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posted on July 18, 2002 05:51:11 PM new
. How can anyone be so silly to remark about the radiant color of the carrots
I can! And you've waited almost 2 days to let it insult you for what ever reason you chose to do so.I don't make fun of people or their lives(for the grace of God,go I)
Jack someone else up Helen(I always think of smellin when I see your name)See what goes around? Only you can prevent a forest fire........Bah,Not worth the damn response!

posted on July 18, 2002 06:03:16 PM new
posted on July 17, 2002 11:05:36 PM
I do not proofread all the time in order to give idiots something to talk about

he he he

posted on July 18, 2002 06:10:46 PM new
I keep wanting to call you peeinthesea. hahaha

Your killin me Helenjw, just killin me
God that was so cute

What do I know of Mother Jones?
NOTHING to tell ya the truth

And this quote you write

Mother Jones is one of the most respected independent magazines in the nation by journalists themselves. It is non-partisan and if one searches the archives, the search will reveal many pieces critical of democratic as well as republican administrations. The credentials of the staff are written in a heavily tongue-in-cheek style which is characteristic of those who are secure in their achievements and feel no need to attempt to elevate themselves through pompous pretensions, much like the nouveau upper-middle class who seek to distinguish themselves through ostentation.The publisher Jay Harris is from my hometown and I have known him for about 35 years. Both he personally and the publication are ethically superior to most of the corporate-owned rags in the nation."

And who wrote that? Did you write that? Is Jay Harris from your hometown, and you've known him for 35 years?????? Did another poster write that? Is that your opinion or another posters opinion?

Great thing the Internet... you can go find what you want, say you want to blast the U.S. today, go to Google or Metacrawler... instant opinion, copy and paste, lets find something on Bush, go to a search engine, find anything that suits your own needs for the day you don't need to think about anything, just go take op eds and make them yours. Great thing the Internet.

Helenjw, I didn't insult you personally, so whats up with the name callin ya got going?

[email protected]
posted on July 18, 2002 06:49:22 PM new
Helen, I asked you a couple of direct questions back on page 2. I'd really like to hear your response.

posted on July 18, 2002 11:53:55 PM new
twinsoft They either chose not to, or were unable to do so. It's kind of like what's happening with the Palestinians today. They're being offered the chance to deal with the U.S., but they must renounce Arafat.

Yeah right, your dragging us into a situation we do not want any part of.
Arafat sitting in his hovel surrounded by enemy tanks is no more responsible for terrorism
that Clinton was for Oklahoma.
The fact is is that there was an agreement that was working that one side does not want to live up to never had any intetion of living up to and now its costing lives here.Because the troublemakers on both sides are running the show.

You just dont get it we are sick of this filling the tv news every friggen night the newspapers every godawful day the airwaves day and night.

When you have a tooth that does this you rip it out.

The fact is is that most leaders over there got where they are today at the end of a gun. then when someone says its bogus the name calling starts.

You had a country there that was respected what the hell are you doing ?

Its the holy land for Christs sake what the hell is wrong with all of you over there!

The UN ought to step in and add prozac to the water.

posted on July 19, 2002 08:33:06 AM new
Helen, I'm surprised you would ignore my questions. I can only assume you have no answer. Surprising, because you seem to have an opinion on just about everything else.

AN, I'm getting sick of it too. Sick of hearing about Israelis children murdered in broad daylight, and sick of hearing about Palestinian children lining up to commit suicide for the Islamic Jihad holy war.

FYI, I have no lobby in the U.S. government. I work at a low-paying job and live in a cheap studio apartment. I don't buy congressional votes. In fact, I'm lucky if I can pay my monthly rent.

You have no understanding of the Middle East conflict and it would be pointless to try to explain it to you. You are locked into some kind of anti-semitic conspiracy theory.

What do you think would happen if the Indians on your reservation decided they want Wisconsin (or wherever you live) back for their homeland? If they came into town on a daily basis, shooting up citizens and blowing up the local supermarket, movie theater, bus station?

I know what your reaction would be. And it wouldn't be negotiations. You'd be looking for John Wayne to come riding up on a white horse, guns blazing.

Israel was suckered by Bush's tough talk on terrorism, but in reality Bush doesn't give a rat's ass about the Middle East, apart from his own oil interests. Thank God the American people have some sense of right and wrong, because the U.N. is run by the Arab League.

