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posted on April 16, 2004 05:41:56 PM new
If everyone, would put hibberst and skylite on ignore like I did, this would be a better place. Anti and pro bush posters have to know this. Defending pictures likes these are terrible. Maybe if all would quite reading their posts and quit posting to them they will leave.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
[ edited by Libra63 on Apr 16, 2004 05:43 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2004 06:22:28 PM new
Libra, thank you. I totally forgot about the ignore feature. I will put them on ignore.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 16, 2004 06:35:50 PM new

"Defending pictures likes these are terrible."

The Iraq war is the terror that should not be tolerated. The photos are simply reflective of that war.


posted on April 16, 2004 06:43:37 PM new

[ edited by kiara on Apr 16, 2004 08:34 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2004 07:11:24 PM new
kiara, no. Those are terrible. The lives that are lost are terrible. They are and always have been

but when the idiot that posts charred bodies (of whom its said to be an Iraqi) and titles it Iraqi Fast food yeah its offensive, and a lot of people would probably agree.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."- Carl Sagan
posted on April 16, 2004 07:34:47 PM new
I understand what you're saying, NTS.

A long time ago I learned how to put up a defensive shield and I take in what I want to from words and images and just let the rest of it not get to me. Most of the time it works for me but occasionally it doesn't.

I know that everyone can't do that but when you're dealing with so many different personalities you never really know what's going to happen or who's behind another computer or what they're really thinking so that's a risk you take.

posted on April 16, 2004 08:11:33 PM new
What I thought was the most offensive and sick about the fast food thread was the caption that he/she added that said you want fries with that

your image does not offend me, I know what is in the flag draped boxes. skylite and hibberst prefer to post images of what is in the boxes and that is what I beleive most here find offensive.

posted on April 16, 2004 08:13:42 PM new
For any lurkers here, Helen is our local anti-american, she hides behind liberalism and a what she claims is a love of country but a severe hatred of President Bush... being over 50 you have to give her some slack as you would any other mental deficient.

Skylite is just some foreign POS who tries to post for shock value but has never done anything for his own country let alone the US, has no idea what life is all about or what it means to stand for something right... hides on message boards to just stir the pot and probably doesn't even believe the sh*t he posts... BOARD TROLL.

Libra ignore is nice, however it only works when you are signed in...

I encourage everyone to check the properties of offensive photos and if not linked from a site but appears to be from someones photo gallery, post that picture on every site you can and run up their bandwidth... sooner or later the picture will go to a big red X or quite possibly they may be asked to pay for more space...

Wonder if rense.com knows that skylite is stealing their bandwidth?

but seeing how that is some paranoid delusion site, they probably wouldn't notice...


[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 16, 2004 08:23 PM ]
posted on April 16, 2004 08:22:16 PM new
The only thing war is good for is killing - men, women, children, animals... What kind of pictures would it take for people to see how ridiculous all this is?

I saw a documentary where they took teenage boys, that were headed in the wrong direction, and made them tour the morgue and watch an autopsy. Sometimes it takes the shocking truth to make people understand, so I understand why hibbertst & skylite post the pictures they do.

posted on April 16, 2004 08:34:01 PM new
Hi yellowstone.

I didn't post that picture to offend anyone. My belief is that's it's a reality of this war and when someone first sent it to me I looked at it for a very long time. I've said this before here that I think of the soldiers that die and I think about them as real people who did live and who had hopes and dreams. They had loved ones who they wanted to return home to and those same loved ones were waiting eagerly to see them again. To me they're not just a number.

On this board we have divided opinions on the war and how things are going but I think we should all honor the real heroes, the soldiers. And let's not forget that innocent people in Iraq are being killed too. They didn't ask for this war.

And I'll take down my picture to protect my Vendio account in case anyone decides to do what twelvepole suggests they do.

posted on April 16, 2004 08:35:28 PM new
"For any lurkers here,..."

