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posted on May 6, 2004 04:57:32 PM new
Anyone want to comment on this? Kind ominous, didn't check out these guys, like google them or anything... there are links though at the bottom. Yes I will bold some parts, so fair warning.

Personal Interview by Warren White with Ahmed Mohamed, Islamic expert and author of "An Islamic Conspiracy for World Conquest."
"In a recent interview with Ahmed Mohamed, author of "An Islamic Conspiracy" I learned of his vast knowledge of the Mid-East, terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, and an in-depth understanding of Islam itself."

White: "With WMD as top agenda for most Western nations, what can you tell me about them?"

Mohamed: “They have actually found most of the ones from Iraq already without knowing it. Most of the WMD were trucked out of Iraq to Syria prior to the invasion. They were then flown to Libya, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The ones in Egypt and Libya have already been accounted for internationally. While what is truly going on in those two countries still needs to be divulged and exposed because there is a bigger picture than what is being shown to the World.”

White: "Can your statements be collaborated?"

Mohamed: “I would be willing to speak out and give evidence to what I am saying but in doing so my life would be placed in jeopardy as well as those of others. Without proper protection afforded to me and the others it would be difficult for me to tell all I know.”
White: “What would you cite as the failures of the Coalition?”
Mohamed: “Easy, Western intelligence in the Mid-East lacks the correct knowledge base. They believe they have a handle on everything without understanding the Arabs. Arab ideology doesn’t care about what the West thinks.”

White: “What do you see in the future?”

Mohamed: "Muslims will strike the US very hard repeatedly where portable nuclear, chemical and biological weapons will be used in massive suicide attacks carried out by sleeper cells in the US. Whether these attacks will begin before the presidential election depends on various factors. The outcome of Mubarak´s upcoming visit to Washington in April and that of the G8 summit in June will determine whether America will be struck before the election. If the West is not dissuaded from implementing the Greater Middle-East Reform Initiative (GME) which would result in removing the existing Arab regimes, then America will be hit before the election, possibly in September and October. The immediate aim of the strike is to intimidate Bush causing a failure at the poll and to set Kerry up to win.

Mubarak, on behalf of Arab rulers who resist GME, visited Italy, France and the UK in the beginning of March to try to dissuade them from joining the US in the GME and in the war against terror. Before he went, the authorities in France and the UK were directed to several decoy bombs and threat notes placed in remote spots along their railway tracks. The French and British were not impressed enough and Mubarak went back home empty-handed on March 9. A couple of days later, however, Madrid train bombings took place, Aznar was wasted and the new government is pulling out of Iraq and deserting the war against terror. Europe is now so impressed and intimidated that it is reconsidering its position regarding GME."

White: “That is an ominous prediction. Would you care to expand?”

Mohamed: “Certainly. What you saw happen on the Madrid trains is a preview to what is to come in the US after the elections are over. Everyone feels the Americans will not be able to handle what is coming when the bomb blast are a weekly event and become a common occurrence with no one´s neighborhood being exempt from attacks.

When it gets as bad as it can get over there the speculation will be wide ranging from nothing to total capitulation. With a liberal government seated in power what are they going to do? There will never be a clear cut enemy to place a finger on. The terrorist cells are there, in the U.S., waiting for the signal to begin, not only Al-Qaeda and Hamas but also Islamic Jihad and a wide assortment of sub-groups. The rest of the world will be mired down deep in this Jihad; Paris and Berlin are not going to be exempt from this coming terror. They have only been spared from the holocaust because of their lack of participation in the Coalition. Once the Coalition is defeated and out of Iraq it will be their turn. Think about it;France has one of the highest Muslim populations of any nation in Europe.”

White: “How does the world stop this impending doom?”

Mohamed: By going for the head of the Islamic terrorist snake, instead of the tail. It is futile and counterproductive to go after Al-Qaeda fighters (the tail) and leave its founders and sponsors (the head).

