posted on October 2, 2003 04:55:46 PM new
A friend just sent me this email; and I just had to share the photos with yall...
The message on the email reads...
"Please pass the pictures on. Sometimes in our everyday lives we tend to forget what's going on elsewhere in the world and that the brave men and women of the service are just like you and I.
They have family and friends back home who love them very much and are praying for their safe return."
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 2, 2003 05:02:38 PM new
GREAT pictures, wgm.
Thanks for sharing them with us.
Did you watch 60 minutes this week? They did a piece on our soldiers in Iraq, interviews with them. It was good to hear how positive many were about how things were coming along. The story gave the good along with the bad, but most interviewed felt positive about the changes they have brought about for the Iraqi people.
God Bless Our Soldiers
posted on October 2, 2003 05:24:30 PM new
Thank you, Linda
I missed 60 Minutes, but a friend of mine watched it...and said the attitudes of our military really touched her. It has to be tougher than the worst thing any of us can imagine.
You are right - God Bless Our Soldiers
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 2, 2003 05:33:45 PM new
Yes thanks for the POSITIVE post.
“The last hope of human liberty in this world rests on us.” ~ Thomas Jefferson
posted on October 2, 2003 11:52:33 PM new
I hope they start switching out the troops like they said they were going to do. The holidays are going to start approaching fast, and that will be hard on those over there already 6 to 9 months without seeing their loved ones!
posted on October 3, 2003 05:28:42 AM new
Thank you WGM! Very nice to see some positive pictures on here...
posted on October 3, 2003 06:51:13 AM new
And in support of the troops, don't forget the negative picture in Iraq.
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- Each week in Iraq, an average of three to six Americans are dying and another 40 wounded by a foe that has become more lethal and sophisticated since the fall of Baghdad in April, the commander of coalition forces said Thursday.
U.S. soldiers are facing 15-20 attacks a day, including roadside bombs, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez said. Seven to 10 attacks a day involve small groups of fighters.
Attacks on Forces
posted on October 3, 2003 09:20:51 AM new
Iraq. November 21, 1990.
About the time he gave anththrax etc to Saddam.
Anti-Vietnam demonstrator offers a flower to a miltary police, Arlington, Virginia, October 21, 1967.
USA Fifth Air Force's B-26 Invader light bombbers. Wonsan, North Korea. Ca. 1951.
Some time before he gave the CIA a hard time.
Some of the boys having a chat about about Vietnam
Some not-staged images they certainly won't show you.
American troops coming home.
Liberated Iraqis
[ edited by austbounty on Oct 3, 2003 09:27 AM ]
[ edited by austbounty on Oct 3, 2003 09:28 AM ]
posted on October 3, 2003 09:43:27 AM new
Eyes on the War
posted on October 3, 2003 11:04:14 AM new
Hey austboy!
What message are you sending with those pics?
That little children get hurt during war?
I am a retired NAVY SEAL. Think I am joking?, then ask me anything or ask me to prove it and I will any way you want.
All of you namby pamby "ohhhhh please we need to stop the war in Iraq wah wah wah"
or "war is not the solution"
Well how about thinking about all of the little kids Sadam killed... without a care.
You look at all of the first pics that were posted... you think ANY of those soldger boys would like to see those kids hurt like that.??
I love hearing from all of the whiners about how wrong this war is and how Bush is so bad etc...
Just imagine if Clinton were president.. we would lob a few cruse missiles over to Afghanistan, and that would be it...just an invitation to have terrorists attack us again.
We are D$%N lucky to have president willing to do something about it.
What? War isn't the answer?
Let me ask you this.
If I walked up to you and Knocked your teeth out and broke your arm what would you do?
Peace protester: Give me a flower? Tell me that I need to feel some love?
American: Do something to prevent me from ever being able to hurt you again.
Which is exactly what we are doing in Iraq.
posted on October 3, 2003 11:52:00 AM new
Great post, matt - thank you
As you have probably already seen, there are a few here hell bent and determined to cast a damper on anything. Hell, austhole isn't even from the US - he's a know-it-all Aussie (in case you couldn't tell)...
Bleeding heart liberals - can't live with 'em, can't shoot them
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 3, 2003 12:05:10 PM new
Here's a perfect example, matt...
Here's a link to a previous thread I started with an absolutely beautiful photo...
They had to butcher that thread too - it's obvious they can't stand anything positive coming out of the war...
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 3, 2003 12:10:18 PM new
Hey matressdress
If someone stabbed you with a beefy bayonet, what would you do??
Blame IRAQ.
You were a grunt,
If you were a good grunt, then you did as you were told.
You were NOT made a seal because of your knowledge of dirty oil politics, which is clear.
“You look at all of the first pics that were posted... you think ANY of those soldger boys would like to see those kids hurt like that.??”
Did I say that, NO
BUT it doesn’t mean they didn’t do it, ask the bombardiers.
Did the coalition of the willing liars give a rat’s ass……NO.
