posted on September 19, 2001 10:00:52 AM new
This was on their announcements page dated 8/18/2001. I had missed this message but it says they intend to continue advertising. Nice! They don't have any momentum yet but we'll have to see in 6 months.
***ePier's First Major Advertising Campaign is Under Way***
We have purchased a total of 450,000 banner ads, which began running yesterday and will run through the end of September. There will also be a newsletter sent out to 250,000 people promoting ePier. You can also grab the following banners to help promote our community. Simply cut and paste the HTML code below the banner to the page you wish it displayed.
This is the first of many advertising campaigns to come. As our community and ePier grows stronger, our advertising reach will also grow. Advertising campaigns build awareness and business. And it will take time. It is not a quick process. It will take many days for the campaign to build momentum and reap the fruits of our labor. With your continued support, your ePier team will give 125% to make our site and community the very best it can be.
Thank you for your continued support of ePier.
If you have any questions, would like to comment on this or any other matter, you can send them to: [email protected]
Yours Truly,
ePier Team
posted on September 19, 2001 10:40:32 AM new
"With your continued support, your ePier team will give 125% to make our site and community the very best it can be."
I dont see how 125% effort was shown toward at least giving 2 longtime EPIER members who voluntarly paid money to support the site, even a chance at a fair trial.
I was there when the banning took place, then warnings about new chat policy was posted AFTER they were banned. To me thats -125% effort.
So far my Email to EPIER pointing out the flaws in this process have not been answered.
Not even close to 50% IMO.
posted on September 19, 2001 11:19:08 AM new
If the users who were banned had been active, revenue generating sellers (the few they have on the site) and still ePier canned them, it makes you wonder what kind of nefarious activities the users were involved in. We may never know and I'm quite positive the banned individuals would never fess up. They'll give you their own "spin". Whatever they did must have really turned off the ePier powers that be!
posted on September 19, 2001 11:38:14 AM new
eSeller...I personally RESENT your inuendos that the users that were banned did ANYTHINGRONG! (<B>"it makes you wonder what kind of nefarious activities the users were involved in</B>
Maybe if you were as versed in the facts as you are in supositions you might actually have something intelligent to add to this event!
The facts are 4 not 2...4 paid for and fully viable accounts were unfairly banned....the facts and events are posted at PierPals including the entire thread that was what the basis for the bannings were based on! Not ONE of the user ID's bid ANYTHING even remotely nefarious...unless you consider the TRUTH and telling it to be "nefarious"!
posted on September 19, 2001 11:56:21 AM new
i am just curious, was it 4 people or 4 of your id/accounts that was banned?
posted on September 19, 2001 12:43:27 PM new
Excuse me gingergirl~ I am candlelady on ePier and was BANNED along with GP for stating facts about ePier and their LIES!. NO it is NOT her 4 ID's. NO we did nothing wrong except criticize ePier and their LIES........GP and I both have exemplary reputations and all you have to do is check it out!
Unfotunately A/W do not permit links to auctions but if you would like to see my feedback and GP's please feel free to email me:
[email protected] and then you can see the facts!
posted on September 19, 2001 12:54:30 PM new
Does anyone ever try to walk a mile in the other guys moccasins? If you were the head of an online auction site that had chatrooms would you allow critisim of your site on the message boards? I don't think Carnaby would and that is to be admired ( second time I've praised their message boards now ). Even the very, very liberal Bidville has eliminated its 'Gripes and Groans' section. New users come to an auction site and may decide to check out their message areas to see a lot of dissent among the users and decide against using the site.
I'm sorry if this post may against AW Community Guidelines but I feel this valid point that should be made.
posted on September 19, 2001 12:54:57 PM new was my personal account (Goldenpony) was my Business account(EquinesWorld) and one was my of many I list for. I used his ID (slp-2000) to make a post and also identified it as being me since my own accounts would not work....I did this because this is not linked to me and is from an entirely different person...his account has also been banned and I might add that I said absolutely nothing to break the rules using his account...I have still (as he and candlelady) not yet received any notification or explanation of this banning! My personal account and business account finally had the active auctions ended by ePier (and also billed a FVF for prior closed auctions) but slp-2000's are still running and he is still banned with no access to his account or auctions. He has repeatedly asked for an explanation to this action but also received nothing!
