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posted on September 14, 2000 12:05:16 AM new
Rather than just flail about, I suggest that some of you read the "Thomas" reports. The information is massive and will help arm you. Do not get involved in a gunfight armed with a rotten stick.

Start with this one,

"Whereas on February 7, 2000, President Clinton and Vice President Gore submitted a budget for fiscal year 2001 that raises taxes and fees on working families by $116 billion over 5 year period... (Engrossed in House )..........."

posted on September 14, 2000 12:06:33 AM new
I made a mistake. Gore will be on Lettermen tomorrow night not next week. Bush finally said he will appear but has not given a date. He still say's no to a debate with Gore on the show though.

posted on September 14, 2000 12:14:09 AM new

But will Gore, Bush or Lettermen debate me?

Barry (maybe we could make it foursome debate) Barris

posted on September 14, 2000 12:24:16 AM new

The term (Hang on Lucy) predates the song by quite a few years.

It is not, "A breast," it is "Abreast."

"Don't let your mind wander, it may be too small to let out alone"

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 14, 2000 12:25 AM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 12:34:33 AM new
Barry(likes somes)Barris will it be as good as your last threesome on the other thread?

That reminds me how come no one is voting for Carlos or Kristi? Is it over?

I'll flail if I want to.

posted on September 14, 2000 12:45:05 AM new

will it be as good as your last threesome on the other thread?

Since I am running for President, I will strive to do my best, if it is a one some, a two some, a three some, a four some or a three billion some. That is the mark of a Gentleman and a Politician who cares about the people who vote for him. Please vote for me...

Barry (it is never over until the last vote is counted) Barris

posted on September 14, 2000 05:35:41 AM new
Never mind..it's just not worth it. Gotta know when to fold em. [ edited by eventer on Sep 14, 2000 05:41 AM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 07:03:38 AM new
Sgtmike, since you've done nothing but put down the Clinton administration and haven't offered any compelling reason why Bush should be president, one can only assume that you take the "lesser of the two evils" approach. (correct me if I'm wrong and you actually are enthused about Bush)

That's exactly why many of us will vote for Gore.
[ edited by jamesoblivion on Sep 14, 2000 07:07 AM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 07:31:19 AM new
Barry(He kisses babies doesn't he?)Barris.

posted on September 14, 2000 08:11:30 AM new
Yes I do...

Barry (and I kiss the ladies, I want to kiss the ladies) Barris

posted on September 14, 2000 08:50:25 AM new

Sure I wish we had a better choice than Gore. No one is saying he is the best man for the job in all of the USA. But he is far better than The Bush Boy.

There is no way I would throw my vote away on any other candidate that doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected. To me that would be like voting for Bush. My vote just might elect Gore and that's where it's going.

Barry(oooh)Barris this lady will stand in line to be kissed by you.

posted on September 14, 2000 10:49:25 AM new
james, Mr. Negativity doesn't know HOW to do anything but put ppl down. It's almost a knee-jerk reaction with him. He's really become a source of amusement for me though, like watching Archie Bunker, lol

Kihei(Vote for Barry)Cat

posted on September 14, 2000 12:49:52 PM new

Now is your opportunity to display your knowledge regarding the subject of this thread and validate your accusation that my opposition is simply a "negative….knee-jerk reaction." Or, when any person has an opposing view is that automatically "negative" in (your) book.

Take for example your statement of opposition to my replies; I don't consider you to be negative, just insufficiently informed and (therefore) badly equipped to engage in this debate.

If you have information that can rebut my views and my information, feel free to say so, I will not consider you to be negative. If you want to engage in immature and unsubstantiated ranting, start a thread for that purpose and I'll come and play with you.

"I am so far to the right, I am almost at the left"

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 14, 2000 01:07 PM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 12:51:42 PM new
"There is no way I would throw my vote away on any other candidate that doesn't have a chance in hell of being elected. To me that would be like voting for Bush. My vote just might elect Gore and that's where it's going"


Does your statement really make sense to you?

posted on September 14, 2000 01:11:59 PM new
Sorry Mikey, no time to play today... really wish I could but I have a busy work schedule. Until I get done, however, you can amuse yourself here:

[ edited by kiheicat on Sep 14, 2000 01:16 PM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 01:21:59 PM new
Decipher this one:

It is documented proof, obtained in letters Gore sent to his father during the 60's, that Al Gore told his father that to be anti-communism was a psychological ailment, a national madness that leads the U.S. to support fascist totalitarian regimes in the name of fighting totalitarianism. He said the U.S. Army was the best example.

