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posted on July 1, 2004 06:39:05 PM new
Keep it up Bill.


CHICAGO -- Bill Cosby went off on another tirade against the black community today, telling a room full of activists that black children are running around not knowing how to read or write and "going nowhere."

He also had harsh words for struggling black men, telling them: "Stop beating up your women because you can't find a job."

Cosby made headlines in May when he upbraided some poor blacks for their grammar and accused them of squandering opportunities the civil rights movement gave them. He shot back today, saying his detractors were trying in vain to hide the black community's "dirty laundry."

"Let me tell you something, your dirty laundry gets out of school at 2:30 every day, it's cursing and calling each other n------ as they're walking up and down the street," Cosby said during an appearance at the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition & Citizenship Education Fund's annual conference.

"They think they're hip," the entertainer said. "They can't read; they can't write. They're laughing and giggling, and they're going nowhere."

In his remarks in May at a commemoration of the anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education desegregation decision, Cosby denounced some blacks' grammar and said those who commit crimes and wind up behind bars "are not political prisoners."

"I can't even talk the way these people talk, 'Why you ain't,' 'Where you is' ... and I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk," Cosby said then. "And then I heard the father talk ... Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth."

Cosby elaborated today on his previous comments in a talk interrupted several times by applause. He castigated some blacks, saying that they cannot simply blame whites for problems such as teen pregnancy and high school dropout rates.

"For me there is a time ... when we have to turn the mirror around," he said. "Because for me it is almost analgesic to talk about what the white man is doing against us. And it keeps a person frozen in their seat, it keeps you frozen in your hole you're sitting in."

Cosby lamented that the racial slurs once used by those who lynched blacks are now a favorite expression of black children. And he blamed parents.

"When you put on a record and that record is yelling `n----- this and n----- that' and you've got your little 6-year-old, 7-year-old sitting in the back seat of the car, those children hear that," he said.

He also condemned black men who missed out on opportunities and are now angry about their lives.

"You've got to stop beating up your women because you can't find a job, because you didn't want to get an education and now you're (earning) minimum wage," Cosby said. "You should have thought more of yourself when you were in high school, when you had an opportunity."

Cosby appeared today with the Rev. Jesse Jackson, founder and president of the education fund, who defended the entertainer's statements.

"Bill is saying let's fight the right fight, let's level the playing field," Jackson said. "Drunk people can't do that. Illiterate people can't do that."

Cosby also said many young people are failing to honor the sacrifices made by those who struggled and died during the civil rights movement.

"Dogs, water hoses that tear the bark off trees, Emmett Till," he said, naming the black youth who was tortured and murdered in Mississippi in 1955, allegedly for whistling at a white woman. "And you're going to tell me you're going to drop out of school? You're going to tell me you're going to steal from a store?"

Cosby also said he wasn't concerned that some whites took his comments and turned them "against our people."

"Let them talk," he said.


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*the continuation of the human species,
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*the maintenance of bonds between the generations."
posted on July 1, 2004 07:06:50 PM new
Cosby also said he wasn't concerned that some whites took his comments and turned them "against our people."

I hope more black leaders start speaking the truth to their children - like Cosby has now done twice. They need successful black men to mentor them, guide them, and hopefully help them see they need to change their live around....take a different road...a road that will bring them what they're missing out on and that only they can give to themselves.

I applaud Cosby.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 1, 2004 08:39:37 PM new
If Jesse Jackson starts to look like the "voice of reason," you know you may be on the wrong side of an argument!!!

But I absolutely agree. Rap music was the worst thing that ever happened to American Blacks. Thirty years of progress down the toilet. It's totally destroyed an entire generation.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 1, 2004 10:29:40 PM new
Thank you, Dr. Cosby. I have previously, in another forum, been labeled a racist for making some of the same observations he has made. When you have parts of language that you can utilize, but others cannot; that is elitist, exclusionary, and divisive.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 1, 2004 11:53:18 PM new
GEEzz Louise! Now you all are authorities on black issues....any of you black?

