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posted on May 16, 2004 02:31:37 PM new
An article by Mr. Hornberger which appeared in The Observer, August 16, 1995, explains how the American people came to accept the same economic and statist policies that American GI's fought and died to defeat.

The NAZI Mind-set in America

By Jacob G. Hornberger
Before the end of World War II, in 1944, Friedrich A. Hayek, who was later to win the Nobel memorial prize in economic science, startled the Western world with a book entitled The Road to Serfdom. Hayek argued that despite the war against Nazi Germany, the economic philosophy of the Nazis and communists was becoming the guiding light for American and British policy makers. In his forward to the 1972 edition of the book, Hayek wrote:

"But after war broke out I felt that this widespread misunderstanding of the political systems of our enemies, and soon also of our new ally, Russia, constituted a serious danger which had to be met by a more systematic effort. Also, it was already fairly obvious that England herself was likely to experiment after the war with the same kind of policies which I was convinced had contributed so much to destroy liberty elsewhere... Opinion moves fast in the United States, and even now it is difficult to remember how comparatively short a time it was before The Road to Serfdom appeared that the most extreme kind of economic planning had been seriously advocated and the model of Russia held up for imitation by men who were soon to play an important role in public affairs... Be it enough to mention that in 1934 the newly established National Planning Board devoted a good deal of attention to the example of planning provided by these four countries: Germany, Italy, Russia, and Japan."
As the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II approaches, Americans must ask themselves a troubling question: Did Hayek's concerns become reality - have Americans, in fact, traveled the road to serfdom the past fifty years? Or, put another way, did the Nazis lose the military battles but win the war for the hearts and minds of the American people?

Consider, for example, the Nazi economic system. Who can argue that the American people do not believe in and support most of its tenents? For example, how many Americans today do not unequivocally support the following planks of the Nationalist Socialist (NAZI) Party of Germany, adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920:

"We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living. The activities of the individual must not be allowed to clash with the interests of the community, but must take place within its confines and be for the good of all. (My Note: It takes a Village, or Family Values.) Therefore, we demand an end to the power of the financial interests. We demand profit sharing in big business. We demand a broad extension of care for the aged. We demand... the greatest possible consideration of small business in the purchases of the national, state, and municipal governments. In order to make possible to every capable and industrious (citizen) the attainment of higher education and thus the achievement of a post of leadership, the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education... We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents... The government must undertake the improvement of public health by protecting mother and child, by prohibiting child labor - by the greatest possible support for all clubs concerned with the physical education of youth. We combat the... materialistic spirit within and without us, and are convinced that a permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of "The Common Good Before the Individual Good.""
I repeat: How many Americans today do not unequivocally support most, if not all, of these Nazi economic and political principles?

And if there is any doubt whether the Nazi economic philosophy did, in fact, win the hearts and minds of the American people, consider the following description of the Nazi economic system by Leonard Peikoff in his book The Ominous Parallels:

"Contrary to the Marxists, the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of the means of production. They did demand that the government oversee and run the nation's economy. The issue of legal ownership, they explained, is secondary; what counts is the issue of control. Private citizens, therefore, may continue to hold titles to property - so long as the state reserves to itself the unqualified right to regulate the use of their property."
What American objects to these principles of the Nazi economic system? Don't most Americans favor the planned economy, the regulated economy, the controlled economy? Don't most Americans favor the type of economic controls, high taxes, government-business partnerships, licensing, permits, and a myriad other economic regulations?

The truth is that Hayek's warning was ignored. Having defeated the Nazis in battle, Americans became ardent supporters and advocates of Nazi economic policies.

