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posted on June 19, 2002 04:02:36 PM new
''Oh to be 25 and still know what I do now''

wouldn't you rathe r ben 17 and know everything ?


Tired of being hasseld, by your parents with unreasonable demands ?
Now is the time for action !
Move out and Pay your Own Way !
Whie you still know everything !

always been a great poster/tshirt/b sticker

posted on June 19, 2002 07:03:25 PM new
I swear if some petite little thing behind the counter told me I had to pay for a second seat because of my girth I think I would slap her without even thinking. I am bigger gal and I have a big bad temper.
posted on June 19, 2002 07:52:08 PM new
Isn't slapping an airport worker a Federal Capital crime now?

Or is that only if you use your keychain or nail clippers on them?

[ edited by gravid on Jun 19, 2002 07:53 PM ]
posted on June 19, 2002 08:01:56 PM new
Many parts still work like 25. Others have given up altogether. I've forgotten what my feet look like. Ha ha.

posted on June 20, 2002 04:51:34 AM new

[ edited by nycyn on Jun 20, 2002 06:51 PM ]
posted on June 20, 2002 11:19:46 AM new
No such thing as weight discrimination in law, and this is only one airline so fly the others. Oh, you want the cheap SW seats? Good. Have two.

posted on June 20, 2002 11:23:15 AM new
We do have something in Michigan called the Elliot Larson Act that prohibits the dicrimination against people based on size. Of course it is as good as your legal budget.

posted on June 20, 2002 03:02:59 PM new
No such thing as weight discrimination in law

untrue - Other than the state of MI, as gravid said, the state of Connecticut has similar laws/ordinances/etc.

Also some cities and counties you should recognize:
Santa Cruz
Washington DC
San Francisco
and other weight discrimination cases have been filed using the ADA.

So while it's not many....there are laws on weight discrimination.

posted on June 20, 2002 03:09:28 PM new
Kraftdinner & DeSquirrel: LOL! Wonderful!

[ edited by nycyn on Jun 20, 2002 06:44 PM ]
[ edited by nycyn on Jun 20, 2002 06:47 PM ]
posted on June 20, 2002 04:56:22 PM new
The only anti discrimination laws with any weight are federal law, and the feds don't mention largeness, and since flying is kinda' sorta' federally regulated none of these local restrictions are relevant to topic or I'd have made note of them.

Try flying to santa cruz sometime.

posted on June 20, 2002 05:08:10 PM new
Fat people are not welcome in California. Not even when you order salad. They know you are faking it and take Kentucky Fried back to your motel.

posted on June 20, 2002 06:21:26 PM new

[ edited by nycyn on Jun 20, 2002 06:53 PM ]
posted on June 20, 2002 06:37:35 PM new
Well I mean these measurements have to come from somewheres so lets get some catagories together we could take the measurements from

A.the size of the average corporate board member.

B. The size of the average shahreholder.

c.the size of the women featured in their ads.

now that we have a few catagories to work with we also have to consider

A.the amount of taxpayer money shelled out to support the activities these fatcat owners and shareholders.

b.which airlines have attempted to jack up the consumer using 9 11 as an exacuse.

c.how the rest of the services will be figured. if we charge a blimp for 2 seats then should nt they get 2 drinks instead of one ? 2 dinners instead of one 2 stewardesses instead on one, how will we pro rate the bathroom ? will they be allowed to spend twice as long in there or what? will they be alowed twice the luggage and will exceptionally fat suckers we allowed a group rate ?

posted on June 21, 2002 06:01:39 AM new
End of airplane story (Kiwi): One return, with the cart now front 1st class, on my *right*,behind me. A hand comes and pushes my shoulder. I turn, and it's her. Now I am out of my mind in disbelief. "Did you just push me?" "You were blocking the cart."

She wouldn't give me her name. "We're in control now." Her sidekick wouldn't give me her name. I am as framed as a black in the old South

End of flight. I'm detained for interferring with crew or flight or something. I am FROTHING. I have no rights whatsoever. Captain says "We have the Feds on our side." Moron. The ducklings swarm around Mother Steward, consoling her ("there, there now" Me: "So what am I supposed to do, just bend over and take it?"

