posted on August 28, 2004 03:42:45 PM new
Hello All, Under Geo Bush the last 4 years the middle and working class are going behind while the rich get much richer. Under Bush the following happened to the middle and working class.
1- jobs were lost.
2- wages are lower.
3- benefits were lost or cut.
4- bankruptcy is at record highs.
5- house forecloses are high
6- more Americans are without health insurance
7- health insurance cost has risen while coverage has declined.
8- drug prices are higher
9- gas is much higher
10- heating and cooling costs are much higher
11- vets hospitals are closing
12- we have record deficits
13- states have lost Federal funding and are going broke and or raising state taxes.
14- schools were not fully funded as promised
15- American family's have record debt.
16- higher education is costing more
If you are a middle or working class person or family in America. You have been touched by one or more of the items in my list or you have friends or family that have been touched. It doesn't matter if your a Republican,Democrat or Independent your standard of living is getting chipped away at and it is going down. Please Americans make sure you get out and vote. Before you vote this year become informed and think real hard about who and what you are voting for. Its your future as well as mine.
[ edited by bigpeepa on Aug 28, 2004 03:47 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2004 04:10:18 PM new
Now Bigpeepa, ya know the neonazicons will be in here accusing you of whining over a few minor problems.
Don't forget the number of people living under the poverty level has increased in the last 3 1/2 years....oh, but the neonazi's will say it's because people are lazy and WANT to be poor......
Get ready for the total denial of head-in-the-sand neonazicons!
posted on August 28, 2004 04:25:22 PM new
And if you think it's bad now,wait till the Democrats get in, if they do!
And if you are going to Quote me again, on all the bad things I say:
Make sure you use ( kiara's ) posts again!
It sounds much worse from an actual Democrat!!
posted on August 28, 2004 05:25:13 PM new
No disrespect intended!
Is using your Quotes as mine!
Makes it much easier on me!
posted on August 28, 2004 06:09:08 PM new
Now that you've insulted bigpeepa or tried to can you respond to any of her facts?
posted on August 28, 2004 06:36:59 PM new
The down slide started in 2000... WHY CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOUR BRAIN?
peepa you are one focused blind hatred person... you are the type that should not be voting at all, you have no idea of why you are voting whom you are actually voting for.... you just "know" that President Bush personally harmed you in your "little" world and now he must go... NO HE DID NOT DO ALL THOSE THINGS AND HAS BEEN WORKING TO CORRECT THEM... BUT THEN YOUR BLIND HATRED WON'T LET YOU SEE THAT.
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 28, 2004 07:08:26 PM new
Before it was 'neocon' now its neonazicons
I personally don't see where I am a nazi, neo (new) or whatever
I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on August 28, 2004 08:19:17 PM new
I know! I look at that word and hardly think it can even be pronounced right! - Reminds me of some specialized technical zionized version of neosporin or something!
~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on August 28, 2004 08:58:26 PM new
Twelvepole, I visit 4 to 6 people a day at their homes. Day after day, month after month, year after year. I see what Bush has done first hand. I hear first hand what Bush has done. You come to Pittsburgh, you go with me where I go,you see what I see, you hear what I hear. After your stay in Pittsburgh you will finally see and understand what Bush has done to the middle/working class people of this great country. Until you see and hear first hand what I see and hear. YOU HAVE NOTHING,NOTHING,NOTHING TO SAY TO ME.
Twelvetoes what you don't understand is every week I visit and talk to a wide range of people. People from the poorest of the poor to the ultra rich and all levels in between. I have done this for a lot of years now. Below are the words you wrote to me in your reply to my post.
Twelvepole said "you are the type that should not be voting at all, you have no idea of why you are voting whom you are actually voting for". Twelvepole, Don't you dare ever say those words to me or any other American again. You have no right to say those words to any American. I don't know if you are a man or woman. If you are a man and said those words to my face. I would BUST YOU RIGHT IN YOUR PHONY MOUTH.
posted on August 28, 2004 09:11:26 PM new
CROWFARM, you are right I did forget to mention that the poverty level has increased under Bush. Thanks for pointing that fact out.
posted on August 28, 2004 09:14:01 PM new
Bigpeepa, why don't you move to a Workers' Paradise like Cuba or North Korea? They already have the kind of system that you want. Everybody here on the Round Table will help chip in for a one-way plane ticket for you.