Why? Part of the answer lies in another feature that was central to the Nazi way of life - public schooling: "On, No! You have gone too far this time," the average American will exclaim. "Public schooling is a distinctively American institution - as American as apple pie and free enterprise." The truth as Sheldon Richman documents so well in his new book, Separating School & State, 20th-century Americans adopted the idea of a state schooling system in the latter part of the 19th century from - you guessed it - Prussia! And as Mr. Richman points out, public schooling has proven as successful in the United States as it did in Germany. Why? Because it has succeeded in its goal of producing a nation of "good, little citizens" - people who pay their taxes on time, follow the rules, obey orders, condemn and turn in the rule breakers, and see themselves as essential cogs in the national wheel. Consider the words of Richard Ebeling, in his introduction to Separating School & State:

"In the hands of the state, compulsory public education becomes a tool for political control and manipulation - a prime instrument for the thought police of the society. And precisely because every child passes through the same indoctrination process - learning the same "official history" the same "civic virtues," the same lessons of obedience and loyalty to the state - it becomes extremely difficult for the independent soul to free himself from the straight jacket of the ideology and values the political authorities wish to imprint upon the population under its jurisdiction. For the communists, it was the class struggle and obedience to the Party and Comrade Stalin; for the fascists, it was worship of the nation-state and obedience to the Duce; for the Nazis it was race purity and obedience to the Fuhrer. The content has varied, but the form has remained the same. Through the institution of compulsory state education; the child is to be molded like wax into the shape desired by the state and its educational elite."
We should not believe that because ours is a freer, more democratic society, the same imprinting procedure has not occurred even here, in America. Every generation of school-age children has imprinted upon it a politically correct ideology concerning America's past and the sanctity of the role of the state in society. Practically every child in the public school system learns that the "robber barons" of the 19th century exploited the common working man; that unregulated capitalism needed to be harnessed by enlightened government regulation beginning in the Progressive era at the turn-of-the-century; that wild Wall Street speculation was a primary cause of the Great Depression; that only Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal saved America from catastrophe; and that American intervention in foreign wars has been necessary and inevitable, with the United States government required to be a global leader and an occasional world policeman.

This brings us to the heart of the problem, the core of the Nazi mind-set: that the interests of the individual must be subordinated to the interests of the nation. This is the principle that controls the minds of the American people, just as it controlled the minds of the German people sixty years ago. Each person is viewed like a bee in a hive; his primary role in life is to serve the hive and the ruler of the hive, and to be sacrificed when the hive and its ruler consider it necessary. This is why Americans of our time, unlike their ancestors, favor such things as income taxation, Social Security, socialized medicine, and drug laws; they believe, as did Germans in the 1930's, that their bodies, lives, income, and property; in the final analysis, are subordinate to the interests of the nation.

As you read the following words of Adolf Hitler, ask yourself which American politician, which American bureaucrat, which American schoolteacher, which American citizen would disagree with the principles to which Hitler subscribed:

"It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to realize that his own ego is of no importance in comparison with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a whole; that pride and conceitedness; the feeling that the individual... is superior, so far from being merely laughable, involve great dangers for the existence of the community that is a nation; that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an individual; and that the higher interests involved in the life of the whole must here set the limits and lay down the duties of the interests of the individual."
Even though the average American enthusiastically supports the Nazi economic philosophy, he recoils at having his beliefs labeled as "Nazi". Why? Because, he argues, the Nazi government, unlike the US government, killed six million people in concentration camps; and this mass murder of millions of people, rather than economic philosophy, captures the true essence of the Nazi label.

What Americans fail (or refuse) to recognize is that the concentration camps were simply the logical extension of the Nazi mind-set! It does not matter whether there were six million killed - or six hundred - or six - or even one. The evil, the terrible, black evil - is the belief that a government should have the power to sacrifice even one individual for the good of the nation. Once this basic philosophical premise and political power are conceded, innocent people, beginning with a few and inevitably ending in multitudes; will be killed, because "the good of the nation" always ends up requiring it.

posted on May 16, 2004 02:38:17 PM new
The ghost of Adolph Hitler: Nazi influence in America

By John Stanton
Online Journal Contributing Writer

October 25, 2003—Here it is 2003 and the ghost of the notorious Nazi, Adolph Hitler, haunts America. He's in the White House in Washington, DC, and soon the governor's mansion in Sacramento, California.