Excuse me, I think I'll call Maya Angelou or Nelson Mandella in case they missed your posts.
I'm sure they'd appreciate your condescending, patronising opinions!

posted on July 2, 2004 12:04:24 AM new
Crow - you do not have to be black to understand that the current attitude among many young blacks is harmful. Somehow I also have a hard time beliving that Maya Angelou or Nelson Mandella would ever stand up in defense of the language used in many rap songs, current street dialects, depressingly cavalier attitude towards education and childbearing in many larger metropolitan areas. They are both people that have long stressed the importance of education and respect for oneself and fellow man.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 2, 2004 06:04:18 AM new
This is good for the black community, Cosby and now it looks as if Jesse Jackson are on the same page.

This may be harsh "language" but infact the truth spoken is a fact.

What does being black have to do with getting a good education crowfarm? All these people are saying is that quit blaming others for your own faults and take some responsibility.

Uh oh responsibility... now there is a word foreign to liberals... never mind crowfarm, I can see now why you don't understand.

posted on July 2, 2004 07:16:03 AM new
No! I'm right... statements as snotty and pompous, condescending, racist, sexist as this,"I hope more black leaders start speaking the truth to their children - like Cosby has now done twice. They need successful black men to mentor them, guide them, and hopefully help them see they need to change their live around....take a different road...a road that will bring them what they're missing out on and that only they can give to themselves. "

And what's your NEXT sentence....."so you can be perfect like us white people"??????? Look in the mirror....who the hell are YOU to make commments like that?????

And, twelvepole since I've noticed already that you're racist and sexist(the two go hand in hand) I'll ignore your childish and irrational assumption that I'm irresponsible.

posted on July 2, 2004 07:29:03 AM new
Yeah right crowfarm, can't speak rationally as usual, so you resort to name calling as usual.. typical leftie...

and you say we on the right name call... LOL you're quite the deranged little man.

Racist... LMAO... yeah right

posted on July 2, 2004 07:30:09 AM new
You know, if I were black, I'd be sick and tired of reading about only the poor disadvantaged blacks and where they're at. My God people turn on your tv's. Look at your ISP's home pages! See some columnist's pictures in the newspapers! There's a large majority of black people around not into rap, etc. etc. More white teens are into the rap and trashing than some of the black kids! It's the culturally hip thing for them. I think its generational and the trends will change again. At least these kids - the black kids know britney spears/or the rock guys and the white kids know coolio - or whoever is 'in' right now.
Bill Cosby spoke some truths, but they are not the only truths.

posted on July 2, 2004 07:37:07 AM new
edited to add: Hey, how come my Cosby book didnt sell!!? See, again too early on the controversy once more! Gotta get my timing in better sync!

okay, im dinging it outta here today folks!
- As always,
I remain, an avid reader of your provocative thoughts!!

posted on July 2, 2004 07:41:28 AM new

Twelve quote "I like asian women instead of North American women. "

And, of course, sexist.

posted on July 2, 2004 07:46:43 AM new
Ltwelve says,
""Yeah right crowfarm, can't speak rationally as usual, so you resort to name calling as usual.. typical leftie...""

And ltwelve follows that statement with the this.....

""and you say we on the right name call... LOL you're quite the deranged little man. ""

SO following THAT logic, twelve can't speak rationally and has said so!
Thank you!

posted on July 2, 2004 08:08:45 AM new
You're right, I can't speak logically to a deranged person like yourself...

I am glad you agree you have a mental problem

Thank you for making my point!
posted on July 2, 2004 08:49:17 AM new
After that intelligent post, ltwelve, maybe we could go back to the thread??????

posted on July 2, 2004 10:38:13 AM new
"....."so you can be perfect like us white people"??????? Look in the mirror....who the hell are YOU to make commments like that????? "

I realize you weren't talking to me, but I'm going to respond here.

