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posted on October 31, 2002 11:20:06 AM new
saabsister - I am keeping my fingers crossed that you will return after taking a very short break.

I can certainly identify with your frustration. But don't take it out on me and others who value your presence here. Your way of posting has always given me hope that we can all communicate in a more positive way, while disagreeing on the issues.

You've been a very positive model for me and if you choose not to return, there will be a large void for me here. I certainly hope you will reconsider. PLEASE.....

posted on October 31, 2002 11:33:42 AM new
>Borillar - I can only think of one person who posts in the RT that you haven't insulted at one time or another

That's because I dish out what they send to me. There is likely only one or two posters in here ever who hasn't insulted me or harassed me. Big deal. It hasn't made me go away crying.

For instance, when you came back a few months ago Linda, at first we were polite to each other. Then, I recall very clearly, that there was a thread and I posted something to be helpful to you about a subject. You, in turn BLASTED ME with Nastiness! IF you'll recall, at that point I wrote in, "Fine. If that's how you want to be towards each other, I'll make SURE to NEVER be nice to you again! I'll be NASTY just like you want!"

Then, like a real jerk, when I began to treat YOU as you TREATED ME, then all you've done since is cry about how badly I've been mistreating you and insulting you! You're the person who wanted it that way and then you turn around and uuse it as a way to bash me! Svcre you!

>Accepting the idea that others are entitled to their opinions, to hold different views, seem an impossible task to you.

Any person who posts their opinion in an open public discussion forum is liable to have it refuted or debated. That's not my rule, that's the way open, public forums work. If I have an opinion that I do not want discussed or debated, I don't post it in an open, public discussion forum, Linda! You need to figure out where you're at!

If I have an opinion that someone doesn't like, they can say so - and they have, they're entitled to that opinion. So what? If they want to enguage me in debate about it, then I'll debate it.

I've stated time after time after time: show me the facts, the logic, or the solid reasoning and I'll be happy to change my mind. In fact, I have changed my mind on my opinions on any nuber of occasions here in the RT thought the efforts of others who presented to me the Facts, hard logic, and/or solid reasoning -- not just an "opinion". Maybe for you, an unsupported, unsubstanciated opinion is good enough for you to change your mind, but it isn't for me!

posted on October 31, 2002 11:45:34 AM new
Borillar - I totally disagree with most of what you have stated. It may be the way YOU see things, but I don't agree.

I have always tried to do my best at being respectful to others even when they hold a different opinion, or are rude to me. I can overlook it for a while...then it gets old. I enjoy the diversity here...but I like saabsister get tired of you not being able to debate the issue but rather turning to foul language or more insults.

Few here, when disagreeing with your opinions, slam you in anyway. You take their holding a different opinion as a personal slam against you. IT'S NOT...they're just disagreeing with your opinion. Usually in a very civil way until they get sick and tired of your constant insults.

Many here enjoy the threads you start....but you always manage to end up insulting most of them only because they are debating their side.

Everyone who holds a different opinion you insult. You appear to me to think your opinion, your way of seeing things, is THE ONE AND ONLY RIGHT WAY TO SEE ANY ISSUE. That's just not true. Re-read some of your posts, see who insulted whom first. Be honest with yourself....they weren't slamming you, just stating another way of looking at an issue and working at being civil with others while they do so.

posted on October 31, 2002 11:47:38 AM new
One other thing. I recall that there was indeed a time when someone disagree with another's opinion or claims, that they would provide links to crediable sources in order to refute it. But so many posters starting crying and running home to Mommy about it, commenting that "certain posters can't live without their Lynx" as I recall one complainer putting it. So, that aspect of the RT has been dropped, because of people whinning about it.

What came in its place was disgusting!

Instead of using crediable sources to refute the claims or opinions held by others, all they've done is drop in here and demanded proof on the spot. Who do they think that they are to make demands like that? But that's the obnoxious behavior that is spawned when normal routes to refute are blocked.

Why is that bad? It's because it is a form of manipulation. Once you get someone to go prove their point, the manipulator is never satisfied -- just like a blackmailer. They start little fires and make the person run around putting out those fires while they sit back and laugh their asses off! Is it any wonder why I refuse to play that game?

That is why I have refused to provide "proof". Are some of my claims nonsense? Intentionally so! Am -I- the only one here in this year alone that has done that? Not according to some posters who have also admitted doing that. I do it to start conversation, keep conversation going, and also, to try to get disbelivers to refute me -- so that we can continue the discussion! I'm not the only one that has done that this year alone!

However, there is one thing that I do not do that sooo many others have, and that is to use multiple IDs to make posts with here in the RT. It is a practice that I despise. I'd much rather stick with my known ID and make preposteous claims to start conversation going than to pose as two or three other people with various opinions and tactics!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do.

posted on October 31, 2002 12:01:01 PM new
Linda, you can hold that opinion until doomsday and it won't change any facts. I'll admit that I did not bookmark that thread, otherwise I could show you where you went on a tirade on me when we were being polite to each other. I figured at the time that since you were participating in that thread that you would read my little notice to you. That you did not is too bad, but it does not change the facts: we were both polite to each other, I wrote a nice, polite helpful informational post to you and you blasted me for it. In fact, you blasted me more than once in that thread alone. Since YOU decided to change the groundrules between us, I think that you've had a hellava lot of nerve to go about crying and complaining about you've been treated by me since then!

