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posted on February 27, 2003 05:23:33 PM new
This oppressive tactic through the media in the name of ‘balance’ is in fact the opposite it serves to oppress legitimate opinions by teachers being passed on to students.
This is not ‘balance’ it is ‘imbalance’.
It will bring up a generation of ‘one eyed’ ‘close-minded’ ‘ignorant’ future Americans.
Is that what you want?
This ‘persecution’ / McCarthyism will bring about, just that. ie. ignorant Americans.

That’s the way to stop independent thinking.

This is the underlying message-
Teachers watch your asses,
Don’t oppose the War.
make sure you give a 'balanced' view, don't you go being a commie now.
Make sure those kids grow up 'balanced' in discussions of morality.

1” “They can keep their damned opinions to themselves and not say anything.”
Sure, that’s the way to achieve ‘balance’.
That’s all this world needs, more brainwashed people.

An exclusive school for children of military could avoid discussions on ‘morality of war’.
ALL American schools could avoid discussions on ‘morality of war’.

posted on February 27, 2003 05:37:33 PM new
Bill O'Reilly, FOX News, just spoke on the phone and interviewed Col. Rob Carmichael who is Chief of Staff of the Maine Army National Guard. He confirmed the report and said they were working the State Commissioner of Education to deal with this situation.

Of course, O'Reilly told him they should have military lawyers look into getting these teachers removed from the class room. I love his style..... But Col. Carmichael said he thought now that the Commissioner was aware of what happened, it was being handled correctly.

posted on February 27, 2003 06:07:50 PM new
Did he give any specifics of what was allegedly said or done? That's why I've had a hard time believing the accounts. There are no specifics of what any teacher was alleged to have done to mock or belittle kids, in fact, no specific description of any teacher doing anything.

I could understand why they would withhold names of either teachers or kids to protect privacy. But they could certainly say "A teacher in Bangor told an elementary-school student that Daddy was a killer" if that was in fact the case.

I assume it'll be rebroadcast at 11 and if I'm still awake, I'll watch it.

posted on February 27, 2003 06:14:03 PM new
No, he didn't go into great detail. But Fox News usually [though not 100% of the time] will have a transcript of an interview online the next day. But, yes, catch the rerun if you can. Or maybe email to verify it direct with Col. Carmichael himself. His office will have a staff that might be able to answer all your questions.

When O'Reilly was going off...and saying they should bring military lawyers into the fold, Col. Carmichael said they prefer to let each family handle it in whatever way they wanted...themselves..if they so desired. But they had been working with the State Commissioner of Education on this issue.

posted on February 27, 2003 06:31:43 PM new
>This is how low the Bush and America haters will go. These are the same type of people who will spit on veterans.

McCarthyism, REAMOND? I wouldn't have suspected it of you before now!

posted on February 27, 2003 06:40:58 PM new
If McCarthy would stand up against public school teachers that shame and embarass the children of those brave men and women serving my country, then I am with McCarthy on this one.

These kids didn't pick their parents and these teachers have no business saying these things to 7 and 9 year old kids.

These children are going through enough with their parent(s) going away and perhaps even being killed protecting the sorry a**es that are saying these things to these kids.

These families of service men and women are in extremely pecarious positions as I said before, finanacially and emotionally. To put any more pressure on the spouses and children of these heroes is as low as bin Laden and crew.

They have gone too far and there should be a price to pay, such as losing their jobs.

posted on February 27, 2003 07:04:24 PM new
These families are going through a lot, and now have the added burden of the government not standing by its promises to the vets and soon to be vets.


Feb. 24 — As the Bush administration is sending thousands of men and women overseas to prepare for a possible war with Iraq, President Bush wants to cut funding for the schools that many of their children attend.

from ABC news

Health Care

"On November 18, 2002, just one week after Veterans Day was observed and many government officials and politicians proclaimed their steadfast love of God, country and deepest respect and admiration for our military personnel, we, the retired military veterans of WWII and Korean War received word that we had been victims of one of the cruelest bait-and-switches in history.

At issue was the promise the government had made to us that our health care benefits would be guaranteed for life. Now that the bill has come due, the government has reneged on the promise and said it was not legally bound to honor the obligation. A federal court of appeals in Washington DC declared that the federal government of the United States of America is right and could legally break its promise with its WWII and Korean War retired warriors.