Dig the words used by Gore. Sound familiar to anyone?

posted on September 14, 2000 01:34:59 PM new
He's psychic!
Err, sounds like he was predicting US support for the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende by the military coup that brought the sweetheart Augusto Pinochet to power. And how could I forget the junta of Argentina, screams coming out of the police stations. Death squads in El Salvador, and dare I say it: Iran-Contra

Ducking from the incoming
[ edited by snowyegret on Sep 14, 2000 01:38 PM ]
posted on September 14, 2000 01:45:07 PM new
In 1993 Gore cast the deciding vote for the largest tax increase in the history of the country. He claimed that under the new legislation, 96 percent of small businesses would get a tax cut that will be retroactive.

Small businesses got clobbered under his tax increase. The Statistics of Income Division of the IRS show that the vast majority of taxpayers negatively affected by the 1993 tax rate increase were small business owners.

The data undeniably shows that the Clinton/Gore tax rate increase intentionally targeted entrepreneurs and small business owners and tended to undermined the U.S. economy.

It will be these types of Clinton/Gore legislation that will reveal their ugly head as the present economy fades.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 14, 2000 02:19:34 PM new

List the pro's and con's of the Clinton/Gore administration and the pro's and con's of Gore's pre-VP actions that have knowingly and directly affected the "Nation."

Then, list the pro's and con's of George W. Bush's political actions that have knowingly and directly affected the "Nation" and I will (then) be able to better determine if evidence is available that might alter my beliefs.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 14, 2000 02:34:26 PM new
I'm not going to wade very deply into this melee.
I just hope no one is going to hold me to some of the stupid stuff I said and believed in the 60's. Thank God no letters have survived my wild youth.
And I scored high on the IQ tests even then..go figure.

posted on September 14, 2000 05:51:46 PM new

If you were in a position to directly impact upon my life, my freedom, and my country, anything you said or did, regardless how far in the past, should be used to evaluate you and to determine if patterns exist that indicate your actions and beliefs of yesterday, are present today. With Gore, they are.

Gore has been transparent and a puppet his entire life. Watch him when he gets caught up in the excitement of a moment, the goon goes unconsciously euphoric. If he becomes President, the Nation will be his play toy.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 14, 2000 06:34:30 PM new
Gore not recognize busts of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin while on a tour of Monticello. He actually asked, "Who are these people" and had to be informed by the curator.

This is the idiot who does not know that Leopards do not have stripes. This is the guy who said "Democrats understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child."

The same buffoon who claims to have invented the Internet yet admits he barely knows how to turn on a computer.

The hypocritical liar who in 1987 said, "I seek to restore the rule of law and respect for common sense to the White House." ..."Americans in every region and in both political parties have been shaken by the betrayal of public trust ... and the dishonesty of public officials." ... "Any government official who ... lies to the United States Congress will be fired immediately." Yet, in 1998 said, "(Clinton) will be regarded in the history books as one of our greatest presidents."

Gore is the imbecile who called Mary and Joseph homeless and said that Mary, while homeless, gave birth to a homeless child. I wonder if someone ever clued him in that Mary and Joseph were not homeless, but traveling.

Gore is the idiot who believes that just because you’re a new immigrant you should qualify for Social Security benefits and to forbid it was "un-American." I guess someone forgot to tell him that the benefits are derived from paying in to Social Security. However, I consider the statement a Freudian validation of his socialist beliefs.

A quote, " On August 28, 1996, Gore claimed in a maudlin speech that his sister’s death spurred him to wage war on the tobacco industry. He forgot to tell the audience that his sister died in 1984 - four years before he tried to ensure tobacco farmers he was on their side while campaigning for president in 1988.

I'll pause and let the anti-Bush people catch up. :

Disguises are understandable, I too would be embarrassed to admit that I would trust and admire such a person.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 14, 2000 06:59:55 PM new
Just popping in for a quick break.
sgtmike, while Al Gore was doing all of these dastardly disservices to the world, Baby Bush was pulling all-nighters leaning over a mirror with a straw up his nose. LOL
You can whack Gore all you want and perhaps some (not all) of your points have an inkling of validity, but all of that gobbledeegook does not make Bush's mistakes and crimes not exist anymore. I'm sure it would serve you well but it's just not going to happen.

And if you think this is just a Democrat thing, it's not. I am a registered Democrat, yes, however I was prepared to vote for McCain, a Republican. I vote for the better man and in this case it is glaringly obvious that although Al Gore is FAR from perfect he shines like a saint next to that maroon Daddy's boy George.