Have you been elected hall monitor, Twelve?

This is the REAL scoop you "lurkers". Twelve doesn't like it when people express their freedom of speech. If you're a REAL American, you won't dare say anythng bad about the President's decisions, no matter how baked he is, and if you talk bad about the President, the troops will find out and their spirit wil be crushed, making you anti-American.

posted on April 16, 2004 08:42:50 PM new

twelvepole Lol ...another one for my circular file.


posted on April 16, 2004 09:09:43 PM new
[i]Twelve doesn't like it when people express their freedom of speech]/i]

All you anti-American left wing libs STILL FORGET without Wars we would still be under British, French (again if Kerry wins) & Spanish rule.

We all owe our freedom & independence to the American fighting men who gave all for the cause.

So like it or not, war is a necessary evil.

'We have dispatched Dr. David Kay...to search for the bio-warfare agents we believe hidden in Senator Kerry's forehead. If Senator Kerry has used botox as part of a wrinkle enrichment program, he is in violation of UN Resolution 752. Upon receiving Dr. Kay's report, the weapons of mass destruction that Senator Kerry so adamantly insists do not exist...may well be above his very nose.'" --Dick Cheney when asked whether John Kerry has had Botox treaments
posted on April 16, 2004 09:14:42 PM new
I agree with everything in your last post, it was well said.

posted on April 16, 2004 09:19:44 PM new
"All you anti-American left wing libs STILL FORGET without Wars we would still be under British, French (again if Kerry wins) & Spanish rule."

I think wars have been a necessity in the past, but things are becoming very sophisticated these days. Wiping out parts of countries to look for terrorists isn't going to work. These are different times, imo.

posted on April 16, 2004 09:31:43 PM new
Yes, these are different times and 9-11 did alot to change things also. It showed us that we are vulnerable in our own homes and work places. We have to go after whomever will threaten our security with bombs and bullets. Sending flowers and kisses just won't do.

posted on April 16, 2004 09:37:06 PM new
Thanks, yellowstone. It's nice to see you here again and I hope things are going well for you.

Bear, you don't know me. Just because I don't like President Bush and I don't agree with the war in Iraq it doesn't mean I'm anti-American. I've got friends and family in the US and I've lived different places right along this border most of my life and I love the US. I don't like what the Canadian Prime Ministers do either and I'm vocal about it too but that doesn't make me anti-Canadian. I still fly both flags.

posted on April 16, 2004 09:44:50 PM new
Yellowstone I agree.

This takes me back years. As a very young child during WWII and for about 3 years after the war, we had to wear dog tags to school because we were in a very vulnerable part of the US. I spotted air planes for the civil air patrol. We had black outs. It is scary. War is not nice but sometimes it has to be. If we don't defeat our enemy our enemy will defeat us. We have to back the right candidate, one who will go and destroy our enemy, not one that wants to negotiate so they can return again.

posted on April 17, 2004 03:58:59 AM new
Not hall monitor kraft, just letting people know about our resident wackos, so they can understand the reasons they post the sh*t they do...

and giving them some options for offensive pictures... another is to let the webmaster know that their pictures are being used at another site... linked to another site...

I personally don't see them as offensive, but as skylite posting home photos after a night out... I am quite sure that skylite probably deep down is some sort of sadistic pedophile for all the children pictures he posts... wonder if he gets is jollies off before he links them.

Ignore just doesn't work on these boards unless you stay logged in...

Oh and kraft I am all for freedom of speech... I also have the freedom of speech to let certain people know that their speech is offensive to me and so many others who have served this country with pride. And who loves their country enough to let the our leaders do what should be done. As I said before I am waiting and if President Bush is not willing to get harsh with the insurgents, then bring the soldiers home.... Iraqi's are killing Iraqi's... don't try blaming the US...