This banning affected 3 paid for vm (20$) accounts that never received verification services as promised! The banning is also a selective ban of members for no valid reasons. Had I of dared also post with some of the other sellers I list for they probably also would have been banned. All the seller accounts I list for are all registered with eBay also and have their full contact info as well as CC on file and are ALL members in good standing with the auction community...just as I am! I have a perfect rating everywhere I list at with the exception of one retalitory negative I received on my 3rd sale from a DB! So to have people insinuate this is some kind of scam from less than reputable sellers is infuriating!
posted on September 19, 2001 12:58:42 PM new
bidsbid...get all the facts then when tring to make a point! Epier has also based it's business on the highly advertised guarantee of NO BIG BROTHER - EVER! That was up until the moment the truth being exposed started to hurt them...they new any lies posted would die off as lies do, but the truth will destroy them and they know it! That is why they changed their other promise of No Big Brother on the boards...AFTER the ban...not to try to compare their procedures with others is not a fair comparrison!
posted on September 19, 2001 01:01:59 PM new
"""""If the users who were banned had been active, revenue generating sellers (the few they have on the site) and still ePier canned them, it makes you wonder what kind of nefarious activities the users were involved in. We may never know and I'm quite positive the banned individuals would never fess up. They'll give you their own "spin". Whatever they did must have really turned off the ePier powers that be!""""""
How dare you! Unless you are a person that just likes to post and cause problems...I challenge you to give your ePier User ID! Goldenpony and I (candlelady) have given our User ID's because we have NOTHING to hide! You, however continually post about ePier Sales etc...yet fail to give your User ID to add any credability to your statements! I say put your User ID where your mouth is. Do not dare attack either Goldenpony or myself (candlelady)...and YES we turned off the Powers to be at ePier as we questioned their unethical behaviour!
YES we were active, revenue generating Sellers (for ourselves as this was a FEE FREE Site when we joined)..YES we generated much funds for Charity Auctions as can be proven if you were to visit our past auctions!.. NO we did NOT generate any funds for ePier directly as these auctions all happened before they instigated FVF on September 17 (AFTER we we were banned)....
UNLIKE you we have honestly given our User ID' I ask ALL who read these continuous posts from eSeller004..who in the heck is this person? I challenge you to come forward and be accountable instead of acting like a terrorist! Attack honest decent people and then slink away!!!!!!SO WHO ARE YOU???
For others that read this post please take note of the response...if this person is honest and decent (like goldenpony and candlelady).....he/she will "fess up" as to why they attack us with NO justification!!!! We have proof of our decency and identities..........does he/she?
posted on September 19, 2001 01:05:09 PM new
Well, if they actually were involved in "nefarious" activities, I would expect at least 1 negative Feedback from some sober individual....Either on Goldenponies or Candeladies Profile....but last check, I see no negatives...
I suppose we could 'theorize' that Maybe Goldenpony and Candlelady bid on each others Auctions, then left feedbacks under 200+ different Aliases just to 'make themselves look good' ....heck if we go that far, we might as well throw in the possibility those 2 users might be the same person with OCD Personality disorder.... (LOL) but that would be stretching it pretty thin.
If they really did bid on each others could easily check all their feedback, like I did a long time ago....and you will see practicly every one is uniquely written, and some come from more than the same user, and some have some very good feedbacks in their own profile. So with these backings in place, I ask you : What else could they have possibly done so terrible to warrant such extreme measures, except speak how they feel on a Public chat with no guidlines posted? Im sure if that Lurker who all this was directed at, would have identified himself,herself as EPIER staff...they would be treated accordingly perhaps. Anonyminity is too often used as a shield for gathering information, or entrapment. We in the Auction Community know
how imperative it is we research our feedbacks to better base our interactions with one another. Anyone new to a site with Zero feedbacks in their profile, and no current or past Auctions, plus their profile indicating they joined the site 2 seconds ago, will get a very poor response when they start their postings off as: "why dont you leave" to a senior member. theres just no leg to stand on at all....
posted on September 19, 2001 01:09:51 PM new
bidsbids...I understand what you say ...HOWEVER ePier have Lied over and over again, and then tried to lie about their lies, and the recent ban on both GP and myself was selective and goes against any grain of decency or equality!