Osmama Ben Ladin who has not left Saudi Arabia since 9/11 maybe dead now. Al-Qaeda is very much alive because the the actual head is alive."

White: "Could we have prevented 9/11 with the knowledge and intelligence now available?"

Mohamed: “There is no way to stop all the impending attacks. Just like there was no way to stop 9/11. I don’t care what Bush or his predecessor did or didn’t do, 9/11 was inevitable.

If the Arab radicals concluded today that the Coalition was going to remain steadfast and not disintegrate in six months the attacks would start tomorrow. All evidence is that the Coalition is going to fall apart. Once it becomes a clear victory for the Islamic Forces the Jihad will begin that will change human history forever."

White: "How do you see the upcoming US election?"

Mohammed: "Even if America rallies behind Bush there are going to be numerous incidences for many committees to discuss in the future. The one on 9/11 that has concluded didn’t do anything but to spur fundamentalist attitude that they have already won.

I see American politics as a kaleidoscope; adjust the ring a little and it intermittently takes on a whole new picture. The greatest change will come in November, 2005 after the U.S. has cleared out of Iraq but by then the world will see the mistakes and will be unsure of how to change it."

White: “You have any last thoughts to pass on?”

Mohamed: “The Mid-East is the focal point of human history as well as its future. The future for the world is indeed bleak and we may be facing Armageddon or Judgment Day should we not stop the Islamic Jihad."

White: “Thank you for the interview and the opportunity to forewarn the world."

You may purchase the book at http://www.lulu.com/IslamConspiracy

Warren A. White is the renowned discoverer of "La Vizcaina," a shipwreck from Columbus´ 4th Voyage of Discovery. He is also artist, writer/journalist, and active historical shipwreck researcher. More information may be found at http://www.geocities.com/warrenwhite46/Dreams.html or on Google search by typing Warren White Vizcaina. Mr. White´s most recent book, "All Knights of the Apocalypse," a novel about terrorism worldwide is available at http://www.lulu.com/WarrenAWhite

Both Mr. White and Mr. Mohamed are clients of Fann Literary and Art Agent

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream. [ edited by NearTheSea on May 6, 2004 05:00 PM ]
posted on May 6, 2004 05:07:40 PM new
#*!@ makes the flowers grow.
Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on May 6, 2004 05:09:27 PM new
Thank you for the comment dave, next?

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 05:17:34 PM new

posted on May 6, 2004 05:30:24 PM new
Come on! Even though its an 'ominus prediction' (the Jihad and all)
He DOES say that Kerry will win the election

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 05:30:53 PM new
LOL @ your thread title, NTS.

I believe those who won't even consider this interview as a real possibility has their head in the sand. BIG TIME. And I believe the terrorists will win because of this. We are too divided, as a Nation, to be willing to come together against this threat. And if we don't, at some point soon, we won't have to worry about which party wins the elections.....we'll be under new, un-elected rule.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 6, 2004 05:38:50 PM new
Well, after all the fuss on bolding

Yeah, well, I haven't read this guys book, and don't know how 'real' he is, but parts DO make sense...... We don't understand Arabs, BUT!! what could we have done?

9-11 was one of the biggest things to happen to our country in a long time. And with threats for more, which some don't take with much seriousness.

I don't know, what IF all this guy is saying is true?

Your right, we won't be under any elected official..... well, maybe we won't be here ......

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 05:52:40 PM new
I did bother to research Mr Muhamed, the teaser you c/p'd refers to his publisher lulu who puplish eBooks for anyone on anything regardless of credentials and merit.

Aside from that he shares a common name with a known terrorist.

And yes #*!@ makes the flowers grow.

Friends don't let friends vote Republican!
posted on May 6, 2004 05:58:31 PM new
Near - I don't know, what IF all this guy is saying is true?

I don't know - we're doing what we can to shore things up without going further in debt trying to do more.

What concerns me is that he's not alone in saying pretty much the same thing I've seen others say during interviews on Fox News...interviews with other Muslims...Arabs. And then of course, we have the binladen tapes to believe too.

