posted on September 26, 2001 10:42:09 AM new
Is Itchybid going live soon? I really want to bid on there. Has anyone heard anything? I like the cartoon character and his different outfits. Pretty cool.
posted on September 26, 2001 12:32:49 PM new
Nowhere near as cool as a demented GREEN frog-like creature that looks like an alien from the dark side!
posted on September 26, 2001 12:50:09 PM new
How funny!
posted on October 4, 2001 06:17:50 PM new
Are you serious? Is itchybid an auction site? Or is this just a personal joke? Do share!
posted on October 4, 2001 09:24:17 PM new
Yes Itchybid.com is an auction site. Why did you think it was a joke? Have you heard of Itchybid before. Confused that's all. Yeah, check it out. Very cool concept I think. There are a lot of neat features on it like chatting and safehouse. But it hasn't been really up and running. There is no activity on the site. Maybe we should all write the CEO and ask when it will be live. I'm jast anxious to give Itchybid a shot.
posted on October 4, 2001 09:30:47 PM new
What does it cost to list on the auction venue?
Our fees are very simple ($2.50 a listing). We never charge a sales fee or commission fee.
[ edited by dimview on Oct 4, 2001 09:31 PM ]
posted on October 5, 2001 01:52:05 PM new
Not bad for the services you get. You pay $2.50 for a hamburger or a couple of slurpees. What's $2.50 to be listed on a good, easy to use site with really cool features?
posted on October 5, 2001 01:59:08 PM new
Is this the site where you can only use IE for your browser?
Or, do I have it confused with another site?
posted on October 5, 2001 02:03:46 PM new
Yep. Apparently it only works in IE.
posted on October 5, 2001 02:35:44 PM new
Well, since the site only supports IE, then it's not worth using. I've never heard of anyone designing a site for a specific browser only.
And at 2.50 a listing, YIKES! is right.
posted on October 5, 2001 02:37:33 PM new
Yes, we are going live soon, we made some modifications on the site from the comments we got. Even know there is a $2.50 listing fee there is never a re listing fee. so if you do not sell your item you can re list it until you do.
Once the site has launched there will be a free listing period of 60days in which there will be no charge for listing items after we feel the site is working 100% and have implemented all of the users requests we will turn on the charge flag.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask i will try my best to anwser them within auctionwatch's guidelines.
posted on October 5, 2001 03:27:03 PM new
posted on October 5, 2001 03:55:45 PM new
$2.50 to list an auction? Now that's a twist. The name of the auction site is a twist. Is this a National Lampoon experiment of some kind?
posted on October 5, 2001 04:01:56 PM new
gotta love it. It is a unique approach, doncha think?
posted on October 5, 2001 04:04:51 PM new
The $2.50 fee per listing just might bring some high quality items, rather than having to search through thousands of repeat listings, which is a major complaint of bidders on the Giant site.
Just a consideration. But I know that is where I would try some of my more valuable stones. I haven't even checked it out yet, but will be sure to do so.
posted on October 5, 2001 04:30:10 PM new
When you say more valuable stones, what price range are you talking about?
If you are talking over $50 starting bid, then yes, you would be wise to list elsewhere IF the traffic is there.
posted on October 5, 2001 04:56:24 PM new
I am referring to Hundreds and Thousands of dollars each.
I have many G.I.A. Certified and Appraised stones that I would like to list, but don't want them to get lost in the thousands of listings on the Bay, yet don't want to pay for listing over & over again just to get lost in all the repetitive listings.
posted on October 5, 2001 05:06:20 PM new
Sounds like a horrible concept! Geez, I wonder how many listings they will have when they do go live? LOL
posted on October 5, 2001 05:18:22 PM new
Probably not many, but is that really a bad thing if a person is looking for valuable items? It certainly will reduce the thousands of identical listing that you find on eBay. At the same time it will reduce the identical 50 cent and one dollar items.
A very good aspect for high value items.
posted on October 5, 2001 05:57:18 PM new
Unless itchybid has changed their format, only those using internet explorer will be able to access and use the site.
While IE is a popular browser, it's not the only one out there.
posted on October 5, 2001 06:41:39 PM new
For the silent launch we went with IE for xml reasons, we can do a lot of cool stuff with xml like refresh just certain parts of auctions without refreshing the whole page.
However we have gotten a lot of requests for netscape and are currently building a version of the site that is netscape compliant, should be done very shortly.
Users with IE will be directed to the xml based version and netscape will be directed to the non-xml based version both will look and feel the same except for some page refresh issuses.
posted on October 5, 2001 07:09:10 PM new
With a $2.50 listing fee and no traffic [unless you've got 5 mil for advertising] this site is not going to make it. And that is my opionion.
posted on October 5, 2001 08:42:58 PM new
bidsbids >
Is this a National Lampoon experiment of some kind?
I'm laughing at that one. Really.
posted on October 5, 2001 09:21:45 PM new
I do have IE but a $2.50 listing fee?...what about FVF? What about image hosting? What do we get for this $2.50 Listing Fee??
Curious but hey I am open for any site that want to challenge the BIG BOY!
In the meantime I will just pay the Big Boy FEES but at least SELL while I am looking!
Good Luck though!
posted on October 5, 2001 09:47:20 PM new
ItchyBid does have money for advertising, and has hired a marketing firm to take care of the traffic, as far as the $2.50 is concerned, ItchyBid would love nothing more than to offer listings for free but the fact of the matter is that hosting costs money, advertising costs money, and an it staff costs money.
yes i am sure we could come up with some scam to make money like advertising and such, but that is not our style we are out to make money the same as our sellers are thats just plain business. what we will not do is lye to our users and say we will be free forever then start charging we are coming out the gate with a very fair price compared to other auction sites. And if anything we will be dropping prices not raising them.
yes we offer image hosting, and other things as well i cant go into all of them because of the auction watch tos. among image hosting we offer fulfillment for power sellers where we can store and ship your products. we have a lot of features.
posted on October 5, 2001 10:21:16 PM new
"One flew east and one flew west and one flew over the cuckoo's nest". It's medication time. I can not believe they are serious about this.
posted on October 6, 2001 07:40:55 AM new
Do you beleive in anything or anyone? Even though they come right out with everything up front and no hidden charges. Is $2.50 per item really that high when considering that to sell a really valuable item on eBay, you usually need to list and relist numerous times before someone looking for that specific item sees it and makes a bid.
I listed a G.I.A. Certified Appraised Opal on eBay for numerous listings and it cost me way more than $2.50. Still it did not sell even at less than 1/2 the appraised value.
I think the $2.50 unlimited listings fee is a Great bargain because on eBay it could take years for the person interested in such an Opal to find it in the thousands of eBay listings.
Just one example!
posted on October 6, 2001 08:48:33 AM new
Take a look at the eBay fees page:
One can list an $25 item for a $1.10 listing fee, which if sold, would incur a $1.25 final value, or $2.35 in total fees.
So ItchyBid's $2.50 flat-rate fee means their auctionsite is strictly for the buying and selling of $25 and up items.
Will *that* work?
posted on October 6, 2001 09:48:24 AM new
Personally, I like the idea of a site to sell items of values over $25.00. Some Great items get lost in all of eBay's cheap repetitive items and ends up costing much more than the $2.35 you stated, and that is if by some miracle it sells in the first two listings.
posted on October 6, 2001 10:29:48 AM new
So ItchyBid *is* live.
One problem though. The listings say "order by price," but they are really showing the bid increment if there's no bids.
[ edited by dimview on Oct 6, 2001 10:36 AM ]