posted on October 2, 2003 04:03:24 PM
(wave to everyone)
Like the bad penny, I'm back. Took a long vacation from selling & am now back in the game, rested & refreshed. Which, of course, means looking in on Auct-- I mean Vendio.
Looks like a lot of the crowd I knew are still here!
How's Sweet Fannie Mae doing? Sweet Fanny ADAMS is doing great--fat and sassy.
Did the shoulder heal well? Yep, finished physical therapy in April. Unfortunately I then developed stomach problems which were fixed in August when I had my gall bladder removed.
Anymore 'adventures' while riding SFM? Oh, yes! Went to a mulemanship clinic in July, and Sweet Fanny Adams wore her new britchin for the first time...and she made her displeasure known by enacted a "rodeo mule" display. I would have stayed on if one foot hadn't slipped out of the stirrup. Fortunately, I'd almost gotten her stopped, and the dirt in the arena was extremely deep. No harm done, but got my adrenaline going!
Been on any fantastic vacations lately? Scubadiving lately? Nope--my arm still isn't quite strong enough to drag my butt & scuba gear back up the ladder into a dive boat.
Have the FBI/CIA shown their faces at your job recently. Nope. But we've taken to destroying certain records, anyway, just in case.
Welcome back!!!....We're kind of a skelton crew here lately. Thanks! Good to be back.
Censorship, like charity, should begin at home; but unlike charity, it should end there --Clare Booth Luce