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posted on March 20, 2003 09:15:26 PM new
Reamond - What he hell are you talking about? Those little voices in your head expressing those opinions are not me.

I have no clue where you came up with the UN thing. If you had a clue what your were talking you would know that I think we need to get out happy azzez out of the UN for awhile and start fixing our own problems before we decide to convert the world.

::It is impossible to support our troops and not their mission and commander in chief. ::I

Actually it's not. It may be impossible for YOU to UNDERSTAND but the act itself is not impossible.

::It is a shame how small minded people::

Pot calling the kettle black

::can allow their hatred of Bush cloud their sense of patriotism and protecting American interests.::

Get off it already. I'm so sick and tired o this "If you don't followly blindly you must not be a patriot" crap. Call me kooky but I find domestic economy to be an "American Interest" and it just got tossed out the window with the 100 billion dollar a day war. And again, you seem to have a problem comprehending that I agree Saddam needs to be removed. I guess that just does not fit into that neat little compartment you have built for all that do not mimick your every belief.

posted on March 20, 2003 09:27:47 PM new

I do believe in going along with the UN but otherwise, I agree with everything that you said, exactly.


[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 20, 2003 09:54 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 09:39:45 PM new
Well, one of the scum (or any of the other names you've called me)reporting in. Sorry I wasn't here today watching you be proud of your war, but I was in San Francisco trying to stop it. I told you it was going to be big I just didn't tell you the means.

Don't believe the fire trucks had a hard time getting around, they have a harder time in New York every day than they did here today.

I was happy to see all the other demonstrations in the US and other countries today. I really didn't expect they would be that large. I was really surprised about Chicago.

Carry on.

posted on March 20, 2003 09:50:44 PM new

Hey, chococake! San Francisco - That's Fantastic!!! I read that it was one of the largest in US history and you were there!!!
Good for you.


posted on March 20, 2003 09:59:47 PM new

Why do you, I, and Helen go to San Francisco. We'll get some signs, a bullhorn, and scream loud. I'd have to use the bullhorn, Helen could use her own voice. If we three go there, maybe they would stop the war.

How do you really know for sure that the firetrucks were not slowed in their travels?
[ edited by yeager on Mar 20, 2003 10:01 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 10:00:26 PM new
Yeah Chococake, Saddam would of been proud, if he ain't dead!

posted on March 20, 2003 10:06:55 PM new
Helen, I wish you could have been there! Actually it's still going on. I wish I could have stayed longer, but health wise I just can't do it. But, being this close I had to go.

When we first started months ago it was more older people (like me)now it's more of the younger ones. Thank goodness, because, moving around like today takes a lot of energy.

Borillar, I hope you are reading this, and remembering when we asked why aren't the people out in the street. I'm sorry it took this war to do it. I wish it would have been about impeaching Bush and gang, but I'm proud of all who are with us now.

yeager, because I was there, and saw.

posted on March 20, 2003 10:07:35 PM new
Block the streets so emergency vehicles can't get through. But if a 85 year old lady was driving 20 mph in front of a fire truck on the way to their house, they would really start BITCHING! She would have no right to do that!

I saw on NBC News tonight, the Pentagon believes that the military headquarters of the iraqi military was hit. They showed a picture of it. It once had a flat roof, but now it looks missile remodeled it. It has a certain open look, similar to a football stadium.

[ edited by yeager on Mar 20, 2003 10:08 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 10:13:39 PM new

Yeah my mind is dulled now too. Getting ready for bed. Too much listening to the same info over and over hoping for something new. I'm going to limit my TV watching tomorrow.

I'm not too sure it was Saddam. Too much flesh in the jowls, not enough attitude, glasses too thick.

I heard a report a few minutes ago that CIA operatives on the scene when the first bomb hit say that Saddam himself absolutely went into the bunker along with his sons before the bomb hit and they did not come out before the bomb hit. We shall see.

Nite, nite!

posted on March 20, 2003 10:19:19 PM new
Only 1,025 anti-war protesters were arrested in San Francisco. And hey...who can believe that the emergency services weren't blocked....after all chococake says so.... who cares what the officials say....not her. But maybe someone did care today that help couldn't get to them, or a loved one of their's chococake.