When we questioned it was for a justifiable protect Selers/Buyers...they have now cancelled the Threaded Chat Room...the Live Chat Room has little activity...I am sorry but even if you OWN an auction site, that site is used by USERS and they have a right to have feedback and the TRUTH! before they commit themselves to dealing with a business!
posted on September 19, 2001 01:28:13 PM new
Are you saying a Customer who pays you for a product or service has no grounds for gripes or groans?
The 2 banned members in question VOLUNTARILY
paid a Verified status fee...and as Goldenpony indicated, she has 4 accounts under different user ID's. She has never tried to hide that fact either.
One would think they at least have a say or at least have _SOME_ truth in their statements based on their plethera of Positive Feedbacks, plus willingness to take a risk and help promote a new site.
What it seems to be coming to these days is its frowned on to 'complain' (I view it as constructive critisism)
For Example:
The next time you get a bogus charge on your CC - perhaps you will be informed that your CC Companies' "Gripes and Groans Department"
has been eliminated. How convienient!!
posted on September 19, 2001 01:34:48 PM new
{sweat pouring down my face}
It is hot in this room!
Gingergirl, why don't you answer the questions asked of you? I know I am curious to read your answer! I had over 50 auctions and cancelled them when the fees (one of Epier's many lies) was announced.
Gingergirl just signed on today. Big surprise, trolling is a popular pastime!
[ edited by deichen on Sep 19, 2001 01:36 PM ]
posted on September 19, 2001 02:03:19 PM new
i am sorry, what questions?
posted on September 19, 2001 02:03:49 PM new
Thanks deichen...I also want eSeller to explain the vile accusations that he/she launched against GP and I (candlelady)......I also have a 700 plus feedback on ebay with one retaliatory neg (a Seller that gouged on shipping fees and refused to refund...I gave them a chance to refund before I left my negative which they immediately negged me back...oh joy ebay!)
Both goldenpony and I are decent and honest Sellers and Buyers and I object to eSeller004 insinuating that we are not.... STEP forward eSeller004...what is your User ID on ePier or anywhere come to that...put your ID where your mouth is!
posted on September 19, 2001 04:37:10 PM new
Techforce..Thanks for the comments...and yes you are witness to the facts! People will eventually see the "truth"!!
posted on September 19, 2001 04:47:42 PM new
Whatcha hiding Ginger?
posted on September 19, 2001 05:16:16 PM new
I'm not advocating a Nazi state on an auction site ( almost a pun as far as ePier is concerned ). Have you been to the Carnaby chatrooms? That type of dissention is not tolerated at all. If site members want to cut down the site or ownership of any auction site they should be directed to take it off site. Bidville allows all types of posts there that are very derogatory towards that site and I admire them for allowing the posts but if I were in charge I would not allow such posts as they can be damaging to the site's reputation.
This thread is begining to remind me of The Jerry Springer Show a little.
posted on September 19, 2001 05:53:41 PM new
""""I'm not advocating a Nazi state on an auction site ( almost a pun as far as ePier is concerned ). Have you been to the Carnaby chatrooms? That type of dissention is not tolerated at all. If site members want to cut down the site or ownership of any auction site they should be directed to take it off site. Bidville allows all types of posts there that are very derogatory towards that site and I admire them for allowing the posts but if I were in charge I would not allow such posts as they can be damaging to the site's reputation.
This thread is begining to remind me of The Jerry Springer Show a little. """
Big difference here bisbids.....this is real and happening! (unlike Jerry Springer fantasy world)... Unless you have been an ePier member since January 2001, and listened to their BS and promises, you probably do not understand! They sucked us in with that brazen Banner of NO FEES EVER!!!! They were going to have paymadeeasy (PayPal equivalent) and other means of Income! (The promised advertising from our VM Fees).......then they schmooze us with the VM Fee (thinking we would be protected from NPB's and also get some advertising going we (as idiots) paid it voluntarily..also stated that they would "accept" the NAZI Sellers, that was back in the days when they (ePier) answered us on the Boards..which has now CEASED COMPLETELY..they do NOT even answer their phone or respond to email messages anymore!.
