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posted on September 15, 2000 09:17:49 PM new
Who is Al Gore anyways, could he be the brother of Egore, you know - Baron Von Frankenstein's sidekick.

Yeah that's it Algore is the sidekick of Baron Von Clintonstein.

posted on September 15, 2000 09:48:33 PM new
No, he's a hillarybilly.

posted on September 15, 2000 11:16:33 PM new
To answer your question way back on page 2. No Elizabeth isn't still running but I wish she was. She is an honorable person who could hold her own with anything and anyone. Maybe THAT'S why she got lost in the fray.

I have to say that I have enjoyed your posts. Especially the ones on page 5.


posted on September 16, 2000 09:00:01 AM new


Just got back to read the latest in the case of People vs. Gore a/k/a "Howdy Doody."

Notice you strongly defend Gore's various attempts (lies) to upgrade his (Gore) Vietnam experience from post-battle note-taker to something close to what the (real) military personnel were doing. I see you also used "The Washington Post" to support your arguments.

Having purported to be a Vietnam combat veteran, I would have thought your first raction would be one of hostility and contempt. I recall (in the past) you going-off over less when your Vietnam experience was challenged.

However, some people do eventually bury the hatchet.

Campaign 2000 Fact Sheet
Vice President Al Gore
Distinguishing himself as a Democratic Leader

by Beth Rowen


On Christmas day in 1971, Gore left for Vietnam and served as a reporter for the "Stars and Stripes" for six months. When he returned, he worked as an investigative reporter with the Nashville Tennessean from 1971-1976 and took courses at Vanderbilt University's divinity and law schools.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 16, 2000 09:24:45 AM new
Good mornin Mikey,

We all thought your brief absence was because you were compiling information about The Bush Boy and why he is the best man for the job of Mr. President. But as usual just more ranting about Gore.

posted on September 16, 2000 09:53:34 AM new
Hi Choco:

"Ranting" and "Divulging" have different definitions.

There is an ample supply of paper available here, (you) provide me (us) with valid information regarding Bush's credibility and qualifications.

Please refrain from uttering (just) personal opinions and uncorroborated allegations. I suggest you start by reviewing his record while still a senator. Check out the tax bills he introduced or voted for. Then examine his activity while VP and see if you can detect a pattern that he will follow as President.

I'll be standing by to read what you provide.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 16, 2000 10:23:35 AM new
There is an ample supply of paper available here, (you) provide me (us) with valid information regarding Bush's credibility and qualifications.
Duh, that's what we've been begging YOU to do, sgtmike. PROVE to us by a detailed summary of his virtues and accomplishments that he's the better man for the job. Don't throw it off on chococake when she doesn't even like the guy. YOU'RE the one that's high on him, YOU prove it to US.

Unless, as stated before, you can't.

Methinks he doesn't understand.

posted on September 16, 2000 11:31:33 AM new
Oh Mikey,

Do you have any sense of politics at all?

That release was designed to appease objectors to the Vietnam War while at the same time not repel supporters of the same. How could they release in a campaign newsletter that Al Gore was troubled by his exposures in Vietnam?

Simple enough, isn't it? Even for you? Apparently not.

As to my 'going off' about it, well, you see, if a man went there, it's enough for me. We used to say to newguys "You don't have to like it, but you have to show up". Al Gore did show up.

You've made several remarks which you hope will elicit a reaction from me, and most of them include some verbage like "purported to be".

I would think that given your own failures in military service you would be more cautious with me in doing that. You'll recall perhaps, your apologetic statements of brief service in Hawaii? And no service whatever in any war zone? A very unusual record for a purported U.S. Marine of the time, and one which few marines would care to admit to, given the nature of the corps. Most any combat veteran knows full well how such a thing could be, and even has a term for it which I'm sure that you've had to live with for all of your adult life.

I see your snide little comments as the expressions of one of the very many jeolousy induced attempts to belittle those who are what you can only pretend to be.

I could prove my record here on the board without a lot of trouble simply by scanning in the actual general orders for two awards for heroism under fire and the Purple Heart, 17 awards of other combat related significance, and some Vietnamese award for Gallantry, along with three presidential valorous unit citations, but I won't. Why should I for someone like you, a person of little substance and no honor who derides others for being what he could never muster up to be.

posted on September 16, 2000 12:15:51 PM new
You GO krs!!!

posted on September 16, 2000 12:35:29 PM new
Oh, I think he understands alright he just doesn't play fair. Wants us to look it up? I don't think so!

