU gave money to Ossama.
posted on September 26, 2003 11:48:40 AM new
Considering you don't even live here... why should anyone care what you have to say about the US?
I for one don't...
Let's take a look at Austrailia shall we?
posted on September 26, 2003 11:57:40 AM new
That's the spirit 12.
Project for the New anti-American Century
But check all the links, they're American.
Even many, and growing, in your military are saying it, in spite of the fact that they have been indoctrinated to 'shut the f... up'.
posted on September 26, 2003 12:09:21 PM new

posted on September 26, 2003 01:03:38 PM new
Although austbounty might be a bit blunt at times, , I think his heart is in the right place because he cares about what happens to U.S. citizens. Try being on the outside looking in and you'd see a great country being torn apart by it's current government. Would it be better to be apathetic? Would some of you not do the same if you saw this happening to Austrailia or Canada?
posted on September 26, 2003 01:14:02 PM new
Ummm I think if the US did help Canada or Australia, Aust would start yelling about "here goes the US again"
posted on September 26, 2003 01:22:24 PM new
Well, Linda tries so hard to find something wonderful...Maybe she can compare the US to Cuba.
posted on September 26, 2003 01:40:54 PM new
It's not governments helping governments, clive. It's people caring about what the governments do to the people of that country.
Remember - Osama said his goal was to ruin the U.S. economy. Looks like he might be getting his way if something isn't done soon to stop the nonsense in Iraq and pay more attention to the U.S. economy and the welfare of its citizens.
posted on September 26, 2003 02:47:49 PM new
KD - because he cares about what happens to U.S. citizens. Try being on the outside looking in and you'd see a great country being torn apart by it's current government.
what a bunch of hogwash.
He has accused the US of all kinds of terrible things in other threads, that had nothing to do with the "current government". He continues to bash most everything that the US has EVER done....even things done during the clinton administration. Wake up girl.
And how did you used to feel when every other thread in the EO was bashing Canadian sellers/buyers on a daily basis? Did that 'feel' like the posters "cared"?
And if you continued to read posting after posting bashing *everything* Canada does, you wouldn't get just a little bit irritated? right.
posted on September 26, 2003 03:02:34 PM new
Hey assbounty, why don't you volunteer to be a human shield at Iran's nuke plant?
posted on September 26, 2003 03:26:01 PM new
Maybe I haven't read all of Austbounty's posts, but I see the pattern of government bashing, not citizen bashing.
If you guys were continuosly bashing the Canadian government because our leader was making bad decisions that harmed us and others, I would be thankful that you cared enough to speak up. If austbounty's posts aren't true, then who cares what he posts?