He roams the halls of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. His Nazi minions Arthur Rudolph and Werner Von Braun provided the know-how to put American astronauts on the moon and nuclear warheads into space.

Rudolph, according to reporter Linda Hunt, was guilty of war crimes in WWII. "In 1969, Americans cheered as our astronauts took their first steps onto the moon. The giant rocket that blasted them into space was Rudolph's crowning achievement as NASA's project director for Saturn V. Fifteen years later, Rudolph relinquished his U.S. citizenship and left the country rather than face Justice Department charges that he had committed war crimes while working in an underground factory that had used Dora Concentration Camp prisoners as slave labor."

Americans should find it a bit unsettling that their presence on the moon and the space-based military dominance they enjoy was built, in good measure, on the backs of 6,000 human beings who would ultimately be executed by the Nazi SS in the Spring of 1945. According to Hunt, exactly 40 years after the liberation of Dora, in April 1985, the Alabama Space and Rocket Museum paid tribute to 40 Germans who stood surrounded by the press, in front of old V-2s and the Saturn V Rocket they helped build for the United States.

There is no monument to the Dora Concentration Camp. Why? Americans do not wish to be reminded of what WWII French Resistance leader, and Dora prisoner, Jean Michel said about the day that U.S. astronauts first walked on the moon, "I could not watch the Apollo mission without remembering that that triumphant walk was made possible by our initiation to inconceivable horror."

Hitler's influence is everywhere in America.

Nazi Know-How and the CIA

Hitler's ghost occupies the hallowed ground of the US Central Intelligence Agency.

General Reinhard Gehlen was Hitler's top Soviet spy during WWII and was recruited by Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA. According to Martin Lee, writing in the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Gehlen returned to West Germany in the summer of 1946 with a mandate to rebuild his espionage organization and resume spying on the East at the behest of American intelligence. That date is significant as it preceded the onset of the Cold War, which, according to standard U.S. historical accounts, did not begin until a year later, according to Lee. The early courtship of Gehlen by American intelligence suggests that Washington was in a Cold War mode sooner than most people realize. The Gehlen gambit also belies the prevalent Western notion that aggressive Soviet policies were primarily to blame for triggering the Cold War.

Based near Munich, Gehlen proceeded to enlist thousands of Gestapo, Wehrmacht, and SS veterans. Even the vilest of the vile—the senior bureaucrats who ran the central administrative apparatus of the Holocaust—were welcome in the "Gehlen Org," as it was called, including Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann's chief deputy. SS Major Emil Augsburg and Gestapo Captain Klaus Barbie, otherwise known as the "Butcher of Lyon," were among those who did double duty for Gehlen and U.S. intelligence, indicated Lee.

Sympathy for Ford's Devil

Hitler's ghost is present in the assembly lines of America's automotive manufacturers. It's amusing listening to the Ford advertising campaign that features the Rolling Stones song, Start Me Up. More appropriate, it seems, would be the Stone's classic recording of Sympathy for the Devil.

From 1939 to 1942, Ford Motor Company produced thousands of combat vehicles for the Nazis at its Cologne, Germany, production facility, reaping enormous profits that would ultimately be used to design the next-generation of Fords driven by Americans in the 1950s. During the height of WWII, Ford shipped raw materials from America to the Cologne plant to ensure that production would not be interrupted by Allied bombing and that Hitler would remain a happy customer.

According to Ken Silverstein, Ford vehicles were crucial to the revolutionary Nazi military strategy of blitzkrieg. Of the 350,000 trucks used by the motorized German Army as of 1942, roughly one-third were Ford products. Imagine the surprise of American troops when they saw the enemy—the Wehrmacht—driving around in Ford vehicles.

"They were understandably an unpleasant sight to men in the US Army," reported Silverstein.

IBM received lucrative contracts from the Nazis to build databases that would be used to determine population demographics and track down Jews, Christians and other threats to the Nazi Party. Profits from those efforts, like Ford's were sent home to America to perform research and development for new profit-making technologies. It's the same story for General Motors, Kodak, Dupont, and General Electric (owner of NBC news).