Do you seriously think that PAID members who saw their deceit and chameleon tactics have NO right to question? Then I guess you might like a commmmunist site..where members (who make the site) have no say!!!!!
posted on September 19, 2001 06:00:36 PM new
In fact I did sign up there last January but didn't like the same number of auctions there. So I signed up with Bidville in January. Same 'no fees ever promises' but they are a little behind ePier in realizing that FVFs are the only way they can survive.
posted on September 19, 2001 06:06:20 PM new
So Bids you still would not allow any dissenting posts?????? You did not answer that!
posted on September 19, 2001 06:15:12 PM new
I am bladepusher from Epier. I personally had Goldenpony buy from me. She sent fast payment and we had a great transaction. I can bet all her other transactions were that way as well. I am not participating in trading at Epier and haven't for about 2 months. They refuse to pull my contact info or any of my closed auctions. I have wrote repetedly. I have filed a BBB report.
Candlelady is a really nice person and someone I never got to do business with but I wish I could have. You doubters out there need to realize that Epier has lied has made promises that they broke. I feel as they do you cannot back a site that lies to you. I wish you both luck in whatever you do.
posted on September 19, 2001 06:17:26 PM new
You'll find that both Goldenpony and Candlelady are 2 people with high personal and professional standards. They also expect this of those they deal with. Like many people with high standards, they can be very vocal when they feel cheated, betrayed or used. In the time that I've interacted with and watched these two people, my respect for them has grown leaps and bounds. They are now paying a heavy price for refusing to accept shoddy or indifferent treatment and for voicing their refusal. Please give them the benefit of the doubt....
posted on September 19, 2001 06:50:00 PM new
What's all the hubbub about?
All I can do is state an opinion as we're only receiving one side of the story. I'll admit I don't know beecandles or goldenpony and all I can base an opinion on is how they've carried themselves on this board. If they're the esteemed sellers they claim to be I sure wouldn't know.
Is there a possibility ePier thought 1 or more of you were shill bidding on each others auctions? Everyone knows there's not much bidding activity on the site. Someone claimed they had 4 different IDs on the site. That might have raised a red flag or 4! Why would you admit you have 4 different IDs and what's the reason for having so many? I don't know the facts so I'm just speculating why an aboveboard firm like ePier would take drastic measures to eliminate 3 or 4 of their most prolific sellers. Something's definitely wrong with this picture!
posted on September 19, 2001 07:11:35 PM new
The only thing wrong with this picture eSeller is your continual accusatory assumptions you keep stating! Facts...I have 2 user ID's....Goldenpony...and EquinesWorld....both have ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be seperate accounts. One is my personal the other my business....both have seperate CC's and bank accounts...both are legally registered everywhere I list at to my own name with totally correct information. I have never posted under a cowards posting ID on any site or hid the use of a seperate ID from announcing it was me using it! The other user that was banned (not counting candlelady) was one of the many sellers I list for as a side business. Easily able to check out that has never been ANY shill bidding on ANY auction site from any of us. I also list for several other insinuate that all people need to be dishonest and play the games you speak of is pretty insulting!
You seem to have some personal agenda regarding all this as you continue, post after post to try and pose the possibility that candlelady and myself are less than honorable people! That is totally uncalled for and boardering the line acceptable accusations. We have much more to loose by standing our ground than to run like most would when the heat gets turned up....all our information has been posted and facts to back it up, yet you continue your snide personal comments trying to demean us. At least we are not hiding behind an un-checkable posting ID as you are.....I would suggest....and take this as a personal warning,,,,that you stop trying to accuse us of things that are untrue! If you have all means, post away! Your personal inuedos are uncalled for and unacceptable!
posted on September 19, 2001 07:20:51 PM new
Making threats speaks volumes.
You berate and question ePier and I can't turn around and question the veracity of your claims? What kind of crap is that?
posted on September 19, 2001 07:25:22 PM new
This thread has become disruptive and unproductive. I am locking it.
Pat Taylor
[email protected]