posted on October 3, 2003 04:43:24 AM new
To quote 12pole
This country is becoming to pc by the minute, hell look at Arnold even being a wimp now to get elected...
Apologizing for groping a few broads.. la de frickin da....
(ie. Only wimps apologise!!)
(A real MAN will go to an unjust war and stick to his guns)
Arnold admits to not being perfect and apologises for indiscretions.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a novel thing for a politician to do!!
Hasnt anyone told him that lying has proven to be the most efficacious policy.
For my devout Christian brethren and other puritanical types:
Only one man without sin has ever walked this planet, and his name wasnt 12pole or austbounty.
But only some men are honest enough to admit it.
posted on October 3, 2003 05:26:57 AM new
WIMP... that inculdes Arnold...
posted on October 3, 2003 08:34:00 AM new
Twelve - TRhis baiting is a little too obvious. I really don't believe that even you feel that it is appropriate to grope unwilling women in the workplace.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 08:56:29 AM new
If I understood Arnold, these things happened at wrap parties and a little during filming... what I see mostly is women like to let those things slide until they feel slighted and then bring it up...
I personally feel that in my work place there will be no touching... period.
posted on October 3, 2003 10:31:50 AM new
Twelve - I think you misunderstood Arnold - one was in a gym with a woman who was there with her husband, one was in an elevator and no matter what the situation, you don't tell a woman she has great tits and you want to feel an see if they are real... especially in the workplace. He;s protected himself from any of these accusations coming out from recent situation from having all of his campaign workers sign Nion Disclosure agreements with an automatic 10K settlement if they release any anyformation to press, friends otherwise, take his picture, or even draw his picture. How does he think this is going to fly in government office? Of course the approing statements of Hitler are not going to win him any friends either.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 10:36:35 AM new
Yeah, but the thing is he is leading in the race... so people really don't care.
posted on October 3, 2003 10:44:19 AM new
What did he say about Hitler?
posted on October 3, 2003 11:31:22 AM new
That he admired him for his rise from near nothing to the heighths that he reached and that he admired his speaking skills and what he had accomplished. this according to the documentarian that did the movie with Arnold many years ago. Obviously those remarks were left on the cutting room floor.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 11:33:39 AM new
Twelve - the latest poll was done prior to the last two issues so there really i no way of judging that. I finf it funny though that the same conservatives that 6 years later cannot get over a blow job can blow off serial groping as nothing big and just another example of dirty polotics despite the fact that it was a LA Times reporter and not a campaign that came up with the alligations.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 11:40:27 AM new
Thanks Fenix,
love your sarcasm!
posted on October 3, 2003 11:54:37 AM new
Big deal. As far as anyone knows, these 'discretions' happened when?
Well, if it WAS recently, then he's perfect Presidential material!
(the only drawback is that he wasn't born here)
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
posted on October 3, 2003 12:12:51 PM new
Near - Can I quote the "Big Deal" comment next time you make a comment about Clinton? At least Clinton partner wanted to be felt up.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 01:30:24 PM new
Oh no....fenix. There were at least two women who claimed clinton groped them. One even accused him of raping her. But those stories got back page print in the liberal newspapers.
To me, it's either okay no matter which political party it is...or it's not okay. Shouldn't make a difference because of ones party.
posted on October 3, 2003 02:11:39 PM new
As long as Arnold isn't groping breasts while he's the governor, I couldn't care less.
posted on October 3, 2003 03:16:03 PM new
The only thing I really care about in this election is qualifications and Arnoold has none. Combine that with the fact that he seems to think that he can negate the state legislature with a single stroke of the pen and I think that he is a disaster in the making for this state.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 03:21:24 PM new
correction on my last post. Not just two. Names of those who were willing to 'out' themselves and have accused clinton of sexual harrassment or assault.
Juanita Broaddrick - accused him of raping her.
Kathleen Willey - Calls clinton a 'sexual preditor'. He forceably groped her in the Oval Office.
Paula Jones - of course, was paid almost $1M for her case against clinton.
Chrystine Zercher accused clinton of groping her about Air Force One.
Un-named female steward acused clinton of groping her also on Air Force One in 1997. She only demanded an apology from him to not press charges.
And then there was the PI, who currently is facing charges, who it was reported was the man who made sure clinton's other women didn't come forward.
The left has no room, imo, to use Arnold's sexual behavior as a reason he should not be elected to office, when a president they supported had a similar past history.
They will of course, that's just politics.
posted on October 3, 2003 03:25:04 PM new
The only thing I really care about in this election is qualifications and Arnold has none.
That is true. But look how Davis with all his qualifications got the state in this big mess. Being qualified didn't keep Davis from $crewing up the states finances.
posted on October 3, 2003 05:28:50 PM new
LOL fenix, be my guest, as I've never made a comment about Pres. Clinton, why what did he do???
(yeah I know someone here is going to franticly search for it LOL!)
