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posted on September 11, 2000 07:27:08 PM new
Anyone taking bets on whether or not they will all actually walk out on Wednesday??

No, I'm not new to AW -- just took all of your advice and changed from my eBay id!!
posted on September 11, 2000 07:33:13 PM new
When I heard that story, for a nano second I actually thought about tunin' in to see...Then figured it was all about increasing the ratings...

So I guess my vote is, NO, I don't think they will walk....

~ Rancher

posted on September 11, 2000 08:17:33 PM new
Yeah, I read this at their website. I don't think George will be able to convince all of them to do it. I think I read that it's his idea.

posted on September 11, 2000 08:24:58 PM new
I think it's late enough that I won't ruin it for anyone -- they all really did agree to walk out Wednesday. I don't think it can be a ratings-ploy because George thought of it, and they all agreed to it. The only ?? I have is will they...

No, I'm not new to AW -- just took all of your advice and changed from my eBay id!!
posted on September 11, 2000 08:43:29 PM new
I hope so. It would send a really great message to Big Brothers (shows that use real people like monkeys in the zoo ) everywhere.
I don't like all the people on the show but I don't expect to like everyone. But if they
do this they have earned my respect.
I like the way they have fought Big Brother every time he has tried to start trouble.
This reminds me of the last week of basic training in the army. Being forced to live
together with strangers through adversity does create an incredible bond.
Just being isolated and put on display I think was more pressure than they expected it to be.I know I would have cracked before this the hermit that I am.
I for one really hope they walk.

posted on September 11, 2000 09:16:07 PM new
I believe they will walk. It was George's idea and it took awhile but Eddie finally bought in.

Boring as they are this crew has never played into Big Brother games so I do not believe they would agree to this as a team and then any of them give up. I have to say as a whole they have far more integrity and ethics than we ever saw on Survival.

Josh spilled the beans so they all know that George's wife is going to insure he wins - so why stay especially if George says walk.

Tomorrow appears to actually be a promising show......
posted on September 11, 2000 09:40:01 PM new
OK, I'm here in California so I just saw the episode (only caught the ending) and saw them kinda agree, while at the dinner table, to walk. The last thing said was from George about how happy he was with everyone (or something like that...)but he didn't say he was going to leave. Was that earlier in the conversation? Anyways, all of them can't fit through the door all at once so technically the last to "leave" (walk out the door) is the winner...OR what if one hangs back and says, "HA HA, fooled ya!" and shuts the door behind the others and stays!

I think things out too much...or perhaps I have too much time on my hands.

posted on September 11, 2000 09:46:48 PM new
Yes, George said he will walk out. In fact, it was his idea. I can just picture Eddie hanging back and making sure no one is behind him!!

No, I'm not new to AW -- just took all of your advice and changed from my eBay id!!
[ edited by Elfgifu on Sep 11, 2000 09:47 PM ]
posted on September 11, 2000 09:53:29 PM new
OK, I don't watch this regularly so maybe I missed something, but... why would they all turn down $50,000 last week to leave, then walk out a week later? Didn't they say their time in the house was priceless?

posted on September 12, 2000 06:51:24 AM new
I really do need to get a life.

The walkout was a washout in less than 12 hrs. They are not leaving.

Someone said:
I have to say as a whole they have far more integrity and ethics than we ever saw on Survival.

Oh, please!! So voting someone out because "she asked me to move"; "he made me feel bad, when he complained about double dipping." is more ethical than strategically voting people out because you are trying to win a game? These people are hypocrites.

I'll take the survivor crew anyday

Noah's last words: "damn woodpeckers"
posted on September 12, 2000 07:30:57 AM new
RainyBear - Those were my exact thoughts as the show started. It was like WHAT? last week you said this, now you're ready to walk? Sure thought Eddie would stay firm in his decision to not go along with the majority.

Did anyone else catch what Jamie said at one point? She mentioned that if they all chose to 'walk' maybe BigBrother would just replace them all with another 6 people, on a pro-rated basis. When she said that I was sure that something else had happened that we, the viewers, weren't seeing.

