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posted on June 7, 2004 04:25:08 PM new
Cuba lambasts says former President Ronald Reagan should ``never have been born''

God, thats a really awful thing for a country to have put in print!

If he was sooo damn awful as a President, for all you that are putting him down, why did he get TWO terms

Doesn't matter, I agree with the saying

Not to speak ill of the dead

He's gone.
posted on June 7, 2004 04:38:57 PM new
The sad thing is, the Round Table lefties' comments about Ronald Reagan are not much different than Communist Cuba's.

"I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it."
posted on June 7, 2004 04:45:27 PM new
why did he get TWO terms

Hitler and Stalin got multiple terms too. Reagan and his side kick Deavers would be the first to tell you that the public can be fooled with a slick media blitz.

comments about Ronald Reagan are not much different than Communist Cuba's.

And you agree with the positive comments from Russian commies ?

Maggie Thatcher said Reagan had nothing between his ears, and she is a conservative.

posted on June 7, 2004 04:55:52 PM new
Hilter's dead. Should we not speak ill of him? Why aren't people supposed to say bad things about he dead? They don't care.

posted on June 7, 2004 05:14:51 PM new
please, how can you possibly compare Hitler and Ronald Reagan??????

Hitler and Stalin got multiple terms too.

Again..... what? Reagan was elected, and NOT 'selected' as you all love to say. Go back and check what the voting stats were for the first and second terms, was anything funny going on? No

Let the man Rest in Peace.

posted on June 7, 2004 05:30:46 PM new


"Helen... that is what I was referring to:
the "respectful silence".

"The way I was raised this was just called "good manners". Something that seems to be sorely lacking in our society today."

"I probably shouldn't have referred to it as "class".

"I didn't actually mean that everyone here RESPECTED him. I guess I just didn't phrase it very well. I apologize."

TnErnie, Sorry if I misunderstood your intent. My southern mama would smack me upside the head for speaking ill of the dead so I understand your concern about manners. On the other hand, many here would like to use that consideration about manners as an excuse to advance their political agenda by silencing the opposition. I could write more on why I dislike Reagan but since you responded with apparent sincerity, I'll sit on my hands...for awhile at least.

Thanks for your response.


[ edited by Helenjw on Jun 7, 2004 05:33 PM ]
posted on June 7, 2004 05:39:42 PM new
Helen, you've had years to say what you wanted about Ronald Reagan. How bad a President he was, WHATEVER, but I've rarely seen anything posted about him.

I highly doubt anyone is trying to use this as an excuse to advance their political agenda by silencing the opposition.

He passed on, he is no longer of this earth, he's gone. People around this country are really greiving over this.

Your mama was right. And so was mine.
posted on June 7, 2004 05:45:35 PM new
Come on Near. I'm certainly not comparing Reagan to Hitler. I'm not talking about Reagan as a person, I'm talking about his Presidency - some will think he was a good President, some won't. Whether he's alive or dead should make no difference in how his Presidency is viewed.

posted on June 7, 2004 05:48:58 PM new
Also Near, I think the reaction from Cuba was distasteful but I also wonder what Americans would say if Castro died?

posted on June 7, 2004 07:26:57 PM new
Sure, it's sad when someone passes. However, that does not erase the things he did (good and bad) in his lifetime. If a person didn't speak good of him while he was alive, why should that person speak good of him now that he is dead?

A vast majority of his politics, I didn't agree with. Reagon-omics. Remember that term? It's still used today to describe the economy when it's a real mess. The Regan/Bush years. Remember those? Back-to-back presidential mistakes. Those mistakes are not erased from people's minds just because Regan died. I know many republicans who thought Regan was a nice man, but who also thought that his politics left a lot to be desired.

If you didn't sing his praises while he was alive, you'd be a hypocrit to sing them now when he's dead. It's about "truth", bear - being true to what you believe in and what you feel. There's nothing "right" or "left" about that at all. There's just something "human" about it.