As far as being nasty to posters who are "only posting their opinions", when they post without being nasty or insulting to me, I treat them the same way back. I have on occasion, like with Bear's sarcastic joke, make one of my own, asking him to feel shame for such a joke as part of my way of slamming the conservatives. (which, BTW, got quite a large conversation going recently, didn't it?) YOU, on the other hand, jumped in to take it personally! I see YOU as having the problem, Linda - not me!

If posters want to post politely towards me, I'm always more than happy to post politely back to them. If they want to refrain from manipulative tactics, I'll be happy to be poolite to them. But I will not be manipulated and when tactics are used against me that I feel being as being a bit nasty, I'll use it myself.

posted on October 31, 2002 12:06:37 PM new

I think that it's disingenuous to establish yourself on another board and then come here, post..."Here's a short manifesto", then call another a poster an ass, inferring that he is your reason for leaving. What BS!!!


posted on October 31, 2002 12:21:35 PM new
"I think that it's disingenuous to establish yourself on another board and then come here, post..."Here's a short manifesto", then call another a poster an ass, inferring that he is your reason for leaving. What BS!!! .....

I don't know Helen,I believe the manifesto
was short,and to the point,I'd give it a least a 8 1/2 stars.

posted on October 31, 2002 12:35:16 PM new
"I don't know Helen,I believe the manifesto
was short,and to the point,I'd give it a least a 8 1/2 stars."

You can be in charge of the stars, Junquemama.
I'll shoot the arrows. Leeme see... That move deserves 10.


posted on October 31, 2002 12:42:30 PM new
Now, Super sweet Linda told me a couple of weeks ago that I was supporting and defending terrorists...and wishing my country destroyed.

While I have my bow and arrow in hand, in which direction did she flee?


[ edited by Helenjw on Oct 31, 2002 12:44 PM ]
posted on October 31, 2002 12:43:20 PM new
For when you come back Borillar -

You just will never see the point I'm trying to make. I, personally, can take and deal with your insults, condensending attitude, name calling, etc. when I disagree and you try to 'teach me something'. Other's can't. I understand that completely.

Please understand, I don't want YOU to teach me anything. Those I learn the most from here are the one's who are in total disagreement with me, but who have the ability to post why they feel/think or see things differently, rather than constantly telling me how ignorant I am. I've never said I don't have short comings...I do...many. I have lots to learn. I am under-educated, but I'm human and I'll never learn anything from someone who is constantly being condensending and rude. I learn from people who know how to present their opinions in a positive manner. Then I consider what they've shared rather than being on the defensive and judging their rudeness rather than their point.

I'm not 'crying' for me, but rather for all the intelligent posters the RT use to have who have been run off. In part because while they would love to debate issues, see the other sides take on issues, they get so tired of it ending with name calling, being 'taught the right way'...etc. You're just one poster here, just like the rest of us. You're not a teacher. No better, no more intellegent that many others here who seem to able to do a GREAT job of expressing their opinions without slamming those who disagree.

I wrote a nice, polite helpful informational post to you and you blasted me for it. This is a great example of what I'm saying. You thought you were 'helping' me by giving me your views. Borillar, it's not what you say, it's how you say it.

I'm done.

posted on October 31, 2002 12:53:17 PM new
I suppose that that is the -only- apology that I'm likely to see from Linda, since I can't take the time to track the incident down. Fine. Your tentitive Apology is accepted. I will also try not to "educate" you by supplying you with information, up to and including any "proofs." You can't ask me to not supply you with information and then demand that I supply you with information, Linda.

posted on October 31, 2002 12:57:35 PM new
"I think that it's disingenuous to establish yourself on another board and then come here, post..."Here's a short manifesto", then call another a poster an ass, inferring that he is your reason for leaving. What BS!!!"

Thanks for the information, Helen. However, it has become a tradition here in the RT to blame Borillar whenever someone gets tired of the place and wants to leave. It doesn't hurt my feelings when they do that - it's so absurd and childish that I no longer try to defend myself when they do that. However, I will remember it.

posted on October 31, 2002 01:02:32 PM new
Please be clear Borillar....there was no apology.

posted on October 31, 2002 01:14:48 PM new
"Now, Super sweet Linda told me a couple of weeks ago that I was supporting and defending terrorists...and wishing my country destroyed.

While I have my bow and arrow in hand, in which direction did she flee?"

One on one is fair, Helen, Sandwiches get messy.

posted on October 31, 2002 01:22:28 PM new

Well shucks! Junkquemama!

I'll just take my arrows and go home.