[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 17, 2004 04:03 AM ]
posted on April 17, 2004 05:59:57 AM new

why don't you have a very long talk with those who saw battle, and see how they talk about it, a lot of veterans do not like to dwell on it, but if pushed watch what happens.....only a soldier who saw the blood and guts will tell you 99% of the time, that war sucks, and is a waste...the other 1% who enjoyed it are crazies.....death is something you do not talk about much...go to a veterans hospital and speak to the veterans there, watch what happens....you will then change your mind about this president and his war lust, especially when it's not his kids, or the rich kids dieing for profit.....war is a business....always was...the winners are the banks...the losers are the common people....look who made a whack of money during WW2 in Germany , and Japan, the german and japanese banks....kid you got a lot to learn about war before you put down anyone who's been there.....again go to a vet's hospital.....these pictures are a sample of the reality, which a lot of you are cushioned from, but imagine these pictures and count hundreds if not thousands of bodies like that in a large field on a hot summer day... and the smell...can not describe that for you.....war sucks, and is a waste, only those who never seen battle are always gung-ho for war......learn NearTheSea learn.........i am aganist war.....i am aganist waste.....

posted on April 17, 2004 08:44:16 AM new
And a word [or two] from skylite's leader: Osama binLaden:

Thursday, 15 April, 2004, 09:02 GMT 10:02 UK BBC

An audiotape purported to be from Osama Bin Laden has been broadcast by the pan-Arab al-Arabiya and al-Jazeera satellite channels. In the tape the voice offers conditional reconciliation with Europe.

The following is the text of the tape as broadcast by al-Arabiya:

Praise be to Almighty God; Peace and prayers be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and companions.

This is a message to our neighbours north of the Mediterranean, containing a reconciliation initiative as a response to their positive reactions.

Praise be to God; praise be to God; praise be to God who created heaven and earth with justice and who allowed the oppressed to punish the oppressor in the same way.

Peace upon those who followed the right path:
'Oppression kills the oppressors'

In my hands there is a message to remind you that justice is a duty towards those whom you love and those whom you do not. And people's rights will not be harmed if the opponent speaks out about them.

The greatest rule of safety is justice, and stopping injustice and aggression. It was said: Oppression kills the oppressors and the hotbed of injustice is evil. The situation in occupied Palestine is an example. What happened on 11 September [2001] and 11 March [the Madrid train bombings] is your commodity that was returned to you.

It is known that security is a pressing necessity for all mankind. We do not agree that you should monopolise it only for yourselves. Also, vigilant people do not allow their politicians to tamper with their security.

Having said this, we would like to inform you that labelling us and our acts as terrorism is also a description of you and of your acts. Reaction comes at the same level as the original action. Our acts are reaction to your own acts, which are represented by the destruction and killing of our kinfolk in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.

The act that horrified the world; that is, the killing of the old, handicapped [Hamas spiritual leader] Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, may God have mercy on him, is sufficient evidence.

We pledge to God that we will punish America for him, God willing.
Which religion considers your killed ones innocent and our killed ones worthless? And which principle considers your blood real blood and our blood water? Reciprocal treatment is fair and the one who starts injustice bears greater blame.

As for your politicians and those who have followed their path, who insist on ignoring the real problem of occupying the entirety of Palestine and exaggerate lies and falsification regarding our right in defence and resistance, they do not respect themselves.

They also disdain the blood and minds of peoples. This is because their falsification increases the shedding of your blood instead of sparing it.

Moreover, the examining of the developments that have been taking place, in terms of killings in our countries and your countries, will make clear an important fact; namely, that injustice is inflicted on us and on you by your politicians, who send your sons - although you are opposed to this - to our countries to kill and be killed.

Therefore, it is in both sides' interest to curb the plans of those who shed the blood of peoples for their narrow personal interest and subservience to the White House gang.
The Zionist lobby is one of the most dangerous and most difficult figures of this group. God willing, we are determined to fight them.