Who Won WWII?

"As the world enemy wages war against the White Race and Western Civilization in every corner of the world, we have found that the ONLY WAY to shock our people awake is through BOLD ACTION. Too many others would rather try to TALK the problem away, while we realize that the time has come to FIGHT!" That from a website of the American Nazi Party. With the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger in California (his father was a member of the Nazi Party, opting to be a member of the storm-trooping "Brown Shirts" who eagerly pursued and persecuted Jews, Christians and Gypsies) and Nazi-tainted George Bush II in the White House, the American Nazi Party, the Aryan Nations and other despicable hate groups have received an unintended acknowledgement that their hateful struggle on behalf of the "white race" has merit.

And why shouldn't they when their government officials and so-called leaders tacitly sanction ethnic cleansing, demean Islam and Arabs or strive to eliminate the civil rights gains of minorities and same-sex groups.

It's no surprise to find Hitler's ghost in the offices of Senator Trent Lott who said of white supremacist Senator Strom Thurmond—an opponent of integration and civil rights in the 1960s—"When Strom Thurmond ran for president, we voted for him. We're proud of it. And if the rest of the country had followed our lead, we wouldn't have had all these problems over all these years."

Hitler's ghost visits the House side in the offices of Representative Tom DeLay, an avowed Christian Zionist, who advocates the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians by Israel and is a proponent of the Security Fence, while at the same time admonishing those who will listen to him to "stand unashamedly for Jesus Christ."

And in the Pentagon, Hitler's ideology, has a friend in the form of US Marine Corps Lieutenant General William Boykin who believes that "God supports the US military because we're a Christian nation, because our foundation and our roots are Judeo-Christian . . . Our spiritual enemy will only be defeated if we come against them in the name of Jesus."

That what the Aryan Nation says too. They proclaim that they have God's support. Like all God-fearing Nazi's, they hope "To ordain, establish, and pledge our fidelity to our Aryan Racial Nation, under the Law of God, the uniting of our individual strength as a united lawful power, for the preservation and total independence from all alien influence and control over our Faith, Children, and Destiny. "

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator," said Adolf Hitler.

"God told me to strike at Al Qa'ida and I struck them. And then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did. With the might of God on our side we will triumph," said George W. Bush. Or was that Hitler talking to Bush?

Hitler's ghost haunts the United States of America.