The hypocrisy of our government is never more apparent than on the days dedicated to the Military Community. On November 11th, while our elected politicians used these WWII and Korean Veterans as human props, government officials were in court, stripping them of their benefits. As officials waxed poetic over the “debt that was owed, and will never be repaid” to this greatest generation, the administration was contesting any legal obligations to honor its promise."

Concurrent benefits now!

You have the right to an informed opinion
-Harlan Ellison
posted on February 27, 2003 07:18:15 PM new
" Maybe coming from The Washington Time's also, may make it more palatable for you and others profe????"

Nope, the WT article is just as vague and unsubstantiated as WND's is. This story is hogwash until somebody makes real allegations. If it happened, it should not have, teachers have a professional obligation to fairly present both sides of a national debate. Note that I said BOTH sides.Sorry,but for me, for now, it smells like a lame attempt at bashing two birds with one stone; school teachers and those with anti-war opinions.

[ edited by profe51 on Feb 27, 2003 07:21 PM ]
posted on February 27, 2003 07:20:20 PM new
Administration officials contend the cut would be made up by more education spending in other areas.

"It needs to be taken in context that we have almost a $3 billion overall increase that's gonna go out there," said Bill Hansen, deputy secretary of education.

Bush is not the first president to try to scale back the program — every president since Truman has tried to eliminate it or reduce it — but his unique timing puzzles critics like deBeck.

It appears that the school systems are complaining more than the service personel.

posted on February 27, 2003 07:22:20 PM new
So REAMOND, & others, please answer this.
Should teachers be permited to give a balnced view ''IF'' they have determined there are ''NO'' soldiers' children in the class? What about , uncles, or 3rd cousins.
Where would YOU have society 'draw the line'?

Or would you prefer that ''NO US STUDENT'' learn of the ILLS OF WAR?

Then, do you get Sean Penn & other 'commie' actors off TV, because they may give those same kids another view.

posted on February 27, 2003 07:27:52 PM new
The charges were substaniated tonight on O'Reily. The Col. who is in charge of helping the families of deployed personel said that 7-9 year olds children of the soldiers were subjected to this anti-war tripe.

But I suppose Fox isn't reliable either.

The highy respected NY Times and several other papers said O'Reily wasn't a credible news source when he went after the Florida college professor. Well now that serious felonies charges and an arrest have been made, not one of these "respected and credible" news sources has said a peep about O'Reily being right and doing great investigative journalism.

Again the liberal left "credible" news sources have been shown at what they are -- biased and self serving media outlets, not one iota better than any other news outlet.

posted on February 27, 2003 07:32:07 PM new
A balanced age appropriate presentation would be fine no matter who is in the class. But the liberals will never go for it. They would just as soon not have any discussion of the war as to give equal time.

posted on February 27, 2003 07:33:53 PM new
I didn't see O'reilly, were there specifics about what was said to the kids?

posted on February 27, 2003 07:39:14 PM new
prof- You come on this board and pretend to discuss serious issues and you don't watch Bill O'Reily ?

posted on February 27, 2003 07:41:33 PM new

posted on February 27, 2003 08:56:19 PM new
I'm not in the 'discussion' but you can find him at www.foxnews.com click O'Reilly on top

Shep is way better looking though

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on February 27, 2003 09:32:12 PM new
>The liberal blinders and the slants couched in liberal weasel words by the liberal press are missed or ignored by liberals.

Would you mind collecting your foam with a handkerchief or other item used for the purpose?

It sounds to me, REAMOND, like you are trying to apply for a job on a radio talk show or MSNBC or FoxNews. Such demagoguery is unbecoming. Would the other REAMOND please take over the account now?

posted on February 27, 2003 09:43:53 PM new

Linda would give this one a very high recommendation!


posted on February 28, 2003 04:43:55 AM new
Linda doesn’t mind informing inter-racial children about the ‘ills’ of inter-racial-marriage, (like she’s of pedigree).
But to inform soldiers’ kids of the ills of war, well she thinks that’s a bit low.

Linda_K http://www.auctionwatch.com/mesg/read.html?num=28&thread=169408
“ I would never tell someone they should NOT marry another person of a different race/culture I don't believe that it should work in reverse either. Choices....each our own....free to express them....with as much info. as is possible.”

Those of you gun-toting clean-descent-living-white-folk surely don’t see any hypocrisy in that.
Now take your blinkers off; now can you see just a bit of an irony.

posted on February 28, 2003 05:00:37 AM new
“A balanced age appropriate presentation would be fine no matter who is in the class. But the liberals will never go for it. They would just as soon not have any discussion of the war as to give equal time. “

Would Bush “go for” giving ‘equal time’ for “A balanced age appropriate presentation” no matter who was in the class.??? Ha!

