posted on August 29, 2004 09:55:02 AM new
Hey, everybody, I'm officially a terrorist!
Today on "This Week," Pataki was asked about the protestors outside the RNC, and specifically the arrests on Friday at Critical Mass. He said--yes with a straight face--that those arrests underscored the need for security at home and abroad.
So it's official. Peacefully protesting the actions of your government makes you a terrorist! If that what being a terrorist means, I'm a darn proud one!
P.S. To all the conservative folks out there: Rest assured that you'll get your chance to be called a terrorist when shrub loses in November.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:06:42 AM new
If that what being a terrorist means, I'm a darn proud one!
Maybe you should carry a big sign that says; BEWARE OF DOUG
.....and when Bush wins I just wonder if all you damn liberals will riot in the streets or if you will just accept the outcome and just go home.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:43:32 AM new
specifically the arrests
So when is being arreseted peaceful?
Nothing about those protesters being peaceful... But then 20 blocks from the convention really is not hindering anything other than their fellow New Yorker's... of course this could backlash and people that would of not voted for the President, they will now vote for him just to distance themselves from the "protesters"...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 10:44:40 AM new
Yellowstone, if Bush wins we "accept" nothing. We fight, We're patriots!
YOU are the "accepting" ones .....accepting any BS the Republicans dish out!
posted on August 29, 2004 10:50:11 AM new
if Bush wins we "accept" nothing. We fight, We're patriots!
Here's to 4 more years of reading your "patriotic" anti Bush rants.
Hey, hey
Ho, ho
Kerry - sign the 1-8-0
posted on August 29, 2004 11:15:28 AM new
Nobody has addressed the original issue. How does offering a differing opinion make a person a terrorist? How does it compromise national security? If that's the case, then anybody who disagrees with the next administration--be it Kerry or Bush--is a terrorist.
As far as the question of equating being arrested with violence is concerned: Are you really saying that peaceful protesters don't get arrested???
posted on August 29, 2004 01:07:48 PM new
Your're the only one equating protesting with terrorism, Pataki did not say that... you did.
Nothing wrong with peacful protesting, however blocking streets and disrupting others lives is not "peaceful" protesting.
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 01:28:00 PM new
"Pataki did not say that... you did."
I never claimed he said, "those guys in the streets are terrorists." The argument for greater safety, repeated over and over and over again, is countering terrorists/terrorism. When Pataki was asked about the protesters in the streets, his answer was that it underscored a need for greater safety domestically and abroad.
posted on August 29, 2004 03:04:43 PM new
yellowstone:".....and when Bush wins I just wonder if all you damn liberals will riot in the streets or if you will just accept the outcome and just go home."
They'll just accept the outcome and go home. Remember those movie stars who said if Bush won the last election, they would leave the country. Well, he's in office and they're still here, making the big bucks and spending it on themselves. Nobody left the country! All the time they are crying and whining "why doesn't the government do something about the homeless and jobless". Hey stars, spend your own money to help them, get out and volunteer in the Salvation Army, start some small businesses to help the jobless, build some low income housing with your millions. Do anything but ask the government (me, and all other middle income folks) to help them. There is no government without tax money, and the tax money comes from the middle class, not the poor or the rich Hollywood folks. Come to think of it, we would all be so much better off if they had left the country.
posted on August 29, 2004 03:44:16 PM new
Peacefully protesting the actions of your government makes you a terrorist! If that what being a terrorist means, I'm a darn proud one.
Peaceful is fine but, once it becomes disruptive then they consider that terriorists. It only makes sense. It will never be a peaceful one because democrats are disruptive. The Citizens of NYC should be upset with the protesters not the Republicans. Democratic protesters are taking over their streets, keeping the police busy so that businesses can be robbed.
posted on August 29, 2004 04:02:43 PM new
Libra says,"Democratic protesters are taking over their streets, keeping the police busy so that businesses can be robbed."
Ya mean like in Iowa where, when bush was campaigning there, three banks were robbed. Bush has cut funding for police and emergency personnel so there just weren't enough to watch him and the banks.
posted on August 29, 2004 04:39:05 PM new
Hey crowfarm, you left out one major thing Kerry was there also. If you are going to post something do it truthful not just a partial truth.
posted on August 29, 2004 05:01:48 PM new
LOL crofarm and truth, now there is an oxymoron
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 05:07:09 PM new
Incredible! Amazing even! Standing up and making yourself heard in a perfectly legal manner with the permission of the city of New York (you know they have permits for these demonstrations right?) now makes people responsible for crime?
Yeah sure - why lay blame at the feet of the criminals where it belongs when you can blame a law abiding democrat instead.
