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posted on February 13, 2001 12:09:49 AM new
Magazines filled with #%&! advertisement card stock that never seem to clear no matter how many times you shake the magazine.

Also, there must be a subliminal message on the cards that say, "As you read the magazine, keep putting me back in each time I slide out until you realize your stupid and finally throw me away."

[ edited by sgtmike on Feb 13, 2001 12:10 AM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 03:12:56 AM new
If they are post paid just write no thanks on them and mail them.

posted on February 13, 2001 06:06:14 AM new
Great suggestion, gravid.
posted on February 13, 2001 06:45:54 AM new
Gravid: What sgtmike said. Gonna try that the next time!
posted on February 13, 2001 03:11:26 PM new
people who talk on cell phones while driving or in restaurants etc.; people who let their dogs loose in suburban communities; people who use their hands at salad bars; drivers who cut in front of you without signaling; I'll think of more.....
posted on February 13, 2001 03:37:40 PM new
I receive a lot of telephone calls at work from individuals I've never met. I become irritated when I answer the phone and the individual on the other end of the line immediately asks if they can put me on hold while they attend to other business.

posted on February 13, 2001 03:43:42 PM new
People with cut in line, ANY LINE. I may rush to get to the end of the line, but once there you better not try and cut in front of me, unless you like VERY loud sarcastic comments about your ability to find the END of the line.


posted on February 13, 2001 03:49:51 PM new
My phone rings, I answer "Hello", then the person on the other end (who's voice I don't recognize) asks "Who's this?" I ask "Who did you wish to speak with?". Their answer is another "Who's this?" I just hang up. Figure since they don't know who they wish to speak with, it can't be me. What happened to phone manners?

posted on February 13, 2001 03:52:02 PM new
Telemarketing calls that have now spilled over to my OFFICE! Argh! Isn't it bad enough we are bombarded at home? Now they have to seek us out during the day?

posted on February 13, 2001 04:24:07 PM new
Stusi, ditto me on the dogs running loose. My husband walks our dogs every night and every night he comes home and says "Well, so-and-so's dog was out loose and I had a dog fight on my hands". I then respond, "That's exactly why I don't take the dogs for a walk!". It's a shame that we're the only ones who keep our dogs confined or on a leash. And we pay an association fee where we live. For what? No one follows the rules - it's a joke.

Here are a few more:

1) When you let someone merge ahead of you or pull out ahead of you in traffic and they don't bother to wave "thank you". Grrr.

2) Going through a busy check out line, only to find that one of your 30% off items wasn't rung up with 30% off, and then you have to go stand in line at the Service Desk to get the adjustment made.

3) People who don't say "thank you" for anything ever.

4) People who come over and start talking my ear off at work when I'm busy.

posted on February 13, 2001 04:27:12 PM new
Oh, yeah, and one more. Dog farts.

posted on February 13, 2001 04:42:28 PM new
I hate it when my cat uses the litter box and hangs his butt over the side like he was sitting on a toilet.

posted on February 13, 2001 04:58:59 PM new
I also don't like the advertisements in magazines, especially the whole page size that are attached. The first thing I do when I get my current PCMagazine is go through it and rip out the stiff paper pages.

Sacrilegious comments concerning belief systems and Deities that the writer doesn’t happen to believe in. I fully understand that not everyone has a formal belief system or religion that they belong to, but those beliefs should be given basic respect. Making crude or offensive comments about such beliefs doesn’t support a person’s point of view, but reduces it and lowers their credibility. State your opinion, but leave Spiritual leaders, Gods, and martyrs, out of the comments.

Those things really bug me.

posted on February 13, 2001 05:28:16 PM new
A few things which annoy me:

- My husband audibly chewing his nails.
- People who think their viewpoint is the only legitimate one.
- My phone ringing, unless I'm waiting for a call.
- Seeing my voice mail light on in the morning when I get to work.
- Those weird bumper stickers with fetuses (?) on them.
- Futurama.
- Free font sites which just have a bunch of links to other free font sites, which have a bunch of links to other free font sites, which....

[ edited by RainyBear on Feb 13, 2001 05:30 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 05:33:35 PM new
Meya have to agree about religion, with one cavat: Don't come to my door or accost me at the grocery store or airport to try and convert me to whatever relegion.


posted on February 13, 2001 05:36:56 PM new
I'm going to take the torch from Meya here, and say this. I hate it when you work with people (or know people) who feel that they are more Christian that everyone else. AND, they are the self-appointed messengers of God who were sent here to tell everyone what to think, and say, and feel, and do. The way they look down their noses at people who, for instance, don't hate gays, abortion, or Bill Clinton, drives me crazy.

[ edited by Muriel on Feb 13, 2001 05:37 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 05:45:53 PM new
Try being the only person at the office who doesn't go to church, isn't interested in anything religious and everybody else in the office feels the need to have deep theological discussions.

posted on February 13, 2001 06:01:29 PM new
1. People who smack their food
2. Smiling commercials, i.e. people smiling while showering, eating, scrubbing toilets.
3. Fast food commercials with sound only of them smacking and munching.
4. Old ladies with big hats that cant see over steering wheels.
5. Old people digging for JUST the right amount of change in their rubber coin purses shaped like eggs.
6. Holier-than-thou people who judge and point fingers while preaching fire and brimstone.
7. Tailgaters
8. Dogs that lick and slurp their private areas.
9. Bullies

posted on February 13, 2001 06:19:24 PM new
1.people who have to pass you and then you both end up at the same red light.
2.people who drive pick trucks or any four wheel drive and tail gate at night so all that you can see is there headlightsin your back window.
3.women who hover over toliet seats and get them all wet,and don't clean up after themselves.
4.people who write checks in the express lane at the store.

posted on February 13, 2001 06:21:32 PM new
women who hover over toliet seats

LOL! Great description! Toilet Seat Hoverers!
posted on February 13, 2001 06:30:54 PM new
People who wear perfume to the gym.
People that they let doors close on other people.
"Cookie Monster cookies" - Jim Henson's genius is being used to peddle junk food.

posted on February 13, 2001 06:59:21 PM new
This one drives me absolutely INSANE:

When someone at a checkout waits until every single last thing is rung up before they begin to write out their check. Why couldn't they be writing their check WHILE they were being rung up??