We must take into consideration that this war brings billions of dollars in profit to the major companies, whether it be those that produce weapons or those that contribute to reconstruction, such as the Halliburton Company, its sisters and daughters.

Based on this, it is very clear who is the one benefiting from igniting this war and from the shedding of blood. It is the warlords, the bloodsuckers, who are steering the world policy from behind a curtain.

As for President Bush, the leaders who are revolving in his orbit, the leading media companies and the United Nations, which makes laws for relations between the masters of veto and the slaves of the General Assembly, these are only some of the tools used to deceive and exploit peoples. All these pose a fatal threat to the whole world.

The Zionist lobby is one of the most dangerous and most difficult figures of this group. God willing, we are determined to fight them.

'Reconciliation initiative'
Based on the above, and in order to deny war merchants a chance and in response to the positive interaction shown by recent events and opinion polls, which indicate that most European peoples want peace, I ask honest people, especially ulema, preachers and merchants, to form a permanent committee to enlighten European peoples of the justice of our causes, above all Palestine. They can make use of the huge potential of the media.

The door of reconciliation is open for three months of the date of announcing this statement.

I also offer a reconciliation initiative to them, whose essence is our commitment to stopping operations against every country that commits itself to not attacking Muslims or interfering in their affairs - including the US conspiracy on the greater Muslim world.

This reconciliation can be renewed once the period signed by the first government expires and a second government is formed with the consent of both parties.

The reconciliation will start with the departure of its last soldier from our country.

The door of reconciliation is open for three months of the date of announcing this statement.

For those who reject reconciliation and want war, we are ready.
As for those who want reconciliation, we have given them a chance. Stop shedding our blood so as to preserve your blood. It is in your hands to apply this easy, yet difficult, formula. You know that the situation will expand and increase if you delay things. If this happens, do not blame us - blame yourselves.

A rational person does not relinquish his security, money and children to please the liar of the White House. Had he been truthful about his claim for peace, he would not describe the person who ripped open pregnant women in Sabra and Shatila [reference to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon] and the destroyer of the capitulation process [reference to the Palestinian-Israeli peace process] as a man of peace.

Reality proves our truthfulness and his [George Bush's] lie.
He also would not have lied to people and said that we hate freedom and kill for the sake of killing. Reality proves our truthfulness and his lie.

The killing of the Russians was after their invasion of Afghanistan and Chechnya; the killing of Europeans was after their invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan; and the killing of Americans on the day of New York [reference to 11 September] was after their support of the Jews in Palestine and their invasion of the Arabian Peninsula.

Also, killing them in Somalia was after their invasion of it in Operation Restore Hope. We made them leave without hope, praise be to God.

It is said that prevention is better than cure. A happy person is he who learns a lesson from the experience of others.
Heeding right is better than persisting in falsehood.

Peace be upon those who follow guidance.

Thankfully most of Europe has decline his offer.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 17, 2004 08:54:32 AM new
taken from the WSJ

CNN reports there's little enthusiasm in Europe for the putative bin Laden offer.

Reactions from around the Continent:

"It is completely unthinkable that we could start negotiations with bin Laden. Everyone understands that."--Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini

There can be no negotiating under a "terrorist threat"--European Commission president Romano Prodi

"We can't negotiate with al Qaeda. Their attacks are against the very idea of coexistence and conflict is their raison d'être. To hide in the face of the threat is not an answer. The right response is to continue to confront terrorism, not give in to its demands."--an unnamed British Foreign Office spokesman

"There will be no negotiations with terrorists and serious criminals like Osama bin Laden. The international community must continue the fight against international terrorism together. Germany will continue to contribute to that."--an unnamed German government spokesman

"There can be no possible bargaining with terrorists."--French president Jacques Chirac

So even Jacques Chirac is showing a little backbone. If indeed this is bin Laden--and say, didn't he used to have a video camera?--it seems unlikely he'll have much success in further dividing the U.S.-Europe antiterror alliance, such as it is.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 17, 2004 10:50:07 AM new
Further messages from Bin Ladin only go to prove that he is the target that the Americans should have continued to go for instead of side-tracking to Iraq.