posted on August 28, 2004 11:23:10 PM new
Pittsburg started going down the tubes when the steel industry folded. Not because of George Bush but because of Lack of Iron Ore. Where I am from they lost their steel mills also.
American family's have record debt
Blame that on to the credit card companies themselves. If they would quit sending out Credit cards and those stupid checks that say low financing. Blame the CC companies not the president of the US.
bankruptcy is at record highs Also the CC companies. How many CC applications do you get in a day or a week That say you are approved for this low interest card..
Vets Hospitals are closing They are restructuring because there are no employees to hire. I will make a bet there isn't a hospital in the country that isn't short of help. The reason: It is a 24 hour operation. Many people are picky and only want the 9 - 5 M-F jobs. People don't get sick just during the 9-5 M-F.
Your list goes on and on and Jobs lost because of Nafta. Who's fault is that?
Higher education is costing more Do you want the professors to work for lower wages? More students mean more teachers. Education usually takes a 10% increase every year.
drug prices have rise So that is president Bush's fault that the foreign companies have risen their prices. Maybe the reason for that is because everyone is going to Canada for their drugs.
[ edited by Libra63 on Aug 28, 2004 11:27 PM ]
posted on August 28, 2004 11:34:50 PM new
What I would like to know bigpeepa do you drive around visiting people and telling them how bad they have it? Do you go to homes to buy their merchandise, probably at a low rate, then get into a personal conversation with them. Then they tell you all their problems. I can hear it now. Don't fret people John Kerry is your man so go vote and everything will change. Your dreaming.
If Hillary couldn't do health care what makes John Kerry think he can. Next we will have no Physicians. Then who will you blame.
posted on August 29, 2004 05:41:40 AM new
bigpeepa says: Don't you dare ever say those words to me or any other American again. You have no right to say those words to any American.
He's forgetting, I guess, that this IS America and ALL are free to say what they want. He needs to learn to control his anger and differing points of view. 'Get a grip' as they say. There always have been and always will continue to be people who have different opinions.
I don't know if you are a man or woman. If you are a man and said those words to my face. I would BUST YOU RIGHT IN YOUR PHONY MOUTH.
Uh oh....looks like he's doing a Howard Dean routine....not only screaming in caps...but going in to 'self destruct' mode. Threatening people now....why? For holding a different view on the issues.
Oh and bigpeepa....last I heard Bush is ahead in PA.
Libra - On your answer....yes, everyone knows these problems didn't just start under this Presidents administration. PA industry has been struggling for years....way before this President took office. And President Bush DID help the steelworkers...and the left complained then too.
But we must realize that this is coming from the 'Anyone but Bush' crowd....and according to them EVERYTHING that's wrong in this country and in our world is his fault. When looked at it from that starting point....he could NEVER do anything right....anything that would ever make them happy.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:18:27 AM new
Sure you would peepa, I will say it again and again...
you are the type that should not be voting at all, you have no idea of why you are voting whom you are actually voting for
I guess I need to go to Pittsburgh
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 07:29:26 AM new
Peepa, you sure you live in PA?
In Pennsylvania, 53% of all voters Approve of the way President Bush is performing his job. That's up six points from a month ago and close to his national Job Approval rating
you are the type that should not be voting at all, you have no idea of why you are voting whom you are actually voting for
EAG would need two tickets, the liar crowfarm spouts the same thing...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
[ edited by Twelvepole on Aug 29, 2004 07:31 AM ]
posted on August 29, 2004 12:21:36 PM new
I've said it before and I'll say it again, bigpeepa is an idiot who thinks nobody has any rights to say anything but him/her.