Even the mayor of SF said:

Mayor Willie Brown said in no uncertain terms that, although he opposes the war, he had no patience for the demonstrators.

"I must express my frustration at the tactics of some protesters, who have chosen to specifically try to disrupt this city, rather than gather peacefully to voice their desire for peace, at the expense of the day-to-day lives of ordinary San Franciscans … and at great cost to the city,'' he said in a statement.

[ edited by Linda_K on Mar 20, 2003 10:22 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 10:30:34 PM new
Yea, and many more will probably be arrested. I bet you wouldn't put your secure little life on the line like that for what you believe would you? No, but you think nothing of sending our troops to cover your butt.

I'm also sure the loved ones of the crew in helicopter that went down today aren't doing too well today either.

posted on March 20, 2003 10:36:45 PM new
I beleive in the right to protest what you disagree with. That is part of our right as an American. As anyone can plainly see, some of these people are really NUTS.

Some of them are always BITCHING about the cost of this war, saying it's not needed and cost too much. On the other hand, they sit in the streets causing the city extra police funding. But then, it's there money. They pay taxes for that, right?

What I'm really glad about is the city of SF didn't have bulldozers present. Some of the protesters might have climed on them. Then Helen would feel the need to start another thread.

posted on March 20, 2003 10:40:22 PM new
Chococake, so preventing emergency vehicles to pass is a real Proud thing to do...

Yeah any street thug can block traffic, I sure would want that person representing me...

I think you will find the only message you got across was what a bunch of a-holes and who wants to be associated with them...

It is amazing what some people will put up with in certain parts of the country... but what the hey, actully showed "peace" true colors...

Oh and if you think some little protesting in nice and safe SF is putting your butt on the line, you are one misinformed individual... What military branch were you in again?

AIN'T LIFE GRAND... [ edited by Twelvepole on Mar 20, 2003 10:45 PM ]
posted on March 20, 2003 10:48:31 PM new
I'm probably too late but wanted to say hi to choco! It's nice to see you and I hope you stick around for the upcoming circus acts. And you have my vote too - good for you!

posted on March 20, 2003 10:48:45 PM new
Did you all burn the U.S. flags in bonfires too? Like they did in Portland?

That was so peaceful... still is too...

They are on TV right now, getting arrested. Not for burning the flag... but for laying down in the roads for tooooo long.

Borillar may be down there now

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 20, 2003 10:49:54 PM new
::I heard a report a few minutes ago that CIA operatives on the scene when the first bomb hit say that Saddam himself absolutely went into the bunker along with his sons before the bomb hit and they did not come out before the bomb hit. We shall see.::

I had not heard that one yet but NBC reported earlier that one of Saddams ex lovers who is working with US officials said that was not him on the tape.


posted on March 20, 2003 10:52:45 PM new
I just had to borroww this from another thread, and another poster.

College education: 40,000 dollars, Round Trip air ticket: 795.00 dollars, Picture taken with pali terrorists: 20,00 dollars, Getting run over by a bulldozer: PRICELESS

posted on March 20, 2003 10:56:55 PM new
twelvepole, I said they were permitted not they weren't permitted.

Yes, I'm proud! We still want civil disobedience without harm to people or property. If the protesters aren't out there the whole world think we all agree with the administration. Wow, they laid down in the street too long, now that really is awful.

Hi Krafty!

yeager, clapping your hands for another death?

Will have to say goodnight, it's been a long day. Hugs

posted on March 20, 2003 10:58:54 PM new
From the same newspaper only an earlier copy, online.Thursday, March 20, 2003
(03-20) SAN FRANCISCO (AP) --
Dozens of anti-war protests around the city stalled firefighters and police trying to respond to emergencies, officials said Thursday.

chococake - IMO, it would be nice if people who are against this war could be PEACEFUL protesters....not become criminals by breaking laws, destroying property, costing the working taxpayers more money and disrupting the peace of ANY city.

As to your comment I bet you wouldn't put your secure little life on the line like that for what you believe would you? Have YOU put your rear on the line? Do you think protesting is putting your life on the line. You're just joining in with the group of NON PEACEFUL protesters.

No, but you think nothing of sending our troops to cover your butt. Those troops aren't covering MY butt....they're doing their job, what they VOLUNTEERED to do? Get it? No one has forced them against their will.