They eventually let us go. The end.

posted on June 21, 2002 06:07:27 AM new
I agree charge for overweight people .... try having to sit on a 10 hour flight next to someone who takes up all his own space and half yours....

it may sound selfish however I am not paying the airline for a half seat I want a FULL ONE.

posted on June 21, 2002 06:39:12 AM new
Good to see you, nycyn.

posted on June 21, 2002 07:38:13 AM new
Totally believable NY.

We saw a woman arrested at the airport because she said.

"If his ex knew he was flying she would be off the end of the runway throwing rocks."

Now does anyone think this was in anyway a threat or a real possibility? It was humor and you had to divorce it from the entire rest of the conversation about how bitchy the ex was to find anything to worry about at all. It was not even implying any act by the woman who said it or any of her party. They kept them long enough to make them mis their flight to teach them "We don't joke about that sort of thing."

posted on June 21, 2002 08:03:34 AM new
Jokes are taken very seriously. When my daughters boy friend was joking around the customs area he had all of his luggage confiscated.
A few days later, it was delivered to his house.

Hey Nycyn! It's great that you're back!


posted on June 21, 2002 01:01:48 PM new
Hysteric stupidity, maybe the silly basterds should not give flying lessons to people who proclaim their hatred for the usa,

posted on June 22, 2002 10:34:17 PM new
Local columnist says it so well.....


posted on June 24, 2002 05:37:39 PM new
When I heard this it made me livid. I am not "obese" in my estimation and I do fit tightly into an airline seat. What I want to know are they going to have a secion in the airplane for people with bad breath, or people that have been drinking to much alcohol. I find it offensive if someone sits next to me with liquor on their breath and imagine sitting next to them for 3-4 hours. I think they are opening a can of worms if they think that I am going to pay for two seats than sit next to someone with body odor, mother holding her young child, or anything else. How are they going to find out if you need two seats. Will they screen EVERYONE. Is it politically correct to ask weight when you buy an airline ticket? Everyone Fly Midwest Express, they have larger seats and even serve donuts.

posted on June 25, 2002 11:02:05 AM new
Why do I get the awful feeling that seats are going to get smaller.........

There are only 10 types of people in the world
Those who understand binary and those who don't
posted on June 28, 2002 09:36:17 PM new
I found out that the medical term "obese" means 50 pounds or more over your ideal weight for your height and frame.

I remember when I was young, I went to a temp. service and they were going to send me out on a job as a receptionist to a business that requested someone who was not overweight or dead-ugly. I didn't think it was fair and didn't go. But, yes the overweight are discriminated against constantly like this. It seems to be encouraged too.

My parents' parents nearly starved during the depression, then good times came and overweight people were seen as prosperous, and people who were tan and thin were considered laborers and lowly. My parents were, as you might guess quite overweight. Then thin was in (remember Twiggy?) and poor mom tried every diet and pill she could get her hands on. Then my siblings and I came along. Doctors thought at the time that nursing babies was only for the poor and discouraged mothers from nursing, even telling them that their children would starve because they didn't have enough health to give good milk. Me and my brothers were given from birth, karo corn syrup and carnation evaporated milk. Our fat cells developed to create bodies that easily gain weight. The only reason I'm not too overweight is because I have this freaky body...5ft 9in and an extra petite frame, yes just 4 inches around my wrists. I can't gain too much weight past my ideal range or the complications (like pain in my joints) are horrible.
Anyway...Americans seem to just now be learning how to eat again. Not all overweight people overeat or have no will power. For health, I had to re-learn how to cook and how to eat. It has taken years, yes years to get it right. There are so many factors contributing to this country's 'overweight' problem, that it's unrealistic to place blame on the individuals. And eating the ways that are best for health are very expensive and time consuming. The last thing a person needs is to be discriminated against from the very society that has contributed to the problem.
But then, this has always been a topic that makes me mad. ~sorry about ranting on.

posted on June 28, 2002 11:12:32 PM new
We certainly earn our reputation as "ugly Americans." So many are fat, overweight, obese ... call it what you want, it's simply gluttony. There's no excuse for a culture that lives on fast food hamburgers and fries. Rather than oinking about the rights of fatties, lose some weight instead.

