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posted on September 11, 2004 06:30:50 AM new
... exactly at this time of the day ... we watched tv ... gasps and horrors of horrors ... watching it all unfold ... watching people jumping from windows hundreds of stories high, ... within an hour from now (then), the buildings came down ...

I will never forget.

I also remember, a couple weeks later, coming to this exact board, and reading all of the posts of vendioers, who were at this Round Table, posting moment by moment, while they too were watching it on tv. ... it was an amazing chronicle to read (and re-read)

God Bless America.
posted on September 11, 2004 06:32:48 AM new
Yes, it was about this time I learned also, I know I will never forget it...

God Bless those lost...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 11, 2004 06:45:07 AM new
God Bless America

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
posted on September 11, 2004 07:10:26 AM new
I too remember. I was about to leave for work when I heard on the radio something about an airplane slamming into a building. At first I thought the info was wrong but just to be sure I turned on the TV and saw in horror as the second plane hit the second building. I watched TV for about an hour and then went to work. I was very late and got chewed out for being late but it was quickly forgotten when I told of the news. Nary a word was spoken at work that day, we all just listened to the unfolding story on the radio all day while we worked.

posted on September 11, 2004 07:31:18 AM new
One More Hug
Friday, September 10, 2004
By Neil Cavuto

I received this e-mail from Denny Zarnt of Chapel Hill, North Carolina:

"A number of years ago as I was walking out the door on just another business airplane trip, I said to my 15-year-old daughter, "Ah, come on and give your old dad a hug. You never know with these airplanes, I might not see you again." She relented and gave me a big hug... that was the last time I saw her. One week later she died in an airplane crash. I thank God every day that she chose to give me that hug."

Denny Zarnt lost his little girl along with 135 others when Delta Flight 191 slammed into the ground in Dallas on August 2, 1985. And he's right: We spend an enormous amount of time lamenting the moment, forgetting the fact that the moment passes. Sometimes before you know it and way before you ever appreciate it.

How many of us would love to be with loved ones long gone for just one more meeting? One more cup of coffee? One more trip to the ballgame? One more soccer practice? One more anything?

And how many 9/11 families are going through those one more moments all over again? Remembering cell phone conversations if they were so lucky that day, or hasty goodbyes that morning, if they were not?

How many of them would reflect on the twists of life and the freak flukes of life: The people who got out of those burning towers and their loved ones who did not.

They say time heals all wounds. I suspect it makes more just fester.

Replaying the “what ifs:” What if Charlie had not gone to work that day? What if the friendly stewardess had not so cheerfully switched flights for a pal that day?

It doesn't do much to replay the past, but it should give some of us a little focus on the present and the loved ones we know, still with us today. There are no guarantees they'll be with us — or we with them — tomorrow.

So go ahead and hug. Because, for the life of me, I've never heard anyone mourning the passing of a loved one, say, "If only we didn't hug so much."

Not once. Not ever.

"The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work." - Richard Bach
posted on September 11, 2004 08:39:54 AM new
Wow, estatesalestuff, jumping into the RT. I aways knew you were brave!

I was home from work that day being lazy. I remember picking my son up from the high school and what a mad house it was. I called my employer and at the urging of the city's mayor, they closed for the day.

I also remember how united we were as a nation at that time and now I'll remember too how divided we are now.


. . .if you still try to defend the infamies and horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist- I really believe he is Antichrist- I will have nothing more to do with you and you are no longer my friend.. . - War and Peace, Tolstoy
posted on September 11, 2004 10:01:54 AM new
Remember this is a Muslim jihad of imperialism to usurp Christianity as the guiding influence in the world.


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 11, 2004 11:04:46 AM new
I remember George W. Bush sitting in a classroom in florida doing absolutely nothing. I am sure the families of those killed on 9/11 will remember that today and again on November 2 when they vote to kick his sorry butt out of office.

It is a shame that the Republicans have used 9/11 as a publicity stunt. If Bush had taken care of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan they wouldn't have been able to support Chech Rebels in Russia and those innocent adults and children wouldn't have died.

posted on September 11, 2004 12:04:32 PM new
well rustygumbo you just explained how many other people did that day also. I know I was shocked and I am sure you were also. John Kerry sat for 34 minutes. He i a senator and on the intelligence committee. Can we blame this on Bush, the Logan Airport because of lack of security.

