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posted on July 6, 2004 06:31:49 PM new
Are there any Canadians on this board?
Kraftdinner are you Canadian? I would like to discuss your Health Care System up there and have some other questions on your government..

posted on July 6, 2004 07:21:12 PM new
An American [and proud of it] - here.

Maybe they're busy right now, trying to convince their teenagers America's not evil.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 6, 2004 07:49:04 PM new
Hi Linda..
I thought Kraft was a Canadian...
Oh well.. guess I will have to search the net. I thought Canadians love Americans?Maggie

posted on July 6, 2004 08:35:43 PM new
I'll do my best Maggie. What do you want to know about?

posted on July 6, 2004 08:44:12 PM new
Hi Maggie - Yes, I came across an article of a poll done with Canadian teens...seems 40% [Canadian] and 60% [French Canadians] think we're evil. Was going to give KD a hard time about it when she came to answer your questions. [evil, huh? ]


Anyway...we've had many threads on these boards discussing the possibility of a National Health Care System, here in the US. And I'm usually the one pointing out the drawbacks to the Canadian health care system - and how expensive it is - how poorly it serves their people. Of course, they disagree.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 6, 2004 08:45:31 PM new
Oh good....she's here now.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 6, 2004 08:53:46 PM new
Thank-you for thinking I'm still a teenager Linda. I think those numbers are pretty sad. First off, the French from Quebec are baked, so they don't count, but the rest that feel that way makes me wonder what kind of stuff they're being fed in school.

posted on July 6, 2004 09:32:29 PM new
Hi Kraft..
I have read a little about Canada's Health Care system.. but for the life of me.. I still can't wrap my brain around it.

My understanding is that everyone regardless of income level has health and hospitalization coverage. The money to pay for this comes from your taxes.

Does everyone pay the exact same amount? Is this across the board.. or does each province pay a different rate? What about the people who don't work, or are retired.. are they still taxed for these benefits at the same rate?

This system sounds to good to be true. For instance, I pay individual health insurance at the cost of over 400.00 a month, out of pocket.. Can you tell me if it is indeed as ideal as it sounds? I know that Canada has some world renown teaching hospitals, so I would believe that the standard of care is excellent?

I was surprised to read Linda's post.. I had no idea that Canada disliked Americans.. I have traveled overseas and felt the contempt.. but I've never felt that when visiting Canada.. well.. I will take that back.. I didn't receive a warm welcome in the province of Quebec..LOL... which is a whole other subject to explore..
Thanks in advance for your reply. Maggie

posted on July 6, 2004 09:46:04 PM new
Linda is basically a curmudgeon waiting to rain on your parade. Any oportunity to bash anything not American she just can't let go by.
I'm sure I can find similar statistics to show the majority of American teens dislike their parents and think them evil.

posted on July 6, 2004 09:58:23 PM new
There was a time when at least one Canadian liked America. Gordon Sinclair, Canadian Hall Of Fame Broadcaster, who died in 1984 spoke and gave a speach on June 5, 1973.


"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

I'd like to see just one of those countries that is gloating over the erosion of the United States dollar build its own airplane. Does any other country in the world have a plane to equal the Boeing Jumbo Jet, the Lockheed Tri-Star, or the Douglas DC10? If so, why don't they fly them? Why do all the International lines except Russia fly American Planes?

Why does no other land on earth even consider putting a man or woman on the moon? You talk about Japanese technocracy, and you get radios. You talk about German technocracy, and you get automobiles. You talk about American technocracy, and you find men on the moon -! not once, but several times - and safely home again.

You talk about scandals, and the Americans put theirs right in the store window for everybody to look at.Even their draft-dodgers are not pursued and hounded.They are here on our streets, and most of them, unless they are breaking Canadian laws, are getting American dollars from ma and pa at home to spend here.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name name even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them getkicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

Stand proud, America!

posted on July 6, 2004 10:02:42 PM new

While waiting for KD...

Dave, That tale is from a VERY CONSERVATIVE news site...Canadafreepress.