The bottom line is that American Civilization is what it is. The white man may have built the system, but the system isn't going to go away. To succeed in the system, you need proper English and communication skills. Education doesn't hurt either.

That doesn't make the white men right or the black man wrong. But to fit in the system, you have to become a part of the system. If you choose to NOT be a part of the system, that's your choice, but don't whine about the white man keeping you down if you have chosen not to play the game.

It's only a "white man's world" if you choose not to participate.

This is America, where freedom of choice is a basic right. Blacks have every right to choose the 'Gangsta Rap thug lifestyle' if they choose. But in this country criminals are harassed by the police. They are put in jail, and they rarely get hired for decent jobs. That's one of the repercussions of that choice.

Play in the system or the system will run over you, it's that simple. The world isn't going to change because you don't approve of it. It's not that the white man is perfect, but it -IS- the system.

Cosby realizes that. He's made a success of himself, and he's ALWAYS been heavily pro-education. I'm not sure about Jesse Jackson's motivations here, and he's just as likely to be preaching another story tomorrow. But Cosby has ALWAYS been consistent on the benefits of education.

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 2, 2004 12:09:12 PM new
replaymedia, I understand exactly what Bill Cosby is saying, I've read about him for years so I know where he stands without any cutting and pasting.
And, I agree with a lot he says and does.
What I object to are the pompous, patronisng posts in here, people acting like they're authorities on "what's wrong with blacks".
Yes, we have the freedom of speech but sometimes people should just mind their own business and quit trying to tell another entire race what they should do.

posted on July 2, 2004 12:32:53 PM new

Many young blacks are raised in abject poverty with no father figure like Cosby available and it's still the case that blacks are discriminated against. So it will be interesting to see how Cosby whips poor disadvantaged black children into shape. What are his plans to correct the living conditions, special education needs and poverty that oppress black people?

Surely it won't be just a silly message, like Nancy suggested to solve the drug problem -- "Just say no".


posted on July 2, 2004 12:41:23 PM new
Helen, unlike many posters here, Cosby puts his money where his mouth is. He has donated millions to education and other causes.
And you have to remember...conservatives don't view poverty as a drawback because they have no idea what real poverty is ....there simple minds have simple solutions like "just work hard" and everything will be rosy.

Real life has never intruded into their smug coccoons.

posted on July 2, 2004 12:56:29 PM new
The poverty starts because too many young girls are having babies when they're still babies themselves. Too many young boys are getting erections at 8 and 9 and becoming sexually involved with same aged girls. Too many are dropping out of school and parents aren't being supportive.

That's pretty much what I heard Cosby say last night on a little 'blurb' about what he sees and the problem in the black community.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 2, 2004 01:01:02 PM new
Helen - I know many of the poor oppressed black youths that you speak of and the main thing oppressing them is their own attitude. Blowing off school because it is not neccesary when they buy into the concept of easy money thru dealing, pimping, prostituting, or pipe dreams such as becoming rap or sports stars. These are not just stereotypes. One young woman that I have known for about three years went from dreams of going into law enforcement or fashion design graduated from hig school and promptly became an escort because it was fast cash. San Diego has had a rash of what have been nicknamed Sneaker Pimps because they are so young they can't even drive a car but they are convincing young women around them to go into prostitution.

Black youths are killing themselves, each other and their future in record numbers and the scariest part about it is they see nothing wrong with this lifestyle.

Even the old school gang members are looking at the kids today and shaking their heads in disbelief at the new generation.

For a depressingly large number of these kids, it doesn't matter what you make available to them, they don't want it. They see others making money and "living large" and they know that the fastest way to the Escalade, diamonds and designer clothes is not via continuing high school.

This is one situation where the establishment is helpless. The only thing that is going start turning these kids around is if the people that they look up to and respect, which is predonminantly entertainers and athletes start sending them a different message.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on July 2, 2004 01:01:08 PM new
If Jesse Jackson starts to look like the "voice of reason," you know you may be on the wrong side of an argument!!!

