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posted on April 24, 2004 11:59:41 AM new
L:ibra - do you really not understand that here are people that believe in god but find religion to be little more than a coalition of tax exempt industries? Not everyone needs to be told how or where to worship, etc.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on April 24, 2004 12:04:27 PM new
LoL Fenix! You're the coolest!

posted on April 24, 2004 01:45:50 PM new
It's all part of the American Taliban movement.

posted on April 24, 2004 02:23:59 PM new
It's all part of the American Taliban movement.

What's all part of ^^^?
Men and women willing to put their lives on the line to defend this nation? IF so...you've gone over the edge reamond.

And if it's that you feel threatened, in some way, by people of religion in this country.....you aren't recognizing your true enemies. It's not the Christians that will force you to believe the way they believe. It's not the Christians who will slit your throat if you aren't willing to convert and see that their way is the ONLY way to think.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 24, 2004 02:51:30 PM new
Linda, some people see religion as the root of all evil. It conforms people to a standard that's hypocritical and narrow-minded. Even on this board - the most "religious" ones here are so totally myopic, it's scary to listen to them. At least you don't shove your religious views down anyone's throat, but don't be blind to the ones that do in the name of God.

posted on April 24, 2004 03:00:01 PM new
Well each to his own opinion and I really don't think it required that statement. It's to bad that people cant see past the blinders on their eyes. There are boys who will defend their country and give their lives.
This was my response to your word "waste". I was thoroughlly shocked to see that one word as I am sure others were also. Read any of the 3 definations of waste in the dictionary and this young man was none of them.

There are many dedicated service men and women in the USA who would and do give their lives in war and I am sure they don't think that their life was a waste. Waste to me is some piece of trash and those men and women aren't.

I hope this gives you an idea what I thought of that word....

You would think I would know how to do the brackets by now
[ edited by Libra63 on Apr 24, 2004 03:02 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2004 03:08:57 PM new
Don't die for your country, make the other guy die for his country, that's how you win wars.

posted on April 24, 2004 03:27:23 PM new
Before the start of the draft, commissioner Paul Tagliabue paid tribute to Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinals safety who gave up his NFL career to serve as an Army Ranger and was killed this week in Afghanistan.

“Pat Tillman personified the best values of America and of the National Football League,” Tagliabue said, flanked by five Marines. “Like other men and women protecting our freedom around the globe, he made the ultimate sacrifice and gave his life for his country.”

A moment of silence then was held in Tillman’s honor, after which the crowd at Madison Square Garden chanted “U-S-A, U-S-A.”

posted on April 24, 2004 03:33:17 PM new
KD - In THIS country people have the constitutional RIGHT to practice their religion ...no matter how many think they shouldn't be allowed to do so. Or no matter how many oppose the teaching of their [collectively] churches.

But to even hint there is no difference between religions that try to convert people to their beliefs, vs people who demand you do so or you die....is nuts.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 24, 2004 03:37:01 PM new
Libra, maybe his death(not his life)was a waste of a potentially valuble person to society?

(Hows that? :0 )

posted on April 24, 2004 03:47:43 PM new
But to even hint there is no difference between religions that try to convert people to their beliefs, vs people who demand you do so or you die....is nuts.

So when christians blow up a federal building or kill a doctor or beat a homosexual to death it is not a "join or die" proposition ? Tell that to the dead.

We have christian churches that preach hate and suborn violence all the time here in the US. Two manistream preachers even said that 9-11 was due to sinners and non-chriatians here in America offending god.

We have a christian preacher here in the US that graduated from Bob Jones University ( you know that fundy college that Bush visits) and preachers death to homosexuals everyday. He was at that homosexual's funeral holding a sign that he was in hell and deserved to die.

You can't support the notion that the christian findementalists are any better than the Taliban. The facts will not support you.

posted on April 24, 2004 04:34:43 PM new
Libra, so you're saying that me using the word "waste" made you that angry even after I explained my position and how I meant it? If so, your opinion seems narrow-minded to me.