The 9/11 investigations are showing how vulnerable the country really was before the attack. Bush, the CIA and the FBI were all on holiday the month of August and no one was minding the store, so to speak. Messages and warnings were being received but they all turned a blind eye and went on with their own lives. Now Tenet testifies that it will be at least five years before everything is ready to counter another attack. Is that something that we want the enemy to know? They've probably realized it for quite awhile now anyways.

I am all for freedom of speech

Yes you are twelvepole, but only if the speech is in agreement to your thinking. Otherwise posters get accused of lying or being anti-American. Look what you did to me when I tried free speech. You followed me and ridiculed and derided me for more than a year, making up stories and even claiming that someone else was telling me what to say.

You've tried to be a little board bully here for a long time now without success. Do you actually think that those of us who don't agree with you are going to dumb down our minds and change just to please you?

posted on April 17, 2004 12:56:54 PM new
Twelve, I really do believe you're making an effort to show some of that deep down compassion you've been trying to hide for so long. Although you may never become a liberal, I like you better this way.

posted on April 17, 2004 01:08:59 PM new
right on kiara.........i like that term...." chat board bullies ".........excellent, because that is what these hypocrites are,......they are incapable of reason....

as for you linda k....osama is not my leader or friend, he is bush's friend....if you take the time and do some honest research you will notice the Bush family and their connection to the Bin Laden's....they are working together, linda....got it, or is it too much for you to understand, your president is a traitor to the american people, and so are you linda, because you support him, like i said research and you will see the Bush's and Ben Landens they are in bed together on many companies....georgie knows where Osama is, but papa Ben Laden tells the Bush's what to do....don't believe me....find out if you got the guts to find out............
posted on April 17, 2004 01:19:20 PM new
kiara you are anti-american... I made no stories up about you...
Actually you have changed, you no longer wait for a band wagon to jump in... you now jump in all by your little bitty self...

So you see I have actually made you a better board poster and you should be thanking me for it...

Your left leaning is tolerable, however if you're not willing to back your postings then it wasn't really worth saying... now was it?

I have given people options for how to react to offensive pictures... whether they do them or not is of little consquence to me...

Skylite is just some perverted pedophile that enjoys posting little kids pictures...

If you think I am a board bully... LOL only in your little mind...

Best get back to the kitchen dear... I need a cup of coffee...


posted on April 17, 2004 01:32:34 PM new
That's unfair. Kiara is NOT anti-American and most people here can see that. Her wanting to find out the truth about what's going on in the U.S. is admirable. Would you like it better if she was apathetic to what's going on?

You've brought up some great topics that I've enjoyed, Kiara. Don't listen to him.

posted on April 17, 2004 01:49:43 PM new
I would you both better if you brought up topics you actually know something about...

Not the continual BDS that appears from you both....


posted on April 17, 2004 01:59:04 PM new
What's BDS mean?

posted on April 17, 2004 02:02:53 PM new
That's your opinion that I'm anti-American, twelvepole. I'm definitely not. You don't know me or what my feelings really are and you know zip about where I've lived or travelled in my lifetime or who I associate with. I am anti-Bush and I truly believe that one doesn't have to buy into all the crap their government dishes out to them. Sheesh! It's 2004 !

I was posting here and jumping into things long before you ever came onboard here, twelve. So stop patting yourself on the back for what I do or have done. I've got my own mind and that's what pizzes you off the most........ a woman who can actually think for herself. Every woman on this board is very outspoken and can take care of themselves quite well and I think it makes you quiver in your booties.

As for backing my posts I do that also. It's just that you want to know all about my personal life and it's NOYB. Get it?

Kraft is very aware of current affairs and posts some of the most interesting topics here.

BDS.............. Bush's Dirty Secrets.

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