I kind of get the impression that the group now thinks they're much more of a hit than they are.

posted on September 12, 2000 08:03:48 AM new
LindaK, you are right I think. They THINK they are all stars now, because of a few plane banners and "at least 20 people said they watch the show" (according to Curtis..oh, giggle!). Jamie is NOT going to like that most people think shes a snobby, makeup riddled wannabe cheerleader. George is just an ijit. The rest...well, time will tell. I wish JAMIE would get the most votes. Oh yes..I surely do. And George too. Would be great to see them BOTH marked for banishment.

posted on September 12, 2000 08:21:50 AM new
I'm bummed--I at least thought the "suspense" would last through tomorrow night! They have already decided not to go??
I'm telling you, the isolation must really be getting to them! First, GEORGE (who needs the $$ so desperately) turns the $50K then comes up with the idea of walking out. Then, miracle of miracles, he actually gets the others (including EDDIE!) to agree to it. Now they punk out before it is even the night to go!! They have all lost perspective!! (Guess I have too--after all, I'm the one watching this lunacy!!)
Did anyone else notice that George was not surprised by Josh's revelation of what George's wife has been doing? Tell me they didn't agree on that strategy before he went in!!
In the words of Cariad, I do need to get a life!!!!!

No, I'm not new to AW -- just took all of your advice and changed from my eBay id!!
posted on September 12, 2000 08:51:54 AM new
Morning Maui and Elfgifu -

Maui - always good to 'see' you here, hope things are looking up for you today.

I think you hit the nail on the head, Elfgifu, when you said: "They have all lost perspective!!" Must be hard to be so isolated for such a long period of time and have no idea what's going on in the 'out-side' world.

I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what would/could have/did possess George to start the suggestion that they all leave. I just thought he'd lost his mind. So when you wrote: "Tell me they didn't agree on that strategy before he went in!!" Maybe that WAS it. Maybe since Josh shared what he did, that George felt threatened and was running scared?

Then you said: "Guess I have too--after all, I'm the one watching this lunacy!!" I can relate to that.

Just think if we (here on AW) were all put into a house to live together for 90 days.....now that would be something that would have made CBS TONS of money. I can only imagine what would happen to us all, not being able to access our computers, etc.

posted on September 12, 2000 10:07:18 AM new
Kcat and Sarge in the same room??? Um...I will hang out with the chickens, thanks

posted on September 12, 2000 10:09:21 AM new
Sorry LindaK...forgot to greet you, (got sidetracked thinking of those two posters stuck together, lol). Yes, Im doing fine, thanks for asking! Foggy day, storm is coming (hallelujah..we need rain)...and bills are paid this month FINALLY! How are you? Glad to see you back...you were missed

posted on September 12, 2000 11:17:04 AM new
I'm confused - how do you know they are not walking? The next airing is tonight. Is there a place for info that I am not aware of?

I still believe they have far more integrity. They have no choice but to vote tow people out. Are there reasons lame - you mean because no one lies like on Survivor - sure they are - that is because they are a boring lot. Nothing happens so there isn't any conflicts to use as reasons.

They work together - no fighting etc. - horrible television but still shows character.

I agree though that they believe they are really hitting it big out there. Won't that be sad if they did walk and then there was nothing. They said (George) that they believe there is so much money out there for them. For what I ask? Nobody is interested in them like they were in the Survivor crew. Jamie has got to swell that head down - sad representation of the State I live in.

We'll see tonight. They are fools to walk and Cassandra and Curtis were fools to leave the 50K on the tables. I do not see either of them getting endorsements after or winning so that was their chance at money.

posted on September 12, 2000 11:38:19 AM new
Hi boysmommy3 - I'd guess that they know if they are AOL users. There's been a special web site set up for viewers of the program to chat and share. The AOL rep has been on the Wednesday night shows to share what the majority of that same site are saying. Maybe this is how?

Maui - LOL!! Now you know that Kcat and Sarge would do just fine....don't be scared....they'll come around. I laughed when someone who watched their interaction on these boards shared about how sometimes people who clash the most, in the beginning of a relationship/friendship become the best of friends. There's always hope.

Glad to hear things are well. Been raining here too the last couple of days....otherwise I'd be out on the lake. Not much one to be out on the water, in a metal boat, during a lightning storm.