This has nothing to do about the time it took to realize what had happened to America. Nothing could have been done as the other planes were already in the air. It is now past history and we have to move on, of course we will never forget. I don't know but I do know that now with something so terrible that happened it is even more apparent how we must be when we leave our loved ones as we never know if we will return home.

Thanks estatesalesstuff for starting this thread. I hope this doesn't get into a Bush Bashing like most threads but a reminder to all of us of a horrific attack that happened to America, that most likely we thought would never happen and changed our lives forever.


posted on September 11, 2004 03:39:01 PM new
My point is that it is important to remember those who died, not to make this a publicity campaign for one party or the other.

How can you justify being President, knowing that a historical landmark was just hit by a plane, and still walk into a classroom to read with a classroom of children? Then 3 years later, using the death and murder of thousands of people to promote your organization? It is sick. The RNC and the speakers focused on the tragedy, yet they have not brought those who were responsible to justice. Instead, they insult the families of those people who died by first refusing to create the 9/11 commission until mounting pressure forced it upon them. They have covered up one thing after another, lied, and then have the audacity to use it as a promotional piece.

Here was the scenario. 1) Bush received warning of the use of airplanes by Osama a month prior to the attack. 2) Bush takes a month long vacation. 3) Bush as President knew the history of Osama's prior attack by Bin Laden on the World Trade Center. 4) After the first plane hit the WTC, he should have had the insight as President to cancel a read-along in an elementary school. He already knew this event was going to be tragic and catastrophic when the first plane hit. Any human with a grain of intelligence would have been able to piece this all together within seconds of hearing that the first plane hit. Instead, he did nothing but sit back and read a children's book.

Let's look at this in the simplist way possible. You're a parent, and you hear that your children's school may have a crime committed at it relevent to the lives of those there. Do you sit back for 7 minutes thinking, reading a book, doing absolutely nothing? I sure would hope not. Anyone would act immediately. They would get up from the most important board meeting of their lives, they would leave in the middle of whatever they were doing, and be proactive. Bush did nothing for 7 minutes, and over 15 minutes if you include when he first heard that the first plane hit. The craziest thing about all of this is that Bush has yet to admit any fault in all of this. He is so arrogant that he can't even admit he should have acted quicker. He thinks his ego is more important than the lives of those who died, and that is pitiful. He should be ashamed of it. He should walk every single day of his life knowing that he did wrong.

This isn't about bashing Bush. This is about the truth.

posted on September 11, 2004 03:56:29 PM new
oh cripe rusty said:
"My point is that it is important to remember those who died, not to make this a publicity campaign for one party or the other."

AND said, "Bush did nothing for 7 minutes, and over 15 minutes if you include when he first heard that the first plane hit. The craziest thing about all of this is that Bush has yet to admit any fault in all of this. He is so arrogant that he can't even admit he should have acted quicker."

No offense, but talking out of both sides of your mouth is how I see what you just said.

posted on September 11, 2004 04:05:33 PM new
Rusty, what could Bush have done in those seven minutes......He possibly could not have done anything that would made a difference.

I totally disagree when the right support Bush for doing absolutely nothing. I am glad the brave fire fighters and police men/women of NYC did not have that attitude.
Could you imagine the outcry if they chose to wait around another seven minutes finishing their breakfast before rushing to the WTC site to start rescuing the people.

Could you imagine if the people on Flight 93 would have waited another seven minutes before deciding to take action? If another seven minutes have passed the Capital or the White House might not be here today.

Bush rushes into a war without properly thinking out a game plan but he chooses to continue reading a book while the nation is under attack. Go figure. But what do you expect from the coward-in-chief.

DICK CHENEY SUPPORTS MY RELATIONSHIP: People ought to be free to enter into any kind of relationship they want to

Let's have a BBQ, Texas style, ROAST BUSH

posted on September 11, 2004 04:09:26 PM new
Lets see President Bush is being bashed for thinking of the best action to take and also for moving too quickly... there is really no pleasing the left... but then they face 4 more years of President Bush


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice.
posted on September 11, 2004 04:30:13 PM new
I was out and about most of the day in crowded places but noticed there was a strange kinda quietness around this am. I didnt think about it awhole lot, though, and only heard a few people even mention it.