For awhile...

posted on October 31, 2002 01:27:12 PM new
Good girl!
I like hearing all sides,talked out,To make my own mind up on issues.

posted on October 31, 2002 01:28:23 PM new

"If you have any problems with what I say here, why don't you do what adults do and go get the evidence to refute what I say"

Gee, I thought I did. In using YOUR site, I believe I found a half dozen generics CHEAPER in the US by 15-25%, half dozen name-branded cheaper by 15-25% in Canada. But nowhere did I find the big 8-0.

"That's how you do it in Debates, .. The burden of proof is on the doubter."

In a debate the burden of proving YOUR arguement is the doubter????????"

LOL, is that what western high schools and universities teach??

"When DeSquirrel makes his idiotic statements in the RT, how many times has he been refuted? More than half the time that he posts"

Really, this is news to me. I can't recall you ever refuting anything I've said. Most of my posts have been in response to your silly theories and "invented statistics".

Most of your "evidence" seems to come from wacko left-wing COMMENTARY pages not facts.

I have never made statements like:
"the ILLEGAL decision of the US Supreme Court"

I find most of your posts start a discussion so that later you can hit us all with a rousing "neener, neener, Geo. Bush & the Republicans,Geo. Bush & the Republicans!!!"

How anybody could bring "Geo. Bush & the Republicans" into a "killer dog thread" just amazes the hell out of me.

And I don't go and hide. When you make a statement that "Major US Christian leaders advocate violence against Muslims", I chime in and say: "really, who???". Now, we all know you never give answers to these questions, so what more exactly is to be said????

And as far as I can tell, the only way I have been "mean" to you is the written version of an eye-roll and a request to put-up or shut-up.

posted on October 31, 2002 03:18:43 PM new
Why does DeSquirrel get disrespect?

It's simple, really.

I've caught DeSquirrel on one or more occasions posting to yank everyone's chains, get everyone excited and arguing, to make them go chase themselves while - I assume, he's sitting back laughing himself sick at all of the nonsense that he's started. So when posters like Linda and Tex ask for proofs, their motives aren't very suspect. However, that's just not the case with DeSquirrel as far as I'm concerned.

Since DeSquirrel asks just nonsensical questions, I usually just ignore him or insult him as he deserves for attempting to get his jollies. His questions are inane, as it seems to me as if he often jumps into the middle of a thread and pucks out one of my comments, and then asks me to prove it!! How many times have other RT posters then turned around and shown him where to find the information, usually two or three posts above mine? I think that this has happened often enough that everyone can recall at least one time that they've done it for him. If he's too lazy to read all of the posts in an entire thread, which I do BTW, I just do not have any inclination to satisfy his stupefied statements. Let him go read the entire thread and then come back to ask me! It's really annoying and I insult him for it. Wouldn't you eventually?

My comments may reflect a discussion brought up in another recent thread, just like everyone else. It's just not my job to bring DeSquirrel - or anyone else for that matter, up to date -- especially when he's never satisfied or simply sneers at the answers. DeSquirrel is also very well aware that I often ask for other posters to not help me out, no matter how badly they want to scream and to shout in my behalf. That allows him to target me for this continuing annoyance.

Do I post without proofs? Seldom, as the RT is a violent place for bullsh1t and one had best often be prepared to provide backup. But I'm not showing my hand to anyone unless they ante up. Sorry, but that's how the game is played.

As far as the 25% remark, I read it through one of the recent threads here in the RT, a link someone provided on a similar subject. Someone else may recall the link. I usually make it a point to follow links provided in a discussion, as so many people will not bother to, and I feel that it gives me an advantage to do so. That DeSquirrel comes in from left-field and targets me shows me that he hasn't been paying any attention due to laziness on his part, hasn't read all of the posts in the thread, and/or never bothered to read any links provided (so why bother to provide the links if he won't read them, eh?) If he did this to you - made such incredulous remarks and you knew that he'd only sneer at you for your efforts to point him to the source, what would your attitude eventually be?


[ edited by Borillar on Oct 31, 2002 03:26 PM ]
posted on November 1, 2002 04:30:44 AM new

"So when posters like Linda and Tex ask for proofs, their motives aren't very suspect."

We, only, got honorable mention. I'm PIZZED. How about you?

posted on November 1, 2002 04:54:17 AM new

Your logic, history, and manners have holes in them, much like your ________.

a) Head
b) Ass
c) All of the above


You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on November 1, 2002 09:41:02 AM new
Even though you post only to make insults, it does go to prove that you read it.

posted on November 1, 2002 12:13:11 PM new
STOP THE BICKERING,this thread could be locked .
back to the thread-us medical system.
i took out a policy which has a 12k deductible and 1k co-payment,thinking i will either succumb to heart or cancer and sock the insurer with big bills.
HA,it turns out i dont have any so i am paying all my tests and doctor exams my self,and no way i can surpass the deductible.
my monthly premium bill is 125 .

posted on November 2, 2002 05:56:59 AM new

If they will sell you a policy, the odds are overwhelming that you will be healthy and they will not lose a dime.


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