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
posted on October 3, 2003 05:35:16 PM new
I do not live in your state, CA, but I believe that Arnold is bringing a lot with him, if elected as governer
He is a businessman. Pretty successful one, and that is besides being an actor.
Look it up. Besides all the 'fluff' body building stuff, he earned his BA at the U of Wisconsin, in business.
Actually he is a very astute business person, and may be really be able to help the state.
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
[ edited by NearTheSea on Oct 3, 2003 05:36 PM ]
posted on October 3, 2003 05:46:26 PM new
I think that the major problem with Arnold is going to be that his heart and his words are at conflict. He wants to help kids and increase education but cut spending. He has sworn to repeal the "car tax increase" (which is actually a repeal of a car tax decrease that was granted when the state budget had a surplus but contained a trigger to reverse it if the the budget went into deficit but no one seems to remember that part) and the law making it possible for illegals to get drivers licenses within his first 100 days but seems to be unaware that he can't do that. He may be a good businessman but he seems to operate on a system of "my will be done" and that's not how politics works.
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 05:47:05 PM new
Arnold's degree was earned via an Internet correspondence course affiliated with U of W. He does not list the degree in his qualifications. Arnold's restaurant (one of his businesses) Planet Hollywood went into bankruptcy. He has enjoyed a successful acting career. He is on the record over the course of many years as pro apartheid and has been accused on numerous occasions of sexual battery although no charges have been filed. I don't have a problem with Arnold however would not vote for him. I watch his movies (my favorite is Twins) and have followed his career since the early 70's and consider myself a fan of his professional work. I am concerned by many of the statements attributed to him over the years including the most recent revelation of his admiration for Hitlers oratory abilities. As a California voter I am voting against the recall on the first half and for Bustamonte on the second. Had Huffington remained in the race I had been considering voting for her.
Republican, the other white meat!
posted on October 3, 2003 05:48:25 PM new
Linda - 47 states and the fed are all fiscally screwed right now... should we be recalling all of the leaders in question?
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If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 06:12:17 PM new
Considering it will be interesting next Tuesday when this happens...
about his remarks about Hitler... those who actually understand speech making and what needs to happen during a speech... Hitler was in fact one of the greatest orators of the 20th century... to think otherwise is to just be hiding your head in the sand... his conduct was appalling, but he did take Germany from depression to be one of the greatest powers the world had seen up to that time...
No one can deny the fact that Hitler's speeches did in fact motivate and influence millions of people... he was in fact a great orator.
posted on October 3, 2003 06:20:16 PM new
"Linda - 47 states and the fed are all fiscally screwed right now... should we be recalling all of the leaders in question?"
Excellent point, Fenix.
posted on October 3, 2003 06:58:32 PM new
If all those leaders have failed the only problem is that changing them is not enough. Obviously the system that put them in power and limits what they can do is itself not up to the job.
Yes they should all be replaced along with the farce of the two party system.
posted on October 3, 2003 06:58:58 PM new
That must have been something to earn a degree via the internet in 1979
Wanna Take a Ride? Art Bell is Back! Weekends on
posted on October 3, 2003 07:00:29 PM new
"Hitler was in fact one of the greatest orators of the 20th century... to think otherwise is to just be hiding your head in the sand... his conduct was appalling, but he did take Germany from depression to be one of the greatest powers the world had seen up to that time...
No one can deny the fact that Hitler's speeches did in fact motivate and influence millions of people... he was in fact a great orator."
A profoundly honest, accurate and well articulated statement 12;
I commend you.
posted on October 3, 2003 07:08:59 PM new
Twelve - I actually do not disagree that Hitler was a great speaker, it's not the great admiration of his speaking skills that bothers me .... it's the "and his accomplishments" that does. I worry about admiring the accomplishments of someone that manipulated the public mindset, that kept the people blind to the activities of it's government and that put personal agendas above the best interest of those that he governed.
As for his speaking skills, th fact that he was able to do all of those things and convince a nation it was a good idea is testament to those skills. I'm sure there are more than a handful of current politiicians that secretly wish they were as gifted.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on October 3, 2003 07:12:10 PM new
He transferred some credits from a California Junior College and completed his degree via Internet(not in 1979). He does not list the degree as part of his credentials to the best of my knowledge although I am reasonably sure he completed the required course of study.
This was mentioned on KGO (810AM) radio San Francisco the local ABC affiliate within the past few days.
Republican, the other white meat!
posted on October 3, 2003 07:17:27 PM new
Fenix, his accomplishments up until 1938 was something that could be admired... from 1938 til early 1939 is "kinda sorta" after that we all seen how it turned out.
So for the first 5 years of his Chancellery, he did some great things...
German currency was worthless
He turned around the German economy from nothing to something... albeit it was mostly military spending.
His actions during WWII is something else... so Arnold has nothing to be ashamed of.
You may not like his "politics" or lack their of... but his statements about recinding the driver's licenses for illegals will get him votes alone... think prop 187.... CA does not like illegals... not matter how much people seem to think otherwise.
Arnold will win because he is Arnold....