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posted on September 15, 2000 10:26:50 AM new

Never claimed "originality" regarding some the pieces of evidence posted here. To be totally original is not substantiating and supportive evidence. At the same time, unless so stated, neither is everything I have said a "cut and paste."

Rather, a restatement or paraphrasing of material I have read, and read, while researching both candidates, a valid and intelligent process I have been repeatedly suggesting to some of the readers here to help (realistically and intelligently) justify their opinions and choices to a higher degree than, "just because, jeez, and pleeeez."

Why do you care,you do not vote?

A famous quote excerpt:

"If we fail to vote, we will allow a vocal minority of Americans who are hostile to the issues that we hold dear to determine the future of our blessed country. Over the more than 200 years that our country has been in existence, people have fought and died to uphold this freedom. I implore you to honor their memory and demonstrate that you care by voting.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 15, 2000 10:33 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 10:36:35 AM new
But Mikey, you presented quaylisms to be gorisms, by your own statement, thereby showing that you are deliberately distorting information to make your case against Gore.

Keep in mind that I am not committed to not voting as a matter of personal values or as an expression of any wish to disconnect myself from these wordly concerns. I simply do not find anything, this time, at the presidential level, to vote for. I think that by voting in that election I would feel as if I were at a druggist's counter deciding to buy either arsenic or strychnine when I really did not wish to partake of either.

I am a registered voter.

posted on September 15, 2000 10:38:17 AM new
Krs, Life is made up of choices. A vote is Yea Or Nay. It is my choice to decide, not yours.


posted on September 15, 2000 10:41:38 AM new
Nice attempt at a save sgtmike, but no dice.

posted on September 15, 2000 10:53:47 AM new
No Fred,
It is my choice to decide, not yours.

posted on September 15, 2000 10:56:39 AM new
Krs, How right you are.


posted on September 15, 2000 10:58:25 AM new
equal time:

posted on September 15, 2000 11:15:05 AM new
At first it may appear confusing regarding the information that many of the Goreisms may have originally been Quayleisms. Confusing because the dates, places, and associative reasons are thoroughly documented as being said by Gore.

However, if you research Gore you will quickly see that he is and has been a plagiarizer his entire life. His downfall is that he is such an animated buffoon, it appears he may not realize it when he is using the words of another idiot.

In 1999, Gore publicly stated,

"I’ll tell you something else my father taught me. He taught me how to clean out hog waste using a shovel and a hose. He taught me how to clear land with a double-bladed ax. He taught me how to plow a steep hillside with a team of mules. He taught me how to take up hay all day long in the hot sun and then, after a dinner break, go over and help the neighbors take up hay before the rain came and spoiled it on the ground."


Gore lived and was raised in of Washington DC, where his father served for 32 years as a congressman and a senator. The family residence was an apartment in the elegant Fairfax Hotel, which was owned by a Gore cousin. Young Gore walked across the street every morning to the Cosmos Club, where a bus picked him up for the ride to Washington’s most elite prep school, St. Alban’s, on the grounds of the Washington Cathedral.

Gore was born in 1948. By the time he would have been physically big enough to perform the alleged work; I guess someone forgot to tell Gore's father that dynamite, bulldozers, and tractors were the in-thing.

Is this guy severely animated, a result of being out of touch with reality all his life? Or just a blatant liar who believes everyone else is an idiot? I suspect a psychological problem.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 15, 2000 11:16 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 11:22:52 AM new

I am still befuddled. I am having a difficult time making sense of your input; you do not vote. Yet, you seem to be standing tall for a particular candidate. ????

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 15, 2000 11:24:07 AM new
I was not thrilled with Gores performance on Lettermen last night. That's what it was a performance. I think most politicians are part lawyer and part actor. Not necessarily a good thing.
sgtmike likes to beat around the bush, so to speak. Please just tell us what you like about Bush. Wouldn't you like to change our minds about him?

posted on September 15, 2000 11:37:47 AM new

You claim to be a Vietnam combat veteran. If you are being truthful, you should know first-hand the importance having the right person in the White House.

The Clinton/Gore administration have recklessly sent American men and women to so many regions of conflict, it is no longer readily known where our military personnel are. Men and women have died for Clinton and Gore's political future and as a result of their incompetence.

It is clearly understood Clinton and Gore despise the military but will use the lives of Americans to further their gains or protect their butts via diversionary tactics.

What were those stats? Clinton/Gore have reduced the budget of our military forces by 65% but increased our military commitment by 300%.

PS: Latest polls reveal that 57% of Gore supporters never graduated from highschool.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 15, 2000 11:38 AM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 11:43:09 AM new

Does disagreeing with parts of YOUR pontification place me in support of a candidate? "Standing tall", as you put it? (I'm only 6'3" tall).

If it does, in your view, could you point out to me what candidate it is that I'm standing tall for?

I thought that I'd made clear that I do not support either of the presented candidates, and that that is the reason that I'm unlikely to vote in the upcoming presidential election.

I do not hope with this to put an end to your befuddlement, as I've long known that befuddlement is your natural state of being.