And many of our government officials aren't speaking out about these threats not happening. And there's those [thought to be attempts] attacks that have been prevented...thank heaven.

Even while arguing political differences....about how things should be handled...what's being done wrong....I don't hear them in disagreement about stopping the 'war on terrorism'. Guess it just boils down to where we want to fight it [whose land].

But then there was Clark....who when running said he'd protect us from further attacks. Never said exactly how though

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 6, 2004 06:04:31 PM new
Thank you dave, even if its a vanity ebook publisher, who knows if they don't or DO have merit?

The name, is I believe a very common Islamic/Muslim name.

Linda, I think the gov't and everyone else in the limelight; media etc are being 'politically correct' as not to offend all Muslims...... JMHO

gotta go for a bit

and dave, plain #*!@ does not make flowers grow, you'll burn them, you need it to composte first

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 06:59:06 PM new
I'd really like to know who this chickie female solider is and what the helz is her story! Its one thing to see guys acting crude; we almost can dimiss it in some fashion, because they are just so dumb....but her?? Anyone else really perturbed with this <cough, cough> soldier?

posted on May 6, 2004 07:05:25 PM new
Good point Nero! She sure seems to enjoy the humiliation the prisoners are going through. Pretty sick.

posted on May 6, 2004 07:23:21 PM new
yeah kraft, - it's bizzare it bothers me so much more looking at her doing it, than looking at a "him" doing it. Guess my idea was always that women were at least "emotionally" more intelligent than men. Blows my mind that she could be so, so,...negligent of another human being.

Ironic thing is all the higher ups heads are gonna roll for it; but this stuff goes on quite often with lowever level MI and CID staff all the time. Many are so corrupted that they think stuff like this is actually fun. But maybe now they will think twice before they do sh** like this again.

posted on May 6, 2004 07:47:02 PM new

Since this sort of abuse is common in prison environments, the situation should have been carefully monitored...especially with inexperienced guards.

Stanford University, for example, conducted a simulation study of the Psychology of Imprisonment with students as guards and inmates...

What happens when you put good people in an evil place? Does humanity win over evil, or does evil triumph? These are some of the questions we posed in this dramatic simulation of prison life conducted in the summer of 1971 at Stanford University.

posted on May 6, 2004 07:48:59 PM new
Here's the story on that chick

Private disgrace

May 6, 2004

FORT ASHBY, W.Va. -- The front license plate holder on Kenneth England´s Chevrolet pickup truck holds a card: "Proud Parents of a U.S. soldier." The family´s porch on their single-wide trailer is festooned with ribbons - yellow ribbons, and also red, white and blue ones in honor of their daughter´s service in Iraq.

The patriotic scene stands in stark contrast to the graphic photographs of their daughter, Pfc. Lynndie England, 21, posing with naked and hooded Iraqi detainees at the Abu Ghraib prison.

That soldier is somehow not the same Lynndie the England family knows. Their cat-loving, hard-headed Lynndie, who sent money from her Army pay for her two sisters´ newborn babies? It can´t be.

"This is not the person the media has made her out to be," said Terrie England, 44, who stood on her front porch behind a small cattle farm in this hill town about five miles south of the Cresaptown, Md., headquarters of Pfc. England´s reserve unit, the 372nd Military Police Command.

Lynndie England apparently is being detained at Fort Bragg, N.C., and unlike her boyfriend in the 372nd, Spc. Charles Graner, 35, of Uniontown, Pa., she has not been criminally charged with maltreatment and indecent acts.

Terrie England said her daughter told her by telephone that Lynndie´s superiors had urged her to pose in the photos because they would be used to threaten Iraqis under interrogation but also because the snapshots would make good souvenirs.

"She said they were posed shots, and she said, ´That´s all I can say,´" added Lynndie´s sister, Jessica, 24.