posted on May 16, 2004 02:59:09 PM new
Uncle Sam used to be everyone's favourite uncle. But not anymore. In recent times he has shown his true colours as a vicious and ruthless killer of men, women, and children and arch-proponent of shameless imperialism.
Under smirking president-by-default and commander-in-chief George W. Bush, America has lost its way and gone Nazi. And become a serious threat to its own people and to our entire planet.
But how could all this have happened in the Land of the Free? Only now is the truth emerging. It is all the culmination of a long-term 'American Century' project by a gang of high tories financed by the American Enterprise Institute, various political trusts and foundation funds, and right-wing extremists like media billionaire Rupert Murdoch. Their primary objective? To seize power permanently, turning the U.S.A. into a one-party Fascist state forever.
The first stage in this scheme has been the enactment of the Patriot Act and the setting up of the Gestapo-like Office of Homeland Security. Law enforcement agencies, as they adopt an increasingly militaristic role and dress up in those DarthVader-type black suits, are abandoning their role as protectors of the people and becoming vehicles for suppression and control of the people. Indeed, the enabling of judges to issue 'torture warrants' is being seriously considered by the White House.
And the U.S. Military - now in effect calling the shots - is hell-bent on military adventurism and has embarked on a programme involving perpetual warfare and endless conflict, at home and abroad, against anyone and anything standing in the way of its ambitions. To this end the killing of children and innocent people, and, indeed, every vile atrocity perpetrated, is always being excused on the grounds that it was "unfortunate" but "justified".
The Constitution has virtually been torn up, the Geneva Conventions on human rights are being ignored, the United Nations is being bypassed.
Covert agencies are springing up everywhere and expanding at an alarming pace. Never before have Americans known so little about what is really happening to their country. Few realise that the National Security Council, which advises the smirking president, is comprised largely of questionable people with big business interests and ulterior motives, many of whom are oil billionaires, many of whom have already been indicted for fraud.
And Americans get to know even less about what is really going on in the world at large. Everywhere in the world - even in 'allied' countries - the common people are fearing and reviling loose-cannon America and Americans as never before.
Has the U.S.A. become that much-spoken-of 'empire of evil', 'axis of evil', greatest proponent of 'weapons of mass destruction', and largest 'rogue state' on earth?
In overseas base camps - notably at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - people are being illegally detained and tortured. In the infamous 'Camp X-Ray' case the American courts said this was okay as long as it didn't happen on 'American soil' and the victims were 'non-Americans'. The whole situation has now become so dehumanized that some legal experts are seriously suggesting that judges should be able to issue 'torture warrants' (see above).
From an early age Americans are subtly indoctrinated with an inward-looking, fervent flag-waving kind of nationalism that they mistakenly call 'patriotism'. They are inculcated with a sort of 'my country, right or wrong' mentality. This conditioning is an ongoing process. Americans are cocooned in the 'red white and blue' and 'the flag' is everywhere ever-present just as it was in soviet Russia and Nazi Germany. Americans are taught to revere their presidents as though they were Gods and taught that 'all-American' and that 'the American Way' - a phrase invented in the old Superman comics - is always better. They have been brought up to be a sort of superious 'Americankind', transcending ordinary humankind, but unfortunately lacking in that essentially healthy sense of anarchism. In short, Americans are as 'conditioned' just as much as the Soviets and German Nazis ever were.
Americans have traditionally taken little interest in the world at large and have rarely questioning the activities of the military and covert agencies. Indeed, their knowledge of the real world is rather pathetic. This is a matter of great concern to the world at large but probably goes a long way to explaining American attitudes to international relations.
Covert agencies employ millions of people to spy on their fellow Americans to ensure that they subscribe to 'the American Way' and do not engage in dangerous free-thinking. That not-so-kindly 'Uncle Sam' persuades millions of Americans to dress up in DarthVader-type 'law enforcement' black suits, carry machine guns, often be pumped full of mind-altering drugs, and, in true comic book style, ordered to 'get out there to kick arse the American Way'.
What has happened to the American people? They seem to have been turned into a very vicious people. They love violent sport, violent television, violent news, and they are enthralled by violent events of any kind. Nuremburg-type rallies are no longer necessary. Americans can now be fired up and conditioned in the comfort of their own homes by exposure to television's right-wing propaganda. America itself has become an aggressive, anything-goes, unprincipled militaristic state where demarcations between right and wrong, between humanity and inhumanity, have been deliberately blurred by the politico-military establishment.
All this in a supposedly Christian country. Their motto 'In God We Trust' rings exceeding hollow.
Do you often feel ill-at-ease, cloistered, hemmed-in, frustrated, feeling the need for some fresh air in your life? Perhaps what's really happening is that your inner self is instinctively attempting to break out of its conditioning and trying to re-establish contact with Reality and Humanity.
A War on Terrorism outside the Rule of Law?
The 'war on terrorism', as the smirking president and his blackguards like to remind us, is 'a different kind of war.' But different from what? The only thing that is really 'different' is that through the use of remote-controlled weaponry the United States can now eliminate its 'enemies' from the comfort of offices in Virginia.
At times such as these - when the politicians, and the military brass, and the media are perpetually exploiting the public's fears - it is important to realize that Law exists not only to administer justice but to act as a constraint on the powers of those who hold political office. Law is not a luxury that we can only afford during periods of peace; it is our only defence against emergency powers being turned into instruments of tyranny by an unscrupulous or unprincipled government.
No administration before George W. Bush's ever claimed such sweeping powers for an enterprise as vaguely defined as the 'war against terrorism' and the 'axis of evil' and they have clearly placed themselves above the law, consuming such an enormous amount of the nation's resources for a mission whose end would be difficult to recognize even if achieved.
Like previous forms of Fascism, the Bush administration boasts a reckless unilateralism, believing it can demand unquestioning support, on terms it dictates, ignore treaties and violate international law at will, invade other countries without provocation, and incarcerate persons indefinitely without charging them with a crime or allowing access to counsel.
The drive toward total power can take different forms, as Mussolini's Italy, Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Soviet Union suggest. The American system is evolving its own form of Fascism, displaying contempt for constraints on its power.
The Nazis abolished the parliamentary system, instituted single-party rule and controlled all forms of public communication. In the U.S. a similar result is being achieved by alternative means. The elected legislature is retained but a system of corruption - lobbyists, campaign contributions, payoffs to powerful interests - short-circuits the connection between voters and their representatives. The system responds primarily to corporate interests, voters become cynical, resigned and opposition seems futile. And while Hitler's control of the media meant that only the 'official story' was communicated the same result is being achieved in America by encouraging concentrated ownership of the media, thereby narrowing the range of permissible opinions.
This is augmented by having 'homeland security' envelope the entire nation with a maze of restrictions and by instilling fear among the general population by periodic alerts raised against a background of economic uncertainty, unemployment, downsizing and cutbacks in basic services.
In institutionalizing its 'war on terrorism' the Bush administration acquired a rationale for expanding its powers and furthering its domestic agenda. While the nation's resources are being directed toward endless war, the White House promotes tax cuts in the midst of recession, leaving scant resources available for domestic programmes.
The business that Bush and his henchmen have embraced is the liquidation of perceived enemies, ostensibly to protect American security. Yesterday it was al Qaeda, today it is Saddam. After that, who knows? Who will protect the American people from a government that sees itself as being above the law?

