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posted on May 18, 2004 06:04:43 PM new
Hey! Lets ALL stand out in front of our local gas stations and hold up a BIG sign,,DON'T BUY GAS TODAY,,,

I am positive this will have 1000's of drivers not buying. They will surely agree as they PUSH their cars home.

Let's see roughly there are 15 of us on this discussion +-. That's FIFTEEN THOUSAND cars! Now surely that Voice WILL be heard,,,

I can hear it right now,,,Get that sign hell out of my way! To the attendant,,,who is that weirdo out there with the sign,,,,I dunno,,,has had no effect on business, Matter of fact they bees buying even more ta beat the next increase,,,,,,as the guy on a ladder is doing just that! $2,,,,,,,99.9

and the beat goes on,,,,,,,Have another 2 Buck Chuck.
posted on May 18, 2004 06:10:59 PM new
I'll probably get gas tomorrow, tank's down to just over 1/4. Will be in and out of the station quickly. I only fill up maybe every three weeks so it's not a big deal.

I doubt it will be any different than usual, people here don't generally get too concerned over stuff like gas prices.

Now, if Two-Buck-Chuck went up or CalPoly raised their parking sticker fee, that would be another story!


posted on May 18, 2004 06:36:50 PM new
The worst thing about this is that this keeps showing up in my email and discussion groups from well-meaning people who seem to think that their clicking the "forward email" button will make a difference. But as long as it's out there, could we combine the recurring call to boycott eBay along with this and get them both over and done with on the same day?

posted on May 18, 2004 06:43:39 PM new
A sort o' two fer one? Two birds, one stone?
O.K. DON'T BUY GAS TODAY! and boycott e bay too.

That outta really throw e'm fer a loop. E bay? and gas? How does that guy mix?


What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,MAY be Acheived.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 07:44:40 PM new
Here is how you can save some money.


posted on May 18, 2004 08:07:26 PM new
whatnot,,,,,,hahahaha, Thanks. I bought this Diesel, 5 months ago? I looked at the seller with an intentional look of,,,,bummer,,,I dunno,is diesel GOOD or bad,,,coming across as I might pass now that I know that,,,,he lowered the price,,,,,Yehaaaaaa!!!!! gassers of the same,,,,,exact size get 8 mpg's and I full well know that,,,diesels get 12,,, and I full well knew that,,,,.....I got it! paid cash and DROVE away,,,,,NOW,,,,,,,Diesel is HIGHER than GAS!!!!!!!! ya just CAN'T win!!! hahahahaha.....

Thanks for the link,,,,,I WILL read more,,,,in the meantime I am going to Mac Donalds and fill up! hahahahah, YES,,,,, ALL the FAST FOOD places have waste oils,,,,,These diesels ,,,,,DO run on waste oils,,,,,,,,hahahaha,,,,,,,,I knew this from my Marine Corps days,,,,,,that's why they call them Multi Fuels,,,,,,,,,,60's,,,,,,,,Thanks!

YES,,,,,I'll have a tank of REALLY greasy fries,,,,,,,,

Ther's more than ONE way ta stay ahead of the heard......

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:14:22 PM new
Oh! I know!! Let's boycott Two-Buck-Chuck!

Yeah, right...


posted on May 18, 2004 08:19:12 PM new
NEVER!!!!!!!!! NEVER BOYCOTT 2 BUCK,HE JUST MIGHT R a i s e,,,,the pRICE TO SPITE US,,,,,and with this gas stuff, more than likely he is gonna,,,,,,,,another good deal,,,,gone with these insane gas prices,,,,,,4 buck chuck? NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!I just got use to it,,,,,,,,been workin' on a case fer a week ana 1/2,,,,,,,,,,

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:25:15 PM new
Everbody, put the pedal to tha metal and get to Trader Joes BEFORE CHUCKY raises the prices,,,,,,pass all gas stations and praise the Lord,,,,,,,,Nothing,,,,,Nothing is MORE important than TWO BUCK Chucks,,,,,,

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:28:33 PM new
Diesel is only higher in Ca.
It is about $.25 to $.30 per gallon cheaper here.

posted on May 18, 2004 08:29:40 PM new
Eat more beans,,,,,AMERICA needs the GAS,,,,,,Mexico and America finally have a common goal,,,,,More GAS......

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:32:12 PM new
It's Three-Buck-Chuck in Seattle...


posted on May 18, 2004 08:34:04 PM new
I'll terminate EVERYTHING here and MOVE there then,,,, where ever that is? Not to Warry,,,,,it WILL catch up,,,,ya just can't hide,,,,increases WILL find YOU......

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:37:03 PM new
Lucy,,,,,Seattle? You reffered to Calpoly earlier,,,,,that's in Pomona Cal......Now I am REALLY confused......

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:44:25 PM new
Jack it is 3 buck chuck in Seattle. I'm in Seattle, and we buy it now, thanks to you!

posted on May 18, 2004 08:51:07 PM new
But,,,,,but,,,but where is my commision????

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:52:07 PM new
If they raise the price to $3.00, we can make our own. We've got the grapes here in the valley and Lucy has the grapes on the coast. Everyone just make sure your feet are clean before we start crushing them

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on May 18, 2004 08:53:45 PM new

I live about a mile from the "other" Cal Poly. In San Luis Obispo...

My youngest son graduated from Poly a year ago. My oldest, now retired from the Navy (USNA '88) is now studying at Poly for his MA.

Just to keep it all straight and not miss any of the 30-something kidlets of mine, the middle one is a CPA, he graduated from SDSU.


