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posted on June 20, 2004 09:09:49 PM new
kiara - For as long as you say you've been on these boards...you sure have a huge case of denial going there. Many have been 'outted' with using more than one userid. Don't think you're fooling those of us who know better than that.

But your continuing sarcasm is always enjoyable.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 09:13:08 PM new
Don't think you're fooling those of us who know better than that.

Linda, are you also now accusing me and Kraft of being the same person here?

posted on June 20, 2004 09:20:46 PM new
Maybe you'd like to show me where in the world you're getting that from.

Many have posted here using duplicate userids. That's a FACT.
I only 'outted' one person and that was a friend of helen's - someone she so admired. And he himself admitted to doing so and that was years ago.

Many over the years have made that accusation about other posters they suspect. Are you saying I made that one about you and KD? I certainly hope not....because I'd have no way of knowing if that were true or not, would I?

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 09:31:41 PM new
I mentioned in my first post that a couple of people here have accused me of also being Kraft. Then you addressed me and followed up with:

Don't think you're fooling those of us who know better than that.

So it sounded like you were accusing me of being Kraft also.

Over the years I have recognized quite a few posters who have used more than one ID at Vendio, in fact I discussed this with Helen very recently here.

I don't believe crowfarm is posting as anyone else here.

posted on June 20, 2004 09:35:19 PM new
So...it's a little paranoia on your part now, huh?

I've been accused of the same thing. Just rolls off my back because *I* know it's not true. And if anyone else thinks it is that's THEIR problem...not mine.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 10:10:09 PM new
Linda, there is a post in the EO. Very empathic and helpful doncha know it? Something to the effect: "... and then i go to post as kabuki-wooki and realize i am not signed in as kabuki-wooki....

What a pain! oh me, oh my, now I have to sign out, sign in, refind the page, scroll down.. but its not like im a sociopath or anything-honest! Any now for my speech as boopie-boo: For democracy's sake of our..er,um..your Country...let us all unite!!


ed: for spelling and to refine the speech.

[ edited by neroter12 on Jun 20, 2004 10:28 PM ]
posted on June 20, 2004 10:42:16 PM new

I've been here way too long and have read the games that are played via private emails with one another and then posting here in what used to be called the AW Round Table to fool - bate other posters to loose their 'cool'. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if it were still going on. I just don't worry about it nor discuss it with others behind the scene. It's childish behavior, imo.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 10:50:43 PM new
Linda, there is a post in the EO. Very empathic and helpful doncha know it? Something to the effect: "... and then i go to post as kabuki-wooki and realize i am not signed in as kabuki-wooki....

In case anyone doesn't understand neroter12's "secret" (haha) message to Linda it was a thread in the Outlook where someone asked about starting another seller ID.

We were discussing separate Vendio accounts for ebay seller IDs. I sell under different ebay IDs and for two of them I use Vendio so I registered those two names with Vendio as well as my "kiara" name. But Vendio will block the other two from posting messages in the forums so if I am signed into Sales Manager or Image Hosting and doing my auctions but also checking the boards and then forget and try to post helping someone ID jewelry for instance, I get a message that says that "access is denied" or something to that effect. So my messages here are always by only one ID, the kiara one.

Most people that use Vendio with several accounts know about this and cannot post to the forums. If neroter12 thinks otherwise or that I'm being dishonest and posting under multiple IDs such as the other day when she accused me of also being Kraft, perhaps she can contact Diana or someone else at Vendio and they can explain how it works.

When I recently started another ID and requested this I received this message back from Vendio.


No problem, it has been blocked from posting in the message boards.

Best Regards,

Vendio Customer Service

I've edited out the URL to the thread in respect to the original poster because I didn't realize that they had since edited information to protect themselves. Anything I posted there is explained above and remains in the original thread unedited.

[ edited by kiara on Jun 21, 2004 12:56 AM ]
posted on June 20, 2004 10:57:13 PM new
And all that 'news' eliminates the ability of one person, who maybe doesn't use Vendio services - like me, from registering twice [or more] using different credit cards? I don't think so. Or one account with Vendio services and another private - non-user.

It's possible.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 11:03:56 PM new
Linda, I was explaining neroter12's post about numerous IDs here. Yes, I'm sure if someone wants to they can register multiple IDs at Vendio just to play games.

But like I mentioned the other day, it seems that sooner or later if they post long enough their true personality will come out. Perhaps it's a certain expression they use or just their way of writing or spelling.

posted on June 20, 2004 11:09:45 PM new
Linda, yah, I agree - very childish. I dont know what pookie-poo said but Im sure its wonderful and utterly believable like, "Stamp out republican's or the true synonym, you know - communistist's- or some crap its got twisted in its own mind...lol..

posted on June 20, 2004 11:44:14 PM new
kiara said: Yes, I'm sure if someone wants to they can register multiple IDs at Vendio just to play games.