Lynndie´s family says she is in a restricted area at Fort Bragg. They cannot call her, but she can call them, and she does - to chat about anything other than her apparent detention in the prison-photo case.

According to a report in yesterday´s Baltimore Sun, military officials confirmed that England is pregnant.

To their frustration, the Englands have remained in the dark about the legal status of their daughter, whom they call "Lynn." One clue came in January when she told them she had been demoted from specialist to private first class. And they said she had not been allowed representation from an Army attorney.

"To me, one of the few good things is that she has not been charged with anything," said Kenneth England, 44, who works for the CSX railroad.

The town of Fort Ashby, population 1,354, has a close connection to the 372nd because it is a reserve unit whose members work and live in the community.

Lynndie England shared in this patriotism, her family said. She joined the Army to see the world and pay for college. She wants to study to be a meteorologist. She signed up for the Army at 17 - even before she had graduated from high school. She handled administrative work for the 372nd, which was activated and reported to Fort Lee, Va.

"Lynndie was real quiet, reserved," said former Staff Sgt. Tanya Vargas, who served several years with the unit before leaving the Army in April 2003. "But once we got to Fort Lee, I felt I could see she was getting her first taste of freedom. This deployment was her break from rural Fort Ashby, W. Va."

At Fort Lee, Lynndie became romantically linked to Graner, who also appears in some of the photos from Abu Ghraib. "She said she liked him," Vargas said.

Graner and England both are mentioned prominently in the U.S. Army´s official report on the abuse allegations. In one section of the report, Graner is described as forcing a group of prisoners to strip naked, slither around on the prison floor, and then get into a pile. The report also states that Graner hit prisoners, and it quotes another soldier as saying it was Graner´s job to get prisoners to talk for military intelligence officers.

Graner faces a possible court martial, according to his civilian attorney, Guy Womack. His Article 32 hearing, the military equivalent of a grand jury proceeding, has been completed, Womack said. Graner was a state prison guard in Greene County, Pa., for seven years. He has a 13-year-old daughter and an 11-year-old son, who live in Pennsylvania with his former wife, according to news reports.

England was home for two weeks in December, and her family said her seven months in Iraq to that point had been difficult. She had lost 15 or 20 pounds ("The pack she had weighed more than her!" said Kenneth England). She was weary of the Iraqi detainees and their complaints that she was taking down their names surname-first, in violation of their local custom.

One night in December, a thunderstorm swept over the area and she woke up agitated.

"She jumped off the couch and started talking about taking shelter because she thought we were being bombed," said a family friend, Destiny Goin.

Lynndie´s family admits to some bitterness. To them, the apparent humiliations inflicted on the Iraqi prisoners pale when compared to the burning and mutilation of four U.S. contractors last month. Kenneth and Terrie England say the activities shown on the notorious picture would be justified if they resulted in intelligence that saved American lives.

"The way this is going, they´re looking for scapegoats," Kenneth England said. "And where do they go? To the PFCs."

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 07:49:58 PM new
Ok Helen, ANY comment from you on the interview I c/p 'ed and bolded?

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 07:56:28 PM new

posted on May 6, 2004 07:59:30 PM new
Interesting interview NTS, I agree with most of what he says and do see why terrorist would want Kerry to win, he will not do anything just be indecisive...

However I do not see anytime of WOMD being used, at least not while this President is in office, we would not hesistate to react.

I do think barring any major catastrophe, President Bush will win reelection and then we can see how the next 4 years go.


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on May 6, 2004 08:03:34 PM new
Well 12, I hope you are right!

In cyberspace, you can't hear a liberal scream.
posted on May 6, 2004 08:06:37 PM new
What happened to being truthful? Instead of taking responsibility for her own actions, she squeels on her fellow soldiers. Her parents are in denial as well so I can see where she learned that from. How weak can you get?

posted on May 6, 2004 09:53:37 PM new
And the seeds are being sown for a temporary insanity plea on her part, did you notice?

We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people. -- John F. Kennedy
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