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posted on May 7, 2004 05:52:21 AM new
figures coming from a nazi country as most of the world sees the US now, so the speech of American values is looked upon as a bunch of Nazis wanting to impose their ways....too bad...the US has lost all their creditability in the eyes of world opinion...too bad....world war 3 is on it's way...

Limbaugh on Torturing Iraqis: U.S Guards Were Just "Having a Good Time"

Hours before President George W. Bush announced plans to address the Arab world to condemn the abuse of Iraqi prisoners by U.S. military personnel at the Abu Ghraib prison, Rush Limbaugh justified the U.S. guards' mistreatment of the Iraqis, stating that they were just "having a good time," and that their actions served as an "emotional release."

As reported by Wonkette.com, Limbaugh's comments can be found on his website. From the May 4 Rush Limbaugh Show, titled "It's Not About Us; This Is War!":

america is unfit to change the world

They wanted to humiliate us. It was disgusting. They covered our heads with plastic bags and hit our backs with sharp objects, which added to our wounds. They then took off all our clothes, made us stand next to the wall and carried out immoral acts that I cannot even talk about. Women soldiers took pictures of naked men and did not care.”

prisoners knew that at any moment, this american porno could be a snuff film at any time

Military Police Private Lynndie England wears the obscenely grinning face that America now presents to the world. In a profound sense, it is Pvt. England and her comrades who most authentically represent the raw white racism that is the Great Enabler of the current American imperial abomination. Centuries of U.S. history prepared Private England to instantly assume the role of depraved dominatrix at the slave punishment facility called Abu Ghraib Prison.

“He's getting hard,” shouted the 21-year-old Army reservist from West Virginia, gleefully pointing to the crotch of the naked, hooded prisoner, one of seven selected for a night of Ku Klux Klan-style fun and games. Pvt. England and her six confederates, including another young female, piled the naked men in a pyramid to simulate homosexual orgy. She placed her hand on a prisoner’s buttocks, grinning like a cheerleader as the camera captured an ancient truth: would-be slave masters are the most debased people on Earth.

In the Abu Ghraib pictures we see U.S. soldiers performing a slave master’s ritual, a specific, American kind of grotesquerie. Thoroughly ordinary young men and women pretend to be gods, lording over darker humanity. U.S. culture empowers them to act out their most hideous fantasies at the expense of “lesser” peoples. Lynndie England demanded that Iraqi men surrender their dignity by masturbating for her sick enjoyment. The Iraqi victims knew that the Americans’ pornographic theater could turn into a snuff film at any moment. To the Arab men, Pvt. England and Specialist Megan Ambuhl must have seemed like “Bay Watch” from Hell.

http://www.blackcommentator.com/89/89_cover_change_world.html [ edited by skylite on May 7, 2004 06:03 AM ]
posted on May 7, 2004 06:25:09 AM new

No one here has admitted support for Rush Limbaugh on this topic.
The Disgusting Rush Transcript

CALLER: Rush if you were in the military and you were ordered to interrogate someone even though it was an in-depth interrogation, you would do your job in a business-like manner. And I think most people would, do a difficult job that they didn't want to do in a business-like manner. These people had a job to do, but they were taking pleasure in it. There's something psychologically wrong with that. It's not the act so much. It was like a college fraternity prank that stack up naked men --

RUSH: "Exactly. Exactly my point! This is no different than what happens at the skull and bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it and we're going to hamper our military effort, and then we are going to really hammer them because they had a good time. You know, these people are being fired at every day. I'm talking about people having a good time, these people, you ever heard of emotional release? You of heard of need to blow some steam off? These people are the enemy. Our people are being fired at, shot at, these are young people that have volunteered to go over there and they're having bullets fired in their way, bombs and mortar fire aimed at 'em by the people that they are guarding and charged to get information from."

posted on May 7, 2004 06:49:35 AM new
Limbaugh is nothing more than a dopehead. He spent years running down drug users, and he himself was hooked. Any credibility he had was flushed down the drain.

posted on May 7, 2004 01:00:45 PM new

notice any difference, i don't,

posted on May 7, 2004 01:22:42 PM new
Oh yeah, no one would EVER accuse Skylite of America-hating...
We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on May 7, 2004 01:31:42 PM new

Of course skylite is not America-hating. What a dumb thing to say.

How do you view Rush Limbaugh's comments?

posted on May 7, 2004 01:34:54 PM new
How do you see Skylite as America-hating? He lives in America, Replay.

posted on May 7, 2004 01:41:15 PM new
helen it's called wag the dog, by those who want to pay attention to me rather than look at the actions of the leaders of America, who have taken a great nation and are flushing it down the toilet, America now stands for Nazism or Stalinism, and many many in the world look at America that way now, because the leaders are determined to destroy it themselves....anyone with some intelligence can see what is happening to America, and the sad thing is, many can not see that America has been betrayed by it's own leaders.....very sad indeed

posted on May 7, 2004 01:43:16 PM new
I couldn't agree more, Skylite!

posted on May 7, 2004 01:49:57 PM new

America has been betrayed by it's own leaders.....very sad indeed

Unfortunately, that's very true.


posted on May 7, 2004 01:55:34 PM new
" How do you see Skylite as America-hating? He lives in America, Replay."