They reccommend as American columnists...Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh
They reccommend as News Websites ...Newsmax, Drudge, Fox and worldnetdaily


"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly;
And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly flattering words I pray you ne'er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart and ear and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the spider and the fly.

posted on July 6, 2004 10:07:58 PM new
Maggie, anyone that's employed has to pay health insurance through the company they work for. The rest is paid for with a portion of our income tax. If a person ceases to work, they will still be covered. Linda and I have talked about this before, and the only real big problems I see are caps on what doctors and nurses make, and the fact that people will go to the doctor for stupid things just because they can.

Everyone pays the same amount, depending on how many dependants you have. Single people pay the least, etc. If you're married, the one who makes the most will pay all the insurance.

The good thing about it, is it helps the people who can least afford it - we all get the same level of care. BUT, it's still a "sloppy" system that needs some fine tuning to work more effectively, imo.

As far as Canadians liking Americans, I haven't heard anyone here (where I live) say that. Many dislike Bush and think he's weakened the U.S., but no jabs against the citizens that I've heard.

[ edited by kraftdinner on Jul 6, 2004 10:18 PM ]
posted on July 6, 2004 10:17:59 PM new
Thanks Helen, I didn't bother to check the source I just assumed it was slightly to the right of Attila the Hun.

posted on July 6, 2004 10:49:12 PM new
Thanks for posting that about the site, Helen. Just like Linda to pick a whacko one like that and no one that's intelligent here is going to fall for it.

Everyone I know loves America even if they don't agree with Bush's policies or the war in Iraq. Children in Canada are taught at home and in school to love and respect their neighbor, the USA and they learn good things about it.

Why so pissy lately, Linda? Disappointed that I don't start any more threads showing concern for the US troops that are injured and killed so now you can't jump in and cheer with your grinning smilies? Or is it because you didn't get a chance to kick a homeless person today?

posted on July 6, 2004 11:55:15 PM new
No, kiara, just showing all those anti-American Canadian leaders and their statements about my country. And it's not just teens either.

Most likely why your posts often come across to me that way - so negative and peaceful.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on July 7, 2004 12:07:57 AM new
Linda says, "An American [and proud of it] - here.

Maybe they're busy right now, trying to convince their teenagers America's not evil. "

And she calls others negative. She just had to shove her shriveled face into a post to say something bad.

I guess reading comprehension is not her strong suit, either.
So I'll type very slowly and see if she can reread the opening post.....
"Are there any Canadians on this board?
Kraftdinner are you Canadian? I would like to discuss your Health Care System up there and have some other questions on your government.."

Where does it say, "please state what country you're from and then make a ridiculous accusation about Canadians."

It's so funny that I know and talk to quite a few Canadians and always find them friendly towards me and other Americans.....maybe they're teaching their children just to dislike hate-mongers like Linda.

And, again, I find it so mysterious that when Twelve stops posting ...Linda starts......

posted on July 7, 2004 12:33:15 AM new
Linda, poke around a bit more and read some legitimate news sites out of Canada and you may be surprised.

I know you thought all my posts were negative about the US troops and innocent people being killed in Iraq as well as the desperate need for more armor and more security but that was reality. I asked you several times to come up with all the good stories but you couldn't find any.

Yes, my life is peaceful and I'm fortunate to live in an area where it's beautiful on both sides of the border and I get to enjoy it all. My gardens are fantastic and my yard is full of birds. I live just a short drive from lots of lakes and areas where we can 4X4, go hiking, fishing and target shooting. Our cabin is so private that I can get a beautiful tan with no tan lines.

So what makes you happy?

posted on July 7, 2004 12:37:28 AM new
What makes linda happy...???....puttingon golf shoes and stepping on kittens.

posted on July 7, 2004 12:40:33 AM new
Seriously, kiara, your place sounds like mine and probably looks pretty much the same. I'm only a "six-pack" south of Canada in Minnesota.

posted on July 7, 2004 12:51:40 AM new
puttingon golf shoes and stepping on kittens. YIKES!!

One of my relatives came from Sweden to Minnesota. I think you get colder winters than B.C. does though. Actually it's pretty on both sides of the border right across both countries.

