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posted on January 2, 2004 09:53:50 PM new
So auction 3649394313 appears to violate the rules as an incomplete package - on mine I think the cellophane was opened. So that seller gets away with a nice sale and I am still suffering two years later - great!

posted on January 2, 2004 09:58:41 PM new
Don't feel bad nearly all the people on this board has had suspended accounts at one time. they just get them another one and start selling. Too easy.

posted on January 2, 2004 10:06:01 PM new
Nonsense. I have never had a suspended account nor have a number of other people I know from here.

dbest is a well-known sorehead who only chimes in when there's something derogatory to say.

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 2, 2004 10:06:53 PM new
Yes and I am over and out for now, maybe I will get nowhere appealing to ebay safeharbor but I will continue to try, and move over to Yahoo as well.

I know prices are not as good on Yahoo but if I notify all my customers - well who knows?

Thanks again and best wishes to all in 2004! [even ebay]

posted on January 2, 2004 10:07:39 PM new
dbest is full of dcrap. My account has never been suspended either.

posted on January 2, 2004 10:41:07 PM new
"full of dcrap"? I had just taken a sip of my favorite adult beverage when I read that Kiara. It's gonna take me a week to clean the keyboard and monitor And no, neither of my accounts have never been suspended either.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
[ edited by sparkz on Jan 2, 2004 10:43 PM ]
posted on January 3, 2004 08:17:07 AM new
all the software I had was legitimate

Doesn't matter. You were suspended earlier for this and like I stated before, someone you ticked off under your old ID likely figured out your new ID and turned you in.

posted on January 3, 2004 10:15:19 AM new
Either of my 2 accounts have not been suspended. The reason, I follow the rules. When I sell an item that is on the Vero list I make sure I have the proof that it is legimate. I have sold many a clothing item with tags and proof of purchase so that I don't get suspended. When you have your own auction site it will be the same because when selling Microsoft items they MUST be legimate and can't say not for resale, because that it what they mean. Sorry for your suspension as I know jobs are hard to find but eBay is also a hard place to sell unless you have some great merchandise that people want to purchase. Money doesn't come easy on eBay any more. I find this tougher than a real job the only difference I can sit here in my PJ's.

posted on January 3, 2004 06:42:24 PM new
It's great when everyone follows the rules to the letter. For example it is wise to drive 35 in a 35mph zone, but frequently one sees people driving faster. Presumably if the speeder gets stopped the punishment is commensurate with the crime. ergo the person driving 40 in a 35 zone will have a lesser fine than a person driving 80mph in the same zone. And at least those speeders will have their fair day [hopefully] in court - what is the equivalent here? It seems impossible to get any response from them [safeharbor] so perhaps they are just too busy?

posted on January 3, 2004 07:15:17 PM new
Nope, never suspended here although I did recently have some auctions pulled and I take fully responsibility for that one. (I've really got to change my hair color, LOL). I was in contact with eBay over the situation, which as you all will remember had to do with the baconbuttie script. They were quite nice about it when I told them I couldn't change all auctions in 5 minutes.

I have MS software here I'd love to sell, but MS is one company I have no intention of messing with. I don't copy their software and I don't lend it out. Period. I'm using XP and there's no way that will ever go anywhere. I can hardly blame MS for being so stringent. In the beginning their software was constantly making the rounds. Probably still is.

If I were you, I'd move on to another auction site. Attempting to get around eBay's rules usually lands you in hot water and from what I've read on the boards, they don't easily change a decision they've made. It's a power struggle.

Best of luck to you and I hope things turn around. However, I would never rely on eBay to be my sole source of income. You may have to take a PT job you hate for awhile, but if it will see you through hard times it will be worth it in the long run. We've all had (or still have) jobs we hate.

posted on January 3, 2004 07:28:47 PM new
Once again, the software was perfectly legit, it was new and it was not copied or borrowed. The infraction in listing details occurred over two years ago. Now two years later other people are auctioning Microsoft software on ebay and the software is not even in the box like mine was.