Why are you avoiding the question put to you concerning your presumed support of George Bush?

posted on September 15, 2000 11:45:23 AM new
Actually that PS statistic is that 57% of people who never graduated High school support Gore, not 57% of his supporters.

I hardly think Dubya is the 'thinking man's candidate', him not being one himself.

Bipartisan disgust, care of the talented Sean Delonas:

posted on September 15, 2000 12:20:15 PM new
chococake-darn I meant to watch Letterman last night too.. have they got Bush to come on yet?

This is scarey, but I think I agree with sgtmike..... yikes!

posted on September 15, 2000 12:20:45 PM new
James you're pretty good for a youngun. There's more to you than good looks and musical talent.

posted on September 15, 2000 12:23:38 PM new

As a Vietnam Veteran I should know first hand...blah, blah.

Well just what could that mean? Would that be
Dwight Eisenhower who placed the country into the agreement to support the French and committed American resource to do that so that world rubber production could be preserved in tthe control of the free world?

Or would that be John Kennedy who in altuistic support of pretend democracy sent troops into that country because he had been fooled by his own advisors?

Or maybe Lyndon Johnson, who hoping to end the folly, escalated that war by increasing troop involvement to the level of a half million men and women by 1968, but who gave up, against insurmountable pressures, and did not seek reelection because his ideals had been shattered by the truths of power in this country?

Or Richard Nixon, who again in hopes of ending the folly began the 'Vietnamization' of the effort that already over 50,000 Americans had died for and nearly a half million had suffered grievous wounds for, and sealed the fate of that entire policy subset forever?

Or Gerald Ford, who pretty much said "let's let bygones be bygones" and granted amnesty to the 'believers' who left the country because of it's committment to that war, and steadfastly ignored the plight of the then some 4,000 Americans who had not been accounted for?

Or perhaps Ronald Reagan, who refused to support recognition of the sacrifices made by those who went to Vietnam or their families, and essentially called us cowards for having lost the war?

Which ones of those are your "right man in the white house", Mikey?

posted on September 15, 2000 12:24:13 PM new
Bush has finally agreed to come on the show but they haven't set a date yet.

posted on September 15, 2000 12:25:01 PM new
"A thinker? A doer? A dynamic speaker? A man of vision? And Gore (is)? Come on, you can do better than that.

Or is he a slacker born with a silver spoon in his mouth/ up his nose? I forgot, Gore used to commute daily from the posh hotel in DC to Tennessee to work in the tobacco field, clean up after hogs, clear land with an axe, and plow fields with a mule team.

So, now that I've assured you that I do understand that your position is that a President Gore is intolerable to you, and I've told you why I think Bush is unfit to be president, will you tell me if you think Bush is fit?

Why don't you (first) provide me factual information that Gore has ever (truthfully) accomplished anything beneficial to you and this Nation during his entire governmental service, especially during the last 8 years. You can't.

Your evaluation of Bush , to the degree you state, is based on your opinion derived from the opinions and allegations of his opponents. Could be factual, but can you show they are? As for Gore, he did not use his innate country-spun abilities and drag a bush over his trail. A blind dog with sinus problems could follow his.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 15, 2000 12:36:44 PM new
I liked James' assessment of Bush. Really seems to fit.

My take on the Bush campaign is that it has only one message: Punish Bill Clinton. Vote for Bush.

I also get the impression that the only folks backing Bush are either dyed-in-the-wool Republicans or folks who think Clinton "got off" too easy.

[ edited by spazmodeus on Sep 15, 2000 12:41 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 12:45:51 PM new

"Why don't you (first) provide me factual information that Gore has ever (truthfully) accomplished anything beneficial to you and this Nation during his entire governmental service, especially during the last 8 years. You can't."

Perhaps James can't, but others can. A few people, whom I doubt you'll recognize, have this to say about Al Gore's contibutions to enabling your ballyhoo here today:

But the real question is what, if anything, did Gore actually do to create the modern Internet? According to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's
been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."

The inventor of the Mosaic Browser, Marc Andreesen, credits Gore with making his work possible. He received a federal grant through Gore's High Performance Computing Act. The University of Pennsylvania's Dave Ferber says that without Gore the Internet "would not be where it is today."

Joseph E. Traub, a computer science professor at Columbia University, claims that Gore "was perhaps the first political leader to grasp the importance of networking the country."

posted on September 15, 2000 12:55:11 PM new
Why don't you (first) provide me factual information that Gore has ever (truthfully) accomplished anything beneficial to you and this Nation during his entire governmental service, especially during the last 8 years. You can't.

He invented the internet?

Ahhh lets see, my history class was my worst... and current events... didn't Kennedy (D) get the U.S. into Vietnam, and wasn't it Nixon (R) got the U.S. out.

