posted on February 22, 2004 07:19:29 PM new
As you are aware, we have outlined a 90 day image deletion policy in conjunction with our image hosting service. The policy stipulates that all images that have not been viewed within 90 days will be automatically deleted from our servers. In order to ensure that your images will not be deleted, please take one of the following steps:
1. Submit a new auction with the image(s) attached, or;
2. Go to your image hosting page and click on the thumbnail in order to view the full size image, which will flag the image as viewed (the image does not need to load fully in order to set the flag.)
As a courtesy, we will display a warning message 15 days prior to image deletion. If you see a red warning message next to the image file on your image hosting page, it is an indication that you need to view the image or attach it to an auction.