It's disturbing to see fat women cramming food into their fat little babies, knowing those babies will face a lifetime of ugly depression.

posted on June 29, 2002 01:12:03 AM new
"Rather than oinking about the rights of fatties, lose some weight instead"

You should talk! When's the last time you saw the toes on your size 14 boats, tubbysoft?

posted on June 29, 2002 10:08:02 AM new
KRS, try to get a grip on your delusion. You know nothing about me. I am occasionally slightly overweight, though I've never been fat. You'd do better to stick with your political whining and leave the counseling to someone with people skills.

posted on June 29, 2002 10:28:04 AM new
Speaking as a fat person I have to tell you what it is like from this side.

When you eat out with other people they are confused and often comment on the fact you don't eat as much as they expect.

Really what they often do is urge you to overeat to fulfill their expectations. I can't tell you how many picnics I have gone to and had many people urge me to go back and have more after I had a normal plate with two hamburgers and was quite happy.

What is particularly frustrating is to go to Bob Evens and eat breakfast with my thin as a rail friend and watch him eat three full size breakfasts - a farm hand an egg scramble and a oatmeal bowl with every scrap of biscuits and side dishes cleaned up to the last crumb and then complain about his bill being over $20.00.

posted on June 29, 2002 03:49:13 PM new
I guess to be fair I have a lot of sympathy for people with a legitimate medical problem.

But if I hear one more female version of a whale claim its a gland problem, i'll scream.

Have the sucker cut out if its doing that to you.

What I really liked was Mlecker pointing out that the seat will get smaller.

exactly who is it that determines what size a seat should be ?

Is this a law or just subject to the whims of some prissy corporate type.

posted on June 30, 2002 02:37:03 AM new
I agree. Yes, there are glandular disorders that cause obesity. But as usual the American public have glommed onto that excuse & are milking it for all they're worth. Because if people can blame their weight on their glands or a disease or a mental illness, then they're not responsible for themselves, are they? We do this with all kinds of things--categorize them as some newly discovered "syndrome" that absolves the "sufferer" of any responsibility.

Make the seats smaller? No, I don't think that will happen. It will go the other way. The overweight American populace will instead whine and whine & in the end all seats will be made larger to accomodate their bulk.

Let's be honest here--the outrage over this particular airline policy is specious. "How dare they pick on me because of my weight? I have rights!" But when a person is so fat that he or she overflows into neighboring seats, then they should pay for what they use(& do something about their weight instead of offering excuses for themselves). The other passengers have rights as well--they paid for a seat, too, and are entitled to have full use of it & not have to share it with bloated personage sitting next to them.

posted on June 30, 2002 04:22:54 AM new
I used to laugh about "glandular problems". Yeah, I thought to my self , you can't push yourself away from the table.

At about age 57 I started noticing I was gaining and lot being able to lose it and I was having anxiety attacks and fatigue.

I went to the doctor and he said I might need to see a psychiatrist but first he wanted to do some blood work. Turned out that when I was small I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out and the tonsils or both regrew and had to be taken out again.

To make sure they wouldn't regrow they gave me x-rays (which were a lot stronger back in those days) and now I have a thyroid deficiency. Incidentally, 5-10% of Americans have thyroid problems.

So, I'm not laughing any more as I know there are probably a lot of other medical reasons for weight gain.

In this fast paced American prosperous society, it's easy to stop for takeout or supper for the kids at McD. Sometimes the fat content in one meal is 3 days worth so we are giving them fat cells which when they get older will make it difficult for them to lose weight.

Seems like I can remember when the last 2 rows faced each other and were for smoking and you had all kinds of room without arm rests. Course it was across from the food prep which is also gone now along with the smoking.

I guess I don't have to worry anymore. At our airport you now have to check in 2-3 hours before scheduled takeoff. In 2-3 hours I've convinced myself I don't want to get on a plane anyway.

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