posted on October 8, 2001 07:27:21 PM new
Alas, I hear and see what you are saying Eddynurse. I think Carnaby really only has one or two major sellers at this point in time. It's too bad that so few sellers have so many listings. If you don't want to buy a print or an assortment of other new items that you can pick up quite easily at in the import or local gift stores, you don't seem to have too many other choices. Too bad, as it's a nice site.
posted on October 8, 2001 07:57:58 PM new
I was very happy to learn of a new site with no listing fee and a bulk lister. The site has a nice look and easy to navigate in my opinion. I had a little difficulty registering but found help available via email. Listed an item no problem. Then tried the bulk lister, Max Loader. Had some problems downloading and setting program up. Once again I found good help via email. Listed a few more items. The bulk lister is really fine. Great to use. It's a nice site. If bidders are attracted to the site I will have found a new home. Time will tell but there is nothing to loose except a little investment of time.
posted on October 9, 2001 12:35:28 AM new
The duplication of auctions that you are referring to was actually a glitch that affected two sellers, I believe, and the sellers and Carnaby techs are deleting the duplicate auctions. If you will read the chat and technical help boards you will find it mentioned there.
I further suggest that you read the various chat boards before assuming that the site only has two sellers or take a bit of time to look further than one category. There are FAR more than two sellers.
Carnaby is in the beta testing stage and there is far more activity going on behind the scenes at this time than shown to the public. Again, any questions that you may have should be directed to support on the chat boards. You will be surprised how fast you will receive an accurate and refreshingly truthful response.
The information presented on AW is usually inaccurate and tainted by naysayers who do not use the site nor do they question the owners or support.
Since the site is new, if you expect to make instant sales, I would recommend that you wait a bit before listing. I've made sales and not to other sellers.
However, if you are patient and want to be in on the ground floor development of a site with great potential, come join us. I have been involved with on-line auctions for over 5 years and this is the best and sharpest group of sellers that I have yet encountered.
Post a question on one of the Boards and see how fast they arrive to help. The live support on the site is unequaled.
The naysayers will say "This will change". I say "I doubt it"!
posted on October 9, 2001 09:02:25 AM new
I have been selling on Carnaby since July and have been very pleased and impressed with everything that is going on there to date. I have to keep reminding myself that the site is still in the testing stage.
Also, from what I gather in a previous message on one of the boards, Carnaby is getting ready to release a whole new version (not just a patched or updated version) of the Max Loader bulk listing program once the beta testing period is over, so an already excellent program will be even better.
I also appreciate that support is addressing many other issues and concerns that sellers have encountered in the test phase of the site. The sellers will come and so will the bidders. It won't take long once the site gets into high gear.
posted on October 9, 2001 10:02:23 AM new
I find it refreshing to see auctionsite representatives, Carnaby among them, participating in discussions here at AuctionWatch.
dimview has had several favourable exchanges with Carnaby regarding their auctionsite, and they do follow-up the "discussion" with "action".
That's a BIG PLUS!
posted on October 10, 2001 01:08:44 AM new
I agree Dim, it's important!well I was going to give up on small sites,but so many people mentioned their great support i tried a few listings for a few days..i got 2 bids today..they seem to have steady growth i think this site will surprise people..
hope so, I sell antiques & collectibles..hope more come over..
they have a new book storefront thingy just started it someone else may know what that is about.good luck everyone
posted on October 10, 2001 02:55:47 PM new
Dear Timetravelers,
Just to clarify, we announced two separate new features this week - The Carnaby Stores and our UIEE Book Import facility.
Our members can open their stores in any of our 19 major categories, not only in books.
posted on October 10, 2001 04:44:26 PM new
lol SEE WHAT I MEAN? Great thanks for the info..on my way...will check out antiques store..KEWL! plus i have a houseful of books..
2 new things great..note: i am getting very decent page views for only being there less than a week,,pleasantly surprised..
i think I found a new home..
posted on October 10, 2001 05:10:03 PM new
Book import facility? Maybe a sudden gain of 299,000+ items coming soon? Going to have to keep up with the Joneses.