[ edited by cblev65252 on Jun 7, 2004 07:27 PM ]
posted on June 7, 2004 07:33:52 PM new
Reagan's 8 years were very good for me and my business and my personal income, but let's remember that it isn't any President who makes us a success or failure, it is ourselves. Some of you people speak on "long lines at the unemployment office", "long cheese lines" among other things. The people in those lines are usually losers and those who refuse any job they get because they are not high paying and have no benefits, they all want to start at the top. If you people had any brains you'd know it's within you yourself to be a success or failure, and has nothing to do with any president or leader.

posted on June 7, 2004 07:52:31 PM new

We'll all take some of what you've been smoking. Helen (or Dave), I do think I need you to step in here. . .I'm too tired tonight to argue the ignorant statements made here.

posted on June 7, 2004 10:35:37 PM new
Hmmmmmmmmmmm, lets see;

When Ronald Reagan was elected what was happening in the world? Does anyone really remember?

Double digit inflation, outrageous gas prices, a supposed President (yes, i mean the peanut man, Jimmy Carter) allowing our citizens to rot in Iran, stagnation of our national economy, the highest unemployment rates since the great depression, the threat of the USSR.

He fixed those things, people-I do not care what the liberal wing-nuts may say here, but he fixed them. He initiated programs, set guidelines, spoke what was on his mind. I remember these times very well. Apparently those liberal history books have taken hold of some people here.

NTS, Bear and others, just remember that these are the same people who also hold the Kennedy's in high esteem, though they got their wealth from bootlegging booze and leaving ladies to drown near bridges. And they worship JFK, who was nothing but a forshadowing of what Clinton was. They will do anything to re-write history, but those of us who lived it can tell the truth. Let them blather their senseless mutterings- it will make no difference.

God bless your family, President Reagan, and thank you for your service to our great nation.

In Christ,

Genesis 1:1

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on June 8, 2004 04:56:46 AM new
Double digit inflation and unemployment was under Reagan.

allowing our citizens to rot in Iran- and Reagan's team cutting a deal with Iran to release them when Reagan took office. Remember Reagan giving arms to Iran ?

the highest unemployment rates since the great depression - again under Reagan's watch.

the threat of the USSR. - How could such a debased system be a threat ?

He fixed those things, people-I do not care what the liberal wing-nuts may say here, but he fixed them. - No he did not. These things were not fixed until Clinton's policies were instituted.

posted on June 8, 2004 07:08:23 AM new
No matter what bologny you try to espout, reamond, you will never be able to change historical fact: you've never been able to. Go ahead back to your little liberal island of half truths and conned facts, while we mourn a truly great man.

In Christ,

Genesis 1:1

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on June 8, 2004 07:56:30 AM new

Great President Reagan quotes here.

In Christ,

Genesis 1:1

"I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I do not accept His claim to be God." That is one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic....or else he would be the devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God: or else a madman or something worse. You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about His being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to."
C.S. Lewis: "Mere Christianity"
posted on June 8, 2004 11:30:44 AM new
Reagan was a strawman, all puff and not one iota of substance.

But I am shocked that ChristianCoffee thinks so highly of Ronnie and Nancy Reagan since they both practiced Astrology. They even used an Astrologer to schedule and OK appointments and meetings with world leaders.

It is just like a christian to naively adore a politician when his public persona exhibits the christian ethos, but deep down and out of the public eye Ron and Nancy were pagan followers of planetary alignments.

posted on June 8, 2004 04:39:58 PM new
Left wing-nut, hehehe, that describes them well. Reamond and kraftdinner are the type of gutless wonders that wait until a fighter is down and then step in and kick him.

Thanks to all the PC limp wrists for listing the things I should just be opposed to for no definite reason, just because they are for it is good enough. Your skillfully constructed whines and the fact that PRESIDENT REAGAN didn't please you are sufficient for me.


posted on June 8, 2004 06:31:36 PM new
Right wing wackos blindly adore the stuffed shirt Reagan.

But I am curious about all of you Reagan lovers who are so mad about us telling the truth about Reagan after he dies -- Why have you never brought up this great president before here on the RT ? Why no one starting a thread extrolling the boundless virtues of Ronnie ?