I don't see Jesse Jackson as a good roll model/mentor at all.

From the topic article here, I didn't know Jesse was standing near Cosby when he was giving this speech to the crowd. When I saw the little blurb on TV I couldn't make a judgement call on if Jesse was pleased with what Cosby was saying or not. But the crowd didn't sound to supportive to me....very little clapping in agreement....at least on that particular blurb.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 2, 2004 01:19:27 PM new
WOW! I bet blacks are hanging on your every word so they can see the error of their ways and straighten out their lives.

You people are talking like blacks are the only ones with problems and you're the only ones who can help.

posted on July 2, 2004 01:43:00 PM new

But what's up with Cosby and this "pull yourself up by your bootstrap" conservative message. What's his motive...to eliminate poverty by claiming it doesn't exist?

I believe that Cosby is doing some consciousness raising -- trying to remind people of the fight against poverty that should be continued and not forgotten.

posted on July 2, 2004 01:56:26 PM new
Rap music was the worst thing that ever happened to American Blacks.

The worst that ever happened to American Blacks was the welfare system. Before the welfare system, blacks were hard working, business savy and family oriented people.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on July 2, 2004 01:59:25 PM new
" and you're the only ones who can help. "

Are you even reading these posts. We are saying that no, we cannot help. They have to do it themselves. No amount of money or social services is going to fix this. It's an attitude problem.

"What's his motive...to eliminate poverty by claiming it doesn't exist? "

I don't think Cosby is sayning ANYTHING about poverty. He's talking about attitudes & education. At least in theory, EVERY CHILD in this country has access to a public education. But they are choosing NOT to take advantage of this right. They are choosing to skip education in favor of this media-induced rapper lifestyle that almost ALWAYS leads to a dead end.

Poverty is NOT the issue. It's the attitudes involved that need to change.

And now 50 posts telling me that I'm wrong...

We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing -- Anonymous
posted on July 2, 2004 02:47:47 PM new
auctionguy says,"The worst that ever happened to American Blacks was the welfare system. Before the welfare system, blacks were hard working, business savy and family oriented people"

Uh DUH ANOTHER pompous asp?????
There are STILL many many blacks who are hard working ,have business savy and are family oriented.

AND many whites who AREN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL blacks are NOT on welfare.

posted on July 2, 2004 03:11:16 PM new
May I preface by saying...
Since the beginning of time, no matter what species of life form.. it always comes down to one basic rule.. Survival of the Fittest.

You all have made valid points: poverty, lack of direction and education, are all contributing factors in the struggle of the Blacks in America today.

I would like to note..that unlike other immigrants who have chosen to come to America to fulfill their dreams of a new beginning and a better life.. the Blacks were imported to our country against their will.. They have lived as strangers in a foreign land and have tried to assimilate in a place where they have not been made welcome to say the least.. and unlike other foreigners, who can learn our language and customs and gently meld, blacks skin color does not afford them this ease of acceptance.

After many years of struggle, trying to assimilate.. I believe that today's Black youth have become disillusioned and have given up...they no longer have a dream, or hope.. they have seen their past and have no hope for a better future..

Their disillusionment has led to the very basic means of survival.. day to day.. do what you can to survive.. no more and no less..They have turned their anger and frustration into something unproductive and destructive..
They are a displaced race of human beings.

posted on July 2, 2004 03:31:35 PM new

Maybe some of YOU should get an education!

posted on July 2, 2004 03:32:19 PM new
i dont recall the name of the movie but it was mike douglas and catherine zeta jones in a drug movie,he was appointed to be the drug czar by the president while his daughter was buying drug from black dealer.
He went to the neighborhood with her white boyfriend and the boyfriend said,what do you expect,as long as whites keep asking blacks if they deal in drug,why should the blacks work their ass off for 5 dollars an hour when they can just deal in drug??
it is just natural next in line with their career is be a good pimp,when the girls dont have the money to buy drug,they have to offer their lily white ass.
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Benjamin Franklin
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