Go Navy! Beat Army!!

posted on May 18, 2004 08:54:28 PM new
See what I mean,,,,,,It MAY,,,Achieve,,,and then,,,,,,,a person goes and SCREWS it UP!

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 08:54:31 PM new
Sparkz - My feet are as clean as the driven snow!

posted on May 18, 2004 09:01:12 PM new
I have rubbers available,,,,e'r Well I mean,,,,rubber boots,,,,,hip huggers,,,,,depends on how DEEP you plan on going,,,,,sheesh, this came out ALL weird, rubbers and HIP huggers,,,,,the internet,I think I got an e mail about that just yesterday,,,,,,girls gone wild,,,,,,,,hip huggers,,,I've seen WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much in my short life on the net,,,,,,,

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 09:12:28 PM new
What we don't drink, we'll distill and put in our gas tanks. 105++ octane fuel at .40 cents a gallon. Jack, you're in charge of finding a still. Hell, if you can locate an unoccupied coffin, a still should be a piece of cake for you

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on May 18, 2004 09:20:59 PM new
Sparkz,,,,I am ON it,,,like YOU know what,,,,,what goes UP,,,,, Must come down,,,,,spinnin' wheel,,,,, gotta ta go round,,,,,Talkin' 'bout their troubles but they,,,,, Never learn,,,,,,ride a painted pony let the spinnin' wheel turn,,,,,,ya got no money (fer gas) ya got no home,,,,,,you, sing the real song,,,,,,it's timeless,,,,BST....

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 09:31:50 PM new
Gonna pick ya up early ,cause I'm gonna take as ride with you,,,,Going down to the honda shop I'll tell ya what I'm gonna do,,,,,gonna buy a honda sump pump and suck out all that FREE fuel with you,,,,,,MacDonalds,,,,first gear,,,,,Second gear,,,Jack in the box,,,,,3rd gear,,,,stand near,,,,faster,,,it's alright,,,,,Every greasy spoon place in town is gonna get FREE pumped from me,,,,,,,,,,,,Col. Sanders will salute me,,,,,,gonna pump it dry so I can drive my diesel tonite,,,,,,,,4th gear,,,,

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 09:37:44 PM new
ok since we are all whining about the cost of gas lol I thought I'd add another thing thats going through the roof...MILK holy cow (pun) it's 4.00 a gallon here.

posted on May 18, 2004 09:44:59 PM new
Vodka is Stilllllllllll, holding at $9.99 at Albertsons,,,,Thank you Jesus,,,,,As long as $2-3 buck hangs in there we WILL survive,,,,,,,Only the STRONG survive,,,,,,,

What the mind can Conceive, and Believe,,,,It MAY Acheive.

I believe I'll have another 2 Buck.
posted on May 18, 2004 09:46:03 PM new
$4 per gallon?
Where d you live?
It is about $2.50 here.

posted on May 18, 2004 09:53:31 PM new
Toasted...If you owned a cow, you could make the attendant at the gas station a trading partner.

A $75.00 solid state device will always blow first to protect a 25 cent fuse ~ Murphy's Law
posted on May 19, 2004 01:58:24 PM new
I thought it sounded reasonable, but I did do a bit of researching because if it's too good to be true, it probably is. This is what Urban Legends says about a gasoline boycott.

BTW, here in Central Florida prices range from $1.78 (Sam's Wholesale) to $2.19 for premium. My husband nearly wet his pants when he found diesel for $1.71 yesterday. He has a 2003- F350 duely. I have a 2003- SUV (but don't drive much, just around town) and my 21 year old son has a 2004- F250 Crew Cab- these prices HURT.)

Urban Legends and Folklore
Exxon/Mobil Gasoline Boycott (2004)

Netlore Archive: 2004 variant of a chain letter campaign to boycott gasoline from Exxon Mobil due to rocketing gas prices

Description: Email chain letter
Status: Pointless
Circulating since: Feb. 2004
Analysis: See below

Comments: If this email looks familiar, that's because one version or another has been in constant circulation since 1999. Unfortunately, it's no more likely to succeed in 2004 than it was in 2003, 2002, or any previous year. Besides the fact that economists say it's unlikely that any form of consumer boycott could have an appreciable effect on gas prices nationally, it's hard to conceive of a more tenuous way of "organizing" such a protest than by means of an anonymous, randomly distributed chain letter like the one above. Past attempts have shown little or no results.

"It's hard for a call to boycott to work," Monroe Freeman, author of a book on consumer boycotts, told the San Diego Union-Tribune in 2003 as a previous version of this message spread by email. "These often are 'Johnny One-Note' efforts which don't have the money, the organization and the sustainability to succeed."

A spokesperson for Exxon Mobil echoed those sentiments, calling the effort unrealistic. "Unless total demand is reduced for a particular market area, as opposed to shifting purchases to other companies' stations," the spokesperson told the Union-Tribune, "retail prices are unlikely to decrease — unless, of course, there is an increase in supply to that market area." The major oil companies have consistently denied that consumer boycott attempts have any impact on sales. Service station operators say their pocketbooks are hurt no less than consumers' by surging gasoline prices.

Industry analysts blame the most recent (early 2004) rise in gasoline prices on increasing crude oil costs, higher demand due to a recovery U.S. economy and new laws requiring refiners to reduce additives that cause dangerous pollutants. The Lundberg Survey, a petroleum market research company, predicts gasoline prices will continue to rise through spring and summer 2004.

posted on May 19, 2004 02:44:55 PM new
Were in S.C. whatnot3 and 4.00 is for the name brand stuff ,you can pick up the Bilo brand for 3.01 thats what we drink...plus there doing the Bilo milk token thing now I think it's four tokens and you get a free gallon of Bilo milk

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