Linda, I'm not sure what you mean in your post. Sure anyone can practice their own religion but again, the problem is the conformity one must adhere to belong to the group. If all these "religious" people were so into God, they wouldn't act anywhere close to the way they do now.

posted on April 24, 2004 04:54:50 PM new
I understand "waste" can also mean "not used up fully" and that's how I feel about the lives of the young soldiers dying. If this young man showed so much potential at 27 imagine what he may have accomplished if he lived until 97 (and no, their are no guarantees).

I think Bunni said it very well and it's something for all to ponder.

I think when people start believing that no regret should be shown at the loss of one of our soldier's lives "because they died for what they believed in," they need to step back, take a deep breath, and give some more thought to their own beliefs. Because something is very wrong with that attitude.

posted on April 24, 2004 05:07:09 PM new
I agree with you Kiara. Bunni's posts are always food for thought.

It's funny how a word like "waste" shouldn't be used when a young soldier is involved, yet the same people go nuts if an embryo is distroyed because of the "wasted" life.

[ edited by kraftdinner on Apr 24, 2004 05:09 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2004 05:30:47 PM new
Okay enough of the crap and crap I mean by SH$$. All I was trying to do was trying to explain to KD, because she asked me, why I got so upset, (Angry is a word I don't use). and of course all her cronies had to come in and put their two cents worth but remember in canada the price would be different. You don't like intruders to come into your private area to express opinions because heaven knows they might be right.
Waste to me means rubbish, trash. No good, wasted. I am sorry that you can't see that. I want to say one more thing before I exit this area. It is said on MSNBC, check it out if you don't think I am right, that this young man was going to relist because of his beliefs in America. The problem with most people here (round table) they have no belief in America. Most have tunnel vision There are trolls here that stir up the pot just to see the fireworks and you know who you are. So have fun in your round table with your tiny little group that doesn't dare to disagree with you because if they do they will gang up on you. You say you are debating, ya right. Rest assured I will not be back to read your answers....I can't believe the people who call themselves American can protest as much as they do but since this is america it can be done. Also one more thing Vendio gave us a spell checker to check spelling before posting and there are people in here that should use it.

posted on April 24, 2004 06:13:27 PM new

Just step back and relax a bit. To me the word "waste" in this context just means "loss" of a young man's life who had something to look forward too, like so many others.

Also one more thing Vendio gave us a spell checker to check spelling before posting and there are people in here that should use it.

Since no one gets brownie points for consistent good spelling around here its not a good idea to complain about others. I hate to say it but you should check yours out.

Just a sampling from your posts in this one thread.







And as far as the troll part I don't see any so once again step back and compose yourself before you go flying off the handle.

The future has taken root in the present.
posted on April 24, 2004 06:33:32 PM new
Libra - do us all a favor and shove your self righteous bullsh*t up your *ss. I have been reading all of this crap you have posted time and time again because you did not like a choice of words despite being told over and over again that it was you who was misinterpretinng it's intended meaning. Krafty is not going to change what she meanns just because you explain a dozen times rather than just 11 what her word meant to you. If you cannot accept that you misinterpreted her meaning then just move on.

It's unfortunate that you are so rigid in your belief system that you find it incredulous that others that others can hold some identical beliefs without duplicating your methodology but it's time to grow up and realize it is true.

People can be against this war and against this president and still love this country. In fact it is in most cases BECAUSE they love this country that they hold those beliefs. One does not form opinions on things they do not give a damn about.

~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
[ edited by fenix03 on Apr 24, 2004 06:58 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2004 06:37:51 PM new
Hmmm........ I've been here for awhile and never thought that threads were exclusive only to certain posters that agree on everything or have identical beliefs. Obviously someone is reading something into what is written and getting bent out of shape because they don't see the different interpretations of a word.