I guess Reagan wasn't worth mentioning until he died.

BTW-- I have expressed the same facts about Reagan when he was alive and in office.

posted on June 8, 2004 08:07:33 PM new
Not Even a Hedgehog
The stupidity of Ronald Reagan.
By Christopher Hitchens
Posted Monday, June 7, 2004, at 10:03 AM PT

Neither a fox nor a hedgehog

Not long ago, I was invited to be the specter at the feast during "Ronald Reagan Appreciation Week" at Wabash College in Indiana. One of my opponents was Dinesh D'Souza: He wasn't the only one who maintained that Reagan had been historically vindicated by the wreckage of the Soviet Union. Some of us on the left had also been very glad indeed to see the end of the Russian empire and the Cold War. But nothing could make me forget what the Reagan years had actually been like.

Ronald Reagan claimed that the Russian language had no word for "freedom." (The word is "svoboda"; it's quite well attested in Russian literature.) Ronald Reagan said that intercontinental ballistic missiles (not that there are any non-ballistic missiles—a corruption of language that isn't his fault) could be recalled once launched. Ronald Reagan said that he sought a "Star Wars" defense only in order to share the technology with the tyrants of the U.S.S.R. Ronald Reagan professed to be annoyed when people called it "Star Wars," even though he had ended his speech on the subject with the lame quip, "May the force be with you." Ronald Reagan used to alarm his Soviet counterparts by saying that surely they'd both unite against an invasion from Mars. Ronald Reagan used to alarm other constituencies by speaking freely about the "End Times" foreshadowed in the Bible. In the Oval Office, Ronald Reagan told Yitzhak Shamir and Simon Wiesenthal, on two separate occasions, that he himself had assisted personally at the liberation of the Nazi death camps.

There was more to Ronald Reagan than that. Reagan announced that apartheid South Africa had "stood beside us in every war we've ever fought," when the South African leadership had been on the other side in the most recent world war. Reagan allowed Alexander Haig to greenlight the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, fired him when that went too far and led to mayhem in Beirut, then ran away from Lebanon altogether when the Marine barracks were bombed, and then unbelievably accused Tip O'Neill and the Democrats of "scuttling." Reagan sold heavy weapons to the Iranian mullahs and lied about it, saying that all the weapons he hadn't sold them (and hadn't traded for hostages in any case) would, all the same, have fit on a small truck. Reagan then diverted the profits of this criminal trade to an illegal war in Nicaragua and lied unceasingly about that, too. Reagan then modestly let his underlings maintain that he was too dense to understand the connection between the two impeachable crimes. He then switched without any apparent strain to a policy of backing Saddam Hussein against Iran. (If Margaret Thatcher's intelligence services had not bugged Oliver North in London and become infuriated because all European nations were boycotting Iran at Reagan's request, we might still not know about this.)

One could go on. I only saw him once up close, which happened to be when he got a question he didn't like. Was it true that his staff in the 1980 debates had stolen President Carter's briefing book? (They had.) The famously genial grin turned into a rictus of senile fury: I was looking at a cruel and stupid lizard. His reply was that maybe his staff had, and maybe they hadn't, but what about the leak of the Pentagon Papers? Thus, a secret theft of presidential documents was equated with the public disclosure of needful information. This was a man never short of a cheap jibe or the sort of falsehood that would, however laughable, buy him some time.

The fox, as has been pointed out by more than one philosopher, knows many small things, whereas the hedgehog knows one big thing. Ronald Reagan was neither a fox nor a hedgehog. He was as dumb as a stump. He could have had anyone in the world to dinner, any night of the week, but took most of his meals on a White House TV tray. He had no friends, only cronies. His children didn't like him all that much. He met his second wife—the one that you remember—because she needed to get off a Hollywood blacklist and he was the man to see. Year in and year out in Washington, I could not believe that such a man had even been a poor governor of California in a bad year, let alone that such a smart country would put up with such an obvious phony and loon.

