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posted on October 3, 2003 02:38:45 PM new
My husband sent me this link and I hope you all enjoy it.


posted on October 3, 2003 03:38:13 PM new

That's an understatement, imo.

My favorite was #1. How unusual to get a picture like that. Wonder if this might be the way a mother protects her young from other fish or just a one-of-a-kind photo.

They were all great!!
posted on October 3, 2003 03:44:34 PM new
lovepotions - they are incredible! Thank you so much for posting the link!

I think #12 is just adorable

"Be kind. Remember everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." - Harry Thompson

"I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide and then questions the manner in which I provide it." - A Few Good Men
posted on October 3, 2003 04:25:05 PM new
Some of the animal picks have me giggling for 2 days without even looking at them again just remembering how damn cute they are.

The black dog in the fence and the ducklings lol.

The other pics just make me stare at them for quite a while. They are perfect!

posted on October 3, 2003 05:41:54 PM new
Just BEAUTIFUL! Thank you lovepotions
posted on October 3, 2003 08:19:31 PM new
Touching images of the complexities of our world.

Particularly moving are the images of the Albanian mother that saved her child from the horrors of war.
And the Heroic Palestinian boy that stands defiantly against the occupation of his Goliath occupational and expansionist, oppressors.

Thankyou lovepotions

posted on October 5, 2003 05:59:04 AM new
Thanks for the very nice link.

Unfortunately, now you left the door open for Helen to leave links to dead babies and things of the nature.


Reverend Colin

Rt. 67 cycle

posted on October 5, 2003 06:43:58 AM new

Unfortunately, now you left the door open for Helen to leave links to dead babies and things of the nature.

...as you leave a link to your cycle business, colon.

The photographs were very interesting, lovepotions. Thanks for posting them!


posted on October 5, 2003 01:39:16 PM new
Leave it to colin to put an unpleasant (and might I say jackass) remark into a thread that was meant to be pleasant.

Great photos! My favorite has to be #17!


He has his own throne (Revelation 13:2) and his own worshipers (Revelation 13:4).
posted on October 5, 2003 01:46:05 PM new

I like number 18 too, Cheryl! No posing or darkroom manipulation needed for that one!


[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 5, 2003 01:47 PM ]
posted on October 5, 2003 08:56:41 PM new
gorgeous pictures!!!

posted on October 5, 2003 10:42:48 PM new
I like #7 & in particular #13 because IMO it has been included in this group to reinforce certain people’s racist stereotypes that Arabs are violent.

These 2 images stand out because they are the only 2 included which inspire and reinforce political opinion !!!

IMO #7 (‘ethnic’ Albanian) has been included as a ‘token’_ ‘soft-on’ Oh! Poor Muslim we love Muslims too.

Cheap and transparent American-Anti-Other-Semite propaganda!

All good photography, none the less.

posted on October 6, 2003 05:12:59 AM new
I notice you jumped colin there Cheryl, but never jump Helen for her most tasteless pictures she usually posts in these threads...

So nice to see Helen post out of norm and actually have a positive post for a change.

posted on October 6, 2003 08:18:32 AM new

But, it's so fun to jump colin. I so rarely get the opportunity. Not like with you. . . .


He has his own throne (Revelation 13:2) and his own worshipers (Revelation 13:4).
posted on October 6, 2003 08:36:35 AM new

Let's see, how does twelvepole's sense of taste work for him....out of sight, out of mind. He wants to keep those photographs of wounded or dead babies and soldier's out of sight...and out of mind.

I posted one photograph related to war and twelvepole still remembers...I'm not sorry about that.


[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 6, 2003 09:03 AM ]
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