And on that note, I have over 100 pix to upload so I'll be out for awhile. Too bad too because I'd love to stick around to see the steam that is undoubtedly coming out of Mike's ears, lol

posted on September 14, 2000 07:14:04 PM new
Gore and Bush both suck. Nothing one can do when our choices are like what is currently available.

posted on September 14, 2000 07:14:10 PM new
Sgtmike, ultimately, it comes down to issues. I bet you wouldn't vote for a Democrat if you were paid your weight in gold. If every president has a lasting impact on the country, this next president's impact will at least be felt by their Supreme Court appointments. That alone is reason enough for me to vote for Gore, and I'm sure it's reason enough for you to vote Bush.

But tell me, doesn't the fact that he has no qualifications at all bother you? The only reason why the press gets to skewer Gore on statements and votes he made ten and twenty years ago is because Gore was a public official all this time! Did Bush have an opinion on any foreign policy issue before, say two, three years ago? How the heck would we know? Until the morning he woke up and decided "I'd like to be a governor" what did he do with himself? Sniffed a little coke, hung with the boys at the country club, played with Dad's money, huhng out in the VIP box at Rangers games...

Two years, a year and a half ago Bush was polling really well when prospective voters were asked who they'd like to see on the GOP ticket. He had name recognition. Everyone would recognize the name "George Bush" but "John McWho"?? -- no. For that reason, mainly, the GOP cast their lot with him. Betcha they're not so happy now. How did he blow a 15 point lead in those fabled polls to actually fall behind Gore after Labor Day?

Also, doesn't the fact that he can't put together a proper sentence in English trouble you? What could that mean? Jefferson he ain't. He is the ultimate lightweight. Can you picture him in a summit with a guy like Putin? He's a little leaguer trying to pitch for the majors.

All these things you say about Gore may well be true, but really, are you confident in this Bush guy? Or is he just "better than Gore"?
posted on September 14, 2000 07:55:58 PM new
It's funny, I'm a registered Republican, living in Fl. Jeb has done OK here as Gov., and very well in some things. But with George W., there is an intrinsic yak factor that really bothers me. BTW, George is sinking here in Fl., and his brother is the Gov!
It pisses me off that the Republican Party basically dumped a viable candidate who has demonstrated courage and honor under the worst conditions imaginable for a nincompoop! They're as bad as Paypal!

posted on September 14, 2000 08:34:22 PM new
How do you trust a person to lead your country for you and to represent you in the world arena that is so dumb and mostly a follower? Gore would be a joke in foreign affairs. If you study this guy you will soon realize that he lives in a capsule of never-ending fantasies. The way he was raised has drastically limited his understanding of what is real and prevented him from developing common sense.

It is on record that Gore was in awe of the Vietnamese people and praised their recycling ability and their inventiveness on using Pepsi and Coke cans to make implements to farm with. Ask the Nam vet what implements were made from the cans.. Of course Gore was in Vietnam for (only) 5 months, for his dad, as a reporter for the Stars and Stripes, though he would like you to believe otherwise.

According to some of his S&S friends, Gore stayed numb on mary-wanna and opium the entire time he was in Vietnam. I guess he did not want to feel the pain of running out of ink.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 14, 2000 08:41:22 PM new
Much the same can be said about Bush.

You really feel confident about that guy?
posted on September 14, 2000 08:42:04 PM new
Gore never laid claim to "inventing" the internet:

"Invention" suggests a solo effort in a laboratory. What Gore said was different: "During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the internet". Gore was indeed in the forefront of legislative initiatives to create the internet. Columbia University's James Traub, who chaired the computer science and telecommunications board, says: "Al Gore was perhaps the first political leader to grasp the importance of networking the country . . . At the time he was a senator from a fairly small south-eastern state and I was amazed at his national vision." Gore followed through in eight years as vice-president; back then, the mockery was for talking about some
nonsense called "an information superhighway". Those who reported Gore as
claiming invention might argue they were paraphrasing. But the media echo
chamber guarantees further distortion. (Wired magazine)

But don't let that stop you from makin' stuff up.

And I don't even like Gore.

posted on September 14, 2000 08:45:51 PM new
Who couldn't feel confident about Dubya, James? Heck, he has done such a bang-up job in Texas:

50th in spending for teachers' salaries
49th in spending on the environment
48th in per-capita funding for public health
47th in delivery of social services
42nd in child-support collections
41st in per-capita spending on public education
5th in percentage of population living in poverty
1st in air and water pollution
1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance
1st in percentage of children without health insurance
1st in executions (avg. 1 every 2 weeks for Bush's 5 yrs.)

btw, Go Nader

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