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posted on March 21, 2003 06:35:59 AM new
Even though I don't agree, I'll go along with my Fuhrer.


posted on March 21, 2003 06:47:45 AM new
About the protestors in San FRan. NBC News showed film footage of the event. It showed protestors fighting on the street with each other, and with police. Also shown was these brilliant people placing newpaper vending boxes into the street to block traffic. An airiel shot showed a backup of traffic for several miles. Semi truck drivers who blew their airhorns to gain attention, (otherwise these invisible protestors wouldn't move).

Part of the film footage showed an SUV driving right over the paper box. This person very likely caused damage to the underside of the SUV by doing this. I would think from reading these posts, driving over a paper box is safer to do than getting out of your car and moving it out of the way. Some of the people here demostrate irrational thinking. Can you imagine being there and trying to undo something they have done? You would be carring your brains home in your hands, all for trying ot drive down the street.

Liberals, please don't tell me you wouldn't harm a priate citizen, when you have no respect for an armed police officer who can arrest you and take control of you. With this in mind, you have respect for no one, including yourself.

posted on March 21, 2003 06:51:27 AM new

you is your Fuhrer?

Oh! I forgot, it's Helen. In that case it would be Deine Fuhrerin.

posted on March 21, 2003 07:03:47 AM new
yeager, hush, hush,
forget the truth, support your troops.

posted on March 21, 2003 07:07:24 AM new
"Tom Daschle, on NBC News Today.To parapharse. Even though I may not agree with the idea of war in iraq, I support President Bush and our troops."

You mean Daschle can not support the troops and not the president ?

Daschle must have wised up. Now if the few thousand other idiots here in the USA would wise up.

posted on March 21, 2003 07:17:13 AM new
Neon- "I do not however in any way shape or form support the individual who sent them there. His lack of diplomatic skills is an embarassment and quite frankly, I do not trust him as far as I can throw him."

So what is your "diplomatic" problem with Bush if it is not the lack of a UN mandate ? Are you disappointed that France, Germany and Russia did not join the fight ?

The same problem with your thinking applies and it used to be called "group think"- which is what most protesters are afflicted with. How can something Bush does be wrong when 40 countries agree with it, but it would be right if more countries agrred with it ?

If it is the right thing to do, it is right regardless of who goes along with it.

You just hate Bush so much it has dulled what thinking ability you might have had. You'll do anything to make Bush look bad, including debasing patriotism and our fighting men and woman.

I haven't heard anything form the goof ball peaceniks about the Scud missiles Saddam has fired off. After 12 years of inspections, he still has missiles he is not supposed to have.

Yeah right, we needed the inspecters to be allowed to work longer, perhaps until they were eligble to retire ?

posted on March 21, 2003 07:21:14 AM new


You stated....
you is your Fuhrer?
Oh! I forgot, it's Helen. In that case it would be Deine Fuhrerin.

Your juvenile taunts are disrupting this thread.

Why don't you start another thread here like this one? You can talk to yourself and behave like a four year old child.


Kiara was right!!!


posted on March 21, 2003 07:25:42 AM new
sure thing ray,
Bush says he's very patriotic until he's called up to fight.
member dat!???

"Now if the few thousand other idiots here in the USA would wise up"
I hear over 1000 got arrested today, must mean your nearly rid of them.
Caught out again ray.
carefull, you'll lose the fence sitters

Borilla, it's hard for the neo-cons to spread disinformation in the information age.

Over and out.

posted on March 21, 2003 07:52:54 AM new
Another thing I noticed about these so called "peace" protestors, was the use of masks... just like some good Ol'boys at lyncing... or street thugs looking for trouble... wonder if Willie Brown will put up with that BS today?

So if we can't use the Democratic Process for change, we should act like little children and throw tantrums... ok got cha...

posted on March 21, 2003 08:06:29 AM new
The protesters do not support democratic processes because they are commies, socialists and anarchists.

These are the same people that travel to the World Bank meetings and destroy property and commit violence. They are organized by the same communist groups.

They hate America and are determined to turn it into another North Korea, Cuba, or China.

posted on March 21, 2003 08:20:22 AM new

Doesn't quite seem to be the death and destruction of the civilian populace that some were expecting...

"Americans very good," Ali Khemy said. "Iraq wants to be free."

"No Saddam Hussein!" one young man in headscarf told Gurfein. "Bush!"

posted on March 21, 2003 08:40:29 AM new
Don't hold your breath deuce, they will find something to disparage Bush and our soldiers about.

posted on March 21, 2003 08:42:34 AM new
The Democratic National Committee is asking party members to defend Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle's criticism of the way President Bush has handled the Iraq crisis even as U.S.-led forces invade the country.

