posted on February 12, 2005 12:16:30 PM new
According to some here, the left hasn't answered the questions asked of them. Maybe it's because they get lost in the long threads, so I thought I'd ask so we can clear them up. What are the questions the right needs answers to?
posted on February 12, 2005 12:25:27 PM new
What exactly did John Jerry DO to earn those medals? And why won't he tell us?
Is Zell Miller a Dem or Rep?
What part of President Bush acting on incorrect information from a reliable ally consitutes a LIE?
What part of VICTORY being the only exit strategy don't you get?
Why is it OK for a college professor to state that terrorists are the good guys when other professors can't even bring up the subject of religion?
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posted on February 12, 2005 02:39:58 PM new
Questions to the left have gone unanswered forever.
During the election process: Why were the dems complaining about the deficit while listening to kerry promise to spent trillons more, but that didn't bother then? Again that double standard.
Why on the issues both kerry and Bush held the same 'stated' policies...were they only blaming this President? Like going to war with Iraq.
Why weren't the questions answered by the left about kerry's statements that were against the lefties 'platforms' gay marriage...that neither supported.
None of those matter now....but when the questions get too tough...the dems ignore them.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Four More Years....YES!!!
posted on February 12, 2005 04:05:09 PM new
1. Who's John Jerry?
2. Great question!!!
3. The part where he was told beforehand that the information wasn't reliable.
4. Victory at what cost, for what reason?
5. Who knows?
But, I'm a democrat???
1. Because they wanted Bush gone.
2. No matter who OK'd the Iraq war, most (on the left) felt it was done for the wrong reasons.
3. Gay marriage was only one issue. The bigger issue was the war(s) and what to do about it.
posted on February 12, 2005 05:22:51 PM new
Wait, just one more quick question ok. Have you ever danced naked on stage and if so is your stage name Bubbles, Babette, Cinnamon or another sexy stage name?
posted on February 12, 2005 07:45:04 PM new
1. How big are your boobs?
2. What are your measurements?
I bet you ask those two questions to all the fine laddies at the strip club you visit. It is no surprise you are still waiting for answers.
Absolute faith has been shown, consistently, to breed intolerance. And intolerance, history teaches us, again and again, begets violence.
---------------------------------- "Give it up for George W. Bush, the best friend international jihad ever had."