posted on September 26, 2003 09:58:56 AM newThe junior senator from New York may be surprising some people with what she has to say about Saddam and weapons of mass destruction.
by Fred Barnes
09/24/2003 2:30:00 PM
Fred Barnes, executive editor
PRESIDENT BUSH has a surprising defender of his contention that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction--Democratic Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York. " The intelligence from Bush 1 to Clinton to Bush 2 was consistent" in concluding Saddam had chemical and biological weapons and was trying to develop a nuclear capability, Clinton said this morning.
And Saddam's expulsion of weapons inspectors and "the behavior" of his regime "pointed to a continuing effort" to produce WMD, she added.
The senator said she did her own "due diligence" by attending classified briefings on Capitol Hill and at the White House and Pentagon and also by consulting national security officials from the Clinton administration whom she trusts. "To a person, they all agreed with the consensus of the intelligence" that Saddam had WMD.
Clinton isn't normally a defender of the Bush administration.
And on other issues, especially Bush's handling of postwar Iraq, she was highly critical. But she agreed, with qualifications, that preemptive military action may be necessary in certain cases, as Bush has argued was the case with Iraq.
Clinton's comments came during an appearance before dozens of reporters at a Wednesday breakfast sponsored by the Christian Science Monitor.
On preemption--attacking an enemy before he attacks you--Clinton said the president shouldn't have announced it as a doctrine. "It's a strategy, it's a choice, it's not a doctrine," she insisted. But she said it would be justified in certain circumstances, citing a possible terrorist attack or proliferation of WMD.
I have said this before, and not been believed. That the last three administrations had this same information and that they were in agreement on this issue of Iraq and removing Saddam from power. Here it is from the horses own mouth.
[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 26, 2003 10:01 AM ]
posted on September 26, 2003 10:20:38 AM new
Fred Barnes, executive editor (of something)
Sen. Hillary Clinton
" The intelligence from Bush 1 to Clinton to Bush 2 was consistent"
"the behavior"
"pointed to a continuing effort"
"due diligence"
"To a person, they all agreed with the consensus of the intelligence"
"It's a strategy, it's a choice, it's not a doctrine,"
That’s some ‘quoting’.
"I never believed that we'd just tumble over weapons of mass destruction in that country."
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
May 4, 2003
"U.S. officials never expected that we were going to open garages and find weapons of mass destruction."
National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice
May 12, 2003
"They may have had time to destroy them, and I don't know the answer."
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
May 27, 2003
posted on September 26, 2003 11:40:02 AM new
I think it's a great strategy for Hillary. Don't condemn Bush on the war but instead let the poor economy be the complete reason for his fall.
-------------- sig file ----------- Most costume jewelry is unsigned. After all, the vast majority of it was made to be worn a few times, then discarded. It wasn't made to be durable. --- The Fluffster
posted on September 26, 2003 11:55:44 AM new
On NPR, the news report was comparing the first Bush's downfall with the current Bush's present situation. Apparently, according to the polls taken in both time periods, it was the economy that did in the first Bush and looks like it will be the current Bush's as well.
I think that the people who are having a hard time right now, making ends meet and living without electricity (heard the other day that some of the NE residents don't have electricity yet), are having a hard time with sending all that money to Iraq when we have people, which includes children and families right here in the US that could use it.
Also, apparently we will be responsible for the money Iraq owed, which is about 40 billion. Does anyone have the correct amount?
The invading and occupying country (in this case, USA) is responsible for the debts.
Apparently, this debt is on top of what Bush asked for the other day from Congress.
I remember Hilliary going to the Mideast (Isreal?) during the bombings, 2001? Even her critics complimented her.
Some are suggesting that Gen Clark will get the Democratic ticket and will choose her for his running mate.
She has stated she wouldn't run for President, but that won't stop her from running for Vice-President.
posted on September 26, 2003 12:07:27 PM new
clarksville - That won't stop her from running for president, either. [Just because she says she won't. - Bill said exactly the same thing, he wasn't going to, but did anyway.]
are having a hard time with sending all that money to Iraq when we have people, which includes children and families right here in the US that could use it.
I agree, many are looking at it that way, and rightfully so. But the US spends billions and billions of dollars on aid to other foreign countries and I don't hear screaming that that same money should be spent 'on our own people'. Maybe we need to see a total of how much foreign aid, in total, we give to other countries. To me, paying this money to bring stability in the middle east is very important to our future and to controlling terrorism in that part of the world.
posted on September 26, 2003 12:10:28 PM new
auctionace - Don't condemn Bush on the war but instead let the poor economy be the complete reason for his fall.
Oh...Hillary does a great job of condemning the President on the war. She's just trying, now, to explain to her public why SHE voted to go to war against Iraq this last time.
posted on September 26, 2003 02:13:07 PM new
These days it's easy to win a war but impossible to win the peace. Most agree the war was good and the SOB and his kids being gone is a very good thing. It's the massive outlay of money after the war that is the issue.
The war was good and the peace was bad. By agreeing with Bush on the war and not the peace she can now attack the economy issue.
Bush is still popular in regards to the war but unpopular in regards to the massive US spending as well as the economy. Hillary is playing her cards perfectly.
-------------- sig file ----------- The Fluffster --- a true scrounger
posted on September 26, 2003 02:36:24 PM new
auctionace - I do understand what you're saying.
I'm saying any sitting president takes a *lot* of 'heat' when a national election is upcoming. Everyone is a critic. Bush has broad shoulders and can take the heat. He's got another 14 months to get things going, both in Iraq and with the economy.
posted on September 26, 2003 02:48:21 PM newI'm saying any sitting president takes a *lot* of 'heat' when a national election is upcoming. Everyone is a critic
Exactly, it's now another president's turn in the hotseat.
The "he's got 14 month's to turn things around" remark was also said of the Elder Bush. Something as complex as an economy that is now largely based on overseas production is not an easy thing to turn around and it takes oodles and oodles of time. Time will tell. I'm very confident that Lil' Bush will lose his re-election in the same fashion as Big Bush. It's almost uncanny ... Gulf War Hero to economy scapegoat.
-------------- sig file ----------- The Fluffster --- a true scrounger
posted on September 26, 2003 02:52:15 PM new
Oh, so you're just another American who's hoping our economy fails so you can get this president out of office huh? That's big of you.
I'm for our economy being strong no matter who's in office.
posted on September 26, 2003 03:34:01 PM new "I'm for our economy being strong no matter who's in office."
No, Linda
Haven't you heard the news? The econnomy has already failed to such an extent that only 20% are satisfied. Don't you see that you are in the minority, Linda?
Everyone wants a strong economy..."no matter who's in office".
posted on September 26, 2003 03:35:59 PM new
Democratic candidates don't have to stretch to find an explanation for why they voted for the war. They were lied to, that will do just fine.
In this world of sin and sorrow, there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. -- H.L. Mencken
posted on September 26, 2003 04:42:20 PM newThey were lied to.....NOT according to Hillary...who checked it out herself...checked with those SHE trusted....and agreed anyway.
posted on September 26, 2003 08:13:55 PM new
Bush is a certain 'goner'. At least he didn't use the nukes or anything ( yet ). He got even with Iraq for his father's screwup and he'll have to settle for that.
-------------- sig file ----------- The Fluffster --- a true scrounger