Right on krs!

posted on September 16, 2000 12:37:16 PM new
Oh, and Mikey,

Since you have chosen for some reason to bring Al Gore's record of service to this discussion as support for your arguments not in his favor, do you have a response to this tidbit concerning George W. Bush's record?:

On May 27, 1968, George Bush Jr. was 12 days away from losing his student draft deferment, at a time when 350 Americans a week were dying in combat. The National Guard, seen by many as the most respectable way to avoid Vietnam, had a huge waiting list -- a year and a half in Texas, over 100,000 men nationwide. Yet Bush and his family friends pulled strings, and the young man was admitted the same day he applied, regardless of any waiting list.

Or did you find it too much like your own to mention?

posted on September 16, 2000 12:59:02 PM new
Well, someone had to protect the Texas border from the commies...

[ edited by Julesy on Sep 16, 2000 12:59 PM ]
posted on September 16, 2000 01:09:47 PM new
Commies...or something. But the record of GW's service shows that he didn't show up very often even for that, having one full year of no reported attendance during his 'enlistment' and no further attendance at all after there was the imposition of required drug testing during flight physicals in the Texas Air National Guard.

posted on September 16, 2000 01:20:25 PM new
Yep, I read that.

He pulled strings, got in, and then didn't even have the decency to show up.

What a man.

posted on September 16, 2000 01:33:11 PM new
I wonder what Gaggles would say.

posted on September 16, 2000 01:38:55 PM new
You could always ask her...

posted on September 16, 2000 02:20:57 PM new
My respect for you is rising with each post. I didn't know about your actions in Nam.

You are a warrior and a hero. Thank you!!!


posted on September 16, 2000 02:31:03 PM new
I was drafted for Mom's Apple Pie.

posted on September 16, 2000 02:41:45 PM new

I do believe you have me mixed up with someone else.

Re: Your statement:

"I would think that given your own failures in military service you would be more cautious with me in doing that. You'll recall perhaps, your apologetic statements of brief service in Hawaii? And no service whatever in any war zone? A very unusual record for a purported U.S. Marine of the time, and one which few marines would care to admit to, given the nature of the corps. Most any combat veteran knows full well how such a thing could be, and even has a term for it which I'm sure that you've had to live with for all of your adult life.

I did not have any failures in the military service; so I suppose that statement is an intentional diversionary statement or a mental conjuring. I was never stationed in Hawaii. Must be another memory lapse. "A very unusual record at the time????? At what time and what unusual record? The rest (also) makes no sense at all.

Please tell me during what period I did serve, what Divisions I served in, and what conflicts occurred at the time I served.

Your past and present irrational reactions, and fabricated information such as above, to posts you feel discredits or ignores your military experiences, including the time you unnecessarily scanned a C.I.B. into a forum, are highly suspect.

You sure have lost it over my use of the word, "purported."

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 16, 2000 03:03:06 PM new
Well Mikey,

Those were your words in email to me, although I admit that you never said that you were stationed in Hawaii. Your exact words were "I never made it past Hawaii", so I suppose that that could mean that you were lucky enough to grab a flight there somehow. Not unusual, I guess, for a chaplain's assistant in 1964.

As to your repeated references to the posting of a CIB, I really don't understand that. It was a picture of an item that I had at auction at the time, and I never made any statement which would lead anyone to believe that it was my CIB. In fact, my MOS, 67N20, helicopter crewchief/gunner precluded my ever being awarded that badge, since it is, except in unusual circumstances, reserved for combat infantrymen; 11b series of designations, hence it's name "Combat Infantryman's Badge".

I would call any failure to live up to claims of military service a failure.

To give you something to puzzle over for the next few hours, here are mine, which are supported by their orders all the way, but do not include those worn on the left side, as that takes anothr image and has my nametag in it.

You challenged my lack of response before, so I've given you one.

Now, could you return and address the questions asked of you by James and Cat concerning who and why you do support if you do not support Al Gore?

Your avoidance of any real discussion or debate has made you lose all credibility here.

edited image away now that Mikey has seen it.

[ edited by krs on Sep 16, 2000 03:40 PM ]
posted on September 16, 2000 03:33:35 PM new
Sorry, K, I never sent you an email with such info and I do not know what you are talking about re: the Chaplains assistance. I truly believe you have mistaken me for someone else you have talked to. I did pass Hawaii aboard an APA, still going west. Best view I got of Hawaii was a blur in the distance. You need to calm down.

Apparently, you have forgot what was going on when you scanned the CIB and the associated comments you made.

I do have a question though; how long was your tour in Vietnam, what was your unit, and your main base?

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 16, 2000 03:49:03 PM new
This is not the first time, Mikey, where a convenient loss of memory has been used by you, and I see no reason, considering the topic of this thread, to answer your questions, especially since all of the requested information is contained in the series of emails that I've already referred to here.