They had to ask !! LOL. The party for this party is just about over.


[ edited by reamond on Mar 21, 2003 08:43 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 08:55:33 AM new
So there is no terror link with Iraq ? Bush is doing the right thing, and invading Iraq is fighting terrorism ! Bush, the military, patriots, are right. The protesters have been proven wrong. This is a war of self defence and not aggression.

Time for some posters to start eating their words.


posted on March 21, 2003 08:56:25 AM new
::So what is your "diplomatic" problem with Bush if it is not the lack of a UN mandate ? Are you disappointed that France, Germany and Russia did not join the fight ? ::

I know, because you stated it yourself, that your view of the world is very narrow, but believe it or not, there are numerous other issues in the world today besides Iraq. Again your atttempts to put thoughts into my mouth have failed miserably. I gotta give you an A for effort but I should warn you now that you just are not going to sqeeze me into that little box you have for those that disagree with you.

::The same problem with your thinking applies and it used to be called "group think"::

Every assumption you have made regarding my belief system in this thread is wrong and yet you still think you have me pegged? Determined pup aren't you.

::How can something Bush does be wrong when 40 countries agree with it, but it would be right if more countries agrred with it ? ::

Bribery, intimidaion, and promises will buy you a lot of support, but not friends.
Bush is viewed as bully (and a fool but we won't go into that - not Iraq related) among other nations today, not as a respectd leader. Part of the reason we have had so many problems getting Turkey to work with us is that we failed MIISERABLY in the diplomacy end of the situation. We ignored religious beliefs made numerous calls and demands for a vote on a high holy day, we tried to tie our "loans" to mandatory governement "reforms" and we tried to bully the one democratic government in the middle east.

::You'll do anything to make Bush look bad, including debasing patriotism and our fighting men and woman. ::

Reamond, you REALLY need to work on increasing your reading comprehension skills. Perhaps join a literacy program. Once again - I defy you to find a single quote of mine why I have shown anything for the utmost respect and support for our troups. Until you are able to support this repeated accusation on your part, do not bother to address me. I will engage in intelligent debates with people with intelligent people but at this point in time, I'm am sick and tired of your childish name calling and baseless accusations. Rather than argue points I have actually made, you make up opinions and statements for me and argue them yourself. Why should I bother?
[ edited by neonmania on Mar 21, 2003 08:59 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 09:09:51 AM new
How naive. There are no "friends" in foreign relations, only shared interests. The countries against us have no interest seeing the US empowered. Bribery and intimidation are how agreements are forged in international relations. France was out doing the exact same things the US was doing.

I did pin you down with your "diplomatic" non-sense. You refuse to answer how something can be wrong if 40 countries are for it yet becomes right when more than 40 countries are for it.

You are struggling to defnd an indefencible position.

Checkmate. NEXT !

posted on March 21, 2003 09:29:10 AM new
It's just been announced that this is "A" day - a date beginning "schock and awe", an intense bombardment - scheduled today. Three thousand bombs may be dropped during the next 48 hours.

In the meantime, the Iraqi people are praying.

Last night,

Interior Minister Mahmoud Dhiab al-Ahmed described the US as a "superpower of villains", comparing President George W Bush to the 1920s American gangster, Al Capone.

The Iraqi capital, Baghdad, came under renewed Cruise missile attacks after night fell on Thursday.

Buildings belonging to the foreign and planning ministries were hit, as was an office previously used by Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz.

The Iraqis say a number of people were killed, including civilians.

People attending mosques in the city for Friday prayers heard religious leaders strongly denounce the attacks.

[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 21, 2003 09:31 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 09:30:48 AM new

All the rhetoric on whether or not we should go to war against Iraq has got my insane little brain spinning like a roulette wheel. I enjoy reading
opinions from both sides, but I have detected a hint of confusion from some of you.

As I was reading the paper recently, I was reminded of the best advice
someone ever gave me. He told me about the KISS method ("Keep it Simple, Stupid". So, with this as a theme, I'd like to apply this theory for those who don't quite get it. My hope is that we can simplify things a bit and recognize a few important facts.

Here are 10 things to consider when voicing an opinion on this important issue:

1) President Bush and Saddam Hussein.....Hussein is the bad guy.