And more:

People who drive slow in the passing lane.

People who drive with their blinkers on, but they aren't turning anywhere.

Bicyclists who ride their bike in the middle of the road.

Women who put on makeup in the car while they are driving. GRrrrrr!

I can't stand nosey people:

When I go to the post office with my car load of packages and people stare at me.

When I go to the store and "Ebay" shop - people stare at my cart full of stuff - and sometimes even have the NERVE to ask me what it's all for!

[ edited by ExecutiveGirl on Feb 13, 2001 07:02 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 08:07:43 PM new
People who want to write a check,then don't have a pen.

Rushing to get into the express checkout line(5 items or less)to discover the guy in front of me has 47 items,a dozen coupons,wants to write a check,doesn't have a pen,and needs to borrow mine because the checker lost his to the customer before him.

In the meantime the guy in the next aisle that had two full carts has already checked out and is gone.While shaking my head in disgust,the guy in front of me has just walked out with my damn pen!

Getting pissed just thinkin about it!

[ edited by Al on Feb 13, 2001 08:08 PM ]
posted on February 13, 2001 08:25:51 PM new
my wife has a friend who, when i tell her the wife is too busy to come to the phone, insists i get her anyway. it is never an emergency and she actually had the gall one time to ask me to go down the block to get her to the phone. it is as though she wants my wife to come to the phone to tell her that she is too busy to come to the phone! pushy is an understatement.
posted on February 13, 2001 08:42:35 PM new
Al ROFLMAO! I can relate!

I never realized so many things irritated me til I read this thread! LOL

On the toilet thing. When hubby and I were first married we were always battling over who was the boss. One night I got up late to do business, didn't turn on a light and ended up in the toilet. He hadn't put the lid down. I was furious. I'm yelling at him, he's yelling at me telling me I should've looked and it's not his problem, he can leave the lid up anytime he wants to...blah, blah, blah. I was so mad that before I could come to my senses I went and found the super glue and glued the seat to the bowl. It worked great and got my point across - but, we had to buy a whole new toilet. LOL

Not paranoid anywhere else but here!
posted on February 13, 2001 09:58:16 PM new
Here is another one.

Going home with a fast food meal and having the large drink cup collapse and spill most of my ICE COLD pepsi between my legs.
Those plastic lids never fail!

Ordering a tailor-made burger,(with me it's mustard and onions)rush home,open the bag, only to discover that I'm the proud owner of a sandwich that is overflowing with ketchup and pickles.Now miffed but too tired to take it back,decide to just eat the fries that.......ARE NOT IN THE BAG!

Ya know this thread is starting to get to me.

posted on February 14, 2001 12:58:25 AM new
-Drivers who take forever to make a right turn.

-People who while talking repeatedly say, "You know?" or "Know what I'm sayin'?"

-People who push their shopping cart down the middle of the store aisle.

-People who stop and visit in the store aisle.

-Women who do not put the toilet seat back up after they finish.
posted on February 14, 2001 06:24:03 AM new
After waiting forever on line, the store decides to open another register. Yippee ~ I'm next! NOT All those little old ladies sure move fast to get to the new cashier! Did they forget how to politely take their turn? sheesh!
okay, this next one's not so petty but while we're venting....
Parents who teach their kids that the referee/umpire is at fault when they lose a game rather than teaching them good sportsmanship. There's no room for attitude in baseball. (can you tell I had a rough night at Little League?) Why do parents think criticizing authority is a good lesson to learn? Since when do children not learn from mistakes? Doesn't it make children stronger to accept mistakes and respect other players skills? It's not always someone else's fault when you lose! Let's teach Positive Life Skills out there!
(thanks for letting me vent!)
I feel much better now

chepistar here, there, and everywhere
posted on February 14, 2001 08:00:28 AM new
LOL, add the "toilet seat hoverers" to my list, too! People do that where I work. I don't know why they won't sit on the seat since we have those paper liners they can use.

I've been tempted to print out an "If you sprinkle when you tinkle..." sign and tape it to the stall door.

posted on February 14, 2001 08:37:34 AM new
I second the choice of telemarketing calls. I got (and still get) so many of them at home (8-9 a day) that I finally got caller ID; I no longer answer calls that show "unknown name, unknown number" on the caller ID box, for they're always telemarketing calls. When I get home from work, my caller ID box is blinking like crazy with these calls - I know what they are, because they never leave a message.

You can cut down on these calls if you force yourself to answer them and then request (ever so politely) that they remove your name from their call list. I may be mistaken, but I think they are legally obligated to honor your request.

Here's another, unrelated petty irritant: cash register tape that runs out and has to be replaced just when I get to the head of the line at the grocery store. The clerks often can't thread it right and have to call the manager. Time, time, time.

And a few more:

Grocery store carts with a defective wheel that forces me to steer the cart at an angle.

Co-workers in my small office who won't replace the toilet paper roll when it runs out, even though an extra one is right there in the stall.

Door-to-door missionaries. Two came to my front door one day when I was home sick. My mistake was opening the door; I was hunched over, told them I was sick and couldn't talk, and further, I said in exasperation, I'm Prebyterian. Still they persisted, waving pamphlets and talking about Our Savior. I resented them on several levels, not the least of which was that their persistence forced me to be rude to them, which went against my nature.

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