So, back to the topic. Can YOU provide any information which would offer up a candidate to replace or defeat your Al Gore? Note that I'm not following quite the same line of questioning as did James and Cat. That is because it is my belief, and they may correct me as they see fit, that ANY substantive answer from you would be better than more of your one sided ranting.

You speak often of debates, but not once have you engaged in one.

posted on September 16, 2000 04:20:20 PM new
I really hate to have to run, considering I do believe it is time to say what I have held off saying to you since you first appeared on the DNF.

You have presented an obvious and consistent pattern for quite some time. You do not forget and you do not get people or situations/incidents mixed up.

You purposely fabricate anything that comes to your mind, and there is a term and a condition for that. I know that 100% of the time that you said I have said something to you via email has been a blatant fabrication. 98% of the time you have professed to factually know something about me has also been fraudulent. What you (might) know about me would require a slide and a microscope to see.
It is bad enough if you know you are fabricating things about people, it is sad that you might believe your own fraudulent statements. I have seen you do the very same thing to others.

I may be argumentative, I prefer the word debate; but I do not fabricate and I do not (fraudulently) debase people as you constantly do. I suggest that the readers closely scrutinize what you have to say and when.

I considered all possibilities for your tirade that has occurred here over a word. It finally dawned on me. You're still reacting to the time the Vietnam vet took you to the wall on the DNF, called you a fraud, and said he could prove you were fabricating your military background. That guy was ablaze in his attack upon you. He backed you way off and eventually he never showed up again.

I did consider that he may have known what he was talking about, but without evidence I just let it slide as two vets goin' at each other. However, some things that you have (since) said, things you avoid, and some discrepancies in certain things you have shown, causes me to wonder. I am not (yet) saying you are being fraudulent about your military background, I just hope you are not.

Temporarily excluding your military background claim, you're as phoney as a $3.00 bill.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."

[ edited by sgtmike on Sep 16, 2000 04:34 PM ]
posted on September 16, 2000 04:34:10 PM new
Look at him dodge!

Mikey, you would only do what you've just done if everything I've said is true. Which it is. YOU may be in denial of it, and you may regret having said the things that you've said to me, but nevertheless, you did say them.

As to this 'vietnam vet". Now there's a fabrication entirely. You do what you accuse me and others of with complete disregard for your own dignity. But this one, supposedly happening on DNF would have been viewed by many, some of whom may well be posters here. Will anyone remember such a thing? Of course not, because it did not happen.

I'm sure that by now, at the stage of life you've obtained you really do really hate to have to run, as even having run for most of your life you never do get used to it, do you.

You still have not addressed the subject of the thread beyond your initial unchallenged rants.

posted on September 16, 2000 04:50:25 PM new
Email me your Vietnam attached duty dates, assigned units, assigned base(s), your award TC codes (located upper left corner just below the General Order number), and your DD214 "Separation code."

Surely, if I gave you all the information about myself that you say I did, you will consider doing the same.

"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
posted on September 16, 2000 05:08:03 PM new
Oh surely,

When you send all of those privacy protected documents of yours, I'll return in kind, should be good for a chuckle. Meantime, I fed you one. Hope you can read it, but this combination scanner sucks and I should photograph instead.

posted on September 16, 2000 05:49:39 PM new
In my absence I see Sgtmike posted a virtual cornucopia of relevant information offering G.W. Bush as presidential worthy candidate. My stars, I am impressed! That Dubya will earn his head on Mt. Rushmore, mark my words.

&%$! spelling...
[ edited by jamesoblivion on Sep 16, 2000 05:50 PM ]
posted on September 16, 2000 07:02:38 PM new
lol james, I was thinking the same thing. krs I AM impressed, truly.
Mike, you won't answer the question because you can't. That is blatantly obvious to anyone reading this thread. You I am NOT impressed with because you are ALL FLUFF and no substance. If you had any substance behind the braying then you would stop the nonsense and belly up with some proof that you in fact CAN take what you dish out, as you have previously claimed.

posted on September 16, 2000 07:31:53 PM new
Once you answer the question before you, you can continue on with your usual nonsense. But until then, krs is once again correct, your credibility is ZIP.

What are the credits and successes of George Bush that make him worthy of being the leader of our country?

Answer this or don't reply to this thread at all because anything you say and in fact have said for your last dozen or so posts have been dodges and stalls and evasions from the fact that YOU DON'T HAVE AN ANSWER.

posted on September 17, 2000 02:44:38 AM new
It is 4:30 AM, nothing left to do, miles from home, have access to friend’s computer, thought I would check the latest comments.

Kiheicat, I see you are remaining true to form…..uninformed.

Krs, not at home and cannot open your mail from here. Will later. BTW, were not those wings, “Aviator” wings?
"I'm so far to the right, I am almost at the left."
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