When Bush was "elected," there were two inevitable results. One, he would send the economy into a tailspin. Two, he would open the door to corporate corruption. Bush hasn't disappointed on either front.

posted on July 19, 2002 09:25:30 AM new
"that Clinton was for Oklahoma."

If you'll recall, it wasn't Ruby Ridge or Waco that put McVeigh over the top. It was, by his own words, having to kill an enemy soldier in combat during the Gulf Conflict under BUSH. That's what shattered him, that's what made him hate the government, that's what made him question his own sanity and the sanity of the government and of the world. Those later events pushed an already mentally ill McVeigh into an act in his own mind that was fighting back against the government and the world - the same ones that had stolen his innocence.

"The UN ought to step in and add prozac to the water."

I'll second that notion!

posted on July 19, 2002 09:28:58 AM new
Actually, they ought to add prozac to the water in Congress and the White House. Talk about the Mentally Ill!

posted on July 19, 2002 09:45:27 AM new

I'm surprised that you are interested in my opinion. After all, based on your comment, I am just a dimwitted cheerleader. (To new people reading this comment my former name was HJW, before I was suspended for using a hyphenated word.)

"Like others before them, KRS, Borillar, HJW & Co. have no concern or conception of how they appear to others. Maintaining their lock on the throat of this forum is far more important that any pleasant exchange. That's why no thread can occur without KRS' childish insults, Borillar's non-sequiteur rants about Bush, or Helen's dimwitted cheerleading."

To hell with your question, Twinsoft!


[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 19, 2002 09:48 AM ]
posted on July 19, 2002 09:54:37 AM new
You criticize the action taken, but have no suggestion to any alternative. You are doing nothing to change my opinion of your tactics. Do I need to post a link to every insult you've ever made? The page isn't long enough for that. To hell with you.

posted on July 19, 2002 10:03:35 AM new
Helenjw you mean you couldn't come up with a search of some op ed or news piece adequate to counter his question, or are you still looking?

[email protected]
posted on July 19, 2002 10:22:55 AM new


Go play with twinsoft. You two probably have the same opinions so you will get along very well together.


posted on July 19, 2002 10:35:21 AM new
I need a break. I'll be over in the burger thread....

posted on July 19, 2002 10:54:50 AM new

I don't know if we (twinsoft, as you mentioned in your previous post above) have the same opinions or not. Thats the great thing, everyone has a different opinion, to me, I'm interested (for the most part) to hear others. Their genuine opinion on something, not something they copy and paste off the internet

But does seem, when you are questioned about your opinions (are those really yours? )
You just like to hurl juvenile insults.

I'm not playing that game. I have observed, that most don't like to either, when hit with an insult from you.

Thats my story and I'm sticking to it

[email protected]
posted on July 19, 2002 11:06:39 AM new

[nearthesea quote]
"But does seem, when you are questioned about your opinions (are those really yours? )
You just like to hurl juvenile insults."
[end quote]

Are you aware that you just hurled a juvenile insult?

Every remark that you make seems juvenile to me even if it's not an intended insult. So maybe I'm wrong in thinking that it is an intended insult. Maybe it's just your usual juvenile drivel. What's your favorite remark..."ack" or "eek" or something like that?


[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 19, 2002 12:16 PM ]
posted on July 19, 2002 11:13:49 AM new
From this thread,

[Quote by Nearthesea}
[i]"If UNICEF wants to help or any other charitable orginization, thats great, but what did the U.S. do?
Like the others say, the country was in shambles before we ever went there. They ARE better off now. (by just the pictures and the title of this thread, first thought was someone was bombed with carrots![/i] )
[End of the quote]

Maybe you and Twinsoft can discuss this profound observation that you made yesterday.

[quote by Nearthesea]
"God I'm sick of hearing this... we go to help, somethings wrong with it, we don't help, we're wrong... "
[end quote]

That's a pitiful thought.

I don't have any more time to waste on this kind of drivel. I tried to make some sense of it all but I cannot.


posted on July 19, 2002 11:19:42 AM new
Juvenile as in name calling

When I question the your sources or your opinions thats asking a valid question.

And your off your own topic here, thought this was Was it EVIL to BOMB THIS POOR COUNTRY

Wasn't it?

I could name a few things you say to people;
I have no use for you or this latest?
To hell with you

Is this because you can't find an answer for a question someone posed to you?

As quoting Donald Rumsfeld (dontcha just love this guy ) "When you don't have an answer, there is nothing wrong with saying I don't know" and there is not.