The extreme right is in full gear in Israel too now.
½ want No Palestinian State.
& the other ½ want all Palestinians out of their current position.
What do you reckon about that REAmond.
Sounds pretty balanced too ½ + ½ = 1
Bush has proven to have a ‘balanced’ view on that too. Not.
I believe the closest balance came there was under Clinton.

posted on February 28, 2003 07:24:33 AM new
austbounty - Linda doesn't mind informing inter-racial children about the 'ills' of inter-racial-marriage, (like she's of pedigree).
But to inform soldiers' kids of the ills of war, well she thinks that's a bit low.

That statement is not even close to being true....just your own personal twist of the topic issue. Teaching children the science of genetics and how it relates to human reproduction, is quite different from a teacher sharing their opinion that war is immoral and so therefore the soldiers and their children are immoral if they serve their country in our Armed Forces. QUITE DIFFERENT.

Now take your blinkers off; now can you see just a bit of an irony. Hopefully others are better equiped than you appear to be [by your statements] and are aware of the difference between teaching science and sharing their own personal opinions on subjects in a classroom situation.

posted on February 28, 2003 11:41:34 AM new
From CNN 2-28-03 [in case the link doesn't work]

"They were hearing comments like, 'The pending war in Iraq is unethical' and 'Anybody who would fight that war is also unethical,"' Rogers said. "So children who are already losing family members to deployment were understandably upset."

Charles Haynes of the Freedom Forum, an educational organization in Arlington, Virginia, said he has received several dozen e-mails and phone calls in recent months from parents concerned that teachers are unfair or biased in how they address the issue of Iraq in the classroom.


posted on February 28, 2003 11:50:17 AM new
Lind K- I don't believe the People's Republic of CNN's reporting. That news outlet is not credible, just as the Washington Post, NY Times are nothing but leftist tools.

WND and CBN are far more balanced and credible.

But I guess now that CNN has repoted it, some people must take the report as credible !

It is getting very weird in the media outlets. The entrenched liberal media is being forced to follow the lead stories from "uncredible" media outlets like WND and the Drudge Report, and FOX news.

People are wising up that the stories which the liberal sources didn't slant were just ignored.

[ edited by REAMOND on Feb 28, 2003 12:05 PM ]
posted on February 28, 2003 12:38:01 PM new
>Lind K- I don't believe the People's Republic of CNN's reporting. That news outlet is not credible, just as the Washington Post, NY Times are nothing but leftist tools.

Boy, REAMOND, when you twist things, you twist them good!

posted on February 28, 2003 12:52:41 PM new
LOL Reamond Thought I'd keep trying until I did find a source they might trust. Didn't really think this would do it either though but I have no links to the Karachi Times . But figured if they saw enough different names, of people who could be deamed credible [by most] it might be at least considered to have happened. But then again.....as you say...[and I agree].....

posted on February 28, 2003 10:12:19 PM new
Notice something else Linda ? Those who couldn't believe the original source, where are they now ? Why haven't they posted their outrage at what was done to these defenceless children ?

First it was that it may not be true, now that it has been established by a "credible" source, dead silence. As Big Daddy in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof might say ' Oh the hypocracy in here, I can almost smell the hypocracy in here".

I hope that the Americans in that community embrace and help these children while their parents are away making the world a safer place for all of us.

posted on February 28, 2003 10:35:23 PM new
The only thing that I'll say to the two of you is this: While it may eventually be proved dangerous for people like me to talk the way that I do with the Nazification of America happening - realize that when the door swings the other way, you'll be on someone else's List.

Something fo you to think about.

posted on February 28, 2003 11:31:00 PM new
"while their parents are away making the world a safer place for all of us."
But on the other hand perhaps the 'collateral' is over there on a need to know basis, and they only 'think' they are over there to make it a safer place for "all" of us.

I would embrace those children, as I would the children of Iraq.
I hold them equaly 'valued'.

Like you've told us before reamond, you think only USA & Isreal will save 'us'.
When you say 'us', do you 'embrace' Muslims in that phrase.
Or don't you think they are 'God's people' too.

There were many liars or misinformed just a few weeks ago, claiming to be there to liberate the people of Iraq. Now the tune changes.

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