Look at this auction: 3649394313 how did this person get away with that auction and I got suspended for mine two years ago? It just does not make sense, that is the point.

I know ebay can do whatever it wants and there is plenty of injustice in the world, I am just trying to get it out in the open so perhaps others can learn from my experience.

Coincidentally I just landed a contract for a pretty good job so maybe somebody up there likes me after all!

posted on January 3, 2004 07:31:14 PM new
Congrats to you, steve51! That is great news. I do know what you mean about selling the MS software on eBay. It's still something I'd rather not chance doing.

posted on January 3, 2004 07:33:21 PM new

posted on January 3, 2004 07:40:59 PM new
It doesn't appear that anything we say is going to get through to the original poster. He's appparantly delusional in thinking he can win a battle with Microsoft, right or wrong. And he's expecting help from Ebay in his battle with Microsoft. Good luck, and if you really rely on Ebay for income, I hope for your family's wellbeing that you see the light. You're in a no win situation. It's David vs. Goliath. Whatever you've done, right or wrong, Microsoft has you on their hit list. The fact that others are getting away with it is irrelevant for you. Move on and find a new product, or find a non-Ebay source of income.
posted on January 3, 2004 08:07:35 PM new
Hi all,

Save your finners, Pointy. You're absolutely right - nothing any of us say will penetrate the I-wanna-do-it-anyway fog.

The bottom line is, if you're gonna play the eBay game, you play by their rules. If you're gonna sell Microsoft products, you gotta play by their rules.

I've had just one eBay account and it's never been suspended. A couple of times I inadvertently ran afoul of the rules. VERO stuff.

A long time ago I listed a California Forestry sleeve patch. Had no idea it was the equivalent of an enforcement officer's badge. I got a phone call from eBay. Very nice man who explained why my auction had to be pulled.

The high bidder wrote me wanting me to sell it to him anyway, even sent me a check, which I returned. Not a chance I would do that. That dopey shoulder patch is pinned to the wall in my eBay room, just as a reminder.

Like I said, in eBay's ballpark, you play by their rules.

'Nuf said...

I grow old...I grow old...I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. T.S. Eliot
posted on January 3, 2004 08:13:17 PM new
Hi Steve,
I would not count on a move to yahoo. Their website is loaded with ads and links to ebay. It looks like a backroom deal or takeover. Just for fun, type www.sold.com.au into your address bar.
Good Luck.

posted on January 3, 2004 08:19:32 PM new
Well anecdotal evidence is not admissable in a court of law and should be ignored. It's tedious to keep saying it but I have never tried to sell software before or since that incident over two years ago and my only point is that the punishment should be commensurate to the "offense". The delusional stuff is just provactative. If MS has anyone on their 'hit list' [as you say] it should be the pirates in the far east, not ebay sellers with no cellophane on their box.

posted on January 3, 2004 08:31:27 PM new
See what I mean?

I grow old...I grow old...I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled. T.S. Eliot
posted on January 3, 2004 08:48:36 PM new
Lucy...I had to laugh at your post about the CDF patch. I had the same thing happen to me with a California Department of Corrections Patch. I had about 4 patches up for auction. In one of them, I innocently used the word "badge". That was enough to trigger the alarm and get that auction nuked. They let the other 3 continue. I didn't get a phone call, but I got an email explaining why. I vividly recall the email telling me that they were more than eager to give me the benefit of the doubt and consider it an innocent mistake. They went on to tell me what would happen if my account should develop a pattern of this type of offense. In other words, they won't shoot you at sunrise for an innocent mistake, but if you disregard their repeated warnings, you will soon be selling on Bidville or Yahoo.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 3, 2004 08:58:44 PM new
I am not quite sure whether you are a psychologist or a politician, but from my point of view it sounds like you are really talking politics now and not about ebay, right?

You seem to be saying that corporations are all-powerful and above the law with no accountability to anyone except their own corporate interests and structure; this is not quite the case YET although we are very very close to that sordid situation, which is also exceedingly dangerous.