You don't need to play the psuedo intellectual your trying to play here, it's Only a Messageboard

[email protected]
posted on July 19, 2002 11:22:41 AM new
Every remark that you make seems juvenile to me even if it's not an intended insult. So maybe I'm wrong.

Your Wrong, no maybe about it

[email protected]
posted on July 19, 2002 11:26:27 AM new
Helen, I really expected better from you. I'm going to have to downgrade you from "dimwitted cheerleader" to dull-witted laggard. LOL, just kidding!

PS, be sure to bookmark this page for later ammunition:

My Bookmarks >> People Who Insulted Me >> Twinsoft >> Dull-Witted Laggard

posted on July 19, 2002 11:37:46 AM new
As I have said before, I fully support Israel because it is the only liberal democray in the region.

If Israel loses, the entire region will fall into a draconian nightmare worse than anything our generation has ever seen. It will not isolate itself to the region either.

The issue of democracy has also come up regarding toppling Sadam. It has been predicted that Iran and Saudi Arabia will work to subvert any type of democratic govt instituted in Iraq, just as they are in Israel. They will support replacing Sadam with another dictator.

The despotic leaders of the Islamic block in the region aren't inspired to violence by religious differences, they are horrified by the democracy in Israel, as imperfect as it might be. They are using the religious differences as a fulcrum to incite their populations to attack Israel.

Injecting democracy into the region spells the demise of the despots. Israel must be fully supported for this reason.

Holy Land- could care less, I find it no more holy than my backyard.
Religious differences- could care less, we have them in the US too.

The only thing we should prod Israel on is to make their country even more democratic, but we can't expect them to be perfect. There are Arab mayors in Israel, but you will never see a Jew, christian, hindu etc., elected or even allowed to run for office in any of these Arab countries.

Ask your self this, especially you females- Which country would you be more comfortable in and your expectations of self worth and freedom be met, in Israel or in Saudi Arabia, under the Taliban in Afghanistan, Iran, the West Bank/Gaza?

If the West is going to bring some sense of democracy and human rights to the region, our opponents are going to make it as hard and dangerous as possible. This means that there will be as much death and destruction as they can possible cause. There is a price to pay for freedom and democracy, and it is high, and we will have to pay our share if we want results.

Oil does play a role, but oil is sold just as easily by despots, and the West can manipulate despots easier than a democratic country. Even if the region is changed, we will be no better off in the oil market. What to watch closely is what type of leadership materializes after we do go into the region. It's up to the people of the West to keep pressure on our govts so that any military efforts produce positive results. Thus far in Afghanistan, the results have been positive, not perfect, but better than the situation we found there.

[ edited by REAMOND on Jul 19, 2002 11:39 AM ]
[ edited by REAMOND on Jul 19, 2002 11:40 AM ]
posted on July 19, 2002 02:46:03 PM new
You dont get it we are sick of both sides of the lies and nonsense the tom foolery. and of paying for it.

you guys who want to blindly support some foreign government are at best putting the interests of this nation second. At worse guilty of treason. I dont want American men and women fighting over there until there is a tribunal on the assault on the Liberty. Once I know that I am no longer dealing with thugs who murdered Americans and tried to cover it up, then I would have no problem at all with protecting someone over there.

for the record twinsoft I think the deaths of innocent people killed by sucide bombers and other lunatics is horrible. And I wish they would knock it off. Where we differ is I think the fat guy and his buddies delibertaly wrecked a peace process that we had spent billions on. I do think that there are political people there that are capable of running a fair and honest non belligerant government.You stuso reamond and I will not be able to agree until the deaths of those American sailors is accounted for. and that is not too much to ask for if a nation wants our gaurentee of protection.

and then I notice that they took out traficant when he was the only one that made any sense. If you examine his speech in which he asked that the palestinians be required to obey international law in the case of an ohio company they had ripped off
you will find that it was the democrats obey who refused to hold arafat accountable for the ripoff Traficant warned that if they could not be honest in a business dealing then we had ought not to trust anything else they put their signature upon. Wisconsin voters can do the world a favor and toss obey out on his brainless ass.

posted on July 19, 2002 03:40:36 PM new
The Liberty incident has nothing to do with the problems in the region or the solution to those problems. Why placing any aid or alliance based on that incident is silly.

I have no doubt that the US State Dept and the Navy knows exactly what happened with the Liberty. I am also sure it would make this information public if the US govt had nothing to hide regarding the incident. It is obvious at least to me that the Liberty was engaged in activities that the US doesn't want to admit to, even to the Israelis. I am also sure the Israelis have information about the attack that the US doesn't want released. On the other hand, it could have been exactly what it was reported to be, a tragic mistake.

