posted on July 4, 2004 07:42:35 AM new
Hi folks. Our local paper did a big send up on the forefathers speeches for the holiday (surprise, surprise ).
Thought I'd post a few as much seems so reverent to what goes on in this forum.
Benjamin Franklin: "Act heartily an unanimously"
- Hey kraft, you know what part of his speech says? - Almost like you, in the left thread about respecting others!
"It is therefore that the older I grow, the more apt I am to doubt my own judgment and to pay more respect to the judgment of others. Most men indeed, as well as most sects in religion think themselves in possession of all truth, and that wherever others differ from them is so far error."
Abraham Lincoln: "With malice toward none, with charity for all"
(Everybody kinda knows this one, right?)
Patrick Henry: "Give me liberty or give me death" There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be -- if we mean to preserve inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending - if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained - we must fight!
FDR: The basic things expected by our political and economic systems are simple. They are:
. Equality of opportunity for youth and others.
. Jobs for those who can work.
. Security for those who need it.
. The ending of special privilege for the few.
. The preservation of civil liberties for all.
. The enjoyment of the fruits of scientific progress in a wider and constantly rising standard of living.
Now there are amazing timestamps from men of much thought worth scrutiny!
ok, fun to all whatever you choose to do!
Kinda cloudy here -hope it gets sunnier. We're too poor to go anywhere,lol, but we do have a really nice in-ground pool and may go for a dip today after I get some listings prepared.