So long as people reinforce the point of view that non-democratic institutions like corporations control our lives to the n'th degree, then we no longer live in a constitutional republic and society governed by law and government, but we now live in a society governed by non-democratic and unelected institutions and their executives which may manipulate citizens and coerce them in any way they so please. Certainly in my own experience described in this thread, this is the obvious conclusion.

So even though perhaps we disagree on the equanamity of this, we can probably agree that George Orwell's 1984 really HAS happened, only twenty years later than Orwell visualized!

Since you are into sayings, here is an old Italian proverb for you: "It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred
years as a sheep"

Itz late so over and out!!

posted on January 3, 2004 09:17:08 PM new

OTOH: if ya ever get yer account back, let Ralphie know -- he can steer ya to a good deal on Jarts!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on January 3, 2004 09:28:16 PM new
Actually, I'm neither. But I'm enough of a historian to know about a man in San Jose named Pierre who went out to his garage one day and built a sandbox. He invited all the neighborhood kids over to play in it. They had to agree to play by his rules or he would send them home. Nothing has changed since that day except he's added more sand and there are more kids. And he still expects them to play by his rules.

The light at the end of the tunnel will turn out to be an oncoming train.
posted on January 3, 2004 09:41:25 PM new
Could we curtail the mellow drama and oh poor me just a tad here? The government is not doing jack to your ebay auctions so lets stop the 1984 comparisons. The man is not trying to keep you down.

As for corporations controling your every action. There are rules to playing in their house. Just as I am sure you have some too. You broke them. You chose not to deal with the situation at the time in the way that you are expected to do so hoping that time would erase the memory of your past transgressions. It didn't.

Move on or figure out a way to move around but for god sakes stop crying in your beer over enfractions that you knew damn well you were committing.
~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~ • ~~~
If it's really "common" sense, why do so few people actually have it?
posted on January 3, 2004 09:43:19 PM new
Bad news, Steve.
You aren't a party member and you aren't even participating in the salute. All that the good nazis can do is is kick the dirt and go, "Yup, ya sure did break the rules, see sez right here in the proclamation."
They aren't Jewish, never have been Jewish, and don't EVER plan to be Jewish. Some of them have been accused of being Jewish, and they straightened that out as fast as they could grovel. Some of them even feel bad that you are Jewish. But you are, and you are guilty as sin. Maybe you can find a sympathetic gentile to help you feed your starving family.
I just hope someday these spineless lumps learn to appreciate the sacrifices of brave Americans that delivered us from the evils of this type of thinking.
Shame on all of you, go look in the mirror, go look yourself in the eyes. DO IT! It is a basic fact of human nature to believe your hopes rather than the reality in front of your eyes.
Congrats on your employment prospects Steve, but remember an old Mexican saying, "Lay down with the dog, get up with the fleas."
Oops, just realized I wrote Jewish when I meant NARUed, my apology.

posted on January 3, 2004 10:02:52 PM new
parklane64: You sure picked a heck of a night to quit sniffing glue!

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on January 3, 2004 10:29:52 PM new
Did that come directly from the Look Who's Talking Department?

"What does the 'O' stand for?"
posted on January 3, 2004 10:33:29 PM new
"It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep"

"Denial ain't just a river in Egypt."

Mark Twain

posted on January 4, 2004 12:11:12 AM new

Ralphie loves Mr Blonde:
"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"
posted on January 4, 2004 05:44:38 AM new
Hello all-It seems to me if MS talks, ebay jumps. I have substantial doubt that eBay actually vets any MS complaint-they just yank the auction(s.

posted on January 5, 2004 01:28:53 PM new
Uh...not my mind altering chemical of choice, Tom, but I understand. Tell Ralphie I took a chill pill.
A note to novices, agreeing with me would be the kiss of death considering the institutionalized megalomania at eBay.
I am a history buff with ongoing research concerning past behavioral modification and psycho-social manipulation. I have learned not to ask a question unless I am capable of dealing with the answer!
My parting words: gas prices.

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