However, if we based our aid and alliances on the loss of US soldiers and sailors that were based in a war zone, we would have few if any alliances.

posted on July 20, 2002 12:57:29 AM new
I wonder what questions of saddam's intent or of the state of conditions pertaining to the palistine/Israel imbroglio have to do with the children of Afganistan.

posted on July 21, 2002 11:21:51 AM new
Many people have many ways of defining what anti American behavior is. I define it as some basterd slamming a plane into a building or some basterd knowingly ordering jets torpoedo boats and assault helicoipters filled with assault troops to attack strafe frie on on noncombatant american soldiers
who were in international waters doing there jobs.

You zionist supporters know as well as I do what happened there.


our politicians dont have the guts to face.

you have lost many valuable friends until the murderers of our servicemen are brought to justice. whats good for serbs croats and bosnians is just as good for israelis and palestinians. all you have to do to mend this is bring justice home to the families of those servicemen this will show honoarble intent. if you dont they we might as well have north korea for an ally they like murdering American Soldiers too.

and dont even start snivleing about anti semitism. This has to do with a group of militaristic fascistic power mad individuals
who are war crimminals. No one is suggesting that hard working peace loving people be left defenseless. what is being suggested is that if we have allies that we set some standards so we do not assist turning a democracy into a banana boat republic. which some clowns in our state dept seem good at doing.

Israel Need to be told not asked to turn over the crimminals or the moola stops.

for the record I know of one group who knows exactly what happened when our soldiers were attacked without warning. The soldiers who were there thats who and you know how to find their site but you have set the interests of a foreign nation above that of your own country. They have a word for that.

posted on July 21, 2002 12:51:27 PM new
KRS, it has to do with this:

Was it EVIL to bomb that POOR COUNTRY?

The Taliban, like Saddam and the PLO, is a corrupt, murderous, despotic leadership. Is it "evil" to bomb that leadership? I don't think so.

I guess I should have made it clearer: I disagree with the supposition that we are bombing "a country." We are not. We are targeting a leadership.

Given the demonstrated EVIL of the leaderships in question (for example Saddam's ethnic cleansing of his own people), it should be obvious we are liberating the people of Afghanistan, etc.

That is not to say there hasn't been collateral damage. But ironcally, the people whining the loudest about those "poor Afghanis" have no suggestion as to how the matter could be treated differently.

I'm sure there are plenty of Palestinians, for example, who want peace. They are usually taken out into the street and shot as collaborators. The PLO is kept in power through murder and oppression.

For many in this forum, I believe the question boils down not to a question of right vs. wrong, but simply a matter of their isolationist view that the United States should not involve itself in the troubles of other countries. In short, that we not be the world's policeman. Hardly a humanitarian ideal, especially in light of weapons of mass destruction now being develped by terrorists.

I once read an Encyclopedia Brittanica from 1925 that predicted the world would not survive a second world war. That war did happen, and the price was horrible. It is naive to think that a third world war won't happen, and next time the results will be much worse. Perhaps even billions will die. WWIII won't be fought "over there" with tiny cannons. America is just as vulnerable as any European nation. That is why proliferation of WOMD must be stopped now, at any cost.

posted on July 21, 2002 01:24:56 PM new
[I]" Like others before them, KRS, Borillar, HJW & Co. have no concern or conception of how they appear to others. Maintaining their lock on the throat of this forum is far more important that any pleasant exchange. That's why no thread can occur without KRS' childish insults, Borillar's non-sequiteur rants about Bush, or Helen's dimwitted cheerleading."

What a bazaar insult!

That I have no concern how I appear to others is correct, because this is just a simple forum on the Internet and I am here to learn. I couldn't care less about walking around appearing Wise and K00L and Powerful and Big Shot nonsense! I leave that childishness to others.

The insinuation that I give a sh*t on maintaining some sort of "grip" on this forum is the sheerest nonsense. I post a lot. More than most people on here. And I challenge anyone's opinion that differs from mine, because I want to know if I'm wrong. How many times have we had snivelers who come in here, brash as hell at first, bent upon telling us all "how it is" and full of hot air in the end and they slink away crying into their milk, deflated?

