posted on September 19, 2001 05:17:19 PM new
Does anyone know anything about this? I heard they had their own image editing program and that you could put your pictures right on their servers. Does anyone know how this works? Is it another one of these gimmicks that is free for now, but will have fees attached later on?
posted on September 20, 2001 05:16:04 AM new
lamps, I don't know anything about proposed fees for image hosting. I don't have pictures in any of my auctions, but I know they at one time had an image editing program attached to the listing feature. I think they may have shut that off due to some technical problems, but Im not sure.
posted on September 20, 2001 06:58:59 AM new
Hi...I use Max Loader, and you can upload and add up to 3 pictures per listing from your computer (depending on which template you use.) and use the Free Zippy photo editor to crop, rotate, resize and even add text to your photos. I haven't tried to list manually, but know the Zippy editor is available with manual listing too, just not sure how many photos can be used.