~~ Keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues(forces)of life..Proverbs 4:23~~
posted on September 11, 2004 04:34:03 PM new
Twelve, your comment is so black and white it is crazy. The point we are making is that the President has done nothing. He is a slacker. The guy obviously suffers relapses from his earlier days of drug use in college and perhaps even as late as when his dad was president. He was too slow to act on September 11. When he did act, he did nothing besides hide, very similar to his military service record. He looked for an opportunity to make this a publicity event. That is all Bush did. He had an opportunity to bring the world together to fight terrorism. The whole world was behind the United States. He wasn't capable of leading this country, he wasn't capable of surrounding himself with people who knew what they were doing either. He squandored that opportunity given to him to create an international outcry against terrorism. Most of the world now looks at the United States, particularly GW as the real terrorist. Sure, go ahead and say, "who cares about what others think." This is exactly why we are failing in Iraq. The lack of international support.
When a corporation fails, they look at their CEO. When our country fails, we should be looking at our Commander as well. What do we see??? We see someone clammering in a classroom doing nothing. Bush should have never went into the classroom in the first place. He already knew the first tower was attacked, and he chose the course of inaction. When he was told the second tower was hit, he continued his course of inaction. He had all of the information necessary to make an educated plan to handle it. He should have been prepared. What did he do with all of the information he was given prior to 9/11? He rolled it up and smoked it away down in Crawford, Texas.

With Iraq, we can argue that attacking Iraq was right or wrong. It doesn't matter who is right or wrong. The president once again failed to have a strategy in place. He was warned ahead of time what was needed to do the job, and do it right. He chose to once again fail us. More innocent victims of his stupidity have died. Tens of thousands of innocent Iraqi's died, we now have over 1000 combat related deaths in Iraq because he has no strategy. He has no plan. Instead, he only focuses on his ego. The president thinks he has no faults, but in fact he has one major fault. He is the fault.
[ edited by rustygumbo on Sep 11, 2004 04:38 PM ]
posted on September 11, 2004 05:25:02 PM new
Let's post it one more time:

"...remember those who died, not to make this a publicity campaign for one party or the other."

Hey, rustygumbo, are you one of those special ed 'challenged' people or just a dumb ass?


Hebrews 13:8
posted on September 11, 2004 05:32:42 PM new
i don't have a party affiliation. i don't have a political agenda that I am paying millions of dollars to gain public support with lies. i also don't have a bunch of moronic lemmings such as parklane who follows me word for mispronounced word.

posted on September 11, 2004 05:59:52 PM new
God Bless America and we will never forget

Rustygumbo, as for Pres. Bush not doing anything for the 7 minutes, or whatever it was, well, lessee NO ONE KNEW, at first (first plane) they thought it an accident, it wasn't until the 2nd plane that they knew.

off my rant

Have a good day


I'm NearTheSea, and I approve this post
posted on September 11, 2004 06:15:59 PM new

He sat there at least 5 minutes after he had been told that the second Twin Tower had been attacked and that America was being attacked.


posted on September 11, 2004 08:47:24 PM new
Talk about insensitive and tacky! What a post !

Twelve's "Yes, it was about this time I learned also, I know I will never forget it...

God Bless those lost...


Re-Elect President Bush... the only true choice."

Ain't death grand! Vote for bush(but I'm not using 9/11 as a campaign gimmick...no,,no, not the Republicans).

posted on September 11, 2004 09:56:55 PM new
Yes remember that, but forget the rest.
(Subjective perception.)
Who funded Ossama?

Which country (and political party) helped put Saddam into power, armed his regime, provided the “crop-spraying” helicopters….and then after the atrocities, vetoed a UN resolution that sought to condemn the chemical attacks.

Hundreds of Millions will never forget that too.

posted on September 14, 2004 06:40:56 PM new
I was at work when it came over the radio. We were all stunned. But none of us had any idea just how bad it was until we got home and watched the news. I just cried...and cried...for days off and on when I saw it on TV. My eyes well up if I see it on now.

I will never forget.


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