Anyone who would post that Swastika-Flag could be nothing else, that's why.

I didn't hear Rush's comments, but I'd bet they were done in his not-so-unusual "sarcasm-mode." I know darn well I heard him say how horrible this was just the other day- I'm sure he hasn't changed his stance.

And this will be my last post in this topic. It's not worthy of my time.
We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on May 7, 2004 02:02:15 PM new

If you are inclined to call other posters anti-American, targeting those who are concerned about such unAmerican activities as brutal torture, then you would be wise to chat about something else. I am really fed up with all the name calling. Nobody here is anti American.


[ edited by Helenjw on May 7, 2004 02:04 PM ]
posted on May 7, 2004 02:34:58 PM new
It's not anti-American to question your government. If no one ever said anything can you imagine the cover-ups that would happen as each administration got more corrupt than the previous one.

When everyone was waiting for Bush to apologize he should have been man enough to step forward the very first chance and tell all of Iraq and all the world that he was sorry, also announce to all of America he was sorry. He should have apologized to all the good troops who have worked so hard and put their lives on the line, believing in a better world.

This is a betrayal to all of us everywhere and something none of us ever imagined we'd see in this day and age. Now they say it's going to get worse, that more stories and more pictures are out there. It's a disgrace and it's shameful for all to see or even comprehend.

To question it is the only way to start on the road to improve things, to insure that something like this will hopefully never happen again.

posted on May 7, 2004 03:25:02 PM new
The baghdad three and skylite... figures.

Skylite's posts are nothing, no truth behind them and shows how much of an anti-american pos it is.

Oh the one photo is of a British Soldier... you can't even get that right.

For those lurking... I hope your intelligent enough to see how these anti-americans are trying to denounce our good and brave soldiers in Iraq...


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on May 7, 2004 03:40:06 PM new
Twelvepole, please reread my post. Perhaps you have a problem with comprehension.

So what is your solution to all of this? That America make excuses and try to cover it all up and it's business as usual?

If you care even the slightest bit about your country you would want it to look the very best worldwide and you'd be stepping up to the plate to make it look better instead of trolling the boards and acting cowardly and being in complete denial. Actions like yours are a betrayal to all the honorable troops that have worked so hard to try to make Iraq a better place for all.

You brag about serving your country and talk about tossing gays overboard from your ship (your very own countrymen), you're lower than low and a disgrace to all.

posted on May 7, 2004 03:59:17 PM new
Right! I'm sure all the "lurkers" will see what a bright bulb you are compared to the rest of us, Twelve.

Here you go lurkers, here's Twelve's resume...

I hate women
I hate gays
I'd love to kill gays if it was legal
Women should be submissive and/or Oriental
If I find a broad, I should be able to "bang" her girlfriends
I love calling women sick names becuase it elevates my ego
I hate Mexicans
I hate Canadians but I love "banging" their married women
I love Bush because he's so honest
I love the troops so much, I want them to stay there

posted on May 7, 2004 04:07:11 PM new

So now, twelvepole thinks that anyone who objects to torture is anti-american?

Shame on you twelvepole.

posted on May 7, 2004 04:13:50 PM new
Let's see....

skylite says American is a Nazi country....then posts the flag with the swastika on it...

then helen defends him by saying he's not American-hating...

KD just can't figure out why someone would say that..

then skylite continues on to say that 'America now stands for Nazism or Stalinism...

then KD agrees....

And you guys think I am misguided in calling you anti-American's.

I think most can see you've taken this issue just a tad to far.....those statements are NOT pro-American.....no way....shape or form.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 7, 2004 04:17:58 PM new

So what's this? Twelvepole can't answer or defend himself so he calls in Linda_K for support again. I'm really starting to believe that you guys are related after all.

posted on May 7, 2004 04:19:46 PM new

posted on May 7, 2004 04:25:58 PM new
In the military I am quite sure there were queers on my ships... they didn't advertise it and I can assure you of that... and the ones that did... well, accidents do happen...


Gays have always been in the Military... doesn't mean they are tolerated or accepted.
A few "accidents" have known to occur...


Oh and logansdad I know very well there are queers in the military... I also know that some are thrown overboard and/or beaten... President CLinton made the "don't ask don't tell" policy... seems to be working...I can live with that...


Edited to fix url

[ edited by kiara on May 7, 2004 04:34 PM ]
posted on May 7, 2004 04:27:54 PM new
Linda, it's the government he's referring to, not the American people. He's anti-Bush, not anti-American. To you, there's no difference, so I can see why you'd be confused at my posts.

posted on May 7, 2004 04:39:03 PM new
are you speaking for skylite now KD?