That's what I said. They can and some probably do...wouldn't surprise me one bit. Hope that is clear.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 11:45:11 PM new
okay, I will unblock Kiara to see what she has to say to me. Yep. See, knew it was wonderfully enlightening....

Kiara, I think you should rename yourself the 'drudge report' always drudging things up and people into your posts that dont particuarly want to be brought into them.

This has to be the last time for me in the turkey fights here. If I want high drama, I will go watch a good movie -- or at least get paid for contributing and writing to one !

posted on June 20, 2004 11:54:11 PM new
I KNOW I must be missing something here.

And with all the posts that were edited on that link heaven only knows what was said. Reminds me of helen's old posts.....blank.

BUT.....neroter - IF you would just accept that kiara is always right...never wrong....things will go more smoothly for you here.

The key is to always agree with helen and kiara. That way they quickly accept you. To disagree on even ONE issue will send you into a waste land you'll never get out of.

Re-elect President Bush!!
posted on June 20, 2004 11:57:39 PM new
It was clear the first time, Linda. Believe it or not, I was agreeing with you for goodness sakes.

neroter12, you were the one that stepped into this conversation and started making accusations about me, I didn't drudge you up and I don't consider a conversation a turkey fight.
[ edited by kiara on Jun 21, 2004 01:02 AM ]
posted on June 21, 2004 12:00:47 AM new
Linda, the posts that were deleted in that thread were informational posts that the original poster didn't want to leave there because of personal reasons that may affect her selling on ebay, it had nothing to do with the rest of us at all. I didn't return to the thread and didn't realize until now that she had edited.

Edited to explain.

[ edited by kiara on Jun 21, 2004 01:09 AM ]
posted on June 21, 2004 12:31:59 AM new
Kiara, you nut job! Still trying to drag me into your lonely untitilated ahem! -conversations. Get a man or an instrument or something, babe.

1. You stated you were not kraft in the other thread. ok, fine. accepted. move on. No, you have bring it up in an unrelated thread five days later. Ever hear the term "thou protest too much?"

2. I at one time asked where you were because I mistakenly thought you were a nice person and contributed something valuable to these threads. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You're just a another troll with nothing better to do than rehash the same crap over.... and ....over and over.......

Do you have any clue how annoying you are? Yes, Im sure you do...you live for this $@#$#$!!

posted on June 21, 2004 01:14:47 AM new
Nero, I seldom even start a thread here anymore at the RT for fear you will go off on me and think I have some other motive. I seldom post in the Outlook anymore either. The way you follow me and make accusations is getting a bit too creepy for my liking.

posted on June 21, 2004 05:36:13 AM new
Hello Bear & Linda_K, to make all your blah blah clear TO MOST PEOPLE. My life and America was better off under Clinton. Remember this, when Clinton lied nobody DIED.


posted on June 21, 2004 08:36:58 AM new
Hi Linda, thanks for posting. I didnt even see your post until now. You and I are like Bill Maher (yeah i know sp - from NJ what do you want?) and Ann Coulter. How are they possibly friends???

Funny thing if I was going to (can you say self grandioseness?)"stalk" somebody there are about 10 different people I find way more interesting and with much more personality-than that trifling thing! I have her on ignore and have since I posted a question to Cheryl which she immediatly swooped in to give me her opinion. I think she's jealous of the daily snit-fest you and Helen got going on, and wants to recruit me as her own personal nemesis. ha. fat chance. I cant really work up that much of an interest in her drivel, so I will of course, relinquish the sick pup back to ignore. Its friggin boring - all this wasted energy on the past the past the past. Its like she needs to get a smack her upside the head like a stuck record player so she can get out of the archieves and into the present.

I will tell you this I don't know how you do it day in day out!! But I do have to say I admire your steadfastness to what you believe. You give any of them a run for their money every day! And sadly my opinion is that is what is missing with the democratic party. A true core believe system. (ok, bigpeepa - not talking about you! I can see your heart is in the right place :0 )

I wish it could be a mind invigorating debate if it was just about the issues but it never can be can it?

posted on June 21, 2004 08:49:25 AM new
How did a book review turn into a cat fight?

Because people do use and post with multiple IDs...

I once thought that kraft and kiara were one and the same, but one lives in BC and the other in Toronto or some eastern city...

But crowfarm is turning into another original troll...

Date Joined: February 13, 2000 07:20:17 AM
Message Center Posts: 108

Yeah, quite the original poster...


posted on June 21, 2004 10:00:35 AM new
Twelvepole posted, "But crowfarm is turning into another original troll...

Date Joined: February 13, 2000 07:20:17 AM
Message Center Posts: 108

Yeah, quite the original poster...