2) If you have faith in the United Nations to do the right thing, keep this
in mind. They have Libya heading the Committee on Human Rights and Iraq heading th! e Global Disarmament Committee. Do your own math here.

3) If you use Google Search and type in "French Military Victories," your
reply will be "Did you mean French Military Defeats?"

4) If your only anti-war slogan is "No war for oil," sue your school district for allowing you to slip through the cracks and robbing you of the
education you deserve.

5) Saddam and Bin Laden will not seek United Nations approval before they try to kill us.

6) Despite what some seem to believe, Martin Sheen is NOT the President. He just plays one on TV.

7) Even if you are anti-war, you are still an "Infidel" and Bin Laden wants
you dead, too.

8) If you believe in a "vast right-wing conspiracy," but not in the danger
that Hussein poses, quit hanging out with the Dell computer dude.

9) We are trying to liberate them.

10) Whether you are for military action, or against it, our! young men and
women overseas are fighting for us to defend our right to speak out. We all need to support them without reservation.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:31:02 AM new
You have to be playing on the same board as me to checkmate me Reamond. Once again you have ignored a request for you to support your accusations of my lack of support for our troups.

Also once again you have attempted to assume my position on a matter and then proceeded to argue with yourself.

I've never said that we needed more nations behind us to make this action right. I have stated my position on this action numerous times, as well as what I felt would have been a more effective alternative, you have chosen to ignore both... but why doesn't that surprise me.

As opposed to my "struggle", you are the one argueing imaginary opinions my dear. I have clearly spelled out my positions and I have yet to see you argue any of them. You much prefer argueing with yourself and then calling others names.

Now, since you are incapable of an exchange of actual opinions... Since you refuse to "listen" to what someone else is saying before you argue... SInce you make numerous accusations that you are unable to support... and quite frankly, because I find you petty and a bit sad, I will no longer waste my time with you.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:33:14 AM new
I would flee to if my position was so weak I couldn't defend it.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:33:56 AM new
About time!

Now let the infidels know what is like to back a despot, they should of been protesting for Saddam to disarm... oh wait you can't protest against the government there....

Aziz is now a target, he made his choice, now he can die with it.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:41:19 AM new

What nonsense. I've stopped paying any attention to your posts because they are filled with misinformation. And yet you maintain a prodigious arrogance that is without supporting merit.


posted on March 21, 2003 09:51:43 AM new
As has been said before- you can't stand the truth.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:57:29 AM new
Helen - he is nothing more than an arrogant little man that is incapable of intelligent debate. Rather than engage in mature conversations, he argues like a 4 years old. I had decided back in the Saudi Arabia debate to ignore him but had forgetten why when this started. Now I remember. He possesses no reading comprehension skills so rather than argueing the actual opinion of other posters, he assigns opinions to them and argues those.

I have exhausted my weekly allotment of masochisitic tendencies while slamming my head against the wall of Reamonds thought process and at this time I have decided to start stockpiling them for an upcoming debate with Twelve which will stem from one of the other threads.

posted on March 21, 2003 09:58:11 AM new

"As has been said before- you can't stand the truth."

There you go again, Reamond.

Where, exactly has that been said.

You know how to copy and paste.

Do it.


[ edited by Helenjw on Mar 21, 2003 10:01 AM ]
posted on March 21, 2003 10:13:18 AM new

Five million poor people are being bombed in Baghdad.

The operation is being called "shock and awe" by people who can't deal with the truth.


posted on March 21, 2003 10:35:40 AM new
I just saw that on CNN Helen. All those bombs just to get rid of one guy is quite the sad show but I imagine for some posters here, they've probably got their popcorn and beer set up in front of the TV.

posted on March 21, 2003 10:59:45 AM new
they've probably got their popcorn and beer set up in front of the TV

No too early for beer and popcorn... tonight probably.

No more than what they did while watching the towers fall... damn and paybacks are a b*tch...

Of course with you and Helen being so Anti-American... you wouldn't understand.

posted on March 21, 2003 11:15:36 AM new
Twelvepole, being "pro" American encompasses a lot of things, as does being "anti" American. Not believing in bloodshed & carnage doesn't make a person anti-American, just like it doesn't make you pro-American to believe it's OK.

posted on March 21, 2003 11:21:38 AM new
In all seriousness, how many of the 5 million civilians were killed or injured in that bombing?

Does anyone have any kind of report.

What I did see, yes it was bad, but they bombed the giant main palace and military installations of the army.

What I saw, the lights were all still on, in other buildings.

Art Bell Retired! George Noory is on late night coasttocoastam.com
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