Democracy disappearing in the United States
Anyone who objects to turns of events under the present U.S. regime is not allowed to say so openly. The harassment, arrest, detention, and frustration of those who are against aggressionism has become routine.
Anyone who protests or takes part in public demonstration risks instant and heavy-handed arrest by the O.H.S., the American equivalent to the Gestapo. Relatives of victims who died on September 11th, who are opposed to the Iraq war, have been prevented from speaking in schools. Stephen Downs was handcuffed and arrested after refusing to take off a 'Give Peace a Chance' t-shirt in a mall in Albany - he was told he could have been found guilty of trespass if the mall owners had not dropped the case because of the bad publicity.
There are scores of similar incidents and television and newspaper reporting is becoming increasingly right-wing and entrenched behind the paranoid president.
The lynch mobs are back in charge.
And as Iraqi civilians and American, British and Iraqi soldiers still perish in the Gulf, this war is fast claiming another casualty - democracy in the U.S.A.

The American Delusion
America's rampant and violent brand of 'patriotism' has gone too far and is seriously compromising the independence of nations everywhere in the world. The American establishment has always been intolerant of customs and cultures different from its own. It seems that unless other countries agree to do things 'the American Way' (a phrase, incidentally, invented in Superman comics) they become targets for vilification and 'intervention'.
Do we really want to end up isolated and friendless in a hostile world or will we have the will and courage to break out of our conditioning and to oust Bush and his cronies and co-conspirators and restore fundamental American values?
One problem is the gung-ho ethos of the American politico-military establishment - derived from comic books, pseudo-myths from 'the Wild West', and Hollywood hype. It is because of this mentality that the generals were forever pressing the presidents of the day to let them nuke Russia and China as they did Hiroshima and Nagasaki. ("The Japanese were ready to surrender and it wasn't necessary to hit them with that awful thing . . . the use of this barbarous weapon was of no material assistance in saving American lives . . . the Japanese were already defeated and and only seeking some way to surrender with a minimum loss of face." - Eisenhower. ClickMe )
When we speak of the military establishment we are not talking about rational people. We are talking about fanatical zealots driven by delusions of demonic proportions being in control of deadly weaponry. They live in a twilight cloud-cuckoo horrorland of comic books and Hollywood hype.
Friends, now is the time to step out of that 'American Dream' (yet another of those made-to-order myths) into the Light of Reality. Be honest with yourselves and stop living the Big Lie. Drop the pretences. Get rid of the big guns and positively start looking after your own people's welfare properly, for that, not military adventurism, is the purpose of civilized nations. Stop trying to be the superious 'Americankind' with pretentions to superiority over other nations - we are all part of one human race.
And the 'Dream' itself? The bottom line is that 85% of Americans reaching age 65 retire with less than $250 to their name (US Social Security Board reports).