IF “president willing to do something about it.” He would have put up more than the phoney baloney offer of Kissinger & $3Mill to get to the truth.
YOUR president bares primary responsibility for the EVIL that befell those children, and you carry on like an EXTREME NATIONALIST wah wah wah because you are offended by the images.
GET you morality straight.
You really believe America is safer now???
What colour code alert are you on now???
posted on October 3, 2003 12:25:45 PM new
Is America a war-like nation.
Your military indu$try is certainly well represented here.
How's The WOMD stock pile doing?
edited to say
logic 101
matt claims to be trained to kill and therefor knows 'right' from 'wrong'.
[ edited by austbounty on Oct 3, 2003 12:29 PM ]
posted on October 3, 2003 02:49:19 PM new
mattsaddress- Don't even bother trying to reason with this guy. He has shown his true colors many times before. Anyone with half a brain appreciates what you and our other troops have done and understands the importance of strategic preemptive strikes.
posted on October 3, 2003 03:01:14 PM new
Whether or not you have been to war has absolutely no bearing on anyone's priviledge to post photos here of war carnage. The message being sent with "those pictures" is that war is hell. Hell to the soldiers who are fighting it and hell to the innocent people whose country is being invaded. The analogy about retaliation is wrong because Saddam Hussein was not responsible for 9/11.
[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 3, 2003 03:02 PM ]
posted on October 3, 2003 03:02:52 PM new
AHHHHH well Ausieboy....
First off I have been to Australia.. the friendliest people in the planet there.
You must be some sort of an outcast..you don't live near Broken Hill do you? LOL
Well you can make fun of MY country all you want, but I seem to remember some Intel about the Japanese dooms day cult Aum Shakiro detonating a low yield nuclear device in YOUR outback... took the Aussie authorities days to even know what the heck happened.LOL
You see your country is being used by terrorism as well....we all feel the effects.
I'm not going to try to change your mind, but let me tell you this.. I have forgotten more about oil politics than you will ever know.
Fact: Seal Teams 2 and 8 secured the oil platforms... why. Well we have 4 US Navy AOE (thats at sea replenishment ships) filling up their tanks and routing the oil to some US tankers offshore. Why?
To pay for our little foray into Iraq.
You see I am glad to see you are using an AMERICAN COMPANIES auction service to sell products on AN AMERICAN owned site (EBay).
Now if the US was ran by Saddam, do you think you would be better off or worse off?
How about YOUR COUNTRY... would you prefer George Bush or Saddam ?
You can fret and moan.... bellyache here and there but as I am sure you can see by the rest of those posting on this page you are far out numbered.
Don't tread on me.
posted on October 3, 2003 03:07:28 PM new
I'd like to see pictures of the Iraqi Army when they occupied Kuwait back in 1990.
posted on October 3, 2003 05:57:21 PM new
Remember the 350 dead American boys that died each week in Vietnam when the Conflict was at it's peak?
-------------- sig file ----------- *There is no conclusive evidence that life is serious*
posted on October 3, 2003 06:09:24 PM new
"dead American boys that died each week" sort of redundant there - of course dead people die.
I don't think anyone has forgotten, Ace - I haven't. I lost over five family members in the Vietnam War.
Freedom comes at a very heavy cost. I applaud the men and women of our military who fight for me, you, and our country.
"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson
"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 3, 2003 06:14:05 PM new
The troops in Iraq are being used to fight for Bush. There is no threat there to the United States and the small country of Iraq was never a threat to our "freedom"
[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 3, 2003 06:16 PM ]
posted on October 3, 2003 06:32:08 PM new
Perhaps the doomsday cult purchased the low yield device from Niger.!!! LOL
I am glad to see that you use Arab Numerals to count!
I am glad to see that some of the AMERICAN Petrol COMPANIES are ‘patriotic’ enough to buy OPEC oil in preference to West Texas Crude if it is 10c a barrel less.
“can see by the rest of those posting on this page you are far out numbered.”
You are welcome to use that philosophy, ‘when outnumbered.. Roll over and die!’
You are so blinded by nationalism that you think whole nations are inhabited by one personality type.
Unfortunately both our nations and especially yours are ‘currently’ ‘controlled’ by the hawks of war.
You confuse a soldier’s ‘honourable intent’ with the intent of those that deploy him.
People are dying because of oil and, your feelings are bruised because of a case put up anti-those-that-lead-USA.
mattsaddress“ask me anything or ask me to prove it and I will any way you want.”
During what they call the American War.
You march into a Vietnamese village, completely absent of men, only women and children present.
In the absence of flags and flower waving greetings.
Although It May Not Please You.
You Have Your Orders!
In The Quickest Method Possible; Elicit Information As To The Whereabouts Of The Men.
What Is This Method????????
edited to say;
'unarmed'women and children present.
[ edited by austbounty on Oct 3, 2003 06:53 PM ]
posted on October 4, 2003 12:10:06 AM new
"The illegal we can do right now; the unconstitutional will take a little longer."
Henry Kissinger