posted on September 26, 2003 08:07:16 AM new
Are the phone companies too dense to see that many people are dropping their land line and going to cellular and wireless sysytems?
The only people I know dependant on a plain wired phone with no voice mail are all over 60.
The idea we can not control who has access to our phone as a freedom of speech issue - turning it on it's head as a requirement to listen issue can only push this trend to drop the service.
Right now the only reason I have a wired phone line is as a requirement to buy DSL. When high speed wireless comes to my area and I can't be blackmailed into buying service I don't want the dear old phone company will never see another dollar of my money. I've had a lifetime's worth of their arrogance and greed.
posted on September 26, 2003 09:00:09 AM new
Until they get the 911 system totally in place for cell phones, I have to keep the land line(s), and we have the stupid fax machine. They do have some of the GPS system ready for 911, but not for all cell phones.
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
posted on September 26, 2003 11:08:33 AM new
About six years ago, I had a cel phone and a land line phone, thinking, why have both?
Unless it is a land line phone company propaganda, it is recommended to have a corded land line phone for emergencies, instead of a cordless land line phone and a cel phone.
Apparently, in the recent NE blackout, only the corded land line phones were able to be used.
My nephew (late 20s) has only a cel phone. It is more convient for him since he moves alot, travels etc. He figures why have a landline phone?
In the late 90s I knew this homeless man who had a cel phone.
I think eventually, the land line phone system will be obsolete.
posted on September 27, 2003 08:16:14 PM new
We have land lines, mostly for local calls, 911 and the fax machine, and a bunch of cells. I'd like to drop the land line, but it's not realistic yet. If I were 20, I wouldn't be worried about 911, and would probably drop it. I'm not 20, thank god in heaven, once was quite enough.
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 27, 2003 08:23:43 PM new
I've been a "gadget geek" my entire life.
I absolutely refuse to carry a cell phone. When I'm not at near a land phone. I don't WANT to be called. Not at a restaurant. Not while shopping. Not at a movie. No pager. No cell phone. Leave me ALONE!!!!
I do own a cell phone for doing credit cards at trade shows and stuff like that. But I'd NEVER want to carry the thing around like the leash that so many others do.
And then there is the cost. The cheapest cell phones I've run across are around $30 a month. My land phone at home, with no special features is around $17 a month.
Replay Media
Games of all kinds!
posted on September 27, 2003 09:24:06 PM new
We have cells in all the vehicles, but that's where they stay. People pushing their carts slowly down the center of the aisle at the grocery store, while they yak on their phones..phones going off in restaurants, movie houses...who the hell do these people think they are? So important they can annoy the general public while they distractedly gab on the phone?...Of course, most of the public doesn't notice, because they're on the phone too! I'm with you replay, when I'm away from the house, I don't want to be talking on the phone. If it's really important, leave a message on my cell phone, and I'll call you when I get back to the truck....only exception to this is when I'm a ways from home on horseback, the cell phone has saved my backside two times there...
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 27, 2003 09:35:06 PM new
I usually have a cell phone with me in the off position/fully charged. My voice mail message asks callers to send me an email if they need to get in touch. I use my phone for outgoing calls only. If I forget to turn it off the ringer is kept in an off setting anyway so I will never disturb others or be disturbed myself by it ringing.
I never use pay phones as they are viral/bacterial reservoirs.
Republican, the other white meat!
posted on September 27, 2003 09:53:04 PM new
Replay, I was just at an electronics store, where they were pushing the 'Go' phone, a cell phone with different plans, looked at the brochure, and they had a plan for only $19.99 a month... it said on the thing, no contract, no credit check etc... so I don't know what the deal is. I had to have a credit check on my cell phones, and if you have 'damaged' credit, I think they make you pay a deposit. I know about the 'pre pay' phones, but this wasn't one of them. But I thought $19.99 wasn't too bad, if someone only needed it for emergencys, as in leaving in the car.
Heck if I didn't have THE CONTRACT on my cell phones I'd look into this Go thing.
Mine runs $49 a month...... ugh
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
posted on September 27, 2003 10:37:34 PM new
I absolutely agree with you, replay - I think it is rude, rude, rude for people to walk around like the cell phone is permanently attached to their ear - drives me nuts! If I'm not home, leave a message!
I do have a cell phone, but only take it with me when I am going on an extended trip in the car.
And I do have an "old-fashioned" corded phone - learned my lesson with Hurricane Hugo! We lost every single utility but telephone service...and all I had was a cordless phone! I still have a cordless, but also have an "ole reliable", just in case
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men