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posted on May 26, 2001 09:34:00 PM new

Jiang is said to have called Bush "logically unsound; confused and unprincipled; unwise to the extreme,"

It's a dangerous world and the wolves smell blood!


posted on May 26, 2001 09:41:00 PM new
Scarey. We are possibly seen as the weakest link now. Im sure some country is already whispering "goodbye". And that is NOT meant as a joke. Downright scarey.

posted on May 26, 2001 10:39:23 PM new

I've moved the wife back down to the bomb shelter. She struggled and resisted but I've made print outs of these warnings to try and inform her just how dangerous things have become. I can't understand how she can carry on without panicking when it is clear that the sky is falling.

Thanks for the heads up on this scary situation.

posted on May 26, 2001 10:44:18 PM new
Jiang is said to have called Bush "logically unsound; confused and unprincipled; unwise to the extreme,"

Just the kind of person who might nuke China for the hell of it. Bet they're more afraid of Bush than they ever were of Clinton.

posted on May 26, 2001 11:00:09 PM new
I was looking at a house in Blaine, WA. in which the owner had, without the knowledge of his neighbors, built a four story deep 2000sq. ft, shelter under his home complete with 10 ft thick walls and a steel door capable of withstanding a 10 megaton blast.

It looked like a normal home, and was for sale for only $320,000.

The owner apparently felt that it wasn't enough since the selection of Bush and had chosen to leave the country.

It was listed in ebay.

posted on May 26, 2001 11:04:27 PM new
Oh yes, very "scarey" indeed. Shame on you for posting such crap. Why would the Chinese government have anything good to say about the US at all?

I don't know about you, but comments coming from the leader of a country who practices such deplorable human rights means everything to me, not. Heather
[ edited by hcross on May 26, 2001 11:05 PM ]
posted on May 26, 2001 11:51:19 PM new
Take a break.

From the linked article:

"The source said Jiang counseled a low-key
response to Bush's apparent efforts to use Taipei
and the exiled Tibetan government as pawns in
an "anti-China containment policy."

The source told CNN that Jiang urged caution
and suggested desisting from rash actions
particularly in view of China's application to join
the World Trade Organization and to host the

posted on May 27, 2001 12:23:53 AM new
The source told CNN that Jiang urged caution and suggested desisting from rash actions particularly in view of China's application to join the World Trade Organization and to host the Olympics.

Does this mean we aren't all ENDANGERED till after the decision to host the Olympics is made? Now I'm wondering if I should cancel all those bids I placed on those MRE's and emergency supplies. I need to see some more thoughts on how scary this is before I let my wife out of the shelter. You have no idea how much she resisted being moved down there, her nails are long and sharp. When I let her out she's off to her mothers for at least a month (sigh) she can't grasp I'm more aware than her and I have to make these decisions for her... the poor woman has republican leanings at times.

posted on May 27, 2001 12:40:13 AM new
I would have thought that you'd have plenty of MREs left over from the millienium, or have you been sneaking into the shelter between meals?

Yes, safe until the Olympic bid is denied, then it'll be WWIII. Who can blame them?

posted on May 27, 2001 01:10:25 AM new
hcross - if it was someone other than Jiang that spoke of Bush with those words would it make any difference to you?
How about half the people of the United States, or some of our own political leaders? Have you not been paying attention to what other countries besides China have been saying about Bush? Jiang just happened to express it more clearly and loudly, or perhaps, people listened more because it was China.
It doesn't matter who uttered the words. The fact, is, his opinion of Bush is the opinion of many.

posted on May 27, 2001 01:17:53 AM new
In the world free press there are continual expressions of amazement that such an ignoramus and boor as dumbya could be president of the United States.

posted on May 27, 2001 03:57:10 AM new
If I had a choice if inviting either George Bush or Jiang to dinner at my house I would fast.
One is a domestic jerk of my culture the other is a foreign jerk of a different culture. Both are so far removed from my everyday sort of life we would have nothing in common.
When do you think the last time was that either of them had to stand and pump gas in the car they were using? Heck when do you even think they had to deal with buying a car? They want to go somewhere the bullet proof limo is sitting waiting. They have more in common with each other than me.
They both can have the streets barricaded off so the peasants are held back out of their way. They don't have to worry about being arrested or realistically have any fear of the judicial system. Both political sytems claim to act on behalf of the "people" and give lip service to them being equal to us, but elevate these leaders beyond concerns of the people. As the sarcastic phrase goes they are a little more equal.

posted on May 27, 2001 06:52:19 AM new

This is exactly how George Bush is perceived outside the United States
and by the majority of people in the US now. That is why the entire world breathed a sigh of relief when Jeffords upset the Republican power in the senate.