I don't believe thats entirely correct krs about Reagan; 'refused to support recognition of the sacrifices made by those who went to Vietnam or their families, and essentially called us cowards for having lost the war?' I think thats out of context,
and I do not believe he called any vet a coward.

spazmodeus I think your about right in saying that Republicans are 'dyed in the wool' or maybe 'born into it' and yes on the Clinton doings.

posted on September 15, 2000 12:59:26 PM new
sgtmike: you still haven't given anything that shows why *Bush* would make a good president... BTW, Gore's family owned a farm that he spent his summers on; he was also involved with 4-H, I believe--at least raised & showed cattle.

posted on September 15, 2000 01:14:23 PM new
Yep, Nixon was in office when we finally withdrew from Vietnam.

Though, this was not before he decided to "secretly" bomb the living-daylights out of Cambodia.

posted on September 15, 2000 01:15:20 PM new
Shelly, go and find a book titled "A Bright and shining Lie" by a Neil Sheehan.

You really don't know what you're talking about.

Back to the farm for Mikey:

Al Gore WAS in fact taught the ways of working a farm and did so for many summers, according to a few of his family nighbors whom I'm sure you could call. Here's a piece of an account of it: (note that "Little Al" refers to the current VP)

"Albert Gore was a teacher, first and always,
and there were old lessons evoked everywhere along the route, lessons Big Al passed along to Little Al.

There was the farm where his father taught Al to use an ax, square-bale hay, clear the tobacco patch and once, in the summer of his fifteenth year, how to plow a slanted hillside with a team of mules. The stiff preppy Geeing and Hawing his mules? The very notion has prompted doubts and some
ridicule. But his Carthage friends are puzzled by the skepticism. Steve Armistead, Edd Blair, Goat Thompson, and Terry Pope all worked alongside Al for several summers. They fooled around when they could -- filling the
cattle trough with cold water and diving in, driving jalopies wildly down the farm hill, hypnotizing chickens -- but not when the old man was watching. "Senior always wanted Al to do this and do that," recalled Steve Armistead. "His dad really wanted him to work."

Perhaps there was a long-range political purpose to Albert's insistence that his son learn the ways of rural life, but the intent did not seem to be that Al could later use the farm as a convenient counterpoint to his Ivy League schooling. Gore Senior believed that farm work was invaluable in and of
itself. Pauline later recalled one afternoon when she and Albert were inside the big house, looking out the picture window toward the Caney Fork, and there was Al down below, behind the mules, and the father said contentedly,"I think a boy, to achieve anything he wants to achieve, which would include being president of the United States, oughta be able to run a hillside plow."

posted on September 15, 2000 01:24:01 PM new
sgtmike helloooooooooo why can't you answer the freakin question??????????


Why can't you stop puffing long enough to stop evading the question that SEVERAL of us have now asked you???

posted on September 15, 2000 01:42:57 PM new

For awhile I considered you to be an astute individual. That consideration is rapidly eroding.

I need to instruct you in the expertise and process of collating and refining "raw" information to enable intelligence based evaluation and dissemination.

If you study the past and present history of Gore, you may conclude, or at least hypothesize, that the parties you have named that praised Gore for his Internet involvement are most likely, liberals who follow a strict doctrine of Komrade, bias in hopes of receiving grants, or padded the hands of the Clinton/Gore commune.

Are you aware of the latest coming out where it appears Gore and Clinton, in the past, made a deal to sell a veto for a large sum of money for and from a Texas attorney?

If you really want to know the truth, read the ARPANET reports and pull the records on his Senate record regarding what you just presented.

I suggest you read this little tidbit also:


"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 15, 2000 01:48 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 01:47:56 PM new
Nope I don't what I am talking about krs and sometimes wonder if you do.

I would say more of what I 'don't know what I am talking about' but it would be outside the lines of political correctness
( a liberal term)

posted on September 15, 2000 01:59:56 PM new
I would guess that Vincent Cerf, Mark Andreesen and Joseph E. Traub's analyses are as valid as Steve Allen, "vice president for communications at the conservative Progress and Freedom Foundation".

The " well, I bet they're liberal" line is ridiculous. How would you know what their political views are, and why should it matter?

Vice Presidents don't have the power of the veto, so Gore has never sold any vetos.

Everything aside, there is nothing you can say about how horrible Al Gore is that in any way reflects one iota on Bush's worthiness to be president. It's not an "if one is scum than the other must be presidential material" contest.

UBB edit.
[ edited by jamesoblivion on Sep 15, 2000 02:02 PM ]
posted on September 15, 2000 02:00:16 PM new

When I was a young man I too used to visit a farm, help do some of the chores for fun, ride on a tractor, poke a pig, but in no way am I qualified to say the experiences were such that I can claim to stand with a (true) farmer.

Of course, if I was like Gore, a pliable buffoon puppet capable of molding myself to appear to be what I truly am not, I could claim to have (invented) the mule.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 15, 2000 02:00:20 PM new

Are you so foolish as to believe anything comming out prejudicial to either candidate at this time?

Both sides engage in dirty tricks, not just one side. It's the name of the sordid game.

Why would I, or anyone, be more apt to believe the rightwing pap you would foster as truth than anything else which might be found on any subject?

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