If our nation had always followed the 'peaceful' protesters wishes, we'd be being governed by a dictator...because no one would have been willing to FIGHT for what they believe in. You choose to protest while taxpayers dollars support you and allow you the time to go do your protesting.

posted on March 20, 2003 10:59:27 PM new
Glad it was fun!

No, watching now, they were throwing things at the police officers, and they were throwing alcohol down on the streets

Sounds peaceful and gobs of fun


Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
posted on March 20, 2003 11:00:19 PM new
I just don't get it. How does laying down in the streets acomplish anything. The police will aresst you. That is part of their job to maintain public order. If you are arrested, then taken to the police station, how can you continue to protest? Doesn't that seem counter productive? Well, I guess productive behaviour is not on their minds.

posted on March 20, 2003 11:17:18 PM new

No, I'm not clapping my hands for another death. What I couldn't believe was this college educated girl would climb onto a moving bulldozer. She was killed in this accident. Her stupid action caused her to lose her life.

posted on March 20, 2003 11:20:11 PM new
Sorry had to come back to answer.

Linda, I should have been clearer. I didn't mean life=die, I meant as to go to jail for what you believe, and disrupt your life.

NearTheSea, most of the people that throw rocks and do damage are the spliter groups, and not part of the organized protesters. One group is called Black Block. Some individuals got out of hand, and stopped by the other protesters.

yeager, no it's not counter productive. People are risking being arrested because they want to take a stand, do you have another way? We tried voting, writting to our represenatives, other quiet ways. I think Dr. King would be with us if he were alive.

posted on March 20, 2003 11:25:10 PM new
yeager, she died for what she believed in. Would you call a college educated GI dying on top of his tank stupid?

posted on March 20, 2003 11:46:05 PM new
Dr. Martin Luther King was more dignified than your group would ever dream of being. I have watched many of the film documentaries of his journey. Always in a suit and a tie. Never did I see him laying in the street. Dr. King's was a leader with a realistic mission.

In your protest, why didn't you try to wrestle a police officer for his gun. You could have shot him with it, right? Then he couldn't have arrested anyone. Of course you would have shot on the spot by other officers at the scene. I'm thinking that your common sense caused you not to do that.

Even though there were many police officers there no one was shot. No one acted in such a way to loose their life.

She knew where she was going when she got on the plane. Nobody kidnapped her. She went there on her own free will to protest. Since when does an American have the right to go into another country and tell the government what to do? This boob, (Helen doesn't like that term) climbed onto the bulldozer and chose her fate.

[ edited by yeager on Mar 20, 2003 11:48 PM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 03:50:03 AM new
You make too much of the girl being a college girl. My wife deals with college kids every day at her work and the inability to deal with reality and use common sense is astonishing.
Far too many of them were not prepared with the basic survival skills to leave home and make it.
I have to snicker when people think that is some great cloak of intellect because you are college educated - but you can't make a pitcher of lemonade or fix a flat tire on your car. One of the young girls my wife works with had no ice scraper when the first frost came so rather than wait for the heater to clear it she took a stone from the edge of the driveway and tried scrapping with it - no doubt the sort of free thinking encouraged in school. However it still scratched her windshield all up so it was ruined. I can see this one climbing on a moving bulldozer easily. Don't those things have proper safety equipment? They need regulated more. Maybe foam tracks and rubber blades......

posted on March 21, 2003 06:16:16 AM new
I agree with the idea that a college education does not equal being bright. What was the name of this girl clearing the frost from her windshield, Wilma Flintstone?

posted on March 21, 2003 06:16:27 AM new
The Mayor of Brisbane is flying a big UN flag in protest of the war.
Brisbane is the capital of Queensland, Australia's most traditionally conservative state.
What a great free speaking democracy I live in.

posted on March 21, 2003 06:23:11 AM new
Since when does an American have the right to go into another country and tell the government what to do?

Yeager, haven't you seen by now, this only applies to our President, who is actually making the world safer for us to live in and not to some ignorant little girl that climbed on a moving bulldozer, and got killed for her stupidity, which is the usual outcome for such acts...

posted on March 21, 2003 06:29:14 AM new
Tom Daschle, on NBC News Today.

To parapharse. Even though I may not agree with the idea of war in iraq, I support President Bush and our troops.

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