Seriously, Linda has never expressed much happiness here so I'm interested what she does to find any besides sitting at her computer all day insulting others or copying and pasting Clinton stuff.

posted on July 7, 2004 06:21:56 AM new
Calling all Canuks..I need to pick your brain

With as much brains as the canucks posting here show... a toothpick would be adequate...

crowfarm... now who is hurling the insults? I wonder how anyone would think of golf shoes and kittens unless they have done it themselves...was it good for you crowfarm?

posted on July 7, 2004 06:59:14 AM new
Hi linda

posted on July 7, 2004 07:34:01 AM new

Yeah Hi Linda!
posted on July 7, 2004 08:17:10 AM new

Thank you for your reply. I am always amazed when I hear people state that Canada has "Free Health Care". I knew that you were taxed for Health Care through your income tax, but I was not aware that deductions were taken from your wages as well..

I would like to be able to compare the health care costs for an average four person household in Canada to one here in the US.
I would have to know what percent of your taxes cover health care.. and the average amount taken from payroll deductions..

I have a sneaky feeling that it may end up that Canadians are paying every bit as much as we are here in the US?
Correct me if I am way off base..

You also mentioned that there is a cap on what Physicians can earn. I would imagine that the cap must be extremely generous..to insure that they stay in Canada.

Thank you again for the information. Maggie

posted on July 7, 2004 09:33:36 AM new
Kraft said something very important that may have been overlooked in all th squabbling.....

"Everyone pays the same amount, depending on how many dependants you have. Single people pay the least, etc. If you're married, the one who makes the most will pay all the insurance.

The good thing about it, is it helps the people who can least afford it - we all get the same level of care. "

And if you loose your job you're still covered. NOT in America...you loose your job and it's "tough sh1t" to you!

These points make the Canadian system better than ours.
Yes, it has some problems but what system doesn't...is the American system better? NO! Is there any system anywhere on any subject that's perfect...NO! But at least the Canadians are trying to help the less fortunate which is a good "Christian" thing...right?

posted on July 7, 2004 10:24:54 AM new
Maggie we just had this discussion not to long ago. I think before you made your entrance, which was a great one and really appreciated.

I tried searching for it but it didn't come up. The reason we are paying so much for health care is because of the duplication of services that competating hospitals have. Way back when health care was affordable the government controlled how many services could be duplicated in a city now it is a free for all. There are two many hospitals, two many free standing clinics that duplicate service. In Canada it is not like that but then the wait for services is quite long sometimes two weeks. So our high cost of medical we can almost get service immediately or have it like Canada and have to wait. It is a toss up. I agree that we need affordable healthcare in the US but it will be difficult to do. Physicians won't make the money they did so therefore students will think before entering med school. The high cost of malpractice insurance has to figure in because people sue for the dumbest things. I don't know about Canada and the malpractice insurance or even if they are sued. But sueing is running rampid in the US. When I retired and after my cobra ran out I paid $400.00 a month and that broke me so I can relate to how you feel. I think it will be long wait before there is a universal health care affordable for all. JMHO

posted on July 7, 2004 10:52:14 AM new
I remember standing on the edge of Lake Erie with my daddy and having him explain that another country was on the other side. "The border with Canada is the longest un patrolled border in the world." Daddy said, "Don't forget that, friends are important."

And if I remember correctly, it was the Canadian embassy that protected Americans during the Iranian Hostage Crisis. I would call that stepping up to bat. For a nice Americanism.

Even though we may not like what we are hearing, we should listen to our friends. And allow them their differences as they allow us ours.

Their medical system is just as flawed as ours, and we are looking for improvement.


You know...the best way to defeat a liberal is to let them speak.
posted on July 7, 2004 11:38:33 AM new
Maggie, I'm pretty sure Americans pay a lot more than we do for health premiums, but your consumer goods are a lot cheaper and your taxes aren't as high, so it all comes out in the wash. Also, I have no idea what percentage of our income taxes go towards health care but if I can, I'll try and find out for you.

Many doctors are leaving Canada to practice in the U.S. because they can make more money. If you live in Ontario and don't have a family doctor - good luck! They're few and far between anymore, so it's forced people to go to emergency or walk-in clinics to get looked after. This puts even more strain on the health system. The government suggested a user-pay system where you had to pay $10., $20. to get in to see the doctor (to cut out needless visits). Everyone had a BIG conniption, so we're no further ahead.

posted on July 7, 2004 11:58:05 AM new
Doctors may be leaving but I don't see other Canadians moving here in great numbers.....I wonder why.....!

posted on July 7, 2004 12:02:24 PM new
Here is some of the latest info on the health care situation in Canada.

Canadian Health-Care Premiums

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