How 'Friendly' does the Military get?
In contemporary America, the military - which now also has overall control of the F.B.I., C.I.A., and other secret service agencies - becomes a law unto itself, like a state within a state. Under the U.S Constitution the politico-military establishment is responsible only to the 'commander-in-chief', not to the 'president', and therefore not subject to democratic scrutiny. It makes up its own laws and rules and codes, formulates its own policies, even kills its own soldiers and those of its allies with impunity. It was the evil geniuses in the Pentagon who invented the concepts of 'friendly fire' and 'collateral damage' - before that it was, rightly, called 'criminal negligence' or, at best, 'recklessness'. And up until now Joe Public has swallowed it all - hook, line and sinker. ('Friendly fire' was invented during the 1991 Persian Gulf War when U.S forces killed 31 British troops and killed or injured 101 of its own. Since then there have been numerous other incidents including the killing of Canadian and Australian troops, and the most recent instances are in the mounting death toll in Iraq.)
Another new concept being introduced is 'operational flexibility' which is a signal to disregard human rights; in other words, rape and pillage and torture are now acceptable practices. Yet another new euphemism - this one is a favourite with the C.I.A. - is 'plausible deniability', which essentially means 'blame it on someone else whenever you can.'
Efforts are growing to arrest Bush and his henchmen, for what they have done to the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Kosovo, and, indeed, for what they are now doing to America itself, for indictment as war criminals and to hand them over to the International Court of Justice.
The C.I.A., N.S.A., N.D.I., Justice Department, and the Gestapo-like 'Office of Homeland Security' - and numerous other covert agencies, which have been springing up like mushrooms in a dank cellar - are rapidly expanding and feeding their tendrils into every facet of life, both at home and abroad. Killing, maiming, blackmailing, torturing, and the ruination of lives is becoming the order of the day. And opponents often 'disappear' or have 'accidents'. And soon, as it was to people in the former U.S.S.R. and in wartime Germany, the dreaded 'midnight knock at the door' will become a regular feature of American life.
In contemporary America there are now few constraints on the authorities and anything goes. The lynch mobs are in charge. Peacemakers are denounced as being 'un-patriotic', or 'un-American', or as 'traitors'. Words like 'freedom', 'human rights', and 'democracy' could all soon become bywords for a past age. Officially, America still believes in Free Speech. As long as you speak the things the authorities want to hear.

What product sells best? What product do you see advertised the most?
It's MONEY, of course, in one form or another, whether as mortgages, loans, overdrafts, credit cards, or insurances. And for a very good reason . . . The ruling authorities have made sure that there is never enough money to go around everyone - thereby ensuring that the populations of the world are kept firmly under the control of those who have it. The scarcity, poverty, and deprivation in the world is therefore deliberately politically manufactured - and it need not be so.
The fact is that there is no scarcity save that which has been deliberately engineered. There is enough money in the world to go around everyone. There are enough resources to house and shelter the world's populations. There is enough food produced worldwide to feed the peoples of this planet.
Why, then, do these resources seem to be in such short supply? It is because the vast majority of all world's resources are in the pockets of just too few people. (And, it seems, the politicians are in their pockets too.)
Those who have it know that money is their ultimate weapon, that they can beat people to death with it and not be indicted for murder.
Money talks. Money corrupts and controls. Money enslaves

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." - U.S. president James Madison
"Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency: their sole object is gain." - Napoleon Bonaparte
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