Do your arms ever get tired from reaching that far?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I assume that you also will also disagree with any parades, etc for returning servicemen as they to will neccessitate pulling officers from normal patrol duties. Or is it just gatherings in the name of issues you disagree with that you consider a danger to national security?
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Aug 29, 2004 05:11 PM ]
posted on August 29, 2004 05:14:59 PM new
fenix as has been pointed out before, these people are not peacfully assembling... 53 arrests and counting... peaceful assembly does not require arrests...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 05:17:49 PM new
Libra, you dithering ditz, everything I posted there was the truth....you sure are deperate to find something wrong with my posts. Go knit or something......
posted on August 29, 2004 05:34:40 PM new
Twelve - you seem to be ignoring the fact that although there have been arrests, police have reported NO incidents of violence. In fact many of the arrests were among 'pro-life" counterprotesters who had not bothered to attain permits. The most serious offense so far is someone who set a paper tiger that protesters were carrying on fire.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on August 29, 2004 05:49:26 PM new
From the New York times...By midafternoon, at least 53 people were arrested on charges of disorderly conduct for blocking traffic near 37th Street and Seventh Avenue in Manhattan.
Just a few terrorists on bikes. Lol
posted on August 29, 2004 05:54:19 PM new
Do you think that they shouldn't have been arrested??
posted on August 29, 2004 05:55:50 PM new
I wasn't there yellowstone, so I can't answer that question.
posted on August 29, 2004 05:56:55 PM new
blocking traffic and disrupting people's lives who may or may not agree with them... all 20 blocks away from the convention site... yeah making an impact on he conventioneers...
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:00:16 PM new
I just read that there are several groups participating in the protest that are not aligned with the Democratic party or a part of their organized program.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:01:30 PM new
That was on MSNBC this morning... just groups of President Bush haters... no logic.
Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:04:50 PM new
Alright then I'll rephrase my question. Do you believe that disorderly conduct is something that someone should be arrested for?? Take into account that it was at least 53 people acting in union to disrupt traffic at a busy city traffic intersection.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:11:32 PM new
That sounds fair enough to me, yellowstone. It's also possible that there may have been some overreaction on the part of the police. That's why I can't say for sure.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:13:25 PM new
Hey, just another way for the NYC PD to make extra money now they can auction off the bikes...
Disgusting site and I would even say that if it was the Republicans.
posted on August 29, 2004 06:20:50 PM new
Is disorderly conduct an arrestable offense??
I don't see any overeaction in your image, there's no billyclubs out, no clouds of mace, it looks like a peacefull nonconfrontational arrest to me.
posted on August 29, 2004 07:22:05 PM new
risasperson - Doug
How does it compromise national security?
Because the more police that are needed to deal with the law-breaking protestors, the less police available to be looking out for any suspicious activity that very well could be terrorists up to no good. Like they were this past week...two arrested on suspicion of trying to plant a bomb not too far away from the convention center.
If some think the concern about terrorist activity around or during this convention isn't a huge one....then you've got your blinders on for sure.
The protestors have a right to protest legally, but should also be aware that their illegal activities could greatly reduce the security force that's there to protect ALL from any potential harm.
posted on August 29, 2004 07:29:52 PM new
etexbill - Your post at 3:04PM today was 'right on'. Absolutely GREAT suggestions ...[the wealthy dems and the rich stars] donating their OWN money for all the poor...in the various ways you mentioned. Providing them with all the things they think those who have so much less than they do should be FORCED to provide.
I've always felt that way about 'the arts' too. There are so few who really use them and yet we all pay for them. And there are thousands of such non-basic items the middle class is forced to pay for. If those who support the 'arts' want them...they they can pay for them.
Think I'll email kerry's campaign and suggest that most of rich-wife-number-two use her $750 million dollars to help the poor. Sell one of those 7-8 homes they have...give that to charity. If anyone has ever looked at kerry's tax donations...it's a joke compare to their wealth. But...he so far he's proposing BILLIONS more be spent on all these programs he's promised to everyone.
Guess who'll be paying for those??? Not the kerry's nor the Edwards....nor the rich stars...nor the wealthy dems....and certainly not the poor. They want all of US [the middle class] to pay for it. And we will be should kerry get elected.
posted on August 29, 2004 07:35:01 PM new
Remember those movie stars who said if Bush won the last election, they would leave the country.
Yes I remember that, it's kinda like what Crowfarm said in another thread;
So I hang my head in shame and shuffle off this mortal chat room
But yet she is still here. They ARE all alike aren't they. You can't believe a word that anyone of them says.