[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 12, 2000 11:40 AM ]
posted on September 12, 2000 01:57:40 PM new
I was watching the live feed on the big brother web site on Saturday morning. This is when the whole walk out thing started. George said he wanted to make an announcement at 10:00am. They all gathered at the kitchen table only to have the live feed cut off for about 15 minutes. When it came back on it did show all the house guests agreeing that they will walk. They said they can't win alone they have to do this as a team. I was pretty amazed that I was seeing this because I usually don’t see anything cool from the live website broadcast.

Personally I think George is trying to cover his butt because he feels bad about what him and his wife planned on doing. The house guests are also under the impression that each of them are going to get a lump sum of money and the fame that goes with it.

24 hrs a day feed at http://webcenter.bigbrother2000.aol.com/entertainment/NON/video.html

You don't need AOL to watch it either.

7 months and counting
posted on September 12, 2000 02:18:53 PM new
tokay - Thanks for sharing the URL. All I've seen is the AOL advertisement encourging people to sign up (to AOL) to be able to view what's going on daily.

By the way....does 7 months and counting have anything to do with you expecting a little bundle of joy in 7 months? If so....I'm sending a BIG congratulations your way.
[ edited by Linda_K on Sep 12, 2000 02:20 PM ]
posted on September 12, 2000 03:10:59 PM new
Yep, you can watch the live feeds, or you can go to bigbrotherblows.com to the message boards for commentary, updates, summaries, updates of updates and summaries of summaries. There are many links there to other places so you can know what is going on at all times. This was also supposed to be a contest and the prize is $500,000 big ones, not a group experience.. The survivors also had to vote someone off. Because of live feeds 24/7 there actually is no editing; except when live feeds go to the chickens. So you can determine who is being less than honest and two-faced. As good as the casting was on survivor......that's how bad it was for this show. I like to study human behavior but I have found this show extremely painful......and boring to watch. I can tell you a lot about it, but other than the first episode, I haven't watched a minute.....just summaries and updates.

Jamie in the RR." I would walk if Geo. would get a $100,000, he needs the money."

BB-So, if you won the $500,00 you would give $100,000 to George?"

Jamie-blank stare

Noah's last words: "damn woodpeckers"
posted on September 12, 2000 03:16:37 PM new
Jamie-blank stare.....LOL! What a doofus.

posted on September 12, 2000 03:33:26 PM new
on bigbrotherblows they usually refer to Jamies blank stare as when she is communicating with or awaiting instructions from, the mothership. LOL

cariad........I would've grabbed the $50,00 and been outta there in a heartbeat.

Noah's last words: "damn woodpeckers"
posted on September 12, 2000 05:18:12 PM new
Maybe the mother ship is REALLY hidden in the mirror Jamie is always looking in?

posted on September 12, 2000 09:08:39 PM new
EWWWW, I hate that George. He got that walkout going because he knows he will LOSE since everyone knows what his wife has done...and what he condones and probably planned with her from the get-go. And the look on Jamies face when she read the plane banner about Brit knowing shes two-faced! DUH DUH DUH. I hope George DOES walk out, but I bet he doesnt. Oh no...he just doesnt know "what to do", whine whine. He will stay, when Eddie says HES staying. You watch and see. Hes a loser, and he wont go. Betcha.

posted on September 12, 2000 09:40:14 PM new
At this point I'm leaning toward hoping the dog wins.

Can't you just imagine how much fun it would've been to watch the survivor group in the house!

Noah's last words: "damn woodpeckers"
posted on September 12, 2000 09:53:30 PM new
Or better yet, the BB group on the island? Sheesh. What a gross thought.

posted on September 12, 2000 10:13:29 PM new
Here are the 4 camera's they have live. You need real player to view. They use to have access to the camera that was in the control room but I guess it leaked out that THEYwere also being watched by us and got paranoid. It was fun to sneak a peek at the CBS crew. Most of the time they just watched the monitors and talked amoungst each other. Occasionally they just nodded off...I guess they thought it boring too!





I hope I got the linking of this correct...

posted on September 12, 2000 10:18:49 PM new
Now that I saw them all wavering tonite I really have my doubts.
Do you really think they will walk?

posted on September 12, 2000 10:28:57 PM new
the live feeds showed on Sunday that they weren't going to walk. Jamie, after consultation with the mothership, and Eddie, after sleeping on it, never really had any intentions of walking out the door.

Noah's last words: "damn woodpeckers"
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