His statements were about my country. YOU decided what others can say about your country and I'll decide what I find offensive and will speak out about when MY country [skylite said NAZI COUNTRY] is being compared and called a Nazi.

You, KD are the one who is misguided if you can't read what he said.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 7, 2004 04:45:11 PM new

I agree with what he said about the leaders of my country, linda. Kraftdinner and Kiara have opinions too and the last time I checked they can still voice them here.

posted on May 7, 2004 04:48:14 PM new
Linda, you can play all your amnesia-style games but I'm also American, so it's MY country too, not YOUR country. And yes, I can read. Skylite is talking about Bush - Bush is responsible for the Nazi-like behaviour he's referring to. His posts have always reflected that, so I don't need an interpreter.

posted on May 7, 2004 04:54:30 PM new
Oh you're certainly free to express anything you wish helen.

But skylite's statements go FAR BEYOND questioning, FAR BEYOND discussing our recent problems,

and shame on all of you for agreeing with those hate filled....anti-American statements. NOT about Bush...about YOUR OWN COUNTRY.

Trash is what it is- hateful trash. And to sit by while someone says this about YOUR country.....is absolutely appalling.

That you defend it helen.....comes as no surprise to me.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on May 7, 2004 04:57:17 PM new
When you say trash, do you mean like the lies you conjured up last night, Linda?

posted on May 7, 2004 05:00:08 PM new
as for linda k and 12pole...they are agreeing with this scandal...as you can see...they believe in torture and murder......it is both British and Americans who are both breaking the Geneva Convention...and oh yea...Bush and gang made sure they would not be prosecuted aganist war crimes....but hey it's a waste of my time to have any logical discussion with fascists...

they have proven my point, that each time they write that America's leaders and those who follow them are flushing America down the toilet..

i would say these people are traitors to their country....
yet they speak of American morals...gee what kind of morals...Hilter's and Stalin's morals so far, the actions of the leadership and those that follow them is hypocritical, and based on lies.....it's all for money...your children are being murdered for money...

does anyone here know if any of the rich elite have their children in battle ???

America has been sold out........World War 3 is on it's way and America will be remembered for starting it...what a legacy to leave for the future....

posted on May 7, 2004 05:03:55 PM new

Linda...get a grip..You are waaaay out of line. Your slanderous remarks to me are becoming obnoxious to say the least. Who in the hell is going to want to chat with you. I certainly don't. Go back to bed or back to lurking.

posted on May 7, 2004 05:09:31 PM new
this is what linda and her cohorts on this chat board agree with...they say it's ok to do this...American morals people... this is the example....

the leadership of America knew this was going on and did not say anything until they got caught...that's right they got caught....

'US soldiers Abused Young Girl at Iraqi Prison'
7.17PM, Fri May 7 2004

The US military has said it will investigate claims by a former inmate of Abu Ghraib prison that a girl as young as 12 was stripped and beaten by military personnel.

Suhaib al-Baz, a journalist for the al-Jazeera television network, claims to have been tortured at the prison, based west of Baghdad, while held there for 54 days.

Mr al-Baz was arrested when reporting clashes between insurgents and coalition forces in November.

He said: "They brought a 12-year-old girl into our cellblock late at night. Her brother was a prisoner in the other cells.

"She was naked and screaming and calling out to him as they beat her. Her brother was helpless and could only hear her cries. This affected all of us because she was just a child.

The allegations cannot be verified independently but Mr al-Baz maintains psychological and physical violence were commonplace in the jail.

He also claims that a father and his 15-year-old son were tortured in front of his cell.

He said: "They made the son carry two jerry cans full of water. An American soldier had a stick and when he stopped, he would beat him.

"He collapsed so they stripped him and poured cold water over him. They brought a man who was wearing a hood. They pulled it off. The son was shocked to see it was his father and collapsed.

"When he recovered, he now saw his father dressed in women's underwear and the Americans laughing at him.

Mr al-Baz claims the guards at the prison were keen to take photographs of the abuse and turned it into a competition.

"They were enjoying taking photographs of the torture. There was a daily competition to see who could take the most gruesome picture.

"The winner's photo would be stuck on a wall and also put on their laptop computers as a screensaver.

"I had a good opinion of the Americans but since my time in prison, I've changed my mind. In Iraq we still have no freedom or democracy. They are so cruel to us."

The International Committee of the Red Cross has said Iraqis held by US forces have been subjected to systematic degrading treatment, sometimes close to torture, that may have been officially condoned.

The ICRC said visits to detention centres in Iraq between March and November 2003 had turned up violations of international treaties on prisoners of war.

The ICRC, whose reports on prison visits are confidential, went public with some of its findings after parts of the 24-page document were carried by the Wall Street Journal.

The scandal over detainee abuse broke last week with the release of photographs showing the sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners in Abu Ghraib.

US Defecse Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has taken responsibility for the incidents and apologised to the victims, the Iraqi people and Americans.

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