Why? "

Twelve, who the heck are you to investigate ME?
What are you the Vendio police?
WHAT exactly did you prove, oh wise one, by showing the date I registered.....Going to mess with my auctions???? What other reasons would there be?
All it proves is that I'm registered and have the backbone to post in my original ID.
Maybe I was foolish to do that with people like you in here!

Back off NOW!

[ edited by crowfarm on Jun 21, 2004 10:03 AM ]
posted on June 21, 2004 10:42:11 AM new

Linda, why do you identify someone as "a friend of Helen's that she so admired"? Are you so cowardly that you can't call anyone by their name? I have no idea who you "outed" as you say. But if I once admired a friend, that is probably a good indication that I still admire that friend. I suggest that you reread whatever you write....could save you some embarrassment.

Why are you always relating every silly action that you take with me? Gee, I'm beginning to feel like Clinton.

Seriously, Linda Give us a break. Your dumb and unfounded accusations are going way over the top.


posted on June 21, 2004 10:48:40 AM new
Twelve, maybe you have the energy or interest go back tracing...I sure dont, but wasnt it Kraft who was questioning Helen about multiple ID's? I seem to remember it that way.

Kiara sure needs to get an original idea. AA stalks fluffy so natch she's gotta rate a stalker, too. Yeah, right.

You want fear, Kiara? Go have somebody post and repost your selling ID here and see how you feel about listing knowing there are trolls abound. You're the creep. I have no desire to follow you or your auctions and have made every effort to co-exist with you on these boards where our posts to the same threads happen to be without telling you anything, or even worrying who the hell you are aside from when you start judging everybody else. You continue draggin something I said into your posts. You *SO* have nothing else to think about...now you need something to fear too, huh?? Again, get a man. Find it somewhere else. Do something. Right now I need the income and your true colors of "delighting" in interferring with that process with your continual bullcrap posts is open for anyone to see it for what it is - and I really can only pity the likes of you. Sorry to disappoint you, but there's nothing about you that invokes a stalker in me. And there's certainly alot more interesting and way more important people worthy of my attention should I get into the stalking thing in the future.

You'd have to a real novice to the internet to think people dont use multiple ID's. But were all supposed to be so stupid about it?

posted on June 21, 2004 10:50:48 AM new
When someone like neroter12 comes out of the blue with the rude comments like she did last night about me getting a man it's usually a projection of their dissatisfaction with their own sex life.

Threads can easily be dragged out of the Vendio archives by anyone here who feels the need to prove that accusations against them are false.

I've learned over time that anyone who has to constantly announce that they are "supposedly" taking a person off ignore only to respond to them with insults and then announce they are putting them back on ignore is having more than a few problems.

Like I said last night, Nero........ when you start making wild accusations such as you have about me when you tilted off-balance in the lamp thread and then follow me from thread to thread continuing the behaviour I find it very creepy.

posted on June 21, 2004 10:54:45 AM new
Helen, you may as well give up.....look what happened to me. Big Ed Schultz was right, the Republicans will stoop to anything.

Bush "outed" a CIA agent because her husband criticized the administration. He didn't care that this could very well end up with her death along with many of her contacts'.
I bet ALL Republicans are so disappointed that she hasn't been murdered so far...that would teach her husband a lesson in free speech in America....not to criticize the present regime...you know, like the Communists.
The Neo-cons on this board have been successful, too. I will no longer post for fear of interference in my auctions because unlike them I had the backbone to post in my original ID.
I was foolish, I know, but I thought there was a vestige of free speech left in this country but it's going fast.

posted on June 21, 2004 11:03:46 AM new
Nero, I didn't see your post as we posted at the same time.

Go back and read this thread.


I have avoided you as much as I possibly can since then. I have no interest in posting your ebay ID, I do not know it and I do not care about you or your auctions.

It's you making the accusations and assumptions about my life here. FWIW, I was out 4X4ing with a man in the dust and dirt and heat all day yesterday, okay? Are you satisfied now?

Go back and read all your comments that you've made about me in the last while. Now lay off! Leave me alone!

posted on June 21, 2004 11:06:01 AM new

No.Neroter It was NEARTHESEA who suggested that I might be hibbertst or skylite.

NEARTHESEA said, "I wonder sometimes hibbertst if your Helen, or if skylite is Helen"......

posted on June 21, 2004 11:19:15 AM new

So....I gather that neroter and Linda are good buddies now. Perfect match!!!
Hope you keep each other occupied and happy.

posted on June 21, 2004 11:22:09 AM new
Kiara: the part of that thread that was funny was the last post, by Agate18: "Correct me if I am wrong. But, isn't one light turned on. And the other one is not turned on."

After which, neroter dropped the thread...

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