Do I beat up on people? I surely put them on the spot - just as much as they do me, in fact! Turn-around is also fair play, but not according to some of you. Some people seem to come into this forum to tell us what life is all about and then think that we'll all sit back and bow down to their Ultimate Wisdom and Keen Insight into the World! And when they learn how wrong that they are, they run away. What? They can attack other's opinions, but can't have their opinions challenged in return? Krap!

That sort of baloney goes hand-in-hand with those allegations that Helen, KRS, and I gang up to beat others up on this forum, just because we tend to agree with one another on most issues and we like to input our own commentary in threads that happens to agree with us, but are different from yours. As I've showed you before on here, when others gang up on us this very same way, well, according to all of you, that's damned cool and A-OK!

As far as my "non-sequiter rants" against Busche goes, time has more than proved me right over and over again about that creep in office. Today's non-sequiter rant is tomorrow's front page!

COMING UP NEXT: How Busche and the GOP plan to prevent Americans from voting in the next Presidential election!

Now back to the topic at hand . . .

posted on July 21, 2002 01:46:31 PM new
"We are targeting a leadership."

Like we did in WW-II, where we "targeted" the Nazi Leadership and the Japanese "Tojo" government? The cities destroyed and the millions killed on the battlefield? Opps! That's just "clutter", not battle!


posted on July 21, 2002 02:07:14 PM new
"That is not to say there hasn't been collateral damage. But ironically, the people whining the loudest about those "poor Afghanis" have no suggestion as to how the matter could be treated differently."

You're right about that. That's because most posters still lump the Afghani people in with the Arab Taliban and have a KILL THEM ALL philosophy. Once we get to the point (if we ever do) where we can agree that the Afghani people are not the Arabs or part of the Arab world or even Arabic (the Afghani people usually speak Pushtoon in the south, and Farsi and Persian in the north - which is NOT the Arabic language at all!)

Years of fighting between factions and Wars in Afghanistan had caused the country to become devastated. This was the result of an attempt by the ex-Kingship to modernize the country without attempting to modernize it politically as well. That mistake has caused civil war in Afghanistan for decades. That the Taliban came in and took over was likely welcomed on several levels; religion not being the least factor. They offered Order and Peace, however repressive, and the country could take a breather from its civil wars.

Then Bushce and his buddies came in and tried to play "Let's Make A Deal" with the Kazakhstan Pipeline going through Afghanistan. Kissy-kissey, Lovie-lovie they were for months. Too many people here seem to forget that. Now the Taliban is our enemy, along with its militant arm, Al-Queda.

Did Afghanis get killed when Busche went to punish the Taliban for attacking us before we could attack them? Yes!

Is the Taliban still in power in Afghanistan? No!

Are WE in Afghanistan? Yes!

Then we need to stop killing them with long-range weapons and use police tactics instead of military ones.

That will go a long way towards helping them out.

Just as dealing with the defunct Soviet Union was "only pennies on the Dollar" as Ross Perot pointed out, it is only common sense that we help this country try to rebuild itself in a modern manner with a modern political system.

If we don't, the Taliban will walk right back in when we leave, and take over again.

STOP the use of military to police Afghanistan. That does not mean pull out our troops just yet. It means that we have to go find out WHO people are before we shoot missiles at them from miles away!

Is that such a simple thing to ask of us? Is helping out these people by providing massive aid to these people to rebuild their country from dirty rubble and to stop the indiscriminate targeting and killing of its citizens?

It is to some ignorant people.

posted on July 21, 2002 02:28:52 PM new
"The Taliban, like Saddam and the PLO, is a corrupt, murderous, despotic leadership. Is it "evil" to bomb that leadership? I don't think so".

At least you got your tense right - all three ARE still those things. In other words, if the aim was to bomb the leadership, we missed. In the process many hundreds or thousands of completely uninvolved people were maimed or killed. Was that right? Oh yes, that's liberation, and in a sense I suppose that it is.

Nevertheless, twinsoft, your questions, which the dopes made into such a point of contention, really had nothing to do with the specifics concerning the Afghani victims initially refered to in this thread. Valid questions to be sure, though why people continue to offer up their useless "opinions" by rote recital of the prevailing policies is beyond me.

The truth is that Helen not answering doesn't matter to the thread or to anyone at all save those who would find ammunition in the fact to use in vain against one whose intellect so magnificently overwhelms their own. You know the mechanics as well as I do and so will realize that there's nothing here that has a thing to do with you.

posted on July 21, 2002 02:29:16 PM new
[ edited by Helenjw on Jul 21, 2002 08:33 PM ]
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