[ edited by JohnnyBravo55 on Oct 10, 2001 05:50 PM ]
posted on October 10, 2001 06:35:55 PM new
IF carnaby would listen and put a Category for my specific items I would be happy to list over 300 auctions there (NOT smutty, Nazi or anything nasty)...BUT they do NOT answer emails and I will not list under a Category that does NOT apply to my items.....they are losing sales as I could bring customers to them!
posted on October 10, 2001 06:49:55 PM new
"IF carnaby would listen and put a Category for my specific items I would be happy to list over 300 auctions there"
a quick search of categories reveals...
Miscellaneous > Crafts, Sewing > Candles
hmm, seems Candles would be the appropriate category for you to list in.
posted on October 11, 2001 07:15:26 AM new
Well, Beescandles, I'm certainly in agreement with you on this one. I've been sending Carnaby about 12 emails a day asking them to post a special category for me, too. But they never bother to respond. I could list about 12,000 items if they would just get my category up there. Like, you, I also refuse to list my stuff for sale in non-existant categories. My digitally enhanced 'Squashed Bug Photographs' are really HOT right now, so Carnaby is losing out big time by not having me over there as a seller!
Why, I'll be there with bells on my toes the instant they get MY category up there. I can see it now:
Art:Prints:Animal:Vegetable:Mineral: Other:Bugs:Squashed Bugs: Digitally Enhanced Squashed Bugs.
[ edited by bogalucy on Oct 11, 2001 07:31 AM ]
posted on October 11, 2001 07:15:55 AM new
Oops - duplicate post! But I do hope Carnaby Support is paying attention, as I have about 28 other categories in mind and absolutely refuse to list anything in them right now, especially since they are non-existant at the moment. Pay attention Carnaby! You are losing business by not adding all the special categories requested by your premier sellers!
[ edited by bogalucy on Oct 11, 2001 07:37 AM ]
posted on October 11, 2001 08:28:44 AM new
bogalucy .. if your items are that HOT perhaps a site with more traffic would be better suited to your needs. Just a suggestion.
posted on October 11, 2001 09:50:04 AM new
"Art:Prints:Animal:Vegetable:Mineral: Other:Bugs:Squashed Bugs: Digitally Enhanced Squashed Bugs."
Bogalucy, assuming your desired category is tongue in cheek, Please explain why you can't list your auctions under
Art>Fine>Photographic Images
Art>Fine>Multiple Techniques
Both you and Beescandles bemoan the fact that there aren't appropriate categories, but these would seem to be close to what you wish for...what other auction sites have the category you specified above?
Just curious, Rob
posted on October 11, 2001 11:37:19 AM new
Thanks for the tip JB!
Rob: Did you not see the in my post?
posted on October 11, 2001 12:00:29 PM new
posted on October 11, 2001 12:55:22 PM new
Carnaby is fun, the support is great, and the members seem to respect each other. I have purchased 3 items there so far from two 1st class sellers, and although I haven't received them yet, I know they are on the way.
Being primarily a buyer in the video/DVD categories, there's not a lot for me there yet. I tried a few "test" DVD listings and I didn't get even a page view during the week they were listed. Hopefully this will change as more movie lovers find out about the venue.
If I was a seller, I would be a bit nervous about the comments about Carnaby being in the "testing stage" though ... I don't think I'd want to spend a lot of time creating attractive listings only to be told down the road that the test results were negative
btw, I have found a new "hobby" to augment my teevee tape trading hobby ... teevee series' trading cards! (hint hint to Carnaby sellers!)
posted on October 11, 2001 01:34:18 PM new
bogalucy, yep, I saw your smile, but forgot to add mine (here it is) I was trying to make a point by playing upon your humor...another failed attempt on my part and just when I was about to try open mike night at the comedy club. (sigh)
posted on October 11, 2001 01:39:40 PM new
Hey Rob ...
You got a slow connection too eh!
Hey Rob ...
You got a slow connection too eh!
Hey Rob ...
You got a slow connection too eh!
posted on October 11, 2001 03:41:54 PM new
Hi I thought of asking for a category myself,,hadn't really taken enough time to check all the categories...well i was browsing & i found it..they all ready had one...LOL...i think they are categorized a little different than we are all used to...takes a little time..Each site is different..i like Carnaby so far,,,getting steady page views..much more than i expected..cause i didn't expect much ...i think their steady growth will continue..good luck everyone!
posted on October 11, 2001 10:04:36 PM new
RB ~ Sorry that I missed your DVD listings on Carnaby... wouldja consider trying re-listing them?