Christopher Hitchens is a columnist for Vanity Fair. His latest book, Blood, Class and Empire, is out in paperback.

posted on June 9, 2004 03:17:50 PM new
One thing puzzles me, Reamond. If somebody 'dumb as a stump' can get elected president, why aren't you?

posted on June 9, 2004 03:32:22 PM new
Great Post parklane!!

posted on June 9, 2004 03:59:56 PM new

It would be a good tribute but Bush will never approve.

Nancy Reagan Outspoken on Stem Cell Research

As president, Ronald Reagan banned federal funding for any biomedical research that used fetal tissue. Yet in the last month of his life, Mrs. Reagan -- already working behind the scenes to promote stem-cell work -- went public with her support.
"I don't see how we can turn our backs on this," she told a Hollywood diabetes fund raiser May 8. "I am determined to do whatever I can."

Political conservatives and many anti-abortion groups generally oppose stem-cell research because it requires destruction of human embryos only days old. In 2001, President Bush signed an executive order that limits federally funded research to a handful of existing embryonic stem cell lines.

Mrs. Reagan's support for the controversial research -- which could dramatically impact treatment of diabetes, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries and Alzheimer's disease -- puts her in the forefront of shifting political opinion on the issue. Last Friday, the day before Ronald Reagan died, a majority of the Senate -- 44 Democrats and 14 Republicans -- sent a letter to President Bush urging that stem-cell research restrictions be eased. A similar letter was sent last month by 206 House members, 12 short of a majority.

Nancy Reagan herself wrote Bush three years ago, saying that stem-cell research could be part of her husband's legacy.

"Maybe one of the small blessings that will come from (Reagan's) passing will be a greater opportunity for Nancy to work on this issue, which of course means so much to her," said one of the Republican senators signing the letter, Orrin Hatch of Utah. "I believe that it's going to be pretty tough for anybody not to have empathy for her feelings on this issue."

posted on June 10, 2004 10:34:37 AM new
One thing puzzles me, Reamond. If somebody 'dumb as a stump' can get elected president, why aren't you?

That's a pretty stupid question. I guess thta's why NearTheSea liked it.
Are you that naive on how the republican election process works ?

You can't be "dumb as a stump" and get elected if you're a Democrat.

[ edited by Reamond on Jun 10, 2004 10:36 AM ]
posted on June 10, 2004 11:47:35 AM new
Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan,Worship Reagan

posted on June 10, 2004 01:53:22 PM new
"Ronald Reagan had a higher claim than any other leader to have won the Cold War for liberty and he did it without a shot being fired. To have achieved so much against such odds and with such humor and humanity made Ronald Reagan a truly great American hero." --Margaret Thatcher

How different this quote from Margaret Thatcher is than what your post quotes her as saying about President Reagan, reamond.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 02:17:28 PM new
Tens of thousands of people standing in line - paying their respect to him and what he accomplished as our President.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 02:24:18 PM new
Oh for pete's sake Linda! Most of those people haven't a clue what Reagan did or didn't do! They've probably never heard words like union buster and Iran-Contra. They are just part of the herd that does what everybody else is doing...and let's face it..people like a little drama in their lives...if the World Series was on now you'd get a fraction of the people in line.
You're seeing the herd on TV ...remember the majority is at home.

posted on June 10, 2004 02:38:14 PM new
LOL - crowfarm - So you're another leftie that doesn't like hearing/reading the facts - it appears.

No surprise there...it seems to be a common demoninator with lefties...revising history is more acceptable to them and totally denouncing anything any Republican does that was in the best interests of our nation. Ronald Reagan loved this country and served it well....both as Governor of CA and during his two terms as President.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 10, 2004 02:45:39 PM new

All those people there means very little. Sure, I would have gone even though the man's politics left a lot to be desired. Not to sound morbid, but seeing a president (dead or alive) is a thrill for a lot of people. Some of those in line aren't old enough to possibly understand the politics of Reagan's day. Yes, he did some good. Yes, he was an eloquent speaker (he was an actor you know). But, he took credit for things he didn't deserve to take credit for. He buddied up to Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. He supplied arms to the very people we have to fight today. How different things might have been had he not supplied chemical weapons to Hussein.

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