Yes, his death was a shame. Yes, most regret it. It's unfortunate as he had potential to do many things within his lifetime. Perhaps he would have had a military career for the rest of his life and devoted all of his life to helping others. That's what I meant when I posted my last message.

Canada has lost some of their soldiers in Afghanistan also, these wars affect us all.


Yikes! A manifesto! Where's Krafty?

posted on April 24, 2004 06:44:28 PM new
Found a new place for Kiara, Kraft and Helen to all lay down...


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
[ edited by Twelvepole on Apr 24, 2004 06:52 PM ]
posted on April 24, 2004 06:51:25 PM new
To try and silence another viewpoint just diminishes us all in the end.

The future has taken root in the present.
posted on April 24, 2004 06:54:59 PM new
Says you... I disagree with that statement.

Disagreements are ok, but when you continually support my enemy... you become my enemy.


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on April 24, 2004 07:06:34 PM new
It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more “manhood” to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. Toughness is in the soul & spirit, not in muscles & an immature mind. — Alex Karras

posted on April 24, 2004 07:10:15 PM new
We're all in God's hands and when it's your time, it's your time. A drunk driver, tornado or heart attack can kill you just as dead as a bullet from the taliban.

We're all going to die. I figure, if I'm lucky, I've got less than 40 years before I kick the bucket. The old timers on this board probably have much less time left. Life is short and it's not such a bad thing to lose your life trying to make the world a better place.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on April 24, 2004 07:17:01 PM new
Perhaps he would have had a military career for the rest of his life and devoted all of his life to helping others.

That's exactly what he did. He lost his life bringing freedom to Afghanistan.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on April 24, 2004 07:19:19 PM new
I shall continue to encourage debate and opposing viewpoints as the truth lies somewhere between the two.
Last time I looked the only enemy was Bin Laden and his ilk.

The future has taken root in the present.
posted on April 24, 2004 07:38:21 PM new
LMAO Fenix!!

Twelve, what's up with your latest "casket" obsession? Have the latest pictures of the American soldiers caskets sparked your imagination or something? Are we supposed to be afraid of you now? Do the pictures imply you mean business, or have you just run out of swear words? Are you more afraid of Twelve now, Kiara & Helen?

Ebayauctionguy & Kiara, you're right on. He died for a noble cause.

Trai -

posted on April 24, 2004 07:48:10 PM new
Oh it's ok to show brave soliders caskets but not caskets I wish were occupied by you and the other two?

After all your supporting of the taliban and insurgents... that's all you deserve.


It's too bad that their blindness can't see they are killing more soldiers than President Bush ever has... Protest Loud and Proud! Your fellow taliban and insurgents are rejoicing at the support...
posted on April 24, 2004 08:04:01 PM new
reamond - So when christians blow up a federal building or kill a doctor or beat a homosexual to death it is not a "join or die" proposition ? Tell that to the dead.

Where did you get the opinion that any Christian church/organization etc....called for blowing up a federal building or the other deeds you refer to?
That's simply just not true.

There are individuals who may or may not follow their Churches teachings that do horrible deeds. And there are those that continue to insist others are Christians....when they're atheists.

There are a few bad apples in any group. But that's not the same as saying their religious organizations call for these acts. They don't. -----------------------

Libra - Remember what I said about thick skin? It's hard to read others say his life was wasted. I understand how it feels and sounds and I agree it wasn't. Some refuse to recognize these brave people chose this path. But please don't take it so personally....this board is just a general representation of how divided our country is. Strong feelings on both sides of a lot of the issues.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 24, 2004 08:13:12 PM new
Vendio gave us a spell checker to check spelling before posting and there are people in here that should use it.

My excuse :

Vendio's spell checker isn't compatible with my webtv unit.....and I know I'm probably the worst speller on here. When I use my PC it does....but I prefer to post from the comfort of my bed or my sofa.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on April 24, 2004 08:14:20 PM new
You total clown, Twelve. In retaliation for disagreeing with you, you now say we support the Taliban & insurgents. Like, how brilliant is that?

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