posted on May 20, 2001 05:36:26 AM new
i am having a hard time finding what people are looking for, need to know what to put up for auction, to many to put all on, if you help me on finding what people want, i will give you free shipping and habdling on your actions, thanks for your help.
posted on May 20, 2001 06:49:54 AM new
Hi Keith....The title of your thread is "where to put swarovski jewelry what catagory". Here are a couple of categories you may want to consider:
Jewelry, Gemstones & Watches:Costume Jewelry: Contemporaryesigner, Signed
posted on May 20, 2001 07:03:08 AM new
sunbird170 - Good Morning.
I just wanted to suggest that you might get more answers if you post this question to the Ebay Outlook board, here on Auction Watch. This area (The Round Table) is more of a chat board. But I see that nanastuff did offer helpful information to you.
As far as "if you help me on finding what people want" I personally did my research on which items in my catagories were selling by viewing the 'completed auctions' sections. For example if I had swarovski jewelry to sell and I wanted to see what prices they were getting, I'd do a title search on swarovski jewelry, being sure to click on the title and description choice button.
As far as other jewelry that is selling well, do the same research by viewing all the jewelry catagories and see which ones are getting the bids.
Do the same searches on currently listed catagories to find what buyers are interested in.
posted on May 20, 2001 07:10:51 AM new
LOL- nanastuff...happens to the you're in good company.
When you use the colon ( or semi-colon ( as you did when typing the titles of the catagories out....and then follow those by any thing that is similiar to a "" or a "(" it makes a smiley face.
On your flower, are you using
[*img]yourURLhere[*/img] to do so? This will work if you remove the stars and don't skip any spaces.