The progress that Clinton made to ensure a US dominated world order is down the tubes.

Now, Bush will be looking for a way
to justify the missile-defense system and that is frightening.

about the bomb shelters

I went to an estate sale recently in a Maryland suburb of Washington DC and
found a house much like Krs described. This was a 1.5 mil house,
structured much like a fortress with huge, built in diesal generators
along with numerous portable generators, battery powered lights, survival gear, gas masks, basement filled with MRE and water to last a long, long time, and alternate transportation... motorcycles etc.
He had three additional storage facilities on the property to store
barrels of diesal fuel and water.

This guy was a practicing orthopedic surgeon and you guessed it...

planning to leave the country!


edited to add b

[ edited by HJW on May 27, 2001 07:03 AM ]
posted on May 27, 2001 07:34:43 AM new
There! That's the answer! That's why Republican Voters tried to put Bush into the White House knowing that he had a weak mind and no foreign policy experience! They did it because THEY don't understand foreign policy either! How can anyone living in this modern America not understand how things are? They voted for Bush because they are exactly the same way -- weak minded and incompetent in foreign affairs!

A Primer for Republican Voters
When a new President takes the oath of office of the President of the United States of America, the most powerful position in the world, all other heads of state for every country in the world want to know how to deal with him and what to expect in a given situation. So they rattle his chains to see what he'll do. First, Sadaam, then Russia, now this Chinese incident (not to mention shocking the world with his lack of insight by pulling out of the Kyoto Treaty). Each one is testing Bush to see how far they can get away with things and what kind of a response he'll make to a given situation.

Normally, the new President spends his first 100 days in office seeing ambassadors to tell them how things are going to be done for the most part. Not so with Bush -- he told them all to go to Hell. So, the Chinese invented this crisis, just for everyone in the world to see what kind of a man the American People had voted into the most powerful office in the world. And they have been *astonished* at what a weak fool that he is! Now everyone (correctly) has the impression that anytime that American interests are involved, we'll just roll-over and bare our throat to them! Oh sure: if CORPORATIONS are threatened, that may be a different matter -- that's all that Bush cares about. But when it comes to the many, many little things that go on every day and strengthen or weaken our position in the world, we are LOOSING!

So, to simply write off what Jiang said as "that Chinese monster" is to seriously not understand in the least what is going on or its implications. It isn't just Jiang saying it now, it's every leader and politician in the world looking at us as a VICTIM to be raped!

posted on May 27, 2001 07:44:59 AM new
Here's some data for those brave souls that aren't leaving the country. If you're in one of the dark areas you might want to spend more time on your plans.
Imagine how many people don't realize the seriousness of the situation, while they are blissfully watching the Indy 500 I'll be stockpiling my shelter. Thanks to this message board I can point to this and tell me wife, "See this! Where would we be if I had agreed a pool was more important than a bomb shelter?"

If by some miracle we survive the next 4 years the country we'll have the sense not to put some southern governor into a office requiring experience in dealing with foreign affairs. We need experienced leaders like Carter and Clinton who are well versed in international politics before they get into office.

[ edited by uaru on May 27, 2001 07:48 AM ]
posted on May 27, 2001 08:26:50 AM new


I'm not a Republican and I'm not weak minded.
The fact that your post follows mine, it appears that you are replying to me.

Is that the case?


posted on May 27, 2001 08:38:45 AM new
I'm not a Republican and I'm not weak minded.

I'm a Pedestrian, but I am married. I figure I only qualified for half of his scolding.

posted on May 27, 2001 08:52:27 AM new
When we had a plumbing company in the 70's we did the plumbing in a house in the Canton Ohio area for a doctor with money to burn. He had a huge addition to the basement extend out behind the house as a deck with a steel reinforces concrete cap. After all the inspectins were done and no workers were coming back to the house he removed the steps leading down to the deck and had about 3 foot of dirt bulldozed over the whole thing and blended into the surrounding grade so you would never know it was down there. It was strong enough to run the small 'dozer right over it. He had his well sunk off the back of the extension and routed through there so he had unlimited water for drinking and for decontamnination.
The entry from the basement was a tile lined small room with a floor drain were you could spray down coming back in. The side away from the house had a stout steel door on a dead end concrete block cube braced inside with barn timbers. You could dig your way out that side if the house was collapsed into the basement.

[ edited by gravid on May 27, 2001 08:55 AM ]
posted on May 27, 2001 09:08:15 AM new
About that map. It is a good map for a possible exchange of missiles with Russia where they have enough war heads to try to take
out our missiles in the ground before launch and our air fields, but it probably does not well represent an exchange with China. The
Chinese only have about 12 to 18 launch vehicles that have 3 independent warheads on each so you are looking at around 40
medium sized nuclear warheads. That is not enough to significantly reduce the strike they would receive in return so they would
probably follow a policy of hitting all the population and industrial centers they could as a better long range return that strictly
military targets. Figure anyplace that has a population over a million people combined with industry and a military port or base as a
bonus. San Diego for example you get 3 targets in one.

posted on May 27, 2001 09:10:03 AM new

That is like the house that I mentioned above.

Today, of course, bomb shelters are obsolete
and most Americans can't afford to leave the country, so maybe Borillar has the answer.


Borillar, I think, is "snoozin."


[ edited by HJW on May 27, 2001 09:15 AM ]
posted on May 27, 2001 09:54:43 AM new
krs, that house in Blaine has been for sale since Sept. (or before) and has listed and relisted it on ebay several times.

We looked at it. I know the one your talking about. This guy had been in progress of building all that over a course of like 20 years.

Interesting house though, could have really really loud parties down there

[email protected]
posted on May 27, 2001 10:04:52 AM new
"And in other news, the Cold War began anew today in a most unlikely place -- a message board devoted to online auctions ...

posted on May 27, 2001 10:05:42 AM new
I think I would prefer to be thought of as weak minded, rather than post long rambling messages, full of cringe worthy spelling mistakes and bad grammar, than make an idiot of myself, but hey, that is just me.

posted on May 27, 2001 10:19:30 AM new
This news just in... Attendance at the Indy 500 is expected to be very low as panic forces millions to begin stocking their bomb shelters in light of the very scary news from the Chinese leaders. Film at 11:00 (provided we aren't broadcasting civil defense warnings)


posted on May 27, 2001 10:21:52 AM new
I think I would prefer to be thought of as weak minded, rather than post long rambling messages, full of cringe worthy spelling mistakes and bad grammar, than make an idiot of myself

What speech did Bush say that from?

posted on May 27, 2001 10:36:34 AM new


Maybe I should tell him to take it to CNN?

I'm in touch with that emotion now, NearTheSea.


posted on May 27, 2001 10:38:04 AM new
Well, I got it all figured out....It is all a cruel joke played out by Santa Claus...

Dumb-dumb kept sending Santa his wish list, over and over asking for only ONE thing: Pleezzzze! Pleeeezzzze! Can I be president? Hey? Hey? What d'ya say! PLEEEEEEZZZZZZE! I'll cut ya a BIG check for that retirement home you the missus want, in the South Pole...

Santa got tired of those stupid letters and.....granted the jerk his wish! That is the ONLY way that feeble-minded little Napoleon could ever have had access to the White House!....It certainly was NOT by POPULAR VOTE

Hi Hellen I really doubt very much that Borillar was addressing your comment...I believe it was a very general comment, not a response ..
Sending you a big HELLO....

Hi, Hepburn and everyone....
Gosh Shosh!

About Me
posted on May 27, 2001 10:42:52 AM new

Hi Shosh!

I hope that you are right Or the cold war
may escalate.

I'll agree to be weak minded if only someone
else will take the blame for being a Republican.


posted on May 27, 2001 10:43:39 AM new

At least one Republican stopped playing "follow the dumba"

Hi Shosh

posted on May 27, 2001 10:46:28 AM new
Maybe after you guys get tired of parading around in your nuclear fright wigs and fangs, you